
Sep 13, 2019
Alright, This maybe repetitive, so I'm sorry for that. I'm borrowing this from fula, the credits goes to him. (Thanks for the help and sorry for not informing you about this.)

Best stats leadership growth - Black Orc
Best heath, defense stats growth - the Blue Axe Orc?
Highest physical stat orc - Red Orc (but they can't seem to use any magic and has range 1)
Highest magic - Shaman, (can cast the most magic and has most growth potential for magic power)
The yellow orc can be considered tier 2 goblin mobs. (all in 1 monster with lesser stats)

Difference between magic and magic power
magic = the times you can cast magic
magic power = how much damage or healing you can do
leadership affects how many monsters the leader can lead, meaning you do more damage and can take more damage.

The area with the words 資料庫 (Ranging from 1 to 5 Turns)
Page 1 items that does healing when defending nests, heals 10 hp to 50 per turn
Page 2 items that negates attacks, only 1 of the 4 defending units can be granted (THIS IS RANDOM),
Page 3 does damage to all enemy troops- looks like direct damage to troops first then leaders.

The area with食糧庫 is used for buffing new born monsters,( monsters can only buffed 3 times and only on the day of birth)
++important++ buffed monster stats won't carry over to child ex. goblin parent with 6hp, buffed to 15 hp-- child goblin goes back to 6 or 7 hp not 15.

The girls are aligned to give birth to higher stats monsters depending on their stats on bottom right,(there are max stats boost for each girl, meaning you can't use 1 girl to piggyback a particular stat.)
the first column is their name, then their sanity(sans) their magic spell, which their child might learn
the bottom right besides their portrait sanity(sans),their magic, their stats improvement for the child.
(攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power) the rest of the stats grow by generation (my opinion)
the green goblins can give birth to all types of monsters, but with extremely bad stats.

The girls all have three levels of corruption, seen by bottom right. the icon that looks like handcuffs.
The corruption level is seen on the third line, (拒絕 refuse, ?順 = obedient 淫?= perverted).
Different level determine what gets born out and their stats. eg. lv1 are almost all green goblin born regardless of parent with bad stats.
Then sans turn to 0, the girl will die on next turn, which turns into food, depending on the character, the higher they are the better the food they turn into.(these food are the best boosts for monsters),

The stats in the food(統率 leadership) (攻擊力 attack) (防禦力 defense) (魔力 magic power)

The five buttons for the attack and defense screen
from left to right attack, defend, magic slot 1,magic slot 2 ,steal.
There a limit of items for stealing,
I don't think you can change the magic slots to other magic (It depends on the mother and monster)

The auto sucks, (enter/space = fast forward)

Nests intruders occur every 5 days, with special invaders as triggered events.
You'll see enemies have stacks under them, if the damage you've dealt is more than the number of stacks under them, ONLY the units that are stacked up are reduced to 0 not the whole unit's HP.
If I remember correctly, the more you attack the area, the faster you proceed, I reached that Elf Queen? on the end by Day 65 (I was making more units so you can probably reach it early.)

5 endings: (This is without that DLC)
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "perverted".
+ Make all of the heroines' stats to "perverted" without capture Diana (the girl in yellow knight armor).
+ Make all Elves stats to "perverted".
+ Reach 80 Days without doing anything above, Normal End basically.
+ Die from the raid.

You can start a new game+ carrying over the surviving units, if you die midway and reached Day 80.

My Strategy:
I only used green goblins as stacks, and keep on beating the enemy by magic. it's ok for them to die so you can use the girls until perverted stats. if you're having trouble on some certain enemies, just hit and retreat. Btw, Just blast all of them with attack magic, so you can reduce theirs stacks to 0.(This strategy was posted earlier better read that lol.)

If any of this is wrong, please let me know so I can edit this.
can you edit your post to include tips from our great friend here it make life so much easier
Easy - feed her with human meat (but don't forget to replenish sanity back to 2+!).
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Mar 10, 2018
in 3rd day when the first girl give birth, i got Goblin Lord lol
though his stat is not that high but his class is the highest ww


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Magic was greatly nerfed in the latest version, wow. Basic aoe is 0.5x damage now, Water Raju is 1.2x Damage. I thought it was just the aoe at first. There goes mage builds. They were broken before but now it's too hard to even pierce defenses with it.

Ugh, wish I knew that before I spent so long on that run. Feels like the only way to beat it in one go now is to cheese or sacrifice girls. Maybe it's intended to fail and have to restart. That kinda makes me sad because it's so close to being possible, until you get to around day 70 anyways.

I got all the way to the new captain unit (Armored short haired blonde chick with the circlet) in one go anyways with the magic nerfs, I guess that's an accomplishment. I woulda built my attack units more if I knew magic sucked now lol.
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Aug 18, 2018
Magic was greatly nerfed in the latest version, wow. Basic aoe is 0.5x damage now, Water Raju is 1.2x Damage. I thought it was just the aoe at first. There goes mage builds. They were broken before but now it's too hard to even pierce defenses with it.

