Let's invent the porn genre / Proper Porn Gameplay Ideas. PPGI


Mar 11, 2024
PPGI. The porn genre has not been invented yet, a genre requires a specific ruleset & elements such as how a FPS cannot be a FPS without the first person and shooter elements and the ruleset surrounding; I shoot you in the head you die instantly, I shoot you in the torso you take 50% damage, I shoot in the arms or legs you take 25% damage, etc. rules/mechanics.
The gameplay and porn must be combined in a very seamless way that doesn't detract from one another, but complement each other. It's harder to achieve than horror games.
Devs constantly forget the bed part and do not use basic common sense such as autonomous decisions and waiting. Fight games for example are live and have timers, they are not good for porn. In porn you must bide your time.

As such I am creating this thread for simple people.
I'd like to offer you a guideline and then you all share your ideas in this thread.

Sex is suppose to be interactive and fun. How can you interact in a fun way if it's linear and feels like a chore?

1.The streaming/live recording element mixed with porn made for a very good combination, it's seamless. That is one example that's been done.

1.5) Another one was balancing work with sex. You need to do your job but at the same time do some inbetween sex.

2. Interactive mouse pointer through AI/bot/Waifu character.
Your waifu character at best can only show her displeasure through dialogue & facial gestures, but she never has any interaction with you such as changing the poses. At best/worst she gives you a game over screen and calls it a day, like the lazy dev who programmed her. No, your waifu character requires her own mouse cursor to interact with your UI.
Perhaps you invade her UI and have to figure out how to approach her to unlock her UI or just forcebrute it, almost like a hacking game. It turns into a cursor & UI war.
Each girl would have her unique UI and her unique cursor to deal with you. Piss her off and she knocks your cursor off screen, jails it, locks certain options such as anal, forces you to perform oral on her, rides you cowgirl, etc. the idea is for it to not end in a "We're done playing", but in a "Now we're playing it by my rules".
As such dicerolls can also be very effective if we pair them with actions and reactions.

What if I gave you something simple to work in such as a CYOA VN in Ren'Py? but with a good fitting idea? a theme/execution so good it becomes the gameplay since this was already based on animated mechanics?

3. You make decisions during the sex, but you make them not in a linear way, you make them to get a reaction out of the girl and possibly an action in the overworld. You get a hint at what you're doing right and wrong as opposed to blind quizzes, it could be 1 general satisfaction bar followed by 10 satisfaction bars.
2B) You make it to get achievements/badges/points to upgrade your main character with to unlock even more reactions such as a bigger dick or an exotic alien dick will change the way the girl reacts to you.
For example even in the simplest VN made in Ren'Py you can make a sex CYOA where you do certain positions, you choose if missionary, doggy, cowgirl, anal, oral, pussy, you choose the speed, you choose how to grab her. And you get girls A,B,C,D. For example you choose girl A) Anal & slow, this results in a succesful consensual anal scene. If you go Anal & Fast this results in a non-consensual anal scene, but here's the kicker ... the second one is not an unsuccesful attempt that leads to a game over. The second one leads to your girl being more submissive and accepting abuse ... and you can add in a time revert/AU element too if you want the girl to fight and press rape charges. This helps with something such as alien Species encounters. The idea is to unlock as many badges as possible.
If you go with girl C) & D) then even going anal, slow (x3 times) won't work, you need to work something extra. DURING anal Something extra meaning kissing, placing your hand on her stomach, handholding, types of dialogue/dirty talking, doing favors for her in bed(RNG chosen by the girl) or favors in the overworld outside bed. Connecting the overworld to the bed is also important, but first let's focus on the sex scene.

The thing however would be that you'd need hints and to be able to use basic common sense. A certain bio about the girl for example.
A) is emotionally sensitive and has a strong ass. Loves rough quick thrusting in pussy. B) Is emotionally tough and has a strong ass, loves rough slow thrusting in pussy.
C) is emotionally sensitive and has a weak ass. Loves shallow quick thrusting in pussy D) is emotionally tough and has a weak ass, loves deep slow thrusting in pussy
You get presented with options such as; thrusting in bursts, thrusting quick & shallow, grinding deeply, grinding shallowy, thrusting in waves, pressing/poking, and then certain moves(with info boxes) with funny names such as double-breaker(pull out slowly then thrust all the way in, pull out quickly then thrust all the way in and grind deeply).
If you unlock the big cock or exotic alien cock then you get a new slew of options, especially the alien cock that reacts completely different from what you know about sex.
The big cock would give you the extra option to be able to control how deeply you insert it. Going beyond 50% would need some heavy cues about when to use it, namely perhaps the character herself telling you to ... only to realize she can't and tell you to back off.
Such as the alien cock could be stationary and offer rather than thrusting and vibrations like a normal cock and dildo it would offer instead chemical & transformation options which would impact the girl some other way and make her do more interesting reactions. Lactation, the girl's ass & pussy resistance & shape, her psychology(could turn submissive, dominant or yandere). The alien cock could grow scales to turn into a dragon cock which would make thrusting back outwards painful but at the same time extremely pleasurable if done correctly. Instead of maintaining a specific pace you could thrust quickly at any pace because you affected her biology and now her entire pussy reacts like the head of a cock. It can affect the way the epithelial cells & stimuli work.

All of this can be applied to live sex and autonomous sex animation mechanics as well. But VN/a map/ a bed CYOA Story; would be the easiest method for most of you who use Ren'Py and GameMaker. Yes you can apply this even to a CYOA story in bed, it's that easy.

I had this decisions in bed idea since I played 2 games that left an impression on me but were undeveloped/just flavor text. In one game you have a naturally big cock and the guy only enters with 2/4 of it and the girl still looks like she's about to die or have a fever or give birth. Then afterwards she says something akin to That was great, a few more rounds like that and I won't be able to keep up, keep up implying she won't be able to have sex with you anymore or she'll orgasm even faster as opposed to building up resistance.
And another game where you choose surprise anal and at the end the girl says she'll get you for that but still smiles and accepts it. Unfortunately that comeuppance never comes. She also implies she'll make you do a favor for her as well, but again that never comes cause the CYOA VN ends there. Very undeveloped.

4. The overworld. What happens in bed affects the overworld and vice versa, but let's focus on the bed affecting the overworld since that's the thing most porn devs never do.
She could refuse to make you your morning coffee or she could make it extra good depending how you fucked her that night and depending on the person/character.

4.5) Instead of losing to get to porn you get 0 porn until you finish arbitrary goals. Such as you must run away from the rapist for 5-15 minutes else you just get a game over screen devoid of porn. After you survive 5-15 minutes you ironically get the scenes where you get caught and fucked by the french skunk lover.

