Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.3f] [Mity]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Easy Pete

    This game is pretty awesome.
    The art is really good and the dialogue and story are good.
    The first chapter is an akabur style trainer while the second (and third, which isn't finished yet) chapter is more story driven with more differences to chosen paths of the story.

    Personally I am super excited for this game and every big update.
    I can not recommend it enough.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing variety of content for both your turn ons as well as ways to avoid things you may not enjoy. Art is consistently good if you like the style, and the writing is snappy at times. Variety of different mini-games and tropes, and with 2 different paths and branches on each path, there's some replay value.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As it is currently, 2 chapter or books are complete and a 3rd has a lot of content for it already.

    Speaking of content, this game has a lot of it! As many have said, the 2D art is great and you get to see plenty. "Animations" are compiled from a few still frames so they're not truly animated per se, but it's done well regardless. Besides, there's a lot of hot scenes either way so I'm not complaining.

    The first 2 books at least have a couple different routes you can take, and the 3rd will likely have the same. The routes are sufficiently different to make their exploration worthwhile, and in the case of the 2nd book, drastically different.

    This is a RenPy game. It runs smooth (likely thanks to the author's good coding practice, though as a layman I wouldn't know), the story fits with the universe well, and the universe itself as well as the characters within are quite faithful to the show/series.

    Also it's funny as hell. The author has a great sense of humor, but there's some serious moments as well. It's a nice balance.

    I'd like to state again just how much content this game already has (with more on the way), all of it quality. There is, however, plenty of grinding though I wouldn't say it's excessive. Much of it can be bypassed with console commands, though I'd save before attempting.

    All in all, definitely one of the best games on this site. One could easily spend 10-15 hours or more on current content and I say it's worth it.

    EDIT: March 2023, the game is pretty much complete at this point, and several years later it's still getting updates in the form of sexy scenes and the like. This game is still the fucking GOAT, highly recommended. Mity's an OG and a baller.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i like this game, game like this i like it, especcialy Like Train Girl to do some Sexual Favor, Dialog is Fun to read too and somehow its funny, i don`t know if i should make review longer because some people not like me who like game this Genre
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wanted to extend a personal Thank you, to you IdarksoulsI, for recommending this game! It is absolutely fantastic! Admittedly, I have not seen too many episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender (dunno, I think it came on close to Pokemon or Digimon- so I didn't avidly watch it. I like that you don't have to know that history of the anime or characters to play this game- it's pretty straight-forward. The story and the artwork are amazing- I read some of what the Dev was saying about working with vectors to give his art a really crisp look and it shows- it looks cartoon-y (duh, it's based off of a cartoon), the detail is really well done. It's like watching a really naughty version of the cartoon- it's that good. I'm not going to lie- I always liked Toph the most, out of the handful of episodes that watched- she was so cute, tiny, and naive...but she made up for it with her feistiness and attitude (and now to see her skyclad, is awesome). After playing this game though- I know have a new appreciation for Katara, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Suki, Jane, Jin just to name a few. There are some really attractive girls in this game (and the show, I'd imagine). The stories are really well written and it seems like once this game is done- we finally learn how they all tie into on another- the time travel skipping thing is a little odd though, not sure how the timeline is laid out or were the episodes originally in a different order? This is truly a great game! I also like that there are old and new pop-culture references peppered throughout your journey. There's allusions to Whitesnake, Rick & Morty, Spongebob Squarepants, just off the top of my head- I'm sure I may have even missed a few. I cannot wait to see how the rest of the Quest/Missions play out when the game is finished. You have done an excellent job Dev!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty great game, or should I say multiple games? That is because it [currently] covers the span of three "Books" referencing Avatar, each of which is sort of a "restart" of your character's progression into a new system, but each Book is a definitely continuation of the of the Story overall. Each of the Book are also fairly different in its style, and how that Story advances.

    Frankly, the game is amazing. The art is beautiful, and they have a clear understanding of the material their working with. Many times while playing, I've had to stop and consider that what I'm reading is probably what the character saying it might actually say.

    As of writing this, their on Book 3 (Version 0.6.11), and they seem to have a pretty noteworthy development pace, without the quality suffering at all. There's plenty of content for you to enjoy, but I'll break it down simply:

    Book 1 is probably about 3+ hours or so long, and mostly focuses on romancing (or dominating) Kitara, and there's a few other characters to toy around with. It's pretty clear that this was their experimenting phase, as the other Books are pretty massive by comparison.

    Book 2 is about the Fire Kingdom, and is mainly geared towards Azula, but there are too many characters involved to list here. Quite a bit more combat here. There's roughly 8+ hours of stuff to do here, and that's being generous.

    Book 3 is about the Earth Kingdom, and already has quite a bit of content. The game is primarily about Toph, but there's good roster of characters from the show to explore. Story is advanced through learning a new Earthbending technique, which is then primarily applied through a dungeon that functions like an old school maze exploration game, with random encounters and turn-based combat. Some stuff from the first two Books are here too, and you eventually get to build a base.

