Ren'Py - Life in Santa County [v0.11.0] [Bold Bash Studios]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    No matter how good a story might be, not saying this one is worth much but i just cant stand games with forced fetishes, forced relationships, forced sex scenes and so on you get the idea, it makes a game feel kinetic and nothing but a mindless fuckfest which i personaly dont find any fun and this game has all of the shit i dont like.

    MC is also the childish type finding any woman hot no matter if its the most ugly milf with huge saggy tits MC loves yeah again a game where your not allowed to make your own dessions on whos hot or not which just makes impossible to put your self in the shoes of MC while playing.

    MC is also extremly submissive one girl forces her self on him and you do get the choice to pick be angry, but MC dosent get angry at all and even next day he tells same girl oh its all good if you ever want to kiss again im your man...
    its all just boring and shitty writting if you ask me.

    You will be playing as a pure pervert snifing panties and jerking off to them and have a mindset of a 12 year old that cant get enough of big ugly tits.
    So it goes without saying to play this you need to be into every fetish and every type of girl and thats just not me.

    To make game completely useless its not a harem game? so you can only wonder why game forces you into relationships and sexual shit with multiple womans, whats the point? cant play faithfull route since there are none, cant play harem route since there are none, so all that is left is a mindless fuckfest with no realy story other then fuck whatever whenever, with a shitload of cringy thoughts to read from your MC.

    It also has a relationship system? where you gain points with girls but its so broken and pointless, even with 0 points MC will still be forced to do sexual shit with shows how kinetic and awfull it is.

    Girls 1/5
    Its only for people with big tit fetish, if you dont have that you will prboerly quit within 2 mins of playing since its constantly forced on you, which also means theres no real diversity in builds its big or bigger, as for faces its mostly old and milfs and even the younger ones looks prett bad as well, i think i found only one girl i could care about, so not worth going for that when you cant play faithfull route.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty decent animations and proberly the only good thing about this game.

    Music 2/5
    Standard background stuff and pretty boring on top of it.

    Choices 0/5
    Well forced LIs, forced sex scenes, forced relationships, forced fetishes like footfetish and big tits and anal and so on, you get the idea.

    Sandbox 1/5
    Dont really see the point of it, its just a waste of time making you click to get around but still forces you to follow a kinetic set questline.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The good part of this VN is the animations are decent.

    I played this long while back and the Devs changed the prologue since then, not for the better. The problem is that the prologue doesn't mesh with the rest of the VN. It's as if the prologue is a mini VN and the main part is it's own stand alone using the same characters.

    Even before the story was a bit disjointed, it's worse now. The hard truth is this VN doesn't work well without the family relationships and the new prologue didn't change that. Trying to remove them is foolish without completely changing the story, not just the prologue.

    The models emphasize oversized boobs, not much variety there which is unfortunate and yet another Dev overcompensating for them self by giving the MC an OP penis.

    Mysterious sister Charlotte. Charlotte shows up in the prologue which is new then she just disappears. She shows up again later briefly then disappears again only to show up yet again later. There is no mention of her or any kind of acknowledgement between appearances. At one point the MC tells her he will go shopping for paint with her then.......nothing. She disappears.

    This isn't the only case where the MC agrees to do something for someone then it's seemingly forgotten. This tells me the Dev has no clear idea where they want the story line to go. That or multiple writer are working on it without communicating with each other. It's fine to improvise some details but you have to have a clear beginning, middle and end mapped out when writing a story.

    It's not too late to right the ship with some changes.

    First the new prologue is like new Coke, a resounding failure. The Devs need to do what Coke did and scrap the new prologue, go back to the original one. They would have been better served just making it so players could define relationships.

    They need to own this VN for what it is, an incest story, rather than try to morph it into something it isn't. It just doesn't work well without redoing the entire thing. If they want to make a non incest story that's fine but as it stands this isn't one with any credibility.

    It's late in the game but more variety in the women, meaning breast size, would be an improvement.

    Also better explanation on how the whole point system works, ie, the charisma, intimidation thing, etc. and how it affects the story would be nice

    Lastly the story needs to flow more smoothly. Right now it too disjointed, not just the prologue but the main part as well.