Ugh, wish I knew that before I spent so long on that run. Feels like the only way to beat it in one go now is to cheese or sacrifice girls. Maybe it's intended to fail and have to restart. That kinda makes me sad because it's so close to being possible, until you get to around day 70 anyways.
Yea you gotta go second run, it impossible to develop your gobbos to win hard enough against elf queen (even if you manage it you will probably get the standard game over at day 80 before you can do anything and its better to have your developed your gobbos so you can work on second run). In second run you should be able to cap everyone, I didnt know how to drop their mental state quick enough, even if you spam some of them at low sanity it seems to take forvever (like simona) idk. Anyway so after run 2 Im currently on run 3 trying to cause all of them to drop to lowest state so i can get the ending. Fighting is no issue because gobbos are OP AF on run 3 and a lesser extent 2. A few tips: Magic is nerfed in dlc and aoe isnt worth it imo since you want to one shot all the enemies units on first atk. ATK is op as hell in run 2/3 as long as you spam breed your champions and paladins with the ATK genetics girls, make sure your always taking the genetically highest unit . Magic only matters on the shammy and lord. I actually only use the lord as a healer with Prayer Rain spell which is sick. If you use this setup you can run champion army with champ units attached, paladin w/ hob/pal/champ and lords with hobs/shamans and shamans with shaman supports with losing almost nothing in every run(you need to at least be in run 2 and have units bred with the abilities properly).


Jan 28, 2018
Alright last post of this game :
Getting ending require certain girl to reach "nasty" state, girl will enter nasty state after a certain loss of SAN (Sanity), someone said girl in nasty state will give more stats to the new generation.
Fucking the girl, pregnant and laying goblin all -1 SAN , and since you can fuck the girl who lay goblin on the same day, by default it's -4 SAN every 3 days, the type of goblin doesn't affect the rate SAN goes down.
The most easy way to get girl into nasty state is simply give her the skull.
Remember to not let the girl enter 0 SAN or else she died, giving food to raise SAN does not affect the state progression.

This is the amount of SAN need to be reduce to enter nasty state for each girl :
Anvil : 30
Ilari : 30
Jada : 30
Chloe : 30
Sayuki : 30
Simona : 60
Hibiki : 30
Vivian : 30
Diana : 40
Iris : 40
Melanie : 70
Zoe : 40
Olivia : 40
Rikka Donna : 40
Patrizia : 90
Was testing using human skull, so some girls might actually have condition like -25 instead of -30.

And this is how you get all Ending:
END 1: just lose to the enemy who invade your burrow.
END 2: pass 80 days without meeting other ending requirement.
END 3: Sayuki and Hibiki reach nasty state, without capturing Diana.
END 4: All Human Heroine reach nasty state, this exclude Sayuki and Hibiki. (Anvil,Ilari,Jada,Chloe,Vivian,Diana,Iris,Zoe,Olivia,Rikka Donna)
END 5: Simona and Patrizia reach nasty state.

*The ending trigger right after you end your turn when condition were met, you don't need to wait for 80 days.


Oct 11, 2017
so to get strong goblins u need to kill ur human captures? and feed ur goblin;s their dead body? is there another way? i dont like those snuff things. >.> does training permantly raise goblins stats? but when i do that alot of them die and sometimes i get no +1 stat up. D":


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
so to get strong goblins u need to kill ur human captures? and feed ur goblin;s their dead body? is there another way? i dont like those snuff things. >.> does training permantly raise goblins stats? but when i do that alot of them die and sometimes i get no +1 stat up. D":
Seems you get a bonus point for every 100 goblins sacrificed. It seems to kinda be a waste to me. You can boost gobs quicker just farming items and breeding/feeding newbie goblins. Even the basic goblins get noticeable stronger with higher generations too. It's basically just for if you find yourself with too many basic goblins, which shouldn't really be a problem unless you're just spamming 3 breeding a turn without farming items.


Jan 28, 2018
so to get strong goblins u need to kill ur human captures? and feed ur goblin;s their dead body? is there another way? i dont like those snuff things. >.> does training permantly raise goblins stats? but when i do that alot of them die and sometimes i get no +1 stat up. D":
to get strong you don't need to kill the capture, although killing them speed thing up, the reason killing capture can get you strong goblin is because they give you a great food that give all stats +6 / 9 / 12 / 15 depend on the girl you're killing.

to get strong, basically :
1. breed new generation, each generation is stronger slightly than the previous one.
2. focus the girl you want for the stats, for example a goblin breed with Anvil(starting girl) for magic bonus, once the new generation is born, mark one of the goblin, give it +magic attack food, and have it breed with Anvil the next turn, keep repeat this and you will see your goblin does a lot magic damage now, same thing apply to attack/ defend.

