VN - Ren'Py - Leaving DNA [Ep. 4.3a] [Impious Monk]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Insanely well written characters. Was fully immersed into the story. Character models are unique, renders are beautiful too. All in all a fantastic game, probably one of the best stories on this site.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am only at the start but the story already hit so much. I am glad there is some well written story and not only horny stuff there. Thank you for that i frrl likr the emotions will be hard and lovely in the future
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game so far. Will hold off from giving my final rating, which will probably be a 5, when this completes. Great story, original and gripping plot, quality writing, decent renders and a dev that is not only nice but helpful. I hope this game keeps delivering because it is rapidly becoming one of my favourites.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Big To

    Ep. 4.3a


    That's what I word I would use to describe this game. The characters, the setting, the relationships you make, even the main character. It is all inspired. From the first impression of meeting a character you might have an idea of who they are and how they'll be for the rest of the game and who can blame you? This is a porn game on a porn pirating site. I had the same preconception when I looked at this game. I thought it would just be a quick game straight into the good stuff with pretty character models. I'm happy to report that I was wrong.

    This game, much like its characters are much deeper than what is expected of these games. As I got to know each of the characters, men and women, I found myself liking them more and more. I went into this turning on the "skip unseen text" option on so I can speed to the sex but here and there I would stop to see what the characters had to say and I was always surprised by how interesting and deep it takes them. Even the MC, at first he comes off as the typical stoic buff cool guy that everyone likes and wants to bone, but as I played I learned he isn't as shallow as he first appears.

    With that being said, the sex scenes are well done. They are animated well and are paired with great music that match your current partner. Despite the somewhat dark tones and storylines involved it strikes a good enough balance between humor, seriousness and sexyness. I recommend anyone playing the game to try paying attention to the story and dialogue. You might find yourself enjoying it, but even if you don't the sex scenes are good enough to stand on their own.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I started it hesitantly, with many elements feeling a bit off to me both aesthetically (the character's physique felt a bit too "caricaturally gigachad" -or as elegantly refered in game "kind of a ken thing going on"-, the LIs didn't really do it for me physically -except Jamie, then later came Malena-) and thematically (must admit both the lost-father-maybe-alive mystery and the "super-duper-giga-elite small group getting their hands bloody for OUR FREEDOMS/shady gov ops" are pretty used tropes that can easily be annoying and immersion-breaking). And I must say...the story and the character's turmoils really grew on me, in particular in part 3&4. The very detailed judicial technical-aspects approach work pretty well for a slow and deep immersion (remind me of Tom Clancy's process tbh, tho obviously a narrator-driven book lend itself much more to that, it still work here), the characters are well written, likeable and more importantly justified in their actions by credible motivations. The irrationnal moves are pointed out as irrationnal (or understood tacitly in the context as such) and the radical changes and twists are consistently handled in a way they reinforce, rather than break, the willing suspension of disbelief (many yellow flag get raised only to be disamorced in-universe later).

    The game also has unquestionnal "cinematical" qualities to it, the pace, staging, atmosphere is well handled, and seem to get better and better as the game advance. Maybe it's due to the game growing on me, but I think it's in big part the dev substantially improving his craft through the project. It is rare for a game in general, and in this site in particular, to have me emotionnally immersed in the story and characters in such a way. I do not say that to be pompous or superlative (tbh part of me is still feeling mitigated toward the game), but in my opinion, by definition when a work reach into others people's gut and provoke a raw feeling of emotionnal implication, that is when you've created art. So congratulations on that, it is no easy feat.

    The fact that the erotic/sex scenes are hot and press my buttons doesn't hurt in the slightest, obviously ;) And while the game is mostly a linear visual novel (with minor branches on LI choices), a pivotal (and well-handled) fork coming in chapter 4 bring a much-welcome character-defining choice to make it an actual game. I hope the logical difference in scenes/MC actions in both paths is maintaining consistantly, even if it's bound to add up work and time.

