Since somebody posted on my profile & asked about "Why is this English only?" referring to the 1.85 version, it's simple; I haven't done the machine translations yet for all other languages that are in the original (which was also done with machine translation).
If the 1.85 is "bug free," or at least, no reported issues, then I'll probably start in on that bit of work in a few weeks, right after I get the 1.95 out the door on March 30th, since there's already a lot on my plate for the current update in progress.
Last but not least, I gotta say thank you to the folks in this thread: from the new fonts to the accessibility options for text size, to the revamped intro, there's been many updates, improvements, and changes based on the feedback here into the remade game. If I was the world's best game developer, (ha!) then I wouldn't need to worry about learning. We all know I'm not, but at least, I'm improving, and taking all the comments into account, which makes me super happy, since I know folks only chime in if they wish something was (different / better / improved).
There's only a few more updates before the remake is finished, and while some suggestions might not make it into the game for possible scenes due to complexity (eg, too many characters) I'm still keen on hearing all your ideas, as if it's possible / fits into my schedule / etc, then I'd love to deliver those improvements or ideas you have.
Okay, that was too much text, but you get the idea.
TL;DR - feedback is great, and if you say something, there's a chance I'll do something along those lines
