Unity - Fap Nights at Frenni's Night Club [v0.2.7x] [FATAL FIRE Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honnestly, a masterpiece in humour and the scenes are fucking great. Haven't tried arcade mode yet but seems to be the most replayable part of the game and the skins look dope. Only critique I could make is some dialogues can be annoying to witness after the first time, but that's honnestly not a real issue
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Shouldn't work but does!

    Gameplay 6/10

    Extremely grindy, "christmas" event has to be completed multiple times to unlock a single scene.

    Other game mode is FNAF styled, but you go around the rooms collecting stuff before nightfall, you just hide the rest of the time.

    Art 8/10

    No motivation to run away from these hotties. The CG ain't great but is super sexy.

    Story 7/10

    FNAF job but you gotta try not to fuck the animatronics. It's a comedy with some decent funny moments, christmas event is voiced.

    Amount of Content 6/10

    Needs mores porn or less grind. The Christmas event gets super repetitive real fast, I don't want to do it 4 times to unlock a scene:HideThePain:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably the best FNAF parody game available - and, no, I didn't make a mistake and mean to say FNAF *porn* game - it would still be the legit best even if there was no lewd content. The gameplay loop is innovative while being true to its roots, and having character progression available through unlockables is a nice touch that encourages replayability and challenging yourself. The story mode is actually very good, particularly night 2. Night 1 feels like a tutorial but night 2 has compelling horror elements and new gameplay. Now, for the negatives.

    As many have already stated, the game is in development hell, and although that is mostly on the dev, part of it is because the fans who help fund the game seem to keep voting for more and more frivolous cosmetic content instead of meaningful game progression. Despite my praise for the gameplay loop, it eventually capstones and ultimately becomes a grind to unlock content. The porn scenes are acceptable quality but limited (I think some other reviews already described this well). Basically, enjoy the scenes if you want, but don't play it solely for unlocking scenes. As far as bugs, naturally games will be slightly buggy in development, but nothing has outright broken for me yet.

    Story & humor is very subjective. I will say that the story seems to be thought out already and not made-up-as-you-go, so there is a strong foundation there. Overall I would say that the writing is good, and the jokes are consistent with the game's style. Basically, the story & humor are well done, but you have to have a taste for these kinds of jokes to enjoy them.

    The tldr: prioritize playing this if you want a solid 3D free-roam FNAF parody, with bonus points if you enjoy lewd anthro girls, but the gameplay stagnates quickly into a meaningless cosmetic grind.

    3.5/5.0, game has a lot of unrealized potential. Hoping for more, but not expecting it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game, I hope to play the sequel soon.
    I hope they continue to release more story mode, I really enjoyed chapters 1 and 2 and I'm looking forward to chapters 3 and 4.
    Congratulations on the art and story of this game.
    Please don't stop making this game. :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    it is 4 am
    arcade mode 0.2.6:
    for a free-roam fnaf game the gameplay loop is alright, for a normal game it is boring. there is very little variation in the tasksets. you can sum up all of the tasks to pick up stuff and put them somewhere. the biggest variation between tasksets is a blackout but they just ruin the run. the main appeal of the gameplay to me was trying to speedrun the tasks. however, you have to constantly check up on the animatronics.
    grinding for the scenes was definitely not worth it. it took me 5-7 hours to get all the scenes. also, there are like no hints on how to get the scenes. the design of the models are great but the animations are poor and the sounds are barely synced and don't really match. getting all the youhube videos took me an extra hour because you have a like 1/10 chance of getting one every night.
    xxxmas special 0.2.2:
    part 1 is ok. it is just a maze that gets you a scene when you die. part 2 is very annoying. you defend yourself against robots with a flamethrower. it has way too much cutscenes that take up like half of your time playing. enemies get stunned when hit but can still attack you. they explode which one shots you and has a long windup. you are forced to trade damage with the flamethrower enemy (the only ranged enemy). on hard mode they deal 30 damage and die in 2 hits. in one section multiple of them can spawn. checkpoints are badly placed; one starts you way too far back and one sits you through a cutscene.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Story Mode RATING 3/5
    Actually not bad at all (for a porn game)... somewhat cringe at times with shitty memes and especially the ara ara stuff is really cringe, but overall the graphics are nice and it could have potential. Sadly it's not that interesting, honestly the scenes are mediocre and you only get them if you lose (classic shitty porn game idea of gameplay), the models are great don't get me wrong but you don't really get to see much of them in order to enjoy them. Only 2 girls "stories" are currently available to play and the first one is pretty underwhelming as I guess an intro to the game, overall it's not great but whatever I guess you can give it a try it's pretty short.

    Arcade Mode RATING 3/5
    Well it's just like everyone else says, it's insane how much money you actually need to unlock anything, I instantly went into regedit and changed the money. And if the gameplay was actually interesting and fun I would say alright I can put up with this, but it's pretty repetitive and not that fun, it's nice that you can dress the girls in some different outfits but other than that I don't see why the scenes need to be so hard to unlock anyway it could be done a lot better.

