Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.3f] [Mity]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not normally one to go for degradation, but even though I'm normally against it, this was well done enough that I enjoyed both routes. I'm a total fan of these trainer style games, and I understand that to a lot of people, breaking the girls is the goal, but I've always liked it when you're just bringing out their inner slut more than when you're pretty much forcing them into it, and they just accept their life sucks. I've always loved it when porn makes me laugh, and this game definitely has it's moments. Also, you can never go wrong with the crab cycle. My only critique is that it's a bit grindy at times, but that's what console commands are for. If you ignore what they're actually for.

    TLDR: it wasn't my fetish at first, but it was good enough I didn't care, 10/10 would flog the dolphin again.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, couldn't help but fap throughout the entire game, can't wait for the the air nation portion. Very few glitches, I ran into no game breaking issues with it. My only issue was that I wanted more harem qualities, you could get nasty with almost every girl, but you couldn't do anything group oriented, other than a handjob scene, which as we all know, the most disappointing of all sexual acts.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of finishing the Book of Water, Fire, and Earth. (Excited af to see what the Book of Air brings, if the content of these past couple books has been any indication of quality!)

    Overall, this game is easily well deserving of a 5 star rating. Not excessively grindy, plenty of H-scenes with plenty of characters from the source material, and enough content to last someone well over a week. If I had to rate each book individually, however:

    Book of Water: 3/5
    -It's easy to tell that this was the first book, due to the limited writing and mechanics. The H-scenes were the weakest in my opinion in this book as well, but certainly not bad. That's about how I'd describe this book overall, is average. About on par with your standard h-game/trainer.​
    Book of Fire: 5/5
    The starkness in quality between Water and Fire is like night and day, if I'm being honest. Mity must've paid close attention to the feedback they were receiving and improved on just about everything, while also tailoring in some great genre-work into the relationship between the MC and Azula. There was an incredible amount of content in this book, and it kept me invested for at least a dozen hours. The story also got surprisingly deep, and the ending made me want more immediately. My favorite book, if the rating is any indication.​

    Book of Earth: 4.5/5
    Book of Earth continues in the right direction, following much of the expectation and precedent placed by the Book of Fire while maintaining a quality story to tie all of the books together. There's a great amount of content in this chapter as well, with much of it focused on Toph. The only qualm I have with this chapter is simply that I wanted a bit more content with the side characters in this chapter, since they were all so well drawn! That being said, that's hardly much of a complaint considering this book managed two entirely separate routes while maintaining the length of complexity of the previous book, so I'm extremely optimistic to see what the Book of Air will be able to bring.​
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    They brought all the elements of the show real nicely
    from the Southern water tribe cold nights to the mazes of Basing-sai
    they even took real lines from the show and used it in another way to construct the logic of the events
    but thats not all...from the amazing art that showed us the skills of the artist without going out of the predetermined lines of the show
    and the amazing simple yet erotic animations and movements of the characters and the diversity of the love and slave routs both in plot and sexual scenes.
    It makes almost every character from the show "fuckable" in a way that dose align with the show
    and to me thats what makes it a true masterpiece!
    Likes: GaRbS
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the fact that u can take two path, one for love and one for corruption.
    I like the love path, but in the corruption path i miss more interactions with other characters. As well as we are not attached in any way with the girl, we should have the option to mess around with other girls too, even when some of the other women seems to be so slutty not needeing even to corrupt them if we want to fuck'em.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Still one of the greatest games out there. I've been following it since before I even came to F95 and I'm still anticipating every update. It connects the standard elements of a normal trainer game and a fun and interesting experience. The flare of the series is well captured and rounded of with fun humor, fitting dialogue and scenes and a consistent storyline.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing game! The art is fantastic, the story engaging, and so many options. Love it! Three different books so far with so much to offer.