    So, again, congrats (and thanks) for the game, it definitely get better as it advance, and I'm eager for chapter 5 :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Leaving DNA is nothing short of a masterpiece. Impious Monk has crafted a story with many twists and turns that keeps you engaged until the end. Every update leaves you wanting more to the point where this might be the best story-telling in all of AVN's. Leaving DNA is the first AVN that I've played that made its love interests both likeable and feel like real people. You will pull your hair out while choosing which route to follow first; the characters are that good. There is no wasted space in the game, which makes it clear that Impious Monk has planned every interaction meticulously. Detractors might claim that there is not enough "adult content" to keep you engaged, but I think that there is a perfect amount of it considering the circumstances of the story. Speaking of this, it is best that you don't play this if you're going through a rough patch. There are dark themes and moments in this story. However, it is not dark to an excruciating level like some other games you might have played. Leaving DNA is balanced by plenty of heart and emotional beats that keep you wanting more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not prepared for how gteat this story is. Engaging and suspenseful with actual character development. The facial expressions on the renders are fantastic. I really can't wait till the next chapter.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    The Reaper_Darrow

    This is easily one of the most well-written and thoughtful VNs ever made. Every detail feels meticulously thought-out and researched, the dialog is intelligent and playful, and the story is perfectly paced, gradually unfolding with twists and turns that never feel out of place. It isn't a game focused on sex scenes and if you go into this expecting that, you'll be disappointed. There aren't a lot of choices either, but it didn't matter to me since the narrative was so intriguing. It's a game focused on story, themes, emotion, relationships, and mental health.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Scotty Doesn't Know

    This is very much story first and lewd scenes taking a back seat for the majority of the VN. There is so much court room drama and case work. While the main plot is fascinating with many mysteries and secrets being up in the air. Involving MCs past and his family, it does drag on too much and any element of fun is nowhere to be seen. The main court case shown with the huge amount of discussion is quite boring and unnecessary. It takes up so much time for a gang killing just to show some metaphor meaning. This could have been done over a few minutes so easily. Not take up at least an hours worth of game time. Or at least have a better case to show it off. As it contributes nothing to the actual story.

    The renders are really good. Although the first chapter is very stiff with the poses, its gets much better as the game goes on. The animations are good too but theres hardly any of them. Women are ok but nothing great. To me i didn't find any that were that unique or had good personalities. They do vary with appearances and body shape which is nice. Environments are well filled out with care gone in to fill out the Court room with people, cars are filling car parks, although half of the time that is not the case also. With empty waiting rooms, offices, etc. Needs more consistency.

    If you plan on viewing this VN for sex or any sort of hot teasing and lewd scenes.... forget about it. Theres hardly any, in fact on certain playthroughs you might only get one sex scene over many hours worth of game time! The flirting options are not flirting lol, its basically just a few seconds of asking them out to dinner! There was nothing sexy about this game at all. None of the situations are hot or exciting. This is more like a depressing courtroom drama TV show, with MCs damaged psyche and all the women around him being a similar vain too.

    The variables of which women you choose to try have a relationship with is restricted to one or two. Even then I still couldn't get a sex scene with any of them! My choices were always greyed out. Maybe there was an issue in the variable coding?

    Writing is fine, quite detailed (probably overly so) if a bit robotic at times. Everything seems to have such a serious tone all the time. Even when they do look like having fun for a brief moment, it will quickly change to very serious topics instantly. Choices are extremely limited and some don't even make much of a difference.
    Episode 4.3 seemed to add in all these cliche twists and unnecessary surprises. Almost as if the dev felt it was getting stagnant and decided to mix it up as much as he could. I dont think I'll continue with this VN. While the main story is engaging, nothing else is at all. When your relationships and lewd scenes are the worst part of your adult game, that's always a major problem!!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't recall being this bored while going through an adult game. Renders are high quality, but character models are fairly generic. Uninteresting characters, uninteresting setting, uninteresting plot. Very few artists can handle "dark" topics in a manner that is still entertaining, this is not one of those cases. All this "slow burn" attempts resulting in silly over the top sex scenes, which makes the whole journey unnecessarily stuck-up. Needless to say my disbelief was not suspended, and my libido was not entertained.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game currently is more like a four star with the potential to be a solid five in the future, however I gave the game a five regardless due to the way it tackles certain themes in an extremely mature way. The relationship between MC and Malena is incredibly relatable for me, to the point where I actually started thinking about my own past experiences and choices, this was honestly a massive bias as to why I bumped it up to a five.