5) Fitting themes/stories. Doing favors for sex or even for money has been a true and tested reason for sex since time immemorial, same for playing from the perspective of a prostitute, yet these never came up in stories. Most games never have you play as a prostitute or the secretary or boss and there's no anticipation and desire in it, merely a goal to finish the game/story quicker. There's also not much in the way of horror porn that's actually hot, you never play as a monster protagonist.
Most of the secondary character encounters feel shallow ... there is no desire to want to fuck the girl in the subway.

Also the way "everyone has sex in this world and walks naked and everyone blah blah" feels very Second Life-ish and shallow(and inadequate). In order to buy this world design idea where sex is free you'd require the characters to actually be laidback & charming and gender reversals such as the girl approaching with a flower to the male or prostitution being legal and very normalized, etc. etc. nobody ever does a sex world correctly. Simply covering everything in dicks & oversized tits and sexual innuendo names is not how you do a sex world, that's once again merely a theme, a very ughhh theme. A sex world wouldn't have religion. A sex world hippies would actually be real terrorist protestors instead of do-nothings and beggars.

5.5) Fitting video game ideas that fit perfectly with the porn theme.
A) Wrestling is a very good combo. South Park enjoyed calling real wrestling gay porn and fake wrestling just melodrama for rednecks. Certain wrestling games let you build your own wrestling moves/positions which porn could benefit greatly from. Certain wrestling games just like Football have an automation option that's ON by default and how the game is programmed and designed around, to be played hands free as you combine elements and see the results.

B) Voyeurism where you're a photographer/cameraguy with telescope/binoculaurs which has to either stake out his prey in a slow but calculated game of learning your targets. Or a more active approach where you follow them by doing parkour and playing a spy role. Then combine it with another active role; you get to play as multiple characters such as the husband or bf of the waifu you were staking out and vice versa if you're a woman.

C) Super kidnapper. Spiderman would make for a great kidnapper. Just grab any NPC and sex them on the roof at night. This is almost an element that's part of the genre. Something like Rapeman the anime.

D) Stealth, again an element. Goes with voyeurism but can go with many others such as the theme of vampires/corruption. Which again go hand in hand with kidnapping. Incubus/Succubus again.

E) Hitman/seduction game. Basically playing the sociopath's game of manipulation. Pretend to be other people, not just physically but mentally as you pretend to be a different person.

F) Shapeshifter/goes hand in hand with time reset, alternate universes to get a clean slate. The difference would be that you'd have to hide your true identity and any girl that got certain PTSD from your previous encounters will refuse to do the same action with the new person such as she could be scared of oral cause in your previous run you raped her throat.

6) Weight/ Idealism; If this were a NFT Casino PvP MMORPG where you could lose precious time, money/gear, etc. you'd suddenly feel a slew of emotions. The human brain is very capable of frying itself with simple delusions; making the player believe he waged his house and lost ... or making him believe he won 10 houses. A noob in Runescape who knows nothing who spent 2 days earning 500 GP will cry genuine tears of that less than pocket change. It's all in knowledge/expectations/delusions/fooling him to believing certain things. The AI you were playing with was actually another player all along and vice versa.
Let's say you join a waifu character's club and must do certain things or answer certain questions ... you only get to do this one time so you have to answer correctly, luckily you only have to get 50% of it right, but do it wrong and you'll have to wait 30 in-game days to do it again. All in the weight. All in the "you should feel happy you got this secret chance to open up a secret club with secret waifus that only appears once every moon".

7) What do we add next? or do we evolve some ideas from 3) ?

Most say that gameplay and porn don't mix well.
""""I can just say something simple regarding gameplay: Never mix sex and gameplay because it never works. You want sex to masturbate and gameplay to, well, play. So the best thing you can do is just make sex a reward of playing the game well, like how getting a new weapon is a reward in Mega Man. Like so, you should actually give a motivation to the player for him to want those sex scenes like, again, the weapons in megaman.""""
I disagree by saying you're not mixing it properly because the porn genre hasn't been invented. Banging your head against the door won't break the door open, we use a key for that.
Use the damn key. However the weapons in megaman is correct and furthermore having 8 different starting points/levels in Megaman should have also been said. Instead of unlocking waifus linearly you already have 1 RNG one unlocked and you have 1 "weapon" cock, hands, tongue attribute unlocked to make each gameplay more different.

The porn genres elements? what should they be in your opinion?
Simulation obviously, Imo focus on anatomy. Attention to the waifu characters having agency IN ANY WAY else their whining/cheerleading doesn't matter. Focus on the bed part. Focus on the bed affecting the rest of the game rather than the other way around. A specific Sandbox element which requires unlockables, basically an exploration game. Lack of gameover screen.
Objective arbitrary timers; you only get porn/reward if you survive X amount of minutes(the harder challenging part) as opposed to taking the easy way out. Or at best you pay with coins for the porn part for surviving each minute, but not the arbitrary goal.
Paying any character for instant sex or doing an instant favor for them or favors that act as IOUs. (Devs can't even add separate prostitute characters)

A porn game's element just like most shooters have grenades ... could have an alternate way of thrusting where the guy or girl always thrusts in almost all the way(with a slight controlled RNG) , and you control the mouse - the longer you hold pressed LMB the longer you either pull out or pull in. And the longer you thrust too fast without stopping for a bit or without holding onto your waifu or guy the easier it is to accidentally go all the way which is bad for the cervix. Having a depth limiter could be a porn genre's specific element.

Porn genre cliches/tropes just like how horror movies have bad ends, such as evil exotic cock/transforming cocks. Corruption through transformation or magical armour/ancient artefact. Being careful not to hit the cervix. Big cocks always resulting in slower thrusting and even more reactions from the girl; sweat, blushing, deep breathing, visible breathing, etc. (normally this should apply to any average cock for maximum appeal).
Exotic cock could be out of the protagonist's control, making both the player and the waifu character freak out if that is the desired reaction as opposed to the player being in control, the player is no longer in control of his own body/cock. RNG or rather intuitive RNG affecting the outcome.

