- Jan 18, 2024
- 28
- 56
I'm the creator of this game. I don't have a problem with my work be re-distributed, but I do wanna respond to some posts here and answer some questions. Hopefully y'all won't mind the wall of text, and if so, sorry!
Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.
As far as the bullet points listed above, I've published two other games in the past which were funded on Patreon, and FOXXX is set to be completed this year (August for 1.0, end of the year for polish & player requests).
That being said, I'm totally fine with people grabbing my work for free from wherever they find it. It's cool knowing people are enjoying my smut.
How would you guys word it?
I think "Shady practices" is a bit overkill, honestly. I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the development of my games, and I've supplied in-depth stats during development multiple times. FOXXX's current word-count is 437,897 words. I can screenshot my Twine "Story Stats" window if you're not convinced.
I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.
That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?
So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of questions. FOXXX is very much still in development, and I plan to add tons of stuff between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.
If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.
Cheers & have a good one!
I'm the creator of this game. I don't have a problem with my work be re-distributed, but I do wanna respond to some posts here and answer some questions. Hopefully y'all won't mind the wall of text, and if so, sorry!
There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.I do regret the months I was originally subbed for FOXXX updates (before I knew this site existed) since there isn't a lot being put in every month. Hilariously, after I stopped supporting it, I found out that I could get free updates via kemono.party, and the very next update, the creator ALL OF A SUDDEN stopped uploading directly to Patreon which to this day makes me wonder if I was personally responsible for that decision...(probably not but man was it a weird coincidence!)
Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.
I couldn't have put it better myself. I'm all for buying content worth its salt, even if it's in Early Access, but the increasing reliance on monthly models is just getting out of hand. We have a handful of games making over 30k a month at this point on Patreon, all the while offering paid versions on steam that don't even give you access to the patreon versions. Cough cough, TiTs, cough cough.
From a dev perspective, Patreon and the like offer a reliable source of income. Sales can fluctuate and it can be stressful to live on, especially if you're indie, a single-person team, or making niche content. I make around the minimum wage for my country from Patreon and other game sales, but being able to work on weird little projects is entirely worth it.You got me thinking, The "subscription model" popular around is totally NOT about "gather the funding to make the game", The model itself is the goal, They don't rely on making the game to make money anymore, just produce bare-minimum so people keep their subscription.
Looking thru F95, there only 3 type of outcome of this model:
I know there are many people really just have the money and want to support the creators;
- They try to stall as much as possible, so the "business" continues until it's not profitable anymore;
- It gets abandoned eventually, or cut short without a satisfying closure;
- Those Legitimate and finished games are all free to the public, like Echo Projects'.
But project like this one that paywall their contents + no definitive finish line, really make me wonder their motivation. Cuz one key word of "support" is "voluntary".
As far as the bullet points listed above, I've published two other games in the past which were funded on Patreon, and FOXXX is set to be completed this year (August for 1.0, end of the year for polish & player requests).
That being said, I'm totally fine with people grabbing my work for free from wherever they find it. It's cool knowing people are enjoying my smut.
Agreed. All the combat stuff on 'The Scar' is still WIP. I gotta adjust some values and make it more satisfying. The plan's to get enemies and their general functionalities added, then swing back to implement Oscar's store, make some of the content more juicy and interesting, etc.Problem with the non-telegraphed attacks is that I still take damage even after I dodge.
It's practically guess-work here. I know blocking stops the fast imp, darkness pool and shockwave, but there are other moves that have to be dodge. It's all RNG here.
A ton of scenes for finding your past selves are missing at the moment. It's definitely on my radar, and I'm slowly adding them (Luna's the focus at the moment, the Sea Lab on Luna is getting some revisit scenes in tomorrow and next week's updates).It does feel empty when the amount of clone-clone interaction on more obvious things (like any of the scenes at the sea lab, 50% of Na'Ja or that mouse scientist at the Kink lab) are severely lacking. You get a glimpse of the onlooker scenes at Taun and some clone sex pepperred around the bridge selection, but holes of this clone concept has yet to be patched up completely. If anyone wants me to make a list where the clone-clone interaction should be done/changed as a result of a past clone, let me know.
I don't mean to be rude, but 'Asterism: Lawman' has never been sold for $10. I agree that'd be excessively priced if it was, but it's $3.I'd gladly do a one-time payment of like $10-15 and get all updates to come, but with their other similar game, Asterism, being a $10 game (and at this point smaller than FOXXX), obviously that's not enough for them.
Oh! I didn't know you could do that! That's actually really handy for debugging, and I'll probably list how to do that in the Game Guide once it's written. Cheers!just use this cheat in console commdand (click f11 and enter the code)
SugarCube.State.active.variables.Credits = 100000
and enter
That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.Just realised its "Free Version" is just a glorified "Demo", you only get access to 1/10 of the contents
Why so disingenuous about what you offers
I wouldn't trust any non-substantial Project that practices even just slightest Shaddy behaviour.
How would you guys word it?
Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my writing. There are definitely scenes I'm unhappy with as well, and hope to revisit them in the near future.Worse is, the sex scenes In FOXXX are short and lackin' details.
It's not even close to some text-based game (With good Arts) like Lustful Desires / Only I have skills.
And although it has quite a lot of fetish and share the same game type as "Game Over", the writing is very lacking comparably.
All to be pay-walled, while all others are Free to public (Early Access Model).
I don't know how many "words counts" per update delivers, but overcharging, pairin' with the shaddy practices, makin' it very hard to put a good word for it.
Edit: Actually, "Game Over" has way better game mechanics, where gameover / looping unlock new stuff;
Here in FOXXX, it actually only means a "Restart".
I think "Shady practices" is a bit overkill, honestly. I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the development of my games, and I've supplied in-depth stats during development multiple times. FOXXX's current word-count is 437,897 words. I can screenshot my Twine "Story Stats" window if you're not convinced.
I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.
That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?
So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of questions. FOXXX is very much still in development, and I plan to add tons of stuff between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.
If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.
Cheers & have a good one!
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