VN - Ren'Py - Desire of Fate [Ep.3 v1.5] [KKpotato]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the characters, the scenario and the renders.
    And the gameplay is also good (visual novel with relationship and character points that unlocks some scenes) and the music does match the scenes.
    I didn't encouter any noticeable bug.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is a masterpiece! The story is engaging and the characters are well-developed. The art style is beautiful and the music is good and the jokes are fantastic. I highly recommend this visual novel to anyone who loves a good story and wants to experience something truly special.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    love it.

    solid graphics (for what can be done with Illusion art), great animation and blending work, and the story, while a bit slow to start off, has some very interesting plots, sub-plots and diversions that create a rich atmosphere for immersion into the author's world.

    plenty of personalities and body types for everyone's tastes, and a well done fetish unlock and avoidance implementation.

    I was very sorry to realize I already reached the end of ep2v1 already. nice cliffhanger (jerk!). can't wait for more!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommend this game as it has Good graphics, characters and plot. Game start was a little bit off but gradually it getting better and better. Loved the animations. It would be awesome if there will be a pregnancy route later. The game is getting better and better.Thank you dev for this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Ep1 v2

    Well, there's not that much to say, honestly, this game has some solid strengths, and some weaknesses.
    Starting with the strong, by far, the animation quality, this is some really good stuff right here, not a dick simply clipping into a female model, you see the physics at work, it truly sets it apart from many other games in this aspect, this is the animation quality I wish to see, great work.
    What does feel slightly weird sometimes are the camera changes, specially those that don't loop back and take you to a set beginning, those I don't really fancy much, but I'm willing to ignore in exchange of the quality.
    A little addition at the animations is that it'd be nice to have more sounds with them, the flavour text is good enough, but some sounds to complete the atmosphere I believe would be very welcome.
    Continuing on, grammar-wise it's been improving, especially while comparing the newest releases with the first ones. It's still rough around some edges, but it's been getting there at a good pace, props on it.
    Now, going into the story, I think there's been far too many time-skips, I do get behind the why, to avoid story stagnation, but I still believe that there were far too many back to back time-skips in comparison with what was actually experienced by us. Yes, the MC got to meet and live with his family, but it was a lot of behind the scenes stuff, we as players barely had any direct interaction with them as to form any sort of attachment to the other residents, and then before we knew it, it was already another skip of 6 months of which we pretty much know nothing aside being turned into Captain America, we don't even know nothing about a "main girl" we were supposed to learn about and interact with at the place, we just get some random points depending on our stats and that's it, and that doesn't fit well with me.
    It doesn't really rub me the right way either how easily all this stuff that is thrown at the MC is accepted by him, it's just way too ideal and perfect of a response for someone with the lack of spine he had at the beginning, nothing bad with lacking some courage though, don't get me wrong, it feels far out of character for him at that point accepting as easily and without hesitation as he did.
    The other thing I have mixed feelings about is the amount of meme content this game has, I welcome some good placed humour, a joke thrown in between the lines here and there, I like the Boa moments a lot because they're specific, concise and well placed, and most importantly they don't bother an on-going scene, but then it goes to the other side and instead of people saying "boobs" or "tits", everyone says "booba", dude, just no. It's funny the first time at the "booba lab", but after that it quickly devolves into an unfunny and honestly cringe joke, specially at the yacht, that was a pain to go through. I hope the game stays away from this sort of humour devices moving forward or at the very least uses it in a much more restrained and thoughtful manner.
    The game has a very good direction, but I can't help think the humour and memes are a bit far too deep into it, especially taking into account how the game tries decently hard to stay serious with more "shady and real" stuff.

    Edit: I came to realize I forgot about the rest of the cast, lol. I like the girls, they have unique personalities and their own motivations, at least the ones we care about, and it's welcome they're for the most part physically unique, especially the faces.
    Regarding the dudes, I do like a lot Sa "bottle" mir, he's probably the reason our guy will achieve what he wants at the end, making him learn the real stuff. Jason isn't exactly my cup of tea, again, being mostly a meme character and plus lack of screen time.

    All in all, I like the game, I'm rating 4/5, but it's honestly more of an 3.5/5 than anything.
    The story is interesting enough and has good places to grow to given how the world is being depicted, but we were left out of a lot at the beginning. It already has it's work cut out with the animation quality which in my opinion is the hardest thing, so hard props on that. I just hope to see some improvements regarding the metric tons of memes.
    Nevertheless, it's a game I can recommend, perhaps not wholeheartedly at the moment, but still, I really hope I can see it improve and become one hell of a game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is very good so far and to become an emperor is making it interesting
    The modals are also good looking
    Sex scene are very good just need to add some moans sound to made it perfect if anyone didn't play, try it u might love it after playing this game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great main character. Likable, confident, dominant and powerful. Without him becoming an asshole or extremely arrogant.

    The girls are pretty and very likable. The only negative for me is the focus on large breasts so far. But that is just a personaly preference and judging from the banner we will get something different at some point.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely nothing happens in this game. Maybe 3 sex scenes in total after 1 hour of play. Most of that 1 hour was clicking INCESSANTLY through USELESS boring dialogue, lore dumps that lead nowhere, background stories on EVERY single main and side character.

    Dev clearly has 3 fetishes: big tits, orphans, and veins. Everyone was abandoned, they all have blue veins through every part of them, and oh yeah his fourth fetish BORING THE FUCK out of you with useless dialogue. Seriously I put it on fastest Auto and it took 10 minutes to get through the 2nd act or episode. If you sat through clicking each line it would have been well over 2 hours and NO SCENES of any kind of worth.

    Pointless boring story that had alot of potential from the abstract, but the implementation is weird meme humor put in at the wrong time. Do not waste your time on this nothing even happens. for it to be worth skipping all of the talking.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I was expecting another cliche incest story,but holy mother of God this was on a whole nother level.

    The story is extremely well written with a wide variety of cast .I was literally blown away by the opening sex scene & that is exactly how every AVN should start!!
    For ep1 the content is huge with quality sex animations to back it up.
    Congrats Dev u've got a masterpiece in the making
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's more of a 4.5/5 rating, then just 4.

    The game is very good. Has interesting setting and lore. Characters and LIs are well made. MC is a very cool guy too. At first he looks like a hobo, but he gets better. I would have preferred him with shaved face, but that's more of a personal taste.. Models of characters are beautiful and made well..

    So what's the problem? Its pacing. Introductions and developments are done very fast.. MC acceptance of family and Minas relationship is best examples. All of it happens too fast. A man who has lived 22 years "Alone" accepts others like its nothing. There is no struggle, no emotions. It happens as if he knew these people all of his life and lost contact with them only for a year. Same problem with Mina (one of the main LIs). While I love Minas character and think she is