- You could play from the perspective of the girl which means a lot of RNG and guiding your partner on how to fuck you depending on your set mission goals/biology. You'd be forced to make him go faster and rougher so you get more pleasure, but at the same time it would be like real biology where you struggle to cum or you end up cumming very easily due to stress or his cock being big, but also causing pain and then it turns RNG. The male would require a 40% bar progression to come and the female a 70% bar progression. Clit stimulation could offer an extra 5-10% bonus, but if your partner didn't come up with the other 60% then you'll get a crappy climax. Usually how it goes with epithelial cells on cockhead... the head you send the pleasure directly to it and it's much smaller thus smaller QUICKER reactions, unlike the clit that's mostly covered and about 10x times bigger and the signals are sent slower/lagging indirectly by making the epithelial cells touch the clit through vibrations+pressure or through a shallower wall of epithelial cells where the pleasure feels more direct but can also lead to overstimulation, because of that slow reaction/lag/indirect approach it's why it's so important to keep a consistent pace, despite the "stronger" reactions it's like rubbing your cockhead through your underwear or through a condom at best. At the same time your brain can get bored of the same exact stimuli and ask for a "refresh" a change of pace because it got too used to the sensation.

A RNG could cause certain thrusts/moves to be better than others. The alien cock growing inch by inch could be controlled RNG heavy, as in you make it stop but it still has 5 possible rolls to go which can make it grow by another an inch.
And another RNG which isn't as realistic where you as the girl can survive a 13 inch cock if you simply have great RNG despite your biology limiting you at 7 inches for one character and 8 inches with another character.
You could also make it so it increases only 0.25, 0.33 and 0.5 inches realistically.

And its most basic common sense features such as customization of the girl. Super Deepthroat was really good at the basic details.

The porn VN genre would be the easiest to script these features in albeit still painful cause it's not automatic for you as the programmer when the numbers start working for you. CYOAs get annoying to do when everything is custom and there's no dynamic system that works off of each other.

I can add even more which already are getting kinda redundant and complex.
Along with thrusting at an angle you could change the texture, shape of the cock and the vaginal canal. Which I already mentioned, but I'm putting more focus on it now by potentially turning it into a 8) "customize your own cock" game and said customization impact the actions/reactions/attitude & even personality of the girl along with her body.
Roughenss is already by itself kind of a combined word. Thrusting deeply and quickly usually means roughness. Rough thrusting however can very well mean simply a nuanced way of thrusting your sword/cock. Rough means full of interruptions, smooth means consistent. Usually men enjoy it rough cause their clit I mean headcock is full of quick small reactions, thus they appreciate more variety in thrusting, more "interruptions" through variety. Women which lag behind and receive stronger signals need it at a more consistent pace to be capable of even registering the signals to enjoy it.
Otherwise just like untrained men they will cum immediately if the girl rides him too fast. Those who are used to sex usually won't cum even if she goes fast, interrupted or consistent.
And usually men who enjoy it slow are lazy and enjoy pressing it, for women who don't have overly sensitive cells this is good for them, but not for the sensitive types who need repause.
Often times it can feel too sensitive when you're sweating and go slow, all those cells "glueing" onto one another, it gives the same feeling as peeling off duct tape off your genitals. Liquids/sweat matter a lot not just for lubrication during rough textures. If you're not lubricated you can tear off your skin instead of it sliding slippery and smoothly, but at the same it can be too sensitive cause that liquid keeps touching it permanently. Sweat is awful as a liquid cause it sticks, it's sticky, unlike the natural liquids in your body or those tiny bottles that come to be lubed on the condom or cock. Same way water is awful for slippery purposes, it's way less slippery than those natural liquids ... and water with epithelial cells simply don't create that slippery texture unlike plastic that was already slippery by itself.
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  • Thinking Face
Reactions: DuniX


Dec 3, 2019
My general rules for a good porn game:

1 - The whole game should be playable with one hand, for obvious reasons

2 - Sex interactions are at least 50% of gameplay.
Similar to FPS games, where 90% of gameplay is acually shooting instead of sitting in a briefing room.

3 - Almost all sex scenes are repeatable through gameplay by interacting with NPCs.
Its the main feature for a proper sandbox experience, not a one-time kinetic novel.

4 - The less I have to read and remember - the better.

5 - No dumb mechanics that just waste my time:
- not repeating same dialog X times, before I unlock a different interation (and have to repeat it X times again)
- no waiting for weeks for some hidden trigger, that lets me continue progressing through the game.
- no walking around without purpose and clicking everything blindly. Thats why I dont play RPGM games.
- no earning money, if there is no sink for this reasource. I've seen alot of games where I had to work for weeks just to buy 5 Items in store once at predefined time according to the story.

Everything else is optional.


Mar 11, 2024
My general rules for a good porn game:

1 - The whole game should be playable with one hand, for obvious reasons

2 - Sex interactions are at least 50% of gameplay.
Similar to FPS games, where 90% of gameplay is acually shooting instead of sitting in a briefing room.

3 - Almost all sex scenes are repeatable through gameplay by interacting with NPCs.
Its the main feature for a proper sandbox experience, not a one-time kinetic novel.

4 - The less I have to read and remember - the better.

5 - No dumb mechanics that just waste my time:
- not repeating same dialog X times, before I unlock a different interation (and have to repeat it X times again)
- no waiting for weeks for some hidden trigger, that lets me continue progressing through the game.
- no walking around without purpose and clicking everything blindly. Thats why I dont play RPGM games.
- no earning money, if there is no sink for this reasource. I've seen alot of games where I had to work for weeks just to buy 5 Items in store once at predefined time according to the story.

Everything else is optional.
All of these are fixes based on problems with existing games. There's such a thing as ruining your idea of a certain thing by trying to follow a base and then fixing what's on top, when you should be throwing the base itself in the trash and coming up with a new one. They often told me to not waste my time with porn games cause I have nothing to learn from them and they'd be correct. I as a creative person however can develop those ideas and apply them to my own base.

- not repeating same dialog X times, before I unlock a different interation (and have to repeat it X times again)
This however applies to everything since grinding is something all games can suffer from if the gameplay isn't fun and diverse enough. Most people don't complain about hack n slashers being grindy like RPGs and most people don't complain about normal RPGs being as grindy as MMORPGs(mostly WoW).


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
3. You make decisions during the sex, but you make them not in a way to linearly progress,
Training Sims tend to give meaning to diffrent actions by affecting diffrent stats based on various traits like likes/dislikes and fetishes.
You could make variations on a action as well as combinations of diffrent actions but at the core it would still be a similar system.

The porn genre has not been invented yet, a genre requires a specific ruleset & elements such as how a FPS cannot be a FPS without the first person and shooter elements and the ruleset surrounding; I shoot you in the head you die instantly, I shoot you in the torso you take 50% damage, I shoot in the arms or legs you take 25% damage, etc. rules/mechanics.
The gameplay and porn must be combined in a very seamless way that doesn't detract from one another, but complement each other. It's harder to achieve than horror games.
The reason we don't have that is because we do not have good abstraction for a Conversation System that turns it into Gameplay.

At its core Sex is another type of Interaction between two characters. Action, Reaction.
As Gameplay the only abstraction we have for either Dating or Sex is making it into a Pseudo-Combat System.