    XXXMAS Mode RATING: 2/5
    Absolutely dreadful, the maze was kinda fun but all that ends as soon as the second part starts on the elfbot fighting, holy shit it’s so ridiculously easy to die, especially against the flamebots, I lost my shit and I had to use cheat engine for a lot of candy so I don’t die a lot. But even then I died way too many times(I might have played the game on hard but I won't play this shit again on easy just to test that theory), I can’t say it’s really worth it playing this mode at all if you ask me and it’s ridiculous how hard and quite boring the "story" is.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I laughed a lot when I've found Dorime easter egg. However it was pretty fun to play this shifts. And girls... Oh, really nice models, but... I dunno... maybe a bit more variants of interaction?

    I wonder what's developers will add next.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, Thank for this game type "Timeskip". Actually don't believed that game exist, when see some .webm. Well I love that 3D models, very ahm... Thicc? Usually I like flat body but here, not flat, look's garmonic, don't know why.
    Well cool, yep.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    You'll want cheats installed so you can just access everything. The gameplay loop isn't terrible, but at that point, just go play base FNAF. Scenes and models are god tier however. Appreciate all the work put into it though.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game probably has the most "content" of any other FNAF +18 parody, but most of that content honestly isn't very good.

    It seems to be in development hell thanks to letting patreon voters decide what gets worked on, which is probably why the game is filled to the brim with meme references, the biggest of which being the Christmas special which is probably double the length of Story mode at this point with half of it being a parody of Resident Evil 4, but it only has two H-scenes and middling gameplay that just pads out time to around an hour or more.

    Because the game is separated into Story mode, Arcade mode, and the Christmas special, development moves at a glacier pace for anything to get done since work is spread out across all three modes rather than dedicating work to one mode and finishing it. Arcade and Story mode were bugged for the longest time and eventually had to be separated into different builds that you need to download.

    Story mode is whatever, it's a meme filled campaign with tons of jokes of you getting raped or fired. But whoever was in charge of Arcade mode needs to go back to the drawing board or get fired. Gameplay just consist of running back and fourth between your PC and resetting the pizza oven to keep the girls from going berserk. This leaves you with hardly any time to get task done and upgrades are exorbitantly expensive for how little you make per night. And with how small the map is, if one of the girls starts wandering then you might as well reset the night because winning after that is basically impossible. And once you do finish all task, you just AFK in the office while running to reset the pizza timer to keep Chika from wandering.

    Then there's the quality of the sexual content in the game. A lot of the animations are pretty basic and on the lower end of what you'd expect looking at this game. They have awkward camera angles, not enough motion, no physics, and no actual penetration/deformation that you see on other 3D games, and a very weak climax with an ugly protagonist. Scenes have a POV mode as a bonus, but you cant control where the camera looks and you mostly cant see anything anyways due to being too close to the characters/how large they are. The main draw of this game seems to be playing a harder version of FNAF with sexy girls rather than the actual 18+ content itself.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    • - I've been following this game for a long time and now it's clear that this is an endless beta test, something like Escape from Tarkov. The developer has 4,200 subscribers on patreon and can't finish the Christmas mode?

      -Boring gameplay, the repetitiveness of which is just at zero, there are only two sets of tasks. Quickly complete all the tasks and get up to AFK in the office.

      -The animations are rough, the developer took two models and just moves them without any physics of breasts, dick and vagina.

    • -The conclusions are very simple endless beta test, the developer is just making money, it is not profitable for him to finish the game or accelerate the release of updates
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Evaluating this game in its current state is quite messy, since there are 3 different modes that seem completely unrelated to each other (The Arcade, The Story and the Christmas Special), they are even divided into 2 separate builds.
    If I had to judge the story mode by itself, I would say that is a parody project with great potential, but for me the arcade mode is unbearable and the Christmas mode is an insult and a waste of time.

    The Arcade is grindy as fuck and the game loop is broken from its foundations, since very unlike FNaF (the material to be parodied) surviving the nights here is summarized in running like an maniac between the computer and the microwave preventing the animatronics from waking up, leaving you with a miserable gap of time to complete the secondary goals, I would appreciate a fucking minimal key binding since pressing LShift almost permanently destroys my pinky, or at least the sprint act doesn't require to holding it down all the time.
    Once they wake up it's almost impossible to win, plus, like many erotic games unfortunately, we have the dichotomy between punishing the player with sex content when this should be the reward for playing right, not the opposite. This means that to see the content that this parody deserves and is intended to be, you have to lose on purpose.

    Then, we have the Christmas mode, a clear demonstration of how not to cannibalize the development that could be invested in finishing the main story, since the Christmas special almost triples the duration of the current story mode and it's clearly noticeable how the creative vision regarding this special took turns from one moment to another.
    At first, it looks like a festive relief that's rewarded with a juicy erotic scene, but then it loses its way and suddenly you have to embark on a strange satire of Resident Evil 4 that is gamewise atrocious, devoid of sexual content and drags on to infinity.
    That Christmas special destroyed all my patience and good faith for the game.

