TLDR: Give this one a try and tell your friends about it. Its the best looking HS game I've seen thus far. The girls and sex scenes look great and there is one in the very beginning, so what are you waiting for.
Somewhat detailed review without spoilers.
I'm very impressed with this VN. It is tremendous.
The story is very well paced and has an engaging plot. The setting is nice, the different locations look very good and serve a purpose. The characters and character interactions are a big plus as well, they feel real, progress the story and have a nice level of humor to them. I died when I heard that "EMMOTTTIIIIONAAAAL DAAAAMAGE" line., it was perfect

. The comedy bits land for me (there's a JoJo's reference, chefs kiss).
The cast is quite vast and the game is still in its early stage, but all members have a distinct personality and almost all of them had their moments to connect with the audience. With each update the plot gets more intertwined and most of the girls get their time to shine. You can even chose to not pursue girls if their looks or personality should not meet your jerk off criterias.
The girls are all stunning. They look gorgeous. Family members look similar, as they should, but the rest look unique, which is impressive with so many sexy girls. As a tits first, ass first but after tits man myself, I appreciated the focus on them tits and all the different kinds of tits we got, but some bubble buts and nice booty shots would have been appreciated as well.
The sex scenes look very pretty, the animations are crisp. Those are some of the best looking sex scenes I've seen thus far and I played like every promising looking VN on F95zone since mid 2017. After the prologue, the quantity, quality of sex scenes and the kinkiness also increased, which shows that the dev is improving with each update.
The following is not relevant for your decision to download the game but still interesting
This section is to the dev and not really a review anymore, but probably will be 15x longer than the review and go in depth and therfore will contain some spoilers. But its very in depth about the nature of writing sesx scenes so maybe its interesting.
I write this in almost every review and it is about the sex scenes. I'm at the point in my life, where when consuming erotic media visual stimulation alone just doesnt cut it anymore. Maybe because of the actual sex, maybe because I'm desensitized from playing like 300+ AVNs and watching porn for over 10 years... So this is probably a very me problem, but I encounter it in 99% of VNs these days so I mention it here as well, for me to be able to actually get off during your sex scenes they lack in 3 departements (for the record, I played in normal mode):
- Depth: like I said above, visual stimulation alone aka people having sex, alone doesnt cut it anymore, its lacks depth. What I mean by that is: character feelings, goals, thought and emotions as well as meaning to the act itself. The first scene with Belle for example had some feelings and emotions, gave us some thoughts and even the goals for Belle, she wanted to get fucked before marriage, but in the end it was pointless fucking. The blowjob in the stall had some of the MC's thoughts and was fun and I enjoyed it while it lasted. But after that, we got very little in the depth departement imo. For me to care, the MC has to care. If he gives 0 fucks when he gets to bang a 12/10 in Lola, why should I care? I'm not even there. At least she gave me 2 lines of thoughts about passionant kissing, so that was nice. But really man, I mean he's not even a little stoked that he as a lowly street runt gets to fuck the shit out of a hot aristocrat. No internal comments about her figure that he doesn't want her to hear? No dirty fantasies of what he would do to her if her father couldnt just kill him by thinking about it.
And lastly for depth: Power Dynamic. I think its very hot to have some sort of power dynamic if the situation allows it. Disclaimer: Nothing is wrong with "normal sex"at all. But in some situations the aspects of a power dynamic were almost present and I feel it was a wasted opportunity to not further build off of them. In the scene with Belle, the MC was clearly dominant and Belle submissive. For a power dynamic to work and the scene to be leagues more impactful than just some rough fucking, the previous elements of character goals, feelings, motivatiosn etc have to be established a bit. I thought that the scene where Maria beat up Kate (Blue Knights chick) was very hot because Maria was in charge and loved it. To get back to that first scene. We would have learned a bit more about the MC as a person if he forexample relishedthe fact htat Belle egged him on, he likes to be in power and put that stupid bitch in her place, but he can't show that side of him during his everyday life but when it comes to it, he takes charge. Later on, when I had the choice to push Minas head down, that was clearly a dominant action, but it came a bit out of nowhere. I liked it alot but I feel there was missed potential there.