4. The overworld. What happens in bed affects the overworld and vice versa, but let's focus on the bed affecting the overworld since that's the thing most porn devs never do.
She could refuse to make you your morning coffee or she could make it extra good depending how you fucked her that night and depending on the person/character.
Character Agency is also intresting to think about.
In most games the player is in absolute control. At best there is only Resistance when their Obedience is not high enough.
They don't have their own Goals they pursue and outside of the occasional random event, they don't do independent actions out of their own care and desires.
Also once you sell a trained slave to a customer that slave effectively disappears from the game. It would be intresting if they do their own actions in the world based on the trained behaviour, personality or relationship you have that can affect that faction of that customer and could act as your spies, saboteurs or influencers for you.

I think the way to fundamentally fix that is for the Players to play as both sides. Both as Slavemaker and Slave and explore the agency you have in both systems and the goals you can achive in both.
Otherwise it would be lopsided to one System, either you would be too controlled to do anything or too free to be affected by anything.
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Mar 11, 2024
what would be a game that has come closest to what you like?
Can't say there's any 1 game that even comes close to it. There's a combination of games with the base one being Super Deepthroat in terms of attention to detail and then indeed Sim Slave Trainers and Brothels which evolved into management RPG games.
Training Sims tend to give meaning to diffrent actions by affecting diffrent stats based on various traits like likes/dislikes and fetishes.
You could make variations on a action as well as combinations of diffrent actions but at the core it would still be a similar system.
I haven't played any Slave Trainers or Hentai RPG Parties in quite a while, remind me again how the stats are given.
Cause so far I'm noticing the typical passive level stats that unlock things; charisma/bargaining, and then level-based anal, vaginal, oral stats to unlock more positions(not even detailed extra moves) without going into the depth of them. I remember most RPGs like Violated Heroine only having leaderboard-type stats for how many times you did anal, vaginal, oral, fucked fat men, monsters, were raped which affected willingness at best, but were mostly leaderboard stats.

I have my own ideas about what 10 bars of progression should be about and how to train your stats in a detailed way.
Jul 23, 2023
My general rules for a good porn game:

1 - The whole game should be playable with one hand, for obvious reasons

2 - Sex interactions are at least 50% of gameplay.
Similar to FPS games, where 90% of gameplay is acually shooting instead of sitting in a briefing room.

3 - Almost all sex scenes are repeatable through gameplay by interacting with NPCs.
Its the main feature for a proper sandbox experience, not a one-time kinetic novel.

4 - The less I have to read and remember - the better.

5 - No dumb mechanics that just waste my time:
- not repeating same dialog X times, before I unlock a different interation (and have to repeat it X times again)
- no waiting for weeks for some hidden trigger, that lets me continue progressing through the game.
- no walking around without purpose and clicking everything blindly. Thats why I dont play RPGM games.
- no earning money, if there is no sink for this reasource. I've seen alot of games where I had to work for weeks just to buy 5 Items in store once at predefined time according to the story.

Everything else is optional.
1 use a vibrator, duh, I always have one when I play such sort of games
2 I think it should be over 80% as well as opportunity to avoid them all
3 there should be a mod-menu-trainer to mess around, like most of the modern 3D 3rd person character games
4 Double it. I hate VNs walls of text, and 2 long intros, like wondering for 5 hours and not getting fucked
5 Agreed


Mar 11, 2024
I actually just checked those out trying to remind myself what were Non-RPG Management and RPG Management games like again. Obedience, Lewdness, Affection, Pleasure, Pride.

These would be well received if the expectations of the player were set to "I was just expecting a click next VN, I didn't expect stats". At the same time if he expects a management RPG he'll have his standards set higher.

My bars would be drastically different, they would be more active, I could make them an instant press play and see what you gambled; "You filled 4/10 bars or filled 9/10 bars, but not the most important one", but I'd focus on the detail and custom part.
While I can't say that I'd beat them at making the best RPG management game ... I'd definitely beat them at the simulation part since all RPGs suffer from "Oh you got +50% healing because her lewdness is higher" what does that mean for the sex and relationship? (absolutely nothing) I didn't even get into the relationship+overworld cause that's just pure animation/style+actions+storytelling which barely the best RPG attempts.

My most important bars would be like this;
Satisfaction*/Pleasure *Same name, but also the main bar
(almost everything affects these 2x2= 4 bars and these are the most important bars)
I'd have 2 overlapping bars , sometimes the same bar cut in half.

Then we have my extra bars that mean a lot for the bed;
Dazedness*/Tiredness (this greatly affects when you cum or not, that's why it's so close together, it also affects your pleasure and satisfaction, if you can't feel/be attentive then you're not getting any pleasure)
Climax*/Recuperation (it's enough to change pace/or keep up the pace to stop cumming or stop for half a second. Same for the girl)

Fetishes*/Expectations //Erotic
Kinks*/Mood*/Demeanour // Erotic
Affection/Wholesomeness (Conversation, soft touching)
Partnership AKA Relationship

And more bars;

And more bars which I normally would keep hidden.

So all these things are suppose to be under the hood just like character customization and only a madman would have all these bars active on his UI unless he thinks he can learn from the bars better than the character bios+biology cards via trial and error.

And again then comes what's under the hood.
Pleasure is temporary compared to Satisfaction that's the overall bar.
Sensitivity is again the temporary active bar compared to pain that's an extreme and can really lower the mood.
Pleasure, Sensitivity, Satisfaction, Pain combine together to reach around 16 combinations already.

After that we have each character's stats that aren't even represented by the active bars and things that I deem not quantitative.
A) is emotionally sensitive and has a strong ass. Loves rough quick thrusting in pussy.
B) Is emotionally tough and has a strong ass, loves rough slow thrusting in pussy.
C) is emotionally sensitive and has a weak ass. Loves shallow quick thrusting in pussy
D) is emotionally tough and has a weak ass, loves deep slow thrusting in pussy

Training for the male character;
If let's pretend you didn't have custom control over your own actions and had to play with a predefined character then this is how I'd give him training options and separate him.
1. Training for strength grants him better control over his thrusts, instead of thrusting 1 inch each, he can thrust as low as 0.1 inches each to give him full control. Flavor wise just like in the gym you do fewer but stronger push ups/lifts , erotica gaming wise this could translate to you thrusting(to keep it in bed) or video game wise fight RPG monsters and get given options to use abilities that take longer to prepare or carry more risk, but deal more damage.
Certain moves like S-shaped thrusts and crooked cocks pointing up can greatly benefit from this control.
Normally hitting rougher is bad in bed.
2. Training for speed grants him endurance which also helps with his cum meter. Just like in the gym you're suppose to do weaker, faster, larger amount of push-ups/lift ups for endurance. He tires up and cums easier if he has no endurance. Without endurance he tires up easier only if he moves faster as opposed to sudden strong thrusts. At the same time ironically he might cum slower if he goes faster at a consistent pace and doesn't think of the erotica part or if he's wearing a thick condom that doesn't affect his cockhead's sensitivity so much. and ironically he cums faster without Speed training and if he goes slower and more inconsistently.