    This VN really wasn't ready to be released to the public and just isn't working well as it is but still can be fixed.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has been reworked and it's not done coherently. The continuity is severed since the rework has plot holes. Apparently, it was reworked in order to satisfy the criteria for the game to be sold on Steam. Hence, the school part has been twisted, the seemingly violent part (before rework, you were given the idea of killing Dave) and the incest is gone. The worst in the rework is, of course, the story continuity: your long estranged sister Charlotte who came back after a long time of absence is now available since the beginning of the story as if she had never ever left the house before but later on she's taken over the attic and talking about renovating it (she was settled in from the beginning and it was already renovated) and the mom commenting about the family reunion and how she's happy that her daughter is back (when she never left to begin with after rework). All in all, all of this rework doesn't come from a effort of fixing the game or due to the demands of the dev's supporters on Patreon but for his venture of trying to sell the game on Steam, sacrificing the original game in the process in detriment of those who have been supporting the project since the very beginning.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has been reworked and it's not done coherently. The continuity is severed since the rework has plot holes. Apparently, it was reworked in order to satisfy the criteria for the game to be sold on Steam. Hence, the school part has been twisted, the seemingly violent part (before rework, you were given the idea of killing Dave) and the incest is gone. The worst in the rework is, of course, the story continuity: your long estranged sister Charlotte who came back after a long time of absence is now available since the beginning of the story as if she had never ever left the house before but later on she's taken over the attic and talking about renovating it (she was settled in from the beginning and it was already renovated) and the mom commenting about the family reunion and how she's happy that her daughter is back (when she never left to begin with after rework). All in all, all of this rework doesn't come from a effort of fixing the game or due to the demands of the dev's supporters on Patreon but for his venture of trying to sell the game on Steam, sacrificing the original game in the process in detriment of those who have been supporting the project since the very beginning.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game went from a 4.5 to a 2 star with the latest rework. It's still a beautiful game visually, but boy did they really screw things up with the 0.9.0 release.

    My review is going to focus on the writing. I'll break down that further into two categories, over arching story and dialogue. The story got worse, but it wasn't great to begin with, so I don't really care that much I guess. What's really killing me and makes this game hard to play for me is the dialogue. In the reworked prologue the conversations barely make sense. It just feels so rushed and poorly made. The flow of dialogue is what keeps me in the game, even when the story isn't the best. If I have to stop every other sentence to decipher what the characters are trying to say then it's complete failure of a story.

    TL;DR: The rework needs a rework because this is bad.

    Edit: I gave the original review a 2 star because if the devs went back and fixed some of the issues it could be a good game again. They have had the opportunity and have not fixed anything so it's going down to a 1.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier animations both in physics and camera angles. Seriously, pretty sure in my top 10. Models are very beautiful and well designed. I'm not usually invested in stories so I can't say anything about that but the content is quite satisfying.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I hope this more than a review, as an apology for this excellent game gives more stars than the miserable three and a half it has. The story is from my point of view pretty decent for a graphic novel and for the purposes implicit. The graphics I have to say are magnificent and the overall game deserves in my opinion more than a few stars... Keep it going and kudos.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    No autoplay button for PC? Have to click 30thousand times. Other than that I really like the game. I mean it is cartoon porn so my standards are just to have good renders and interesting story. This fits that and more.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Buggy mess

    It is one of the games that could easily get a 4 or even 5 star rating if the work would be done in a good and not sloppy way.

    - Animations are really nice, not absolutlely top notch, but really really good. 4*

    - Renders are very good too, again not top of the tops but close. 5*

    - The models are nice too, a little too many big boobs-models for my taste (yeah i like small ones a little better) so the game could use more diversity in that regard. But thats just taste. 5*

    - The feelings between the MC and some characters are transported well too, something that most games lack a lot. But those transported feelings are not included in every relationship. Some relationships are just the good old "porn-hammer-method"... no real connection, just for the fuck. 4*

    - The overall writing is ok (i dont mean the story, just the average dialogue) not really good, but not bad either. Some games have good humor and banter included, that is not really the case here, if the DEVs try to implement humor or banter, it feels forced and doesnt go well overall... but especially the dialgoues between Iris and MC are really good. 3*

    So... everything good? Why only 2 stars?

