Great game.
It has a pretty unique concept (in terms of AVNs atleast) with a good+well executed plot & above average presentation (it can still be improved a lot, but AVNs in general are not good at it, even the really good ones, so).
Coupled with the considerate dev note & the devs engagement in the thread, this looks like a gem.
I'm give some feedback which is a mix of playing the game & reading the threads posts (which was a few days ago so the memory maybe a bit blurry)
The sex scene at the start was very nice. I'm usually not a fan of the "dropping an irrelevant sex scene at the very beginning" trick, but the start overall was done well here, with the loop override of the real thoughts giving it a nice little touch as obvious hints.
The scene itself was pretty nice with the choices, with variants to avoid sharing/futa & for the 3-way act too.
It'd have been great if those choices were flagged as well tho. With _sb being the only flag, it's kinda sad that we won't see that futa hacker again (or if we did there'd be no way to mention which variant of the SexBot scene was chosen)
The plot's pretty well done overall, with the character introductions & overall storyline pretty well staggered. In terms of storytelling atleast the games pretty good. We are slowly introduced to the plot & chracters at a good pace. The dialogue's pretty good too.
Atleast in terms of story development & presentation, this game has nothing to worry about.
Something that's kind of a pet peeve of mine is a lot of devs misconception of "replay value". They mistakenly believe making all content not available in a single playthrough will make a player replay the game, which is a flawed assumption. You're more likely to play the same great content in a good game again compated to trying to play bad new content in a bad game.
The replayability of a game is determined by it's quality & gameplay(eg: replaying mass effect on hard mode is for the fps game aspect)
In AVNs with almost no gameplay, it's best to not think about replayability & just craft the best story.
Of course, I don't mean to say there shouldn't be any choices or diverging routes or impactful choices (kinetic novels suck just as bad). What I mean is a dev shouldn't take replayability into account when crafting the story, making a choice just to force players to replay the game.
(minimising the divergence of routes is of course necessary even without such considerations. It just overinflates the budget at an exponential rate (time is money if you think solo devs have no budget))
Rather it'd be better to focus on crafting a good story with good routes without thinking about replayability.
Personally I feel a good game should have almost all content a player wants(eg dom route vs sub route is an example where the alternative route is something the player is happy to miss) in a single playthrough. Some divergence & routes are definitely preferred but not to the extent that you need to play the game multiple times to get the whole story/ the complete experience.
For example: In the current game, the club scene differs in 2 places based on your choice with ella.
The 1st one: whether you meet stella or not is fine imo. You presumably will meet her later anyway, so it's a nice impact of the ella choice.
The 2nd one, whether you see the ella+isabel scene however, was unnecessarily gated imo. Even if mc turns down ella, the scene should still play imo, with the dialogue content changing from "he fucked me" to "he turned me down"
The mom/sister choice at the end also makes sense since it seems like we'll just see the the other sim in the next choice.
So my advice would be: do try to avoid making a game that only makes sense across multiple playthroughs. Consequences of choices are fine, but cutscenes showing backstory (like ella+mistress scene) should be uniformly shown, with the content changing appropriately.
While there are probably people who play AVNs multiple times, I think it's a bit to tedious 80% of the time & I think this also applies to the silent majority (atleast in games without gameplay)
Moving on to girl-on-girl ntr: I think a lot of devs fall into the trap of looking at ntr in terms of definition instead of feeling. I've seen devs justify "it's not
technically ntr" when it definitely felt like ntr (ofc ppl flying off the handle at a perfectly reasonable scene is more common). Ntr is a feeling & it depends on how it's executed imo.
As an example, for this game, I wouldn't mind if ness plays around with other ppl(I wouldn't even mind a male slave, but I think that'd be just me), but if the girlfriend nat hooks up with another girl (her friends for example) behind the mc's back, that'd be cheating/ntr imo.
Basically I don't like what's clearly cheating being waved off as nothing cause it's same sex. With same sex marriage being a reality these days, "it just some girl on girl fun, it's nothing serious" just doesn't fly.
It also has to do with character perception to a degree. Ness & Isabel doing it is fine since it's already established in their character development so far, however nat or the family doing it might feel a bit much, especially nat as the official loyal girlfriend with a shy/reserved personality.
Another point would be: It'd feel too much if everyone does it. If every female character is sleeping around with each other, it'd be pretty weird.
While I'm not against some lesbian scenes, especially if it has some bdsm flavours, too much wouldn't feel good.
Another thing relevant to this is player agency. Being able to choose, atleast for the non-powerful characters like the family & girlfriend (+their group) would improve the game experience immensely imo. From your mentioned examples, sharing the mom with ness or the sister growing a cock would be very different if it was forced with no alternatives vs if it was chosen with an alternative sex path.
The prologue scene gives me a good feeling tho, if similar structure is present in future sex scenes, with enough choices, it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Personally I see everything in a case by case basis. So whether I like the mom+ness scene or futa sister scene will totally depend on the specific scene. That being said, 2 points:
1. I like the game so far as of this release with no complaints (except maybe the ella scene being gated by mc_ell)
2. Choices are always great, such that the prologue scene with the sexbot was better than the scenes with nat.
Further feedback on vague things would be meaningless, I'll talk about it further after seeing the actual content in further releases.
Anyway, goodluck with the game.
ps: wonder what e c s stand for. mc_s is obviously tracking sex, but gotta wait to see how e & c are used.
oh, I also enjoyed how nat jealousy was the common theme in both the mom & sis sims
also, what's the planned release cycle for the game?
ps2: in response to the above discussion about MC assertiveness, I feel it could be solved by adding more inner thoughts/monologues to the MC.
Something along the lines of "Let's wait & see for now before deciding on further action/what moves to make"
Or, "I'm not gonna let this bitch boss me around for ever, but for now I need to accept I have the weaker hand & bide my time"
Lets the player know that the mc isn't a spineless dummy without capacity for thought, while still maintaining the current status quo. The dialogues just have to be open-ended enough that on the passive route it can become that MC couldn't turn it around & had to continue being passive.
I think the point that's annoying the players isn't that the mc is being passive, but the lack of any defined reaction from the mc.
Basically you need to put more effort to put your above explanation in-game, that MC
is actually thinking this through & isn't going along with everything brainlessly without giving any thought or having any reaction to the situation.
Edit: On further thought, some such choices in the nat scenes would've been good maybe. I felt those were a bit kinetic beyond the yes/no choice & since they don't have the same power balance as ness-mc interactions, you could allow the players to define their characters a bit.
I agree with the meaningless choices part, so I'm not talking about choices like doggy vs missionary, but more character defining choices like how dominant/rough/selfish/etc he was in the relationship, subtly allowing the player to influence atleast some of the mc's relationship & character.
Another example: how he reacts to the girlfriend's friend wearing his shirt & barging in on them (this one might be a bit much if you are looking to keep the variables on the low side

Anyway, just some thoughts.