These combine together and affect a lot of things for girls A), B), C), D)
Of course the whole deal would be to seamlessly combine these features to have chemistry.
Same for the girl. A girl could also train to have stronger genital muscles which would cause her to stop squirting or pissing herself. However epithelial cell sensitivity is something biology gives you unfortunately for them, same for the clitoris being hidden away by it, etc.
Some girls have less soft skin and thus do not care for tactile affection as much and end up enjoying rougher movements, heavier bigger cocks. This is why conversation CAN be more important as a kink than handholding or holding your hand on her pelvis or stomach, but not necessarily or require clit stimulation to cum.
Other girls with softer skin care a lot for tactile affection and enjoy a very controlled smooth movement and only near the end enjoy shallow quick thrusting to make them cum.

Male's attributes;
Cock size affects the main bars.
Cockshape; can greatly affect the consistency for sensitivity, pain, pleasure. Some girls enjoy feeling a bigger cockhead than usual to give them a different changing feel each time like having ridges, but most girls would prefer a consistently big cock throughout. Same if we implement angle thrusting properly.

Smaller things;
Cock stiffness/AKA hardness. (How stiff is the spongee material?)
Cock weight? can be affected positively or negatively by strength. A cock pulses, has a hot temperature, can sweat, has a texture(dry or well hydrated which affects the lubrication/smoothness which affects the sensitivitiy/pain), etc. all these small things combine, and between these there's also a cock's weight.
A natural cock has a certain feel to it unlike a dildo. A dildo tries to make up through other things such as shape(ridges,beads,etc.) , 100% stiffness(inability to be squeezed like a sponge), rubber plastic texture unlike meat, no heat emanating from it. It feels alien. It can still interact with the main bars, but it can make other bars invalid.
The sponge material is very important to give that massaging soft skin sensation, you want a tiny bit of soft material to your bone, you want some meat so you have that dynamic shape. You don't want a metal rod going in and out of you against your sensitive bits, you want something soft at the exterior and hard at the interior so it's not completely liquid or jelly. More like gelatin, gelatin is even softer than jelly, jelly is almost rubber like.

I'd like for the biology to remain consistent otherwise we have a shapeshifter character for that.
In terms of touch, what you say, etc. I'd like the player to make decisions based off his own knowledge rather than the character's ability. However if I am forced to make the character buffed up or handicapped to offer different gameplay then you have that training and preset attributes for the male character like I said.

All of these are suppose to be under the hood as you the end user are only suppose to instinctively do a series and combos of clicks or button presses and often times not even that when we go with automation like Football manager games/Autobattlers. Just like Super Deepthroat allows for both manual and automation and the customization bar requires a Rocket Science degree if you attempt on your own, can still press RNG or just load a mod library.

I think I had one more thing to say which wasn't even related to these bars, but just as important. I just remembered it.
The problem with all RPGs as the problem with all porn games is the lack of interaction at an intimate level. A RPG does not have the gameplay of a hack n slasher & shooter, it has nothing but stat rolls & text.
All of these stats in bed while theoretically they could affect your RPG stats(which I've never seen or maybe I didn't play enough porn RPGs) they should also affect your partner's personality in bed and outside bed. A sensitive girl won't ask you to go rough on her as a favor or give her a skull as a present or wear a goth suit(unless it's that kind of sensitive).
Someone rougher while she appreciates and can be overstimulated by affection and sensitive stuff would soon get bored by it, albeit infatuation/love/being drugged is a powerful emotion that can turn anyone into a blushing giddy retard. More powerful than being drunk. Albeit in practice not as powerful as a charming sociopath manipulator who coerces or persuades and turns you into a practical bipolar mess.

But again the main problem with representing a 3D character over a 1D character in such a game is that they require a dynamic amount of unpredictable varied actions(for the dumb dumbs, for smart people they're predictable) and unfortunately the intensity and actions cannot be measured in numbers, percentages, etcera. You need hard scripts or a very powerful dynamic system.
And again we go back to standards/expectations. If our 1D character suddenly turned 3D and a sociopath then suddenly people would clap more over it than "Oh the socio is a socio? pfft who would have thought" as opposed to being taken by surprise "The dumb goofy one ever being smart, respected and a master manipulator? this bitch can't manipulate a camel to drink water."
Runescape was a very good low standards/huge addiction game. Just not fun, but very addictive... and again it made up for it through its quests being creative Monty Python parody types.
The problem is when you run out of scripted stuff and go back to the loop. To combat this you need HUGE VARIED loops. A humongous loop within loop to make you ask "Is this loop A1+B2+C3 or loop C1+B3+A3"? the problem lays in making those Cs, Bs, As engaging and not "Oh the pink one is being a psycho again? and in which way is she being a psycho again? B2 through C3 way? boring, I already played this." that's why it's important for it to be fun rather than a repetitive job "the pink one went crazy again, let's get this over with" make it so it's a rare thing, so it grealy changes the bed experience, so it becomes something to want to get(even though rarity is a cheap way to set expectations, but it works).
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  • Thinking Face
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Jun 8, 2024
I think most porn games just give you the porn as a reward for completing some puzzle or quest, or as a "punishment" for losing. Very few games actually integrate the porn into the gameplay. I like Queen's Brothel as a game where the gameplay is the porn. It's not perfect, but it is unique and I would like to see more games take that approach.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
One of the desired elements most pron and porn games/literature commonly lack, genuine intimacy.
Not to be confused with Romance, as it is a huge make or brake factor to any romantic story.
In several observations it's as though they just don't know how to fuck, interact, ect ect ect and so on.


Mar 11, 2024
One of the desired elements most pron and porn games/literature commonly lack, genuine intimacy.
Not to be confused with Romance, as it is a huge make or brake factor to any romantic story.
In several observations it's as though they just don't know how to fuck, interact, ect ect ect and so on.
Now this I am interested to read. Could you explain for everyone?


Mar 11, 2022
I appreciate it when games have a way to allow you to fast track or skip parts of the game, such as items in RPGs that make you OP or a skill that make you surrender if you are looking for a bad end.
This might seem antithetical to the idea of a game, but especially in comfort generes such as ours adding a fast lane for players can attract more players for a relatively small development effort.