    Because of everything else.

    - Story is just messy. I dont even know where to start... before 0.9 the story made somewhat of a sense, even if it was really stupid and non-believable.
    Now its just... yeah cant describe it other than messy. Needs a ton of rework. no *

    - Before Version 0.9 it was a incest game, very clear. Yeah it needed a i-patch, but it was just a on/off trigger, the game was intended as an incest game and written as such.
    Now that changed. Because they are aiming for a steam release and wanted to stay on patreon. That is fine.
    But if you change that, change it in a proper way.
    That is not the case. It still feels like there would be "incest" in the air... the relationships with the house-members are all sooooo taboo. Doesnt make sense if they arent related. To solve the incest problem the parents of the MC died only a few years before the game starts. That is never mentioned again and is no issue whatssoever. Yeah... losing parents is just a minor thing anyways as a teenager and very close family friends i guess like maybe... losing a bicycle or so. What the fuck. And all the time the game handles it like the MC would live with the House-members all his life. If he lived with his parents before they died... that should be seen in the game too, or at least mentioned sometimes. Sloppy writing. And of course an issue of the sudden change of the game... but when you make it this sloppy, dont release it until it makes sense. Minus *

    - Next HUGE problem, bugs... bugs bugs bugs all over the place. Script errors after script errors, transitions not working and so on. The game gives you choices, some branching one, some only for different dialogues. Many branching choices dont work. You make a choice and run in a script error later on, but you dont know why, cause the effect of the made choice only appears later and so is the error. So you have to go all the way back to the choice that triggered the eroor and make one you didnt want to make just to move on with the game. Problem is, the error shows what variable is missing, but to know which choice triggers that variable you have to look into the code or try to be sherlock holmes. Sometimes being sherlock holmes is enough, sometimes not. Most user will run into the errors and think "wtf happened? let me play the fucking game"

    Its just not playable like this. If you are not done with writing the code for a choice, dont implement the choice in the game. Biggest problem by far of the game in this state.

    Before v0.9 the game wasnt perfect, but it worked, and in the world the game created the story made sense overall. Now the game is very buggy, story doesnt make sense anymore, the relationships are weird too cause they are still incest-relationships on the surface but without being related... like its a total taboo thing to have sex with a non-related person.

    As i see it, most dont even play the game, they just want to see the sex-scenes. Yeah well... if thats the only thing you want, the game is great. IF you want to play a game that includes a story that makes sense, play different paths for the given choices and want to see different outcomes? Not working.

    So what is left... 2 stars for the good looks, the rest is just not acceptable.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I would give this game 5 stars if it actically worked but at least for me every single sex scene is just a black screen with text describing it i sat through a whole ass sex scene where it let me pick what position i wanted described to me while looking at nothing maybe the mac version is just fucked i dunno
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It keeps getting better and better. I wish there were a built-in walkthrough mode and gallery unlocker. With the 0.9.0 version, I saw some visible improvements that made it even more incredible. One suggestion would be to make animations longer. Other than that models, the storyline and game dynamics are lovely. I would happily wait to see what you guys will come up with in the next update. Keep up the great work!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Great renders, and although not particularly original, which is fine, the story is well done. The biggest issue with this game, is the file size, and there's a transition every 10 lines, whether it's the horrid white transition, or the usual black, or a text transition, they are slow and unskippable, and ridiculously frequent, which, for me, is unbearable, excessive, and a massive factor in the rating.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game has great renders and good scenes. Alot of funny writing at times and good environments.

    Mom and Sister are fucking hot. The rest of the characters are ether hot or just weird looking. Theres one character in perticular that legit just looks like a anime character and it just doesnot work.

    This is a sandbox and VN mixed together. But most of the sandbox is useless and feels just like gameplay padded on in order to add more content.

    Story is a mixed bag. Its this really disconnected mess of a crime story and a regular incest story that you have seen 100times in other games. The crime story is just so out of place its cringe. But the family stuff is good enough to get you engaged. Thats when Santa County is at its peak.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Developer is crazy creative. This is the game which is definitely about teasing visual show . All characters are touching differnt part of the body.Keep it up dear.You are deserving all support !!!