    I've been following this one forever and it never disappoints. I wouldn't mind seeing some walkthroughs for book 3, but other than that, I have absolutely no complaints. Amazing game.
    Likes: GaRbS
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I know basically nothing about the setting, but enjoy this game tremendously. The art is hot, the humor is wonderful, and its very easy to care about the characters. The fact that they can manage both love and slave routes is really quite impressive as well.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    The influence of Akabur is palbable on this one. In most case the Art are accurate to the main material ( that is Avatar the last airbender) so it's nice.
    The story is original, you can still follow the odissey of Aang and be immerge in it by some well thought twist. The characters are accurate to their original personnality. You have two way to approch every story. The love route or the submission route.
    Enought content for hours of gameplay. But they're is grinding in to it so be ready to farm a little.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    horrible story that makes no sense.
    humor is poor
    gameplay is terrible, Unclear what you're supposed to do
    No real erotic content. a lot of words but no visuals.
    You spend your time clicking the same things over and over until an event triggers
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The variety of options were very appealing. Games that allow different routes to take with a character are fun because of different interactions. The characters are pretty close to their TV counterparts which is a big plus and the way the plot is panning out is interesting.

    Only downside is some bugs like looping conversations or introducing certain characters that is implied through scenes and never shown or interacted with.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    (Disclaimer, This review is mostly about book 3 and may contain slight spoilers)
    Its an Amazing game all together. It is free and available on the computer and mobile which is good because then you have options. You can support the developers on patereon which is also a good option.

    Anyways like the devs said book 1 is pretty basic and pretty much teaches you the basics of what you have to do.
    You can go through that book pretty fast.

    It is recommended that you Watch the series before you play this game so that you understand why you are doing some of the things but also because you already know characters and sometimes the game has dialogue from the series itself.

    If you are in it just for the nude Girls you can actually see any one of the trainers nude very fast by for example peeking in on them while they sleep or wash up although it is more enjoyable to earn their trust.

    There are Three books right now but the love route in book 3 is not done but still requires you to play it for hours finnish all the gameplay it has as of right now.

    Book 2 was probably the least enjoyable for me because it felt the most grindy, You had to do kind of a lot but in the end it wasn't that enjoyable.
    You did have to grind in the 1st book too but it was much simpler.

    Book 3 was by far the best in my opinion, it might be because of bias (Toph is my favorite character) but I feel that it also was because of the story.
    (I have played only the love route which is not complete as of now)

    Compared to the 1st 2 books you gradualy earn your trust and love, sure you can go for a cheap shot and peek on Toph when she goes to wash herself off but what's the fun in that?
    You end up training with her and earning your trust until she grows to love you. At first you don't do anything sexual but she does get comftorable being naked in front of you but you can choose to tell her that you like her and she eventually confesses that she loves you etc.
    After being with her for a while you basically have sexual interactions most of the time and teach her how to do it seeing how she is a virign.
    She is also insecure etc and you have to talk with her a bit which is fine because it fits in the story etc.

    What you have to do to unlock the next parts in book 3 is still not clear all the time. The basic stuff is usually to upgrade Buildings, go in to the tunnels and rescue Girls or go do stuff with the girls that end up living in the village you make (example being Suki)

    I am not sure if the crab battles are required but I have done quite a few and they are by far the most annoying of the things to do, they are also in the end of book 2.

    Some other less enjoyable parts is believe it or not but having to fuck everyone all the time, yes. How could that be a problem?
    So your main goal for yourself is probably to fuck the trainer, you go with whoever you like the most be it Azula (You are in the body of Zuko in B2), Katara or Toph.

    So lets say you want to just finnish the quest and do the training so you head to Tophs house and one of the other characters are there, they ask you to come with them and you do and then you fuck them or something. That's it. You wanted to come further in the stody by lets say, training on your earthbending so that you can go further in the tunnels and find appa or something (I Believe it has not been added in the love route yet as it is not complete) but then you can't because everyone wants to fuck you.

