[EDIT]: This game just got updated from Demo 7 (the version I wrote about here) to Demo 8. The changelog mentions that corruption has been nerfed, meaning the escape bar should be locked less often, that difficulty options have been added (meaning the general combat might actually be challenging now), and that grab escape difficulty can now be adjusted, hopefully meaning less carpal-tunnel. While I don't think I really enjoyed the game enough to want to play the new version to verify all this, I'm bumping my rating up from 2 stars to 3 in recognition of the dev's demonstrable willingness to put the work in to improve the game.
-The porn is blazing hot
-Getting ravaged by a gang of horny futas is fun
-Decently addictive core loop
-Yet another game where you have to mash buttons to escape. It gets tiring fast, especially when certain enemies drain the escape meter so fast it's almost impossible to keep up.
-Game is too easy. It's super easy to 'beat' all 15 waves. Just let the enemies fuck you until they get tired and disappear. There's no penalty except negative character traits, and all those seem to do is make it harder to mash out of getting fucked, which doesn't matter since the easiest way to win is to give up and get fucked anyway. Also HP means nothing, you have so much and enemies do such little damage. They barely even attack you, most 'attacks' just start sex scenes, which does 0 damage. And the ring of regen may as well be a ring of invincibility. Even if you choose to fight, you'll never die. You'll get fucked a few times, sure, but you'll never actually game-over.
-Game is too hard. Yes, it's too easy and too hard at the same time. Because while not dying is effortless, not getting fucked is impossible. If an enemy touches you a single time, they instantly fuck you and your virginity is gone. And if that's not enough, even just simply mashing out of sex is stupidly frustrating because...
-The game keeps locking off the escape meter. This is probably one of the worst mechanics I've ever seen in a porn game. It adds nothing, it's just annoying. If I'm playing to win, I get frustrated by the game robbing control for no good reason. If I'm playing to get fucked, I'm not bothering with the escape mechanic anyway, rendering the locking gimmick pointless. Stop it. And speaking of things you should stop doing...
-Stop unequipping my items, especially my goddamn weapon. If you wanna make a status effect that prevents attacking temporarily, fine. That's frustrating, but manageable. Forcing me to scramble in my inventory to re-equip my weapon mid fight, while also dodging attacks from enemies I can't see because the inventory window is in the way, while also CLOSING THE WINDOW IF I GET HIT because getting hit starts a sex scene... that's just plain bullshit.
All in all the actual 'game' isn't very good. It's mostly just frustration on top of frustration. But if you ignore the fighting part and just walk into enemies, getting fucked over and over, it's pretty good for some mindless horny fun. Which in fairness is what most of us are here for anyway.