The training stuff kill half of your goblin, and then for every 100 goblin you kill, all goblin get permanent stats of your choice, you only use that when you reach the goblin number cap (500) since you can't take any action if you didn't .


Jul 20, 2017
I cant read magic power number
Maybe if it was shortened to "Att #, Def #, Mag #" or "AP #, DP #, MP #" or something like that
I think even "Attack #, Defence #, Magic #" would fix it
Does anyone else have this issue?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Any guide or strategy? I get rekt once I get to 5th or 6th girl
Guide/Strategy Info:

Your priority every turn is like:

1: Set traps if they aren't already set (Set all 3 at once, each time you exit it uses an action, so don't go setting them over multiple periods). You should always have traps set prepared for the intruders every 5th turn and the random girls entering. Some girls appear without warning so it should always be the highest priority.

2: Keep your girls fed if you don't want to sacrifice them. Command food is really common and is pretty useless to feed to your goblins, so I recommend feeding that to your girls.

3: Feed baby goblins if they have the proper skills/higher generation/stronger versions than the previous. Careful not to waste food on subpar goblins.

When you exit the feed menu completely after feeding any units, it uses up an action. So try to not to back out of feeding goblins/meat beds until you're done feeding all goblins/meat beds. Tab over to goblin/meat bed rather than exiting and reentering. You'll waste a ton of actions over the course of the game if you aren't careful.

4: Breed girls till 1 turn left. Always prefer the higher generations over the lower ones in the right breed tree. If you're waiting for a certain girl to be ready or waiting for a higher generation goblin baby to go into your roster and have spare action points, you can always breed some rando goblins for fodder. This'll happen quite a bit, especially early on when there are usually only 1-2 girls you want to breed with your best units to focus them properly on their best stat.

5: Hunt/Fight on the map with your last action for items (It will eat any additional actions so always use it last). This is where your fast goblin upgrading comes from. You want to hunt at the end of almost every turn. Make sure you search for items until you find 3 before ending the match. You'll only get traps and Command food from scavenging in combat, but that's still helpful. The stat boost food for goblins other than Command are randomized at the win screen only and can never be scavenged in combat sadly.

Now when I talk about breed tree, I mean be careful about mixing goblin lines. Your Shamans pretty much just want magic. Your Hobgoblins and Goblin Road/Lord are your jack of all trades types that can use anything. Your Champions/Paladins are more attack/defense/hp focused.

Let's say you're breeding a Champion to have a ton of attack/defense. That Champion could produce a Shaman, and if you aren't careful, it could have extremely pitiful Magic. It's not always easy to tell if you don't catch that stuff early. Mix types enough and all your units will have a ton of wasted stats. A good idea is to make sure certain goblins never pick up certain skills so it's easier to keep them separate. Never breed anything but Shamans/Hobgoblins with Jada (The Secret of Wood mag damage skill) for example. That way if you see Secret of Wood skill on anything but Shamans or Hobgoblins, you know not to bother boosting that baby with items. If your physical damage dealers have it, you know they belong to the magic tree and not to feed them either.

The tricky one to keep track of is the Goblin Champion because it doesn't learn skills. If your Shaman line makes one, it might be hard to tell it's from the Shaman and not one of your physical damage goblin dads. Just pay attention to its magic stat.

If you focus each type of goblin specifically for its best stats, they'll be much stronger than if you just breed willynilly with whatever. You get to save items for the goblins that can use them best as well. Imagine you raise multiple lines of magic users and keep splitting up magic items between them because you don't know which one was the original. With very strict breed lines, you'll be able to save better items for them and they'll get way bigger boosts quicker thanks to that.

Some goblin types have a really hard time boosting certain stats too. Like goodluck making your Shamans tanky or your Paladins decent at damage dealing magic, they just don't build those stats well. Generation boosts are huge too. It's usually always better to breed with a higher generation. Also make sure to always try to breed with mothers that focus on the stats you want raised as well, and be careful about pairing damage dealing spell mothers with physical damage dealing goblin trees. Your physical damage dealer line can breed with Chloe for Forest Protection because Paladins can make good use of the buff as front row units with little magic.

Here's an example of what's possible by focusing goblin lines properly:

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Here's some item drops on maps btw (I'll continue updating it later. but it should help get you started knowing where to focus early):

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Aug 5, 2016
I figured out what the problem was i had the orginal one with the dlc(cracked) copied in and it had a bug never played the event where the magican and "adventur" came and unlocked the village.
F95 one unlock after i did one battle on the woods map.
Aug 7, 2019
Does anyone have any idea how to get the DLC endings?

Ending 6 and 7, that is.


Ending 6 is by getting Zoe, Iris, and Sophie to "Nasty"

Ending 7 is with Patricia, Zara, and Giovanna to "Nasty".
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