Unity - Femboy Survival [Demo 15fix 2] [2DNiem]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is clearly a passion project for the dev. What started out as a very basic wave-based arcade game, has become something special in the futa-on-male genre.

    You have flavor text corruption based on how your femboy has been fucked previously, events with different NPCs, and a scaling corruption value. There's stages of progression to how the MC responds to the harrassment, and actual consequences for sucking down a few too many loads. There's a decent amount of variety in the scenes, and each character has at least 2-3 unique attacks, with some having more.

    The actual combat isn't anything to write home about, but I love simplistic gameplay that directly ties into the h-content, and good god does this game have a surprising amount of content. As mentioned before, all of the different futas have their own unique scenes, as well as many of them even sharing specific gangbang art. You also have art based on what attacks you've been hit with prior, such as the centaur forcing the mc to worship her balls if you were hit with her mud attack.

    Honestly, I tuned into this game the first moment it was posted on the site, as I love femboys getting railed by futas and have a crippling oral fetish. This game satisfies that in spades, and it seems like development hasn't slowed down either.

    If you like futa, femboys, and especially if you like futas fucking femboys, you have to play this. If this continues to get updates and have its content expanded further, this will easily be one of the best futa games out there. Admittedly, it already has far more content than most games in this genre, anyway.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art: 10/10 - Yeah its hot as fuck

    Gameplay: 8/10 - Wow, Just a Demo. But the Gameplay loop is fun. Feels like it was just set up to show the art tho. Full game will probably be very dofferent

    Story: None yet - Hopefully the full story will involve true love and saving the princess from the bad dragon
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good, actually! Hard to play, um, one-handed, but there’s just enough going on for the buildcrafting to be kinda meaningful, which makes for great pacing between uh. Getting roughly fucked n all that!

    Also a great variety of scenes, though I haven’t checked if there’s a toggle for some kinks others might like. Personally all of the stuff here is fine with me, just something that came to mind. I just have to keep going until I meet these fabled bunny girls in the thumbnail…

    Really, all I could ask for from here is more content! More combo scenes between different types of girls, more girls, and maaaaybe more buildcrafting? If you can code gear that comes with spells you can learn, that’ll give you a lot more to work with imo. Either that, or some set of “skills” that can be used instead of spells, using up your dodge roll to do other utility like another speed-boost buff or a “tackle” that throws you straight into the girls for damage, but instead just lets them catch you if you don’t have a high enough stat.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    best game in quite some time i rarely revisit games but this one has been an exception, voiced, good art, gameplay isn't just clicking things or a game where something lewd happens every 10 minutes. Its hard to stay focused with just how horny this game makes me
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty great, but I wish there was a way to slow things down when *khem* "captured". Its challenging to strangle the chicken while also doing everything else in this game.

    Nice art. Nice game. Nice fetish. I enjoy.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    all in all, if you think this game for you, it probably is for me though I wish i wasn't a total sub and there was a stun spell or a wrestling mechanic to revenge fuck these bitches and I find losing control of the breakout mechanic to be frustrating and boring I really want to disable kinks I do not like and I often get duplicate scenes that disable escape and turn me off but once your over that all in all pretty good game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The most frustrating part is a lack of keys to get the chastity cage off and experience some of the other CGs, but the game is actually decently fun without taking too long to finish. The sex scenes are great, and if you like immersing yourself in subby content, the corruption system makes the escape minigame harder and harder, which is good fun. Regen ring makes the game basically unlosable though.

    The hypno helmet is a nice touch too.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    am i straight? yes. is this a good game? yes. i
    personally would love to see this exact version but im playing a player with a vagina instead of a penis, BUT thats not a diss, it still remains a fun game. keep going!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the game! There's a great potential here for some amazing content! The artstyle is wonderful and the gameplay definitely caters to a wide variety of Kinks. I'd love to see more additions to the hypno vr headset with extra artwork and subliminals. The only mechanism I'm the game that needs some tweaking is the escape feature. The base difficulty is nearly impossible to escape before time runs out. Fortunately there's the settings menu for you to lower difficulty.
    I feel like once the keybinds are able to be changed to user preferences and that maybe there's a 3rd level added to the game, well have an amazing game here.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    all of the enemies have the same animation repeated every time and honestly being stunlocked constantly seeing the same animation poorly done over and over is just not fun at all most of the items leave you wanting and nothing really coming of it stat wise
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    game is unplayable in its current form
    the dodge having a delay means its almost impossible to avoid
    and the struggle mechanic is broken you button mash and your screwed because it will lock you out of change the keys you dont and the bar never fills unless the devs fix this actually playing this game and not just intentionally getting caughed for the scenes means is practically impossible

    Likes: jaswm
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards version [Demo 11], which is the latest version uploaded to the site.