That being said you still need to keep these dynamics either hidden away or properly labelled so that players that go for a more gamplay-based experience won't unintentionally get an item that undermines their effort.


Mar 11, 2024
"Hey guys got any good ideas for a hentai video game?"

Everyone else: Nuh uh, you'll just steal my idea and make a trillion dollars with it( According to the report, the global adult entertainment market was valued at $58.4 billion in 2022, and is projected to reach $96.2 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2023 to 2032. )

Meanwhile me: I'll make a man/woman/programmer out of you. You dare try to tulpamance my ideas into existence? Oh please go ahead. I triple deer you with Bambi on top, do it, do it faggot.
You'll need a custom engine, an animation framework, 7 days a week each day 16 hours, and the requirement to work together with *gasp* other people to even finish a demo of the game.
Are you up for the challenge?
The Ren'Py & RPGMaker devs looking at themselves: Nah we're good. This is just a hobby for us.
Also the Ren'Py & RPGMaker devs later that night: I'll never be a real game dev, kill me, kill me, why God, why John Carmack. Why was I born talentless. I can't even code in GameMaker, I am something below a poor excuse for a game developer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Just stopped by to say that I've seen tons of OPs posts and have never read past the first sentence of any of them. That is all.
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Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 22, 2021
PPGI. The porn genre has not been invented yet, a genre requires a specific ruleset & elements such as how a FPS cannot be a FPS without the first person and shooter elements and the ruleset surrounding; I shoot you in the head you die instantly, I shoot you in the torso you take 50% damage, I shoot in the arms or legs you take 25% damage, etc. rules/mechanics.
The gameplay and porn must be combined in a very seamless way that doesn't detract from one another, but complement each other. It's harder to achieve than horror games.
Devs constantly forget the bed part and do not use basic common sense such as autonomous decisions and waiting. Fight games for example are live and have timers, they are not good for porn. In porn you must bide your time.

As such I am creating this thread for simple people.
I'd like to offer you a guideline and then you all share your ideas in this thread.

Sex is suppose to be interactive and fun. How can you interact in a fun way if it's linear and feels like a chore?

1.The streaming/live recording element mixed with porn made for a very good combination, it's seamless. That is one example that's been done.

1.5) Another one was balancing work with sex. You need to do your job but at the same time do some inbetween sex.

2. Interactive mouse pointer through AI/bot/Waifu character.
Your waifu character at best can only show her displeasure through dialogue & facial gestures, but she never has any interaction with you such as changing the poses. At best/worst she gives you a game over screen and calls it a day, like the lazy dev who programmed her. No, your waifu character requires her own mouse cursor to interact with your UI.
Perhaps you invade her UI and have to figure out how to approach her to unlock her UI or just forcebrute it, almost like a hacking game. It turns into a cursor & UI war.
Each girl would have her unique UI and her unique cursor to deal with you. Piss her off and she knocks your cursor off screen, jails it, locks certain options such as anal, forces you to perform oral on her, rides you cowgirl, etc. the idea is for it to not end in a "We're done playing", but in a "Now we're playing it by my rules".
As such dicerolls can also be very effective if we pair them with actions and reactions.

What if I gave you something simple to work in such as a CYOA VN in Ren'Py? but with a good fitting idea? a theme/execution so good it becomes the gameplay since this was already based on animated mechanics?

3. You make decisions during the sex, but you make them not in a linear way, you make them to get a reaction out of the girl and possibly an action in the overworld. You get a hint at what you're doing right and wrong as opposed to blind quizzes, it could be 1 general satisfaction bar followed by 10 satisfaction bars.
2B) You make it to get achievements/badges/points to upgrade your main character with to unlock even more reactions such as a bigger dick or an exotic alien dick will change the way the girl reacts to you.
For example even in the simplest VN made in Ren'Py you can make a sex CYOA where you do certain positions, you choose if missionary, doggy, cowgirl, anal, oral, pussy, you choose the speed, you choose how to grab her. And you get girls A,B,C,D. For example you choose girl A) Anal & slow, this results in a succesful consensual anal scene. If you go Anal & Fast this results in a non-consensual anal scene, but here's the kicker ... the second one is not an unsuccesful attempt that leads to a game over. The second one leads to your girl being more submissive and accepting abuse ... and you can add in a time revert/AU element too if you want the girl to fight and press rape charges. This helps with something such as alien Species encounters. The idea is to unlock as many badges as possible.
If you go with girl C) & D) then even going anal, slow (x3 times) won't work, you need to work something extra. DURING anal Something extra meaning kissing, placing your hand on her stomach, handholding, types of dialogue/dirty talking, doing favors for her in bed(RNG chosen by the girl) or favors in the overworld outside bed. Connecting the overworld to the bed is also important, but first let's focus on the sex scene.

The thing however would be that you'd need hints and to be able to use basic common sense. A certain bio about the girl for example.
A) is emotionally sensitive and has a strong ass. Loves rough quick thrusting in pussy. B) Is emotionally tough and has a strong ass, loves rough slow thrusting in pussy.
C) is emotionally sensitive and has a weak ass. Loves shallow quick thrusting in pussy D) is emotionally tough and has a weak ass, loves deep slow thrusting in pussy
You get presented with options such as; thrusting in bursts, thrusting quick & shallow, grinding deeply, grinding shallowy, thrusting in waves, pressing/poking, and then certain moves(with info boxes) with funny names such as double-breaker(pull out slowly then thrust all the way in, pull out quickly then thrust all the way in and grind deeply).
If you unlock the big cock or exotic alien cock then you get a new slew of options, especially the alien cock that reacts completely different from what you know about sex.
The big cock would give you the extra option to be able to control how deeply you insert it. Going beyond 50% would need some heavy cues about when to use it, namely perhaps the character herself telling you to ... only to realize she can't and tell you to back off.
Such as the alien cock could be stationary and offer rather than thrusting and vibrations like a normal cock and dildo it would offer instead chemical & transformation options which would impact the girl some other way and make her do more interesting reactions. Lactation, the girl's ass & pussy resistance & shape, her psychology(could turn submissive, dominant or yandere). The alien cock could grow scales to turn into a dragon cock which would make thrusting back outwards painful but at the same time extremely pleasurable if done correctly. Instead of maintaining a specific pace you could thrust quickly at any pace because you affected her biology and now her entire pussy reacts like the head of a cock. It can affect the way the epithelial cells & stimuli work.

All of this can be applied to live sex and autonomous sex animation mechanics as well. But VN/a map/ a bed CYOA Story; would be the easiest method for most of you who use Ren'Py and GameMaker. Yes you can apply this even to a CYOA story in bed, it's that easy.

