Let's invent the porn genre / Proper Porn Gameplay Ideas. PPGI


Mar 11, 2024
I speak English fine you simply talk too much, if you use a giant wall of text to get your point across you are either obsessed with the spotlight or really bad at condensing your thoughts.
Yeah a level of "fine" won't cut it when reading my posts when you make basic grammar mistakes such as "a absurdly" and "i" instead of "I". And "of" instead of "to" and that other poster who mistakes "then" for "than". So your ability to understand a text is far more important than just knowing the basic words by themselves. I learned British English, but weirdly enough I use an American accent, but perhaps I should use a much finer vocabulary so your subconscious immediately understands "I do not comprehend what I'm reading" rather than "I understand the words, just not the sentence structure, I don't even know what a sentence structure is. So clearly the OP is in the wrong cause I understand these words, but I can't make sense of them when they're put together".

you are the one who correlated damage mechanics with what "makes an FPS"
I specifically correlated FPS to the the first person perspective and the hitboxes/hitnodes in relation to the damage delivered to an enemy, not the damage itself. I actually do know game design.

To be honest i didn't read the entire post because it is a absurdly long wall of text, i was replying to the name of the thread and your opening statements. if those didn't give a clear picture of what you were trying to say then they should have.

I'm sorry but for the past 10 years I absolutely did not pander to Twitter users, children and people who have to be manipulated into reading. Albeit perhaps I should try. Choo choo here comes the train and then SMACK read the fucking book already. Do not think just because you're above 18 that you're any better than a child. I myself am no better than a teacher who loves lecturing. The difference between a teacher, a tutor and a mentor is that the teacher won't barge in the bathroom to make sure you cleaned yourself properly.
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Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 22, 2021
Yeah a level of "fine" won't cut it when reading my posts when you make basic grammar mistakes such as "a absurdly" and "i" instead of "I". And "of" instead of "to" and that other poster who mistakes "then" for "than". So your ability to understand a text is far more important than just knowing the basic words by themselves. I learned British English, but weirdly enough I use an American accent, but perhaps I should use a much finer vocabulary so your subconscious immediately understands "I do not comprehend what I'm reading" rather than "I understand the words, just not the sentence structure, I don't even know what a sentence structure is. So clearly the OP is in the wrong cause I understand these words, but I can't make sense of them when they're put together".

you are the one who correlated damage mechanics with what "makes an FPS"
I specifically correlated FPS to the the first person perspective and the hitboxes/hitnodes in relation to the damage delivered to an enemy, not the damage itself. I actually do know game design.

To be honest i didn't read the entire post because it is a absurdly long wall of text, i was replying to the name of the thread and your opening statements. if those didn't give a clear picture of what you were trying to say then they should have.

I'm sorry but for the past 10 years I absolutely did not pander to Twitter users, children and people who have to be manipulated into reading. Albeit perhaps I should try. Choo choo here comes the train and then SMACK read the fucking book already. Do not think just because you're above 18 that you're any better than a child. I myself am no better than a teacher who loves lecturing. The difference between a teacher, a tutor and a mentor is that the teacher won't barge in the bathroom to make sure you cleaned yourself properly.
LMFAO, the best comeback you have is insulting my grammar? the tell tale sign of a petty person with no real counter argument. frankly responding to you any further is gonna give me brainrot so i'll be taking my leave. i just hope you know that tremendous ego of yours will bring you no happiness in life, nor will you be remembered in death.


Mar 11, 2024
This was the moment I realized you have no idea about how game dev works.
Oh, you were all set to dole out some sage advice, but then your emotions weren't tickled the right way? And besides that your logical brain chimed in, "This isn't feasible with the current state of programming in adult games... or even most games. This person is spewing fanciful nonsense."

I get it, many people have no idea how to handle an encounter with me. So I actually know the ins and outs of game development, like avoiding subpar languages and engines when you're not a pro. I have a seasoned C#, C, C++ and Python programmer handle my work, and neither of us are gluttons for punishment. Might as well be coding in Assembly. Assembly is for optimizing games, not Python.

I'm more of a game designer myself. QA is mind-numbing because back in the '90s and 2000s, QA wasn't demanded by anyone but the programmers. They used to actually play their own games, waiting for each build to render instead of live testing like we do in Unity now, tweaking values on the fly through the Inspector.

"When the trio comes aboard, Juliette discovers their small ship has lost power to its bio-warp engines and the nutrient breeder vats have failed, leaving them stranded without a sustainable food source. She quickly realizes that they are crude and uncouth men, a stark contrast to the noble and considerate behavior she was accustomed to within the UEF. Despite her distaste for their poor manners and lewd comments, she maintains her composure, trusting the ship's internal defense systems to protect her if necessary."

You've included a prelude or even a prequel that the player can skip, but is advised not to if they want that coveted little achievement, right? It's all about contrast. You need to establish a problem or context before the contrast kicks in.

Oh, we can certainly chat about writing if you'd like. The 2008 economic crash really decimated every writing guild and the entire industry, leaving no one to learn from. Following clichés and guidelines from the 99% of inspirations is just to avoid ending up with something like Tommy Wiseau's The Room or Disney's A Wrinkle in Time. I lean towards the 1% for originality, tapping into my unpolluted mind, and 25% from mediocre movies like Pulp Fiction and Silence of the Lambs. These films make people feel smart without actually being overly complex, serving as a bridge to help the average person grasp ideas far more sophisticated than they typically would.

We can also delve into how dreadful live-action TV show writers are compared to animation writers (excluding most Canadian animation writers, with a few exceptions).
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