    Renders are great, animations are top notch, models are absolutely up there with the best in the genre, especially Jamie and Malena.

    I don't want to waffle on for too long so I'll just say, Malena is her.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, really nice and different girls. The story is interesting - I didn't even notice that sex scenes are rare. And I really like the main character - he's believable, he's not simple.
    And I'm really fond of Coleen - I have a disabled daughter myself, and Coleen looks really "realistic".
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    - Decent render quality, animations are very smooth.
    - The story is successful in keeping you interested for more. The characters are very well written although there is a frustrating issue which we will get to later.
    - I love that choices matter and each character has a significant level of branching for their routes. Not everything is lazily thrown into a harem route where the girls are jumping into bed with MC for no reason other than porn game reasons. You really feel that decisions have somewhat of an impact rather than being an illusion of choice like in many other VNs.

    - I feel like the dev just has this thinking that it's not good writing unless I subvert expectations at every possible moment type of belief. This belief went into overdrive with Episode 4.
    • Jaime drama, I really see no reason to refuse the kiss. This is the guy you were crazy about and crushed on since the beginning, finally returning your feelings. I understand leaving to Harvard if it stayed platonic but he finally did something she has been waiting forever for. Everything the game has established so far tell us that Jaime prioritizes her feelings for the MC over her career ambitions hence why she stayed at the district attorney's office rather than doing something far greater than that. So she suddenly reverses her decision at this crucial moment?
    • Malena drama, what I don't understand is that MC did not like his father's actions. He despised him for the violence and murders. So he actually shared Malena's opinions. Only until that post-sex scene, he suddenly changed tune and wants a relationship with a murderer? I feel like the dev was like "ok this relationship is going too well, I need to find a reason to create some friction here and subvert expectations"
    • Emma drama, I'm not even surprised. Unbeknownst incest is a popular gotcha trope.
    I'm kinda getting last season of GoT vibes where the authors try to subvert expectations at every opportunity to impress people but it comes at a price of being nonsensical at times. A good writer knows how to balance literary devices so its not overused and doesn't come across as cheap.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I wrote a review earlier that wondered why this game would be getting such across-the-board approbation. I must confess that I had not gotten far enough into the game to discover its value. I will now eat a bowl of crow and declare that I was wrong. It IS in fact that rarity, for me -- a five-star VN.
    Some of the very best writing I've seen, wonderfully detailed and nuanced relationships, and a solid MC.
    My only quibble: there is a scene early on where the MC and his non-threatening Cuba Gooding stand-in friend are shooting hoops and come across a well-dressed white woman being accosted, in preparation for a gang rape, by a gang of 8-10 Chinese 'thugs' (they are called, sequentially, Thug 1, Thug 2, etc.) And the quality of their own artistic depiction is unusually bad. Not character-wise, but just artistically BAD. And BTW, where on earth is this happening? It seemed just so cartoony and unbelievable to me. I mean, even in Rochdale, the dirty deeds were done on the sly, but this? With these 2 huge fat Chinese Boss men hanging around to 'call it off'? Come on.
    And BOY, the MC sure can be pig-headedly selfish in his self-flagellating way sometimes, esp in Ch 4.
    Other than that, though, it's a smash IMO. The intelligent writing, smart dialogue, a winning waif of an ADA that everyone seems to want for the MC while he remains blind, a spritually broken, wise-cracking, HOT best friend of another hot LI. And at the trial where she herself is prosecutor, the display of the 12 jury members, with all their detailed expressions, is impressive.
    I am glad so very many players were so very agog . I count myself, now, among them. Bravo.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Highly engaging story, not a fuck-fest & you need to be careful which of the LIs (currently 4) that you choose. I say that because choosing one will lock you out from the others, so you need to make sure you make the right choice! Bit like RL.
    But this game is all about the story & I found it engrossing & well written.
    LIs are all interesting characters and, although it's subjective, I found them each to carry distinct appeal.