I had this decisions in bed idea since I played 2 games that left an impression on me but were undeveloped/just flavor text. In one game you have a naturally big cock and the guy only enters with 2/4 of it and the girl still looks like she's about to die or have a fever or give birth. Then afterwards she says something akin to That was great, a few more rounds like that and I won't be able to keep up, keep up implying she won't be able to have sex with you anymore or she'll orgasm even faster as opposed to building up resistance.
And another game where you choose surprise anal and at the end the girl says she'll get you for that but still smiles and accepts it. Unfortunately that comeuppance never comes. She also implies she'll make you do a favor for her as well, but again that never comes cause the CYOA VN ends there. Very undeveloped.

4. The overworld. What happens in bed affects the overworld and vice versa, but let's focus on the bed affecting the overworld since that's the thing most porn devs never do.
She could refuse to make you your morning coffee or she could make it extra good depending how you fucked her that night and depending on the person/character.

4.5) Instead of losing to get to porn you get 0 porn until you finish arbitrary goals. Such as you must run away from the rapist for 5-15 minutes else you just get a game over screen devoid of porn. After you survive 5-15 minutes you ironically get the scenes where you get caught and fucked by the french skunk lover.

5) Fitting themes/stories. Doing favors for sex or even for money has been a true and tested reason for sex since time immemorial, same for playing from the perspective of a prostitute, yet these never came up in stories. Most games never have you play as a prostitute or the secretary or boss and there's no anticipation and desire in it, merely a goal to finish the game/story quicker. There's also not much in the way of horror porn that's actually hot, you never play as a monster protagonist.
Most of the secondary character encounters feel shallow ... there is no desire to want to fuck the girl in the subway.

Also the way "everyone has sex in this world and walks naked and everyone blah blah" feels very Second Life-ish and shallow(and inadequate). In order to buy this world design idea where sex is free you'd require the characters to actually be laidback & charming and gender reversals such as the girl approaching with a flower to the male or prostitution being legal and very normalized, etc. etc. nobody ever does a sex world correctly. Simply covering everything in dicks & oversized tits and sexual innuendo names is not how you do a sex world, that's once again merely a theme, a very ughhh theme. A sex world wouldn't have religion. A sex world hippies would actually be real terrorist protestors instead of do-nothings and beggars.

5.5) Fitting video game ideas that fit perfectly with the porn theme.
A) Wrestling is a very good combo. South Park enjoyed calling real wrestling gay porn and fake wrestling just melodrama for rednecks. Certain wrestling games let you build your own wrestling moves/positions which porn could benefit greatly from. Certain wrestling games just like Football have an automation option that's ON by default and how the game is programmed and designed around, to be played hands free as you combine elements and see the results.

B) Voyeurism where you're a photographer/cameraguy with telescope/binoculaurs which has to either stake out his prey in a slow but calculated game of learning your targets. Or a more active approach where you follow them by doing parkour and playing a spy role. Then combine it with another active role; you get to play as multiple characters such as the husband or bf of the waifu you were staking out and vice versa if you're a woman.

C) Super kidnapper. Spiderman would make for a great kidnapper. Just grab any NPC and sex them on the roof at night. This is almost an element that's part of the genre. Something like Rapeman the anime.

D) Stealth, again an element. Goes with voyeurism but can go with many others such as the theme of vampires/corruption. Which again go hand in hand with kidnapping. Incubus/Succubus again.

E) Hitman/seduction game. Basically playing the sociopath's game of manipulation. Pretend to be other people, not just physically but mentally as you pretend to be a different person.

F) Shapeshifter/goes hand in hand with time reset, alternate universes to get a clean slate. The difference would be that you'd have to hide your true identity and any girl that got certain PTSD from your previous encounters will refuse to do the same action with the new person such as she could be scared of oral cause in your previous run you raped her throat.

6) Weight/ Idealism; If this were a NFT Casino PvP MMORPG where you could lose precious time, money/gear, etc. you'd suddenly feel a slew of emotions. The human brain is very capable of frying itself with simple delusions; making the player believe he waged his house and lost ... or making him believe he won 10 houses. A noob in Runescape who knows nothing who spent 2 days earning 500 GP will cry genuine tears of that less than pocket change. It's all in knowledge/expectations/delusions/fooling him to believing certain things. The AI you were playing with was actually another player all along and vice versa.
Let's say you join a waifu character's club and must do certain things or answer certain questions ... you only get to do this one time so you have to answer correctly, luckily you only have to get 50% of it right, but do it wrong and you'll have to wait 30 in-game days to do it again. All in the weight. All in the "you should feel happy you got this secret chance to open up a secret club with secret waifus that only appears once every moon".

7) What do we add next? or do we evolve some ideas from 3) ?

Most say that gameplay and porn don't mix well.
""""I can just say something simple regarding gameplay: Never mix sex and gameplay because it never works. You want sex to masturbate and gameplay to, well, play. So the best thing you can do is just make sex a reward of playing the game well, like how getting a new weapon is a reward in Mega Man. Like so, you should actually give a motivation to the player for him to want those sex scenes like, again, the weapons in megaman.""""
I disagree by saying you're not mixing it properly because the porn genre hasn't been invented. Banging your head against the door won't break the door open, we use a key for that.
Use the damn key. However the weapons in megaman is correct and furthermore having 8 different starting points/levels in Megaman should have also been said. Instead of unlocking waifus linearly you already have 1 RNG one unlocked and you have 1 "weapon" cock, hands, tongue attribute unlocked to make each gameplay more different.

The porn genres elements? what should they be in your opinion?
Simulation obviously, Imo focus on anatomy. Attention to the waifu characters having agency IN ANY WAY else their whining/cheerleading doesn't matter. Focus on the bed part. Focus on the bed affecting the rest of the game rather than the other way around. A specific Sandbox element which requires unlockables, basically an exploration game. Lack of gameover screen.
Objective arbitrary timers; you only get porn/reward if you survive X amount of minutes(the harder challenging part) as opposed to taking the easy way out. Or at best you pay with coins for the porn part for surviving each minute, but not the arbitrary goal.
Paying any character for instant sex or doing an instant favor for them or favors that act as IOUs. (Devs can't even add separate prostitute characters)

A porn game's element just like most shooters have grenades ... could have an alternate way of thrusting where the guy or girl always thrusts in almost all the way(with a slight controlled RNG) , and you control the mouse - the longer you hold pressed LMB the longer you either pull out or pull in. And the longer you thrust too fast without stopping for a bit or without holding onto your waifu or guy the easier it is to accidentally go all the way which is bad for the cervix. Having a depth limiter could be a porn genre's specific element.

