Just a sidenote. Doesn't have to be in the office (just not your room), and the tennis courts aren't necessary for the festival stuff. In 0.4.1 she gets a tracker option once you've discovered her in the kitchen. Her content was always meant to be semi-hidden. A bonus for exploration, but I think adding festival hints (also now expanded for her) kinda took that away.
All incest is optional.
With MC - Mother/Sister/Aunt/Cousin
Others -
Brother & Sister (with MC possessing the brother)
Father & Daughter (with MC possessing the father)
Threesome with two sisters unrelated to MC.
Swinging - Nothing yet, that's a planned tag. There are no FFMM scenes at this time.
Derek doesn't currently have any meaningful content.
What bug exactly do you have? The original comment was about being stuck on buffer 3/5 and never being able to go East with Kylie bugging you every morning about it. But if you're planning the festival, you've already been out East.
nogettis is spot on. Longer term, I don't want the player to need to play the game multiple times to experience all the lewds. That said (sub)story content will differ based on choices and sometimes the dialogue in lewds will too as a result.
However, it's not there yet and right now there are scenes that can be locked out, especially in the latest update.
There is one caveat to that, there are a handful of lewds that have one or two different videos in their sequence based on what family options you chose. For example,
Derin has a scene where she calls herself mommy in the audio. This is cut out if you are playing with Gemma as a family friend or landlady..
Is Piper in her mature form, maybe? Piper can't be working either.
Otherwise, might be due to a bug found with teaching. If Ava isn't scheduled between 18 and 22 to go to Piper's home (can check on calendar app), try running this in the console.
overrideSchedule('kenna', 18, 22, "kyliehome")
then changing your location. This should force her to be there.