
Jun 22, 2017
I was so happy and excited to see Ma was very hairy, next time we see her intimite parts i see that the hair is gone!
Don't do this! D=
You should make the pussy very hairy again! D=

But still its your game though so you decide what do do and what not. But i would be very sad it stays shaven for the rest of the game. Is there any possibility you decide to bring it back or optional even?


Apr 1, 2021
Ma is hot. Really like seeing her body in HD. Like a heaven level body. Selene is hot too.

PT was pretty solid playthrough. I'm sure this will also be great.


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
This game is underrated, need more attention. I will subscribe patreon if the dev release update at least every two month. not twice a year lol. Anyway Goodluck for the dev and team
Thanks for the praise! Unfortunately, two months would be impossible for me. I don't use any pose or expression libraries. Everything is posed manually including face bones to make expressions. Additionally, I sculpt and do cloth simulations for most scenes. It's common for each render to take 30m-1hour of preparation.

3-4 months was the original target and that's something I'm hoping to find consistency with in 2023.

Some error screens appear in the last scene View attachment 2088690
Could you post more information about this in the bug report channel on ? I haven't come across this bug and have replayed this route and the ma_titjob displays just fine. I'm interesting in identifying the cause of this before releasing the non-beta tomorrow.

Glad that Domiek wont go grind route as in Personal trainer game
Not only no grind, I'm going out of my way to reduce as much unnecessary dialogue/renders as possible. The script I write at the start of the episode gets reviewed and reduced several times before renders, then reduced further during the final week of bug testing. My goal is to get you guys to the good stuff without feeling the need to skip the text.

We may have a winner for worlds most punchable face. View attachment 2089604
College-bro douchebag was 100% the intention here. At least it's not a 10 year old 4 foot tall MC named Max :LOL:

I was so happy and excited to see Ma was very hairy, next time we see her intimite parts i see that the hair is gone!
Don't do this! D=
You should make the pussy very hairy again! D=

But still its your game though so you decide what do do and what not. But i would be very sad it stays shaven for the rest of the game. Is there any possibility you decide to bring it back or optional even?
Unlike a 2D game, I can't simply overlay a bush over existing renders and call it good. Doing a bush/non-bush option going forward is essentially doubling the render count needed. However, Ma will have some nice landscape because that is something I myself want to see on her.

Well I guess that makes sense. It might take a long time to make those custom animations. Does the dev have a discord?

The first response I made earlier in this comment touches on this point. Unfortunately the long development time was mostly due to personal reasons. Stupid devs and their excuses :sick:


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
Warning: Incoming wall of text. Your guys criticism of the long development time is absolutely valid so I've made this Dev Talk a public post which summarizes most of the prior Dev Talks on some of these points.

Dev Talk - Cool Story Bro

Decided to make this Dev Talk public as Patrons were already more or less aware of some of these hardships.

Overall I'm feeling relieved and good about episode two. It was well received but also did have some fair criticism over the long development cycle. I've briefly touched on some of the pain points in the past, but will summarize them again. I wanted to wait until the episode release before publicly coming out with the typical dev excuses. Are porn devs the unluckiest and most miserable people on the planet? Tune in at 10.

TL/DR: The complaints are all valid. The original goal was for 3-4 months development cycles but 2022 decided that anal hemorrhage was the far better outcome.

I released episode one at the end of January and was aiming for a late spring/early summer release of episode two. Things obviously did not go as planned.

Moving: I found out that I'll be moving to the other side of the world at the end of the year. This forced a home remodel that my wife has been insisting on for years so that we could rent or sell at a reasonable rate. This took a month to complete where my office was inaccessible. The only game related development I could do was writing the episode on my laptop at the end of the day.

Blender Bug: Blender Cycles decided to introduce a seizure inducing strobe light bug on all animations. Single renders were fine but as soon as animation was introduced, all character hair started pulsing like a disco ball. I spent a week trying to resolve this issue before losing my mind and switching to Octane Render out of frustration. The initial tests gave great results, so I spent the next month manually rebuilding every shader from Cycles to Octane. I'm not exaggerating when I say this was 8-10 hour days of mind numbing labor, manually selecting and rebuilding the shader of every surface on every asset. Once production started full swing again, I realized Octane doesn't handle Blender particle hair well at all. The viewport would not update for 5+ seconds and render times took 2-3x longer.

This issue was not visible during testing because the tests were run on single characters & environments independently where the performance issues were not noticeable. Only once I started full production scenes with multiple characters + full environments did that 2-3x performance hit become apparent. By the time this was discovered, Blender fixed the strobe light bug and I was back to Cycles. The silver lining I tell myself to keep from crying is that rebuilding all the shaders in Octane taught me that some of my Cycles shaders were built incorrectly, which I was able to address. You may have noticed earlier in the episode that the renders appear to be different, because they were.

Elder Abuse: This was the biggest factor to slowing down development. I don't want to go into details of this personal matter, but my physically declining elderly father was being financially exploited and abused by his much younger wife. We're talking sleep deprivation, isolation and possibly over the counter medication to pacify him. There was a 3 month period where I'd be driving between two cities or making phone calls for 10-12 hours a day. My diet for most of these days were two packs of cigarettes and coffee until things settled down at night and I was able to eat something solid.

On the bright side, this was a great weight loss program. Maybe I'll add a new Patreon tier to sell you this one trick personal trainers don't want you to know about!

This issue is not entirely over but it's now in the hands of the government so my involvement is very minimal.

Episode 3

Unfortunately, 2022 will still continue being a pain in my ass. I still have to deal with all of the logistics of moving across the world. I've mostly ignored all of this until I could get episode two out, but now it's time to start taking care of everything I've neglected. I need to plan on how to make this move smooth with as little downtime as possible for developing the next episode. We're provided a shipping container but this can take months to arrive at our new home. Hell, we haven't even found a place yet.

I'll be working as much as possible on the game until mid December, where I will need to part out my computer. I'll bring my GPU's and hard drives in my luggage and end up building a new PC so that I won't have to sit around for months waiting for the shipping container to arrive. The silver lining once again is that this gives me a good excuse to upgrade my first generation ryzen CPU, which will greatly reduce the time in posing, animating and simulations.

I don't expect episode three to take 9 months like episode two, but it will surely not be the 3-4 month original target. I expect to find consistency in a release schedule sometime by early 2023 once we've settled in our new home on the other side of the world.

Thank you all for your support and patience. I was feeling extremely down and doubting myself when releasing episode two, but your great feedback really brought some warmth and happiness to an otherwise miserable year.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
i fucking love this game. it is one my favorites. more devs need to learn how to write great humor like this. the MC is hilarious. loved the scenes with his "Auntie"
can't wait for the next update.
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