Porn genre cliches/tropes just like how horror movies have bad ends, such as evil exotic cock/transforming cocks. Corruption through transformation or magical armour/ancient artefact. Being careful not to hit the cervix. Big cocks always resulting in slower thrusting and even more reactions from the girl; sweat, blushing, deep breathing, visible breathing, etc. (normally this should apply to any average cock for maximum appeal).
Exotic cock could be out of the protagonist's control, making both the player and the waifu character freak out if that is the desired reaction as opposed to the player being in control, the player is no longer in control of his own body/cock. RNG or rather intuitive RNG affecting the outcome.

- You could play from the perspective of the girl which means a lot of RNG and guiding your partner on how to fuck you depending on your set mission goals/biology. You'd be forced to make him go faster and rougher so you get more pleasure, but at the same time it would be like real biology where you struggle to cum or you end up cumming very easily due to stress or his cock being big, but also causing pain and then it turns RNG. The male would require a 40% bar progression to come and the female a 70% bar progression. Clit stimulation could offer an extra 5-10% bonus, but if your partner didn't come up with the other 60% then you'll get a crappy climax. Usually how it goes with epithelial cells on cockhead... the head you send the pleasure directly to it and it's much smaller thus smaller QUICKER reactions, unlike the clit that's mostly covered and about 10x times bigger and the signals are sent slower/lagging indirectly by making the epithelial cells touch the clit through vibrations+pressure or through a shallower wall of epithelial cells where the pleasure feels more direct but can also lead to overstimulation, because of that slow reaction/lag/indirect approach it's why it's so important to keep a consistent pace, despite the "stronger" reactions it's like rubbing your cockhead through your underwear or through a condom at best. At the same time your brain can get bored of the same exact stimuli and ask for a "refresh" a change of pace because it got too used to the sensation.

A RNG could cause certain thrusts/moves to be better than others. The alien cock growing inch by inch could be controlled RNG heavy, as in you make it stop but it still has 5 possible rolls to go which can make it grow by another an inch.
And another RNG which isn't as realistic where you as the girl can survive a 13 inch cock if you simply have great RNG despite your biology limiting you at 7 inches for one character and 8 inches with another character.
You could also make it so it increases only 0.25, 0.33 and 0.5 inches realistically.

And its most basic common sense features such as customization of the girl. Super Deepthroat was really good at the basic details.

The porn VN genre would be the easiest to script these features in albeit still painful cause it's not automatic for you as the programmer when the numbers start working for you. CYOAs get annoying to do when everything is custom and there's no dynamic system that works off of each other.

I can add even more which already are getting kinda redundant and complex.
Along with thrusting at an angle you could change the texture, shape of the cock and the vaginal canal. Which I already mentioned, but I'm putting more focus on it now by potentially turning it into a 8) "customize your own cock" game and said customization impact the actions/reactions/attitude & even personality of the girl along with her body.
Roughenss is already by itself kind of a combined word. Thrusting deeply and quickly usually means roughness. Rough thrusting however can very well mean simply a nuanced way of thrusting your sword/cock. Rough means full of interruptions, smooth means consistent. Usually men enjoy it rough cause their clit I mean headcock is full of quick small reactions, thus they appreciate more variety in thrusting, more "interruptions" through variety. Women which lag behind and receive stronger signals need it at a more consistent pace to be capable of even registering the signals to enjoy it.
Otherwise just like untrained men they will cum immediately if the girl rides him too fast. Those who are used to sex usually won't cum even if she goes fast, interrupted or consistent.
And usually men who enjoy it slow are lazy and enjoy pressing it, for women who don't have overly sensitive cells this is good for them, but not for the sensitive types who need repause.
Often times it can feel too sensitive when you're sweating and go slow, all those cells "glueing" onto one another, it gives the same feeling as peeling off duct tape off your genitals. Liquids/sweat matter a lot not just for lubrication during rough textures. If you're not lubricated you can tear off your skin instead of it sliding slippery and smoothly, but at the same it can be too sensitive cause that liquid keeps touching it permanently. Sweat is awful as a liquid cause it sticks, it's sticky, unlike the natural liquids in your body or those tiny bottles that come to be lubed on the condom or cock. Same way water is awful for slippery purposes, it's way less slippery than those natural liquids ... and water with epithelial cells simply don't create that slippery texture unlike plastic that was already slippery by itself.
Your example immediately falls flat because there are plenty of FPS where someone can be shot in the head multiple times and countless more in the body. a "porn game" is simply a game that focuses on porn, or as the industry understands it for legal reasons any game with none censored or barely censored sex scenes.


Mar 11, 2024
Your example immediately falls flat because there are plenty of FPS where someone can be shot in the head multiple times and countless more in the body. a "porn game" is simply a game that focuses on porn, or as the industry understands it for legal reasons any game with none censored or barely censored sex scenes.
" FPS where someone can be shot multiple times in the head and many more times in the body" yes and? what did you mean by that? that an FPS is not an FPS unless the enemy is killed by 1 or 2 bullets? Personally, I don't consider MMOs like Warframe and Firefall to be very effective FPS MMOs.
"A "porn game" is simply a game that focuses on porn" yes and what did I just write? especially much further?
Porn in its current state is just a theme, not a genre. And personally as I have said many times. I believe that themes without complex and intuitive mechanics/rules/guidelines/objectives do not make a game.
Do you even read? Or do you read, but it goes in through one ear and out through the other?

You have a very bare-bones way of expressing yourself.
Let me know if English isn't your first language and I'll translate for you in your native tongue.
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Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 22, 2021
" FPS where someone can be shot multiple times in the head and many more times in the body" yes and? what did you mean by that? that an FPS is not an FPS unless the enemy is killed by 1 or 2 bullets? Personally, I don't consider MMOs like Warframe and Firefall to be very effective FPS MMOs.
"A "porn game" is simply a game that focuses on porn" yes and what did I just write? especially much further?
Porn in its current state is just a theme, not a genre. And personally as I have said many times. I believe that themes without complex and intuitive mechanics/rules/guidelines/objectives do not make a game.
Do you even read? Or do you read, but it goes in through one ear and out through the other?

You have a very bare-bones way of expressing yourself.
Let me know if English isn't your first language and I'll translate for you in your native tongue.
I speak English fine you simply talk too much, if you use a giant wall of text to get your point across you are either obsessed with the spotlight or really bad at condensing your thoughts.

you are the one who correlated damage mechanics with what "makes an FPS"

To be honest i didn't read the entire post because it is a absurdly long wall of text, i was replying to the name of the thread and your opening statements. if those didn't give a clear picture of what you were trying to say then they should have.
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