The gameplay is just not there to be honest. You have to finish all these things as long as the animatronics are busy. The game tells you, how you might avoid the animatronics but really there is no avoiding them, since they all patrol the massive room in the middle where you always need to go. At the moment, if you're hit by a blackout, its basically a 100% game over scenario.
What this leads to is basically you do all the things necessary to keep them busy, so you can finish the side quests. Or you let the Animatronics leave and hide out in your room with doors that you can close. If there is a blackout, that's it game over.
There are some things you can buy to make it easier but these are also semi-useful at best. Especially since if one animatronic wakes up, you have little options left to keep the rest busy. So if one leaves, every other one will too.
That said the AI is also not particularly smart or anything. You can trick them easily by going into a vent or they even get stuck sometimes. But then they usually patrol the same area for a while, so have fun being stuck in a vent I guess.
Animations are not so good, very clunky, quite a bit of clipping sometimes, barely anything on the models itself move.
Like its not bad when you start playing but it quickly becomes just this goose chase, hiding in your room kind of game. Stealth elements? Barely there if at all.
What this leads to is basically you do all the things necessary to keep them busy, so you can finish the side quests. Or you let the Animatronics leave and hide out in your room with doors that you can close. If there is a blackout, that's it game over.
There are some things you can buy to make it easier but these are also semi-useful at best. Especially since if one animatronic wakes up, you have little options left to keep the rest busy. So if one leaves, every other one will too.
That said the AI is also not particularly smart or anything. You can trick them easily by going into a vent or they even get stuck sometimes. But then they usually patrol the same area for a while, so have fun being stuck in a vent I guess.
Animations are not so good, very clunky, quite a bit of clipping sometimes, barely anything on the models itself move.
Like its not bad when you start playing but it quickly becomes just this goose chase, hiding in your room kind of game. Stealth elements? Barely there if at all.