Amazing game with, fun and interesting characters, and a fulfilling and fantastic story. And while I have praise for the game I have a few problems with the renders/dialog for one character, renders for the MC, and the amount of content. First, is the renders and dialog about the dog Molly whose render is a male dog but the dialog says that Molly is a girl. My suggestion is to use a female dog render or add some dialog that talks about how Molly believes that she is a girl dog. Second, the clothes of the MC after he gets a new set of clothing doesn't really show that well so sometimes I mistake them for his old clothes. I think it would be better to use a bit more colorful clothing or a different style of clothing that can still give off the feeling of him having new clothes. And finally, the MC has a lot of free time on his hands often leaving us with a scene where he watches shows and movies he doesn't even enjoy instead of taking that time to do things that could be done in a choice free roam where we can select a thing to do. This would make it so the number of times he is sitting and watching movies instead of fulfilling his promises or doing things he needs to do. I think it would be awesome if we were able to do more dates, investigate certain characters, help people out, work, fulfill promises, and more.