Lastly for depth: People talk. People have sex. This is a VN about sex. MAke them talk during sex. The generic lines like "oh yes" "ahhh" are needed and good.Maybe I'm weird that way but when I'm fuckingsomeone for the first time and finger her I ask some questions,: how many fingers? Do you wanna stimulate the your clit or should I? Am I doing it right? Can you come from fingering? Do you have / want me to lube you up? I'm not talking non stop but that is somethingI feel happens naturally. Duringthe actual fucking I dont really talk. But thats were the VN aspect comes into play. Some light, sexy dialogue would be appreciated 
- Descriptive Text: Our eyes see alot but very little at the same time. For example the preview picture of Lily. What do I see at first glance: A very hot, white haired girl in gym clothes with big tits is squatting next to a dude and has and angry/focused face. What do I see when I look closer: DAmn she has a tattoo all over her arm, I was to focused on her tits to actually notice before, also her eyes are red, her nails are lackered black, she is very muscular and her veins are kinda purple'ish. What don't I see: I have no idea why she is having that look, I have no idea how she smells, I don't know if she is happy, exhausted and her state of being in general.
To get back to the sex scenes. Showing is great and you do that better than most. But telling is even better. You persumably spent a lot of time thinking about how the girls look and spent a long time in character creation to make them look so perfect. Also when you told Maria's backstor you went deep and detailed. Do the same for your sex scenes. Describe what is happening. This also applies to my first point. Give us a more detailled description of what the characters see, feel and smell. We see some of what the MC sees, but we feel and smell nothing. Does Mina smell nice? How are her tits feeling? How is her pussy? Tight, hot and wet? Maybe too tight cuz she is nervous? How fast is her heart beating? How is the atmosphere in the room? Is there a cool evening breeze andthe MC experiences her touch extra sensitive because of it? All those areas activate the brain. Use them
This goes double for the thoughts and triple for the actions. For example, when the MC gets that Bj in the toilet, he has a smirk on his face and thinks back to how Lisa was better than Monica. Give us some thoughts on why she was better. Is Monica using too much teeth? Is her mouth smaller and should therefore be tighter but she lacks skill? Did Lisa's throat squeez just a bit better because she had more practice? Or maybe its the smell of the bathroom that isn't helping, even tho speaking to Samir is making it more exiting. Someting along those lines.
- The lenght: Dear Mr KKpotato this isn't a race. You decided to make a sex scene, then give us one. If you add like 20 lines more depth and 20 lines more description per scene, we're getting somewhere. You don't need to add 200 renders, work with what you have already. Take a shot of the same pose 2-3 times, the initial one, then change some facial expressions or a hand position and lastly change the angle but leave the same position. That way you'd have some stills you could use to switch back and forth.
Now to one of the most paradoxical things ever: I find sex animations without text to be very fucking boring. I dont know why butthey do nothing for me. Animations with sexy text on the other hand are very nice indeed. The sex animations you use look spectacular. Butif you just use them in a way that feeld like: "I have this awsome animation, here are 3 lines of dialogue and now enjoy" they're wasted on me. Also switching between animations / angels is also not doing it for me. But if you had a sex animation going, there is some description of whats happening from the point of view of Mina like this: with every stroke of his massive cock his rubbing my G spot. It feeeeels sooo good when he pushes inside. Then give us no text box and like 10 seconds of just the animation playing. After that go back to Mina, she can say: "Yes MC, thats it" "Fuck me just like that" go back to 5-10 seconds of the animation. Switch perspective to the MC: He thinks: "Oh man this pussy is first class, so hot and wet and tight... just perfect" then he says "I love the way you moan, you dont have to hold back"she can then give an embarassed answer. The MC can than think something, idk maybe he feels challenged to make her moan, relishes in the pleasure of fucking etc. Now you can cut back to the same animation from before but have Mina think about how full she feels and he's not even fully inside her yet. At this point I'm writing so fast I forget to let the animation play out for 10 seconds. Also she loves how hot his dick feels and loves the smell that he gives of. Then you can switch to a close up of her face. The MC just switched up his rythm. Now give us some moans from Mina and thoughts of accomplishment from the MC. Thats like easy 120seconds of fucking with 2 HS pre-existing animations and like 2 screenshots of Minas face with the same angle. I think this should be well inside the capabilities of your writing. You gave attenton to so much detail in the areas of character interactions, story progression and the overall plot, you should be easily able to transfer that skill to sex scenes. Work to a climax, not just have it appear. that would be like
We as the reader would be baffled, because who is this woman and why are there tied up people lying on the ground? Thats what it feels like to me when the MC cums down a womans throat and creampies her after I click 6 more times. Like bruh what just happened. But I actually wanted to feel like, yeah that was awsome.
So to reiterate: Longer sex scenes would be greatly appreciated. Sex scenes that are there are kinda meaningless, so with more depth they would be even hotter. More good text = better. Its a visual novel, we can already see the visual part in the images, now we need the novel part to figure out whats happening in text form.
Thank you for your hard work and I'm looking forward to the next release and if the update quality and intervals stay on this level, I'll probably become a Patreon as well.