    Recommended to anyone who wants a good AV "Novel", but not for those who want to jump into bed with the latest hot chick.
    I don't give 5 stars, because for me that means perfection & no game is perfect. But the story here is strong enough to give it 4.
    Highly recommended. (y)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Episode 4 really has destroyed this game.

    Incest without an incest tag absolutely is not needed and has now been confirmed by Dev they are not gonna work around that. Already wasn't a big fan of that character to begin with. Jamie path is extremely slow burn but then admit feelings and she is now leaving. Ugh.

    Prior to Episode 4 I would have said 4.5 star game not the top tier but right below, now I am rethinking this game.

    We're now also getting into politics maybe and oh now we're changing who the father is and colleen isn;t related (or maybe she still is?) IDK especially with ep's 6-8 all neededing to come out together.

    I'll re-evaluate this later but I can't call this an Elite Tier AVN that everyone says it is. Its good but its not that great either
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to thank you, Impious Monk, for talking about difficult subjects, such as incest and rape survival with such care.

    Once you've read about 100+ VNs, there comes a time when you're desensitised about some subjects, and incest has been one such case for me. Thank you for setting me straight. And thank you for treating rape survival with the care it deserves: there's just too many VNs out there that use it as a tool to create a "profound backstory" and nothing else. It irks me quite a lot.

    So far I've really liked the story, even if it borders to soap opera at times (please understand I mean no offense; I quite like the story, but when you add up everything happening to the MC, it sometimes feels surreal), but my focus always is on the characters, which are really fleshed out, with a non-(please insert yourself here) MC, which is refreshing to me. Plus, I know nothing about laws and trials, so I feel like I'm learning some stuff.

    I'll be following this one closelyy and I advise everyone who's looking for a good character-driven VN to try this one out, it's worth your time.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s hard to put into words just how incredible this game is. From start to finish, it keeps you completely hooked. The story is deeply engaging, and I found myself fully immersed about 90% of the time. Every character feels alive, masterfully written with real depth and personality. It even has the power to make you cry, especially when meeting a certain sweetheart.

    From a storytelling perspective, this is easily one of the top five visual novels I’ve ever played. I’m writing this just after the ending of Episode 3, about to dive into Episode 4, and I’m absolutely hooked.

    On the technical side, the developer seems to release updates every six months to a year. However, the sheer amount of content and the quality of renders more than make up for the wait—the updates are massive.

    Honestly, there are so many great things to say about this game that it’s hard to list them all. It’s simply too good to pass up. For your own sake, give it a try.

    Huge respect to the developer. This has been an absolute pleasure to play.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars on all front.
    Story: engaging but not silly or far-fetched (so far!)
    Writing: the dialogues feel natural, and I really enjoy that the characters have principles and serious conversations and that you can really feel their inner emotional and intellectual life. They're not empty vessels, they have a life of their own.
    Visuals: it looks great, and I appreciate the small changes in faces showing the characters reactions.

    The one thing that bugs me so far? Someone having a mezzanine with no guardrail. And they're dancing drunk up there :eek:

    If you relish the "novel" bit from AVN, playing this is a no-brainer. If you don't, play it all the same, you'll enjoy it!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN's that I have played. The renders are really good and the story is also well written.

    Its nice to see that all girls have their purpose. This VN is definitely not for anyone who just wants sex. Story is the most important aspect of this VN and it has not disappointed so far.

    I have noticed that the update time is a bit slow but the dev makes up for it through the renders and playtime. There is no lag or anything like there is no scene just as a filler.

    Would definitely recommend this game to anyone who wants a good story