    Starting by the good things this game has to offer:

    Good artwork, it isn't over the top spectacular but it is honestly pretty attractive. The details of the X-RAYS are nice, when they are these, some scenes are more up my alley tha others but there's quite a bit of variety in terms of that, which is always appreciated.

    The scene from the second stage boss with the bunnies gangbanging you is my favorite so far of them all, super hot hehe

    Sound effects are nice, there isn't a whole lot of it at the moment but it's enough to complement the game, both gameplay wise and when it comes to the scenes. The sexual sound effects are not overdone, they compliment the scenes and add to the eroticism of it.

    Nice D&D based system for the items you can buy, stats and weapons, with different items having different things that may be positive but also come with weaknesses, such as increased corruption and others.

    A suggestion I would make in terms of the items you can buy, I have noticed that there are arousal recovery potions that you can utilize as well as health recovery potions. I would like to see more of these being available to buy in the shop as I have noticed the only way to get them is via destroying boxes or opening chests throughout rounds, which isn't always possible and while enemies don't tend to do a whole load of damage depending on how you play, it's still handy to have. To be completely honest, during my first run if it wasn't because I found a health recovery ring that was very strong I would've not survived.

    Now, for the bad things.

    There are two major issues that I have discovered with this game through my time playing. The first one of them being the character sprite

    Considering this is a game where you need to be precise in order to survive rounds, you need to have as much visibility available to you as you possibly can and the character sprite does not help with this aspect. It pretty much obstructs vision on your entire right side of the screen and it honestly doesn't serve that much of a purpose other than offering a visual representation of what your character is currently wearing

    Perhaps this could be added to the character tab next to the items you're currently wearing, for ease of access. I think it would work nicely, considering your doing inventory management almost constantly, so you would be aware of what you're wearing at the time, and the VR Headset has an easily identifiable visual cue, in case you happened to have forgotten.

    As for my second issue, the dodge roll

    The first issue I have with it is that you pretty much do not know it's a mechanic that exists unless you press ESC, at which point you have all of the bindings that are available for you. A suggestion I would like to make to fix this is perhaps adding a tutorial section at the beginning of the game, considering you have to press N to start, that explains every mechanic that is available to us.. that way we would know about the dodge roll, as well as pressing C to clean your innards once you've been creampied too much.

    The last issue I have with it is that the cooldown is too high. I appreciate that there is a subtle sound cue to know when your roll is available for use again, but I will explain why I believe this is an issue.

    There are certain enemies, like the Strawberry Haired Gal - The ranch lady and The bunnies from the second stage that are much too fast and it becomes difficult to deal with them. I would suggest reducing the cooldown a little bit so we can have a bit more wiggling room between rolls, so we can have a chance at dealing with those enemies better.

    Overall, an entertaining experience! I look forward for what's to come
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I expected this game to be great because it seemed like that, but the minigame completely threw my fun away. The player doesn´t have any kind of invincibility when he gets free, so any enemy can grab him and start the torture from wherever the last one left off, which is basically almost all the time since he is constantly getting surrounded.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    With excellent image quality and enjoyable rogue-like gameplay, this game one of my favorite NSFW futanari games. It has a bright future and hardworking developer. I hope in the future a rpg like story will come.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    An average game with good potential. The characters are +- the same, the corruption system isn't really clear, because visually and in game there are no differences. Adding some consequences, new characters and more animations to existing characters might solve the problem, but because of the drawings above 4 would be hard to climb.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting gameplay, engaging and entertaining from start to finish. You play simply, the enemies catch you often as their power is greater than yours and they force themselves on you. Hope to see more updates of this soon!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    been looking for a game like this for a while, it's fun with progression and great art. love the concept and hope the dev keeps at it with more enemies and items and makes sure to keep items consistent with the character art that's being showed
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    a promising game, at least it’s interesting to play, and not like the others where you just skip dialogues
    I hope they add more rooms and rouguelike mechanics to the game.
    It would be nice to add a female character
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself is barebones, serviceable but the art and premise is awesome, can't wait to see what this game looks like finished. Games would benefit having this level of quality as a debut and I see the positive sleugh of reviews as an incentive and ego boost for the creator, which is well earned. Well done.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy crap! What a hot take on a survivors-type game. The one thing I hope gets implemented is that all the different pieces of gear end up visible on the character at some time in the future. Besides that, just keep going, and this will be one of my most favorite lewd games ever.