Continuing this, and I still don't know what to make of it. The whole sex-ritual cult thing is a weird plot and some of the girls are giving some very mixed signals. Abigail starts off like she's auditioning for Queen Bitch, then suddenly wants to be "best friends" with the MC? I know she's angry with Jason for cheating, but that's a pretty jarring about-turn when she'd previously shown little to no tolerance of the MC. I mean she even had to be threatened by her sister to speak civilly to him, that's how low an opinion she had of him. I suppose this 'friend' thing could just be a petulant spur of the moment statement because she's angry. I'll have to see what happens in their next encounter.
Then there's Rose, someone who claims she is/was a shy nerdy girl, but who I'm having trouble believing is anything of the sort. She's fine mixing with people at parties, is fascinated with Sunny's sex-ritual and has no problem chasing and scoring with Jason. I suspect she's the Hollywood Nerd trope, i.e. not nerdy at all, but hey she's got glasses so that counts, right!?

I know she says at the beginning she's trying not to dress/act nerdy this year, but speaking as someone who was a shy nerd at that age, that sort of abrupt personality switch I find difficult to believe. If it was that easy for her to change, then she was never what she said she was to start with.
And now the elephant in the room, Chloe. I thought Jenny's girls in AOA Academy worked fast, but they've got nothing on this girl. She basically jumps on the MC and decides he's her boyfriend within like half an hour of meeting him? That was strange, but okay, suspension of disbelief and all that. These games always pack a lot of events in a short space of time, so... whatever. But then she goes from innocent virgin to having sex outdoors in, what, a couple of days?

At least in Being a DIK, Maya has the excuse of having to do it as an initiation task to explain it. Chloe though goes from
Oh my I've never been touched down there, to
Oh yes, do me in the park, so fast she should have whiplash.
MC has only just met Lisa, so I can't really comment on her yet. Eva started off as Abigail's nicer older sister, but is quickly becoming creepy. Her involvement in the sex cult just puts her more firmly on the Stay Away From list for me. Anna is the only person in this game who makes sense to me. She's been shown to be conflicted regarding the MC and is struggling to deal with her issues. That seems more real to me than anything else so far. And I can't do a darn thing about it as the MC is locked into this stupid relationship with Chloe.
I don't feel other games I've played so far have had this much of a problem with characterisation. Am I being too critical? Maybe they do and I'm just noticing it a lot more in this game for some reason, but I don't think I am.