That seems to be about meThats why I have been trying to tell for months. Someone here always defend the Dev.
My reply : No... you have been talking mostly nonsense for months... This is the reality and this post of yours does not fail to show it...
When people earn money more than they should [...] it makes around 7-8k for month and in this economy even highly respected jobs , seniors can't get that money.
More money they should earn ? Who are you to ever see yourself legit to judge on that ? Elaborate please...
The amount the dev get comes from many subscribers each WILLING to give the money they want from $2 to $20 monthly...
The amount comes from the number of subscribers.
What is the amount you see the dev is legit to earn ? Would you forbid some of the subscribers to give money despite they want to if the limit is reached ?
I do not understand such nonsense... Do you get how Patreon-like platform work or not ?
it seems to me you speak as if a company or a single dude gave this dev this amount of money monthly...
About the 90k... *sigh *[...] it is always like this. You say 90k ha ?
This part goes for you too Nick_Young
making between $38400 and $48000. That said, I do not know "where" in the workflow Patreon take their commission but they do : they do not work for free.
That is the true MINIMUM !
However, to be fair, all subscribers are not giving money on this minimum (me for example). Hence the actual earning is greater than that even far greater, who knows ?
EDIT : 90k is right.
In fact I do not care...
As a subscriber, I do not mind what other subscribers do. Devs can have 10 to 10000 subscribers, I make my decision to support devs based on MY OWN criterions... (does the game fit my taste ? Does the dev posts regular and relevant news about his progression ? Is the dev reliable on the long time? and so on)
And if a dev manages to gather many subscribers, good for him.
If subscribes will continue to drop significantly - I hope - , you will see then we start getting monthly high quality updates.
What are you waiting for ? Open a Patreon page, make your own game at least in the same quality as this one... I will be fair about it as I always do my best to be. Impress me with your skills.
And do not dare to "take too much time"
As long as you just talk and do nothing but play this game for free, you will not have my respect on this matter.
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