It's Just a Game, it's just a game, just a game...
And this is my review so there may be spoilers - just so you know. A review, expressing...
Anyway, the game is set-up in Acts and this build stops somewhere in Act 2. So, a decent amount of content.
The game is typical of porn logic, pace moves quick enough (which I generally like), you live with your family, you start a new job. You get the idea. But it does build on itself, the narrative progresses, it keeps moving.
The dialogue is terse, but uses the time well and is decently written. You're not going to get bogged down with prose.
All this equates to a decent Act 1, if I do so say. I actually became invested, which surprised me. The story ain't bad. There are some interesting themes explored here. And sex, of course.
I particularly liked how the sim was influencing the family members in the 'real' world and the fact the MC is working on a bridge as to connect two sims - I could see it as a nice corrupting tool.
Did I mention this is a review? It should give you an idea of things. Sorry about any spoilers.
Act 2 begins and things are looking sketchy, it raises a lot of questions - which is rare for a porn logic story. So far, so good.
And then you're hit over the head about what a game is, and then you're finally connected. Complete the game, chap, but it ain't your story(ies)???
I can tell the dev(s) understand the structure of story, but I can't help thinking they're going to have to pull something grand out of their arse to deliver the finale pay-off.
Especially as the H-scense ain't animated. This game could really do with animation.
I mean, the renders are fine. Some great looking bodies. Some ugly looking faces (but I like that in these games for some reason...).
All-in-all, four stars. I'm going with good. Despite no animations, despite being hit over the head with about games, this is a game, this is the villain.
This is either going to end as a cracking story, or they'll paint themselves into a corner looking like idiots, and we've all wasted our time.
The majority of the H-scenes need to return to the 'real' world, some good sheet was brewing there.
And that's my review.
It's Just a Review, it's just a review, just a review.