    Furthermore how could you manage to change to story with that way to make it wonderful ,amazing. Really appreciated
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Stopped very early on… MC was the ugliest one I’ve ever seen. Writing was really dumb and stupid. Went through the first part of the day with his friend and they just yelled and cussed at each other the whole time for liking each others mom. MC stays with his ‘landlord’ but clearly just another mom that they changed. Other girls not that attractive.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous, Lauren is my crush. I won’t say anything about the plot and gameplay, I think that in such games this is secondary, but the image and animation are top notch. I wish the developers more donations and never-ending inspiration!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    3 star game as of now - but a solid 3 star.

    The translation is not good - if it were better translated might be a 3.5 or even 4 star. There are not too many spelling errors (a few in the newest content), and its not a Engrish level bad translation, more so poor word choice and feels unnatural.

    Models are great. The storyline is good but poorly executed. The worst part of this game is the character development and progression. Beginning of the game the MC has a complete lack of testicular fortitude and somehow changes overnight to being confident and dominating characters? I dont think so. It originally looked like the character development would be a slower buildup, but it quickly delved into NPC sees MC, wants to fuck MC which was disappointing.

    I don't usually like sandbox but this does a solid job of adding player choice to the content they want to see without having to grind. Its a mix of sandbox and VN. Only thing would change in that regard is the hint/checklist feature does not actually show all of the possible interactions in the optional section.

    Another aspect that could use improvement is the player choice. Player choice is fairly significant in this game - the problem is it is not clear how your choices will impact the game down the road, common sense decisions should be enough to guess how it will impact future game play without the need of a walkthrough (which I have not used). Some kind of explanation for the intimidation/charisma points would also be an improvement for gameplay.

    Overall a good game, and there is a ton of content considering the amount of time its been in development which is a big plus. The overall story arc is also progressing at a pretty good pace. The content is definitely oriented towards a few characters though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    started playing for the milf, stayed for the story

    the sandbox is well done, there's lots of optional content and nothing you have to grind for. the renders and animations are solid too, the lewd scenes are good length (yay no 5 second sex!). the writing is overall pretty good, not 5/5 good but it's never turned me off or seemed ridiculous.

    giving it 5* because as of the latest update, it deserves a better overall rating
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    ASSMAN 9.

    The game is good just because of the sandbox it's play to hard if the vn go back to the visual novel style the game will progress again and ** pls change it in the vn style if may possible by the dev
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    A waste of 9GB of bandwidth.

    Main character and his best friend are 2 complete idiots getting themselves in criminal activities because their brain capacity is at the level of a 5 year old child.
    Best friend is worthless sack of shite with 0 acknowledgment of his mistakes and MC, under excuse of "you're my best bro" keeps getting pulled into trouble.

    And you know what, I could maybe swallow that if the story was anything else but completely fan-fictiony nonsense. Mom sees his dick bulge and immediately wants his cock. Teacher is the same. School girl is the same. Friends mom is the same.
    Wherever he goes, girls immediately want his dick, while MCs charisma is that of a dead rodent.

    This is the part where I'd comment on girls, but other than wanting MCs dick, there's really nothing to say. Few milfs, few schoolgirls, few related girls, all want MC, the end.

    Oh, and how can we forget sandbox. Because of course. When in doubt, create 20 rooms for 1 house and call it a job well done.
    I entered sandbox (prologue is standard VN style), took me 20 clicks to exit the damn house (exit the room, enter corridor, enter 2nd corridor with 5 side rooms, balcony, pool area, living room, kitchen, bathrooms etc. etc.) and I decided to just give up.

    There's obligatory money, stats, relationship points, if you've played sandbox games before, you know the drill.

    Other than girls actually looking good, I can't find a single redeeming feature of this VN.
    MC is an idiot with no brain power.
    Girls have no personality.
    Story is god awful.
    Best friend is annoying, worthless piece of trash.
    Choices are pointless.

    There are a ton of great games on F95, this is not worth the time or effort.