    I'll be honest, my favorite is Toph so naturally I would like to just play the game, enjoy the story and beat my meat ;) And as I chose the love route and you literally become her boyfriend I would prefer not to date everyone else but you have to.
    You have to date Jin or whatever she is called after rescuing her from the tunnels, you have to date Katara after she is feeling down but why? Can't we chose? I get it if it was the slave route where you could mind Control or whatever then you could fuck whoever you wanted but when you are in the lover route I would prefer if you had a choise.

    I am a wierd person I know but that is how I feel.

    Anyways just a random thought but Toph does have Dreams aboutgetting caught in a Cage or something and says that her dad is in Town or whatever so I Think that when book 3 is complete she will like in the series, get caught, invent metalbending and then when she comes back she will cry and you will Comfort her. So sweet.

    Game is 10/10 but I would like to not have to be a manwhore.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of trainer games out there, but this one is the best in my opinion. For every chapter ( at the moment there are three chapters) you can choose the love or the corruption route. I like the humor at some times which I give it credit for. There are grindy parts (somtimes bad, sometimes good), but definitly better handled compared to other games. The art, the scenes, the story and the humor make it an awesome experience.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Ultimately, the humor and parody aspect of the game is undermined by poor gameplay.

    The Good--
    --The parody elements and humor contained in this game are rock solid. I really loved that aspect of the game

    The Bad
    --Unclear what you're supposed to do when, since there is no traditional quest mechanism, at least not that I could find. For me, it was unplayable w/o the walkthrough and even then I really didn't understand why I was doing what I was doing.
    --You were supposed to be learning to air/water bend, but those skills didn't seem to come into play during "hunting"
    --No real erotic content. A lot of implied content. I mean this is a visual and not text-based porn game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The biggest trainer game I've ever played, and it's not even finished yet. The storyline kept up and anything you thought the dev overlooked was actually lampshaded hilariously. Usually when I'm laughing at games such as these, it's bad, but this game is fuckin awesome!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. There is a huge amount of content from 4 books the devs are putting work in to the game and its updated mostly monthly. It has a wide verity of fetish content and overall is a great game.
  17. E
    2.00 star(s)


    This game was fun until the bugs happend in the fire nation zuko story . Restarted few time and bugs stil happend.Story is meh Not great and not bad either . Theres lot of character from the series and you can choose your own starting nation
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. been playing since .2. most games do not come this far this much before release. can't wait for the release of the air temple. Toph does have the most content so far, but azula is fun too.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A true masterpiece of the trainer genre, really good dialogue, a lot of pervy stuff and a great parody of Avatar(The good one not the space elves one).The visual novel aspect is balanced with the inclusion of funny minigames based in monster trainers, dungeon crawlers... 11/10
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Anyway, after reviewing rules for rating a game, since this is my first review....

    Story - Long as your not following the anime, good story? so far, has been alot of fun.

    Originality - I've actully not seen alot of TLA games so this ones definitely a + in my book. (still not having watched alot of the anime)

    Playability - Atleast two playthroughs of the game if you want to get the full experience and don't quick-save the game for choices.

    Performance - Its a text and picture game porn/hentai game. I'm running it on my gaming rig :3 so no issues for me. just download, unzip, play.

    Grammar - oddly i didn't find alot of spelling mistakes [If any] (altho i wouldn't be one to talk as i don't type properly or care for spelling, capitalization, punctuation.)

    Amount of content - OMG, so first book was like... maybe 20 minutes running through it? second book was an hour and 1/2? thrid book had soooooooooo much shit in it i spent a day after i got off of work playing the game to finish it. When the 4th book comes out it truly scares me how big it may be. Not to mention there are two routes you can take in game, rape or love. so content wise the game is already big.

    Not to spoil anything, but goes from trainer, trainer/slaver/military might, trainer/dungeon crawler/building simulator/arena fighter(pokemon style XD), ???

    If developers could create more games like this, I would 100% be willing to throw money at them, or die from testicular cancer from mass-masturbation.