    Outside of that, I highlight in the project a great sense of humor and a disproportionate use of memes, especially latin american ones, which if you aren't a Spanish speaker, the english localization kills the meaning of many jokes due to its jargon and local nature.
    An overload of memes becomes cringeworthy at times, but it fits with the atmosphere of the project and the fact that it's a parody.
    And finally, there is a lot of variety of costumes but the game lacks the most important thing, variety of sex animations. Since always seeing the same ones for every occasion gets old very quickly. I also don't understand why, having a budget, the creative team uses free-royalty music when they could perfectly afford an original music composition.

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game runs great and I like the gameplay loop. One of the criticisms is that the map is a bit too small and is extremely hard to move around without spray and a little companion with the ability to stun. Also I wish the developers would add more content to story mode. Not just sex scenes but cool easters eggs or mini game, honestly anything. Meanwhile for arcade the developers should add alternatives sex scenes because I feel that the game is lacking in the department or just experiment with expanding the map with new objectives.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Look people the only good thing about this game its his animatiosn and voice acting and thats all everything els its so tedius and so boring that you literally need to cheat, bcs its so Grinding hell that is Horrible to play. The desings are nice and the backrounds too and has some easter eggs but its so faar away to be called a good game. Bad game Meh wank. I hope the dev make a major update for this one. 4,5/10 (Sorry for my bad english in this one)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Arcade mod needs 5x income of cash otherwise, its best to cheat.
    There should be more hints how to unlock things.
    XXXMAS Special is not finished.

    How to play this game.
    1. Play story mode. You will understand what is happening. On day 2, when you will look for the password on different computers, open emails an look at images. Or it should be in trash been. Or just google.
    2. Play arcade mode till you at fully finish at least 2 days.
    3. Game requires you to grind a lot. Save your time and edit your money using regedit. (Set the money to 1 mil)
    4. Read the guide how to unlock all scenes.

    Story mode don't have a lot of H content. Arcade mod is grindy but it's really easy to edit your money.

    That being sad, the game is masterpiece and must play. Animation are really nice and voiced. There are a lot of lewd stuff and Easter eggs.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't really write a "proper review", because that one would require of me to actually play the game instead of trying to find out how to play it for the past few hours.

    I wanted to give it a try, I really did try, but it's hard to play the game when you need to find the answers outside the game first to actually understand how to start playing it. And even if you do have said knowledge it doesn't really matter, because you may be fucked up right at the start without even knowing it.

    As soon as the generator goes off you may as well restart your game or hide somewhere and hope bots won't find you until the shift ends, because you won't fix it before bots get on thier rampage to run right at you to fuck you over.

    One of many shitfs ended even before I managed to click onto the PC right in front of me. I didn't even had enough time to read about additional tasks I had to do, because right after I was given control of the character generator simply went off. I was trapped inside security office with no way to exit it beside the vent. But in order to open it I needed screwdriver. Price? Only 2500$ in cash, when you earn little to nothing per night if you somehow manage to not be fucked over my bots going straight at you. Otherwise you may go into debt.

    That's a damn shame, because allowing player to actually roam around and doing more than simply watching screens and keeping bots at thier locations is a great additional, and certainly different and refreshing, idea for gameplay. Especially if those bots ain't that bad to look at, nor the sex animations ain't really bad either and even are voiced, which is quite rare.

    Controls ain't explained and simply sucks. Who had the idea of inventory being under the space and having to drag those items from the inventory to thier locations by LMB? Good thing Flashlight is under F.

    Sadly, I can't write more about it, because the feeling of being simply fucked over by the game when I didn't even started playing it made me simply delete it.

    1 start, because game simply doesn't allow me to play it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I am quite mad while writing this so know that this may be biased.

    Freenie is not as good as I wanted her to be, comon! I litteraly spent hour fantasysing about what freddy would be in a girl fur bot.

    But for me Bonnie take the crown here, her design is amazing, freenie one is boring.

    And the game doesnt have the content I hoped it would have. But hey, it can only go up from here.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    2.2v is absolute ass, the story is paced so slow that it feels designed to waste your time on purpose. There is no gallery system and whatnot and literally 80% of the game is disabled due to bugs and whatnot, I dont really care for entire lore behind the reason of said action but this version is ass and pretty barebones. The 3d models are fine, they still havent provided a camera turn around when sex scenes do happen and I suggest playing the game with cheats on so u can at least kinda lower the time wasted playing story mode.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    You know how the dialogue in porn sucks so everyone skips it? Well imagine if it was worse, and there was way more of it, and most of it couldn't be skipped. That's this game.

    Scenes are fine, gameplay mostly shit, buggy as hell.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    tits and bears amazing yes also fox with titties how could i forget the chicken with big tits and the rabbit with tits that are also big and how could i forget the puppet who also believe it or not has big titties the biggest titties ever yes of course i love this game