    Hopefully I sold you on this game by now, it's pretty great, one of the best erotic games I've seen in a long time, as most only have a couple hours of content and drag production along for a year before they add anything, even then it's usually one image a month or something.

    Book 2 alone makes Four Elements essentially a finished game that just keeps getting more love, but then you still have two other Stories to dive into.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this game from awhile now and every update it only gets better and better. The art is very good, the story is actually good, and its based off Avatar the Last Airbender! Over all these updates the game has never gotten worse, only better. Its consistent on updates with little to no bugs upon release.
  8. E
    5.00 star(s)


    When I first played this game I didn't expect much from it. But upon playing it I discovered the beauty of this game. While the art in some places isn't the greatest, the dialogue within the game more than makes up for it. Characters feel just how they were presented in the show, and over arching
    main story adds more depth to the world.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game with high quality art and very good animations.
    Hilarious avatar parody with lots of references to orginal cartoon (even if you didn't watched it, you can still play and enjoy normally).
    Two main routs to play in every book, which are very different from each other.
    Lots of Mini games.
    Monthly updates with very decent amount of scenes and dialogs.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Good sizeable updates, high quality art, no massive bugs everywhere, generally a high quality product. Personally the only problem I have with it is the settings, as I have no real interest in avatar. But I enjoy the game regardless. Can hardly wait for them to finish this game and start something else, as the quality is pretty exceptional (within the adult game sphere, that is).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good art, there being a lot of animations helps it in that regard. The story with the two spirits and the future Avatar is pretty interesting. The characterization is as close to the original as it can get without forgetting that this in fact a relatively lighthearted porn parody. For those characters who had their personalities considerably altered, it is only played for the comedy factor, like Iroh.

    The inclusion of separate routes between love and slave is brilliant, it not only adds more content to the game but it allows people that aren't too much into domination and degradation to enjoy it.

    The addition of multiple OCs, besides there being more girls to bask in, makes it so the background world is more expanded upon. It would certainly be odd that the only characters one could interact with were random NPCs that are only there to give you items and quests. Now not only they do that, but they also let you use their bodies if certain conditions are met.

    Which brings us to our next point, interaction, this game has a lot of it, in the form of many mini-games, some required to be played to progress, and a few extras just for fun. Even those mini-games that are forced on us never feel too tedious nor are they too hard or complicated. The most common of these mini-games is the recurrent battle system, which can be won very quickly just by holding the skip button and pressing the other action buttons in the keyboard or clicking with the mouse.

    The game pays attention to reward you for playing most of these mini-games, so it's not like you'll have to grind a whole lot to get the sexual content, though it also makes it so you play quite a bit of them to get them so you don't blitz through the game in just a few hours. I personally spent like 3 days playing the game since early in the morning until late at night, with a few rests in between, and I still have to do the slave route of Katara. So the game is quite lengthily not just for the casual gamer but also for the more hardcore ones.

    The game has quite a lot of charm in the form of humorous text and situations, with references to other games like Akabur's works and mainstream series like Pokemon as well as its jokes like the Fire Nation guards.

    Finally, the most important, the fap factor. It is pretty high, not only thanks to the good art, resembling quite a bit that of the of the show, and animations, but also because of the constant dirty talk, which always makes it so that the sex scenes are never too mushy mushy like that of serious Visual Novels. People play this to fap, the game knows it and delivers it excellently.

    As for the actual content of the sex scenes, most of them are quite vanilla, you're not going to find any gut-wrenching horror in here, I think that the most dirty thing in it is a little of golden shower, which is still pretty light compared to a lot of things out there. I think that the most exciting thing in this game is a little of x-ray coupled with impregnation, and a pregnancy sex scene.

    Now for the bad things, there aren't many nor are they too important. But it would be the fact that a LOT of this game's scenes are awfully similar, but not completely identical, so the skip function of the game of course rightfully recognizes them as scenes that you haven't read yet, which would be all fine and dandy if the differences weren't just slight details in the text, with basically no difference at all to the actual sex scene taking place. This means that you are going to view a parallel version of a single blowjob scene like 7 times IIRC. 3 for the Love Route (regular, submissive and equality), and 4 for Slave Route in terms of progression. By the third or fourth time it gets frigging annoying. I cannot fault it too much since this is incredibly common and sort of like the point of slave training games, but still, annoying as fuck.

    That being said, it still doesn't detract me from giving it a 5 stars rating. It is nothing short of incredible that this is still an unfinished game, whole other porn games have been made with just half of the content of this one, or even less. I cannot even imagine how it will be when it is finally completed.

    Having finished the Book 3's slave route, I have to say that I'm amazed. It is nothing short out of outstanding that Book 3's slave route alone has more sex scenes than Magic Shop, Witch Trainer and Star Channel 34 combined. And not just the scenes, but also the girls as well, which amount to about 11, a great improvement over the 5 that were available in Book 2.

    Though now this makes me wonder if all or even most of these girls are going to be available in the coming love route, since you fucked a lot of them via hypnosis, which was a recurring mechanic during this route. Something as rapey as that would be a little weird in the love route, more so because the choice that branches the routes was allying yourself with Long Feng to learn his hypnosis teachings.

    One thing though that I have to criticize of this Book is the fucking obsidian, finding most of them is not that hard, but there is a specific one that can be a little tricky.

    If you happen to finish the "Kill the Avatar" quest while there are other quests remaining, you will be locked out of them, the game saying you completed them all. The game never gives you any hint this is gonna happen, which is a problem because there are 2 quests that reward you obsidian.

    I had progressed a lot since my previous save so I had to use console commands to give me the last obsidian I needed. Not the worst thing thing to happen in a porn game ever, but it was still an annoyance.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Well.... good story, the art is identical of the original and they deliver it for everyone without greed 5 stars is the less they deserve ;) Every section has multiple walktrough fitting the original region. Honestly I would like to see more action with the side characters, well they still might extend those :D
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best trainers I've played personally, not to mention it's not even complete. That said, there's loooooads of content. Pun INTENDED. The animation and art is 10/10. The story pretty good, jokes are funny. SMUT is FANTASTIC.
    All I can really say is I just want more content and there's already lots.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 44843

    While I was quite troubled initially with this game, I have completely turned around with the latest update (v6.0.9). Not only is this game progressing well with meaningful updates, but the content itself is exceptionally well-crafted and unobtrusively humorous.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, great art. I always enjoy the training aspect in games like this. Story pace is good in my opinion as so is content that every update brings. If you like me and you like to train someone then this game is definitely worth paying attention.
    Likes: atur
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive hand drawn pictures and animations. No 3DCG used in this setup. The story is really funny and reminds of the past work of Akabur. This game is refreshing if you just can see all the strange 3DCG "games".
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best 2D games on this site. The story is very rich in variety because of the 2 possible paths to "conquer" the girls. The slave path has normally the more extreme scenes while the love path is usually more story driven. Both paths are very enjoyable. The art is very close to the tv series and is generally very good
  18. L
    5.00 star(s)


    one of the best porn games i've ever played there's so much content/sex scenes! And i feel so weird saying this but azula is just so hot xD oh my days. The fire nation storyline was by far my favourite. The dialog between the guards i found very funny! just love it!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Terrible story+writing. You spend your time clicking the same things over and over until an event triggers. If I cared about Avatar I'm sure I would be interested in unlocking the nudes after battling moose hundreds of times, and talking to old women, but the game would still be bad. It has nice art, that's all.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated 2019.06.05

    Intro and rambling
    I first came to this site somewhere between December 2017 and Jan 2018, and it was because this is where google sent me when searching for "Avatar porn game". Why did I even search that? Some rando on reddit mentioned that there's an amazing porn game within the Avatar universe, and I thought "Well, it is my favorite anime (yes, anime) of all time, so why not?"

    Maaaaan was that a good choice. Not only because it lead me to the best porn forum on the internet, it also lead me to the best "Vanilla" porn game of all time, which is, ofc, Four Elements Trainer.

    What is this game?
    Well, it's a trainer game in the same vein as Akabaru's trainers (except, you know, good). You get to degrade a girl, slap her tits, spit on her, maybe some water-sports. The usual. By the end she loves being abused by you, because hentai logic.

    HOWEVER! This game is good. I mean really good. Is it a bit stupid? Yes. Is it charming? Insanely. Is it true to the characters? Except that they are all hentai protagonists, yes. Azula is Azula, Katara is Katara. They act as they should ... in a game where everyone is a sex crazed maniac, ofc.

    Why is this game good?
    Quality! Character writing! Witt! Funny dialog! Witty dialog! Consistency!

    I'm not one for story games, I like games that are 75% porn. This game is still high on the porn % but I play it for the story and the characters. There aren't many games I can say the same for, at most, I play other games for the setting, but not the actual story. This is just that good!

    Also it gets meaningful updates all the time. It is alive and it is thriving. I support the guys on Patreon because they are wroth the money (IMHO, YMMV).

    It is obvious the devs don't have their origins in software (or if they do, they suck). Also they are doing things that maybe ren'py isn't great at. I don't know, point is the game runs a bit badly and the minigames are trash. They are rare and ... not so intrusive. I don't particularly mind them, but I don't like them.

    Games like this kinda have to have busywork. The whole point of trainers is "breaking someone over time" and it seems that you just have to have mechanics with the object of your desire and time without her / it. Thus money grinding, or stat grinding. It's not painful, but it's not fun.

    Overall, it's not overly intrusive or overly tedious, but it is there. Game also sometimes runs badly, 8.1 (version at this point) especially.

    Play it. Just do it. Don't like book 1? Try 2/3/4. They are all different, and while book 1 is the simplest and narrowest scope, it's still good.