2. the **surprise game**... **'Federation Empire'** a
If you like "text-advetures" (Degrees of Lewdity, or those HTML (text based) games, etc), you will love this!
If you like "animations" (pictures, movement, special effects) - and you never read text, this may bore you.
Almost all Content and outcomes are procedural generated, and ... there is MASSIVE freedom, that gets managed by "limited human realism".
Genre: "Text-adventure" + "Roguelike" + "Resource Management" + "Horror Survival"
Setting: "Dystopian Federation District 1-12" (FemU - Universe).
Game Engine: "Unity" + Powered by LLM-power. (you need internet to play)
How does it work?
Unity builds and sends proper prompt for LLM, Stuff gets parsed , returns. It's actually pretty complicated, but you won't notice anything.
Now the game.
But now imagine: You can "do" and "say" anything, and ... "feel" the danger".
Your character (-regulates Difficulty Level)
Be anyone you want. (character - description gets converted into your character)
Game is already hard and unfair.
But you can play as a pretty OP characters for Easymode.
If your description is "Elon Musk" or "Superman" etc. the character gets "converted" into regular human.
Creative Freedom bound by mortal limits:
I want to give extreme freedom. Player should be able to interact with everything and everyone, in a way that ensures everything makes sense.
Just remember this is a Roguelike so Permadeath is a thing,
World and NPC: have "infinite" memories, ,so all things you said, all injuries, stats, everything is "saved" and "stored" locally (in your save-file).
Unity handles all the infinite-memory-management and creates the prompt.
So no "hallucinations" no "immersion-breaking". It "feels" real.
NPC's do "THINK" - and then DO. (so **ALL** context is taken into account.)
NPC's have their "own virtual life", so you could get caught cheating on your NPC-waifu.
NPC's have emotions, fall in love and have permadeath too.
Of course this is a thing.
Of course you can say anything you want, any verbal communication is possible usually.
Only exception If your mouth is covered ... for example someone is sitting on it, the spoken words will be converted slightly.
"I told you, I am not the one you are looking for, get up please! I can not breathe"
"Mmhh… ah toll yuh… mm noh duh one… yuh wookin fuh… gehh upph pleesh… mmh… brhh..." (sits on face with cotton panties)
"MMMPPHHH!! MMGHHNN—!! NGHH!! MMHHK!! GMMFFF!!—HHNNFF!!—MMMH-HHFFF!!—GRRGH!!—BHHFFF!!—!!" (sits on face naked, and your breath is below 20%)
COMBAT (good old turn based combat)
You and all NPC's have stamina, "consciousness" (KO), "life"(dead), willpower, arousal. and "breath",
NPC's use all kinds of attacks/abilities.
Lots of freedom in offense and defense. (for example punch will always cost 1 stamina. At 0 stamina the punch will turn into "weak punch")
Explore, Survive, be creative "what" you do.
LLM does not "store" anything, your game stores. A lot happens actually within Unity.
just a sidenote:
The "most difficult" challenges are already solved, tested and working.
1 thing I was unable to solve until now is "generating the current image".
I have a "see" function that generates a prompt for an AI image-generator, I can do it locally on my machine, but it is flawed and there is no API that allows adult stuff.,(and of course the most-most difficult challenge, getting the LLM-Dev to agree, to let me use his LLM,........ that was like a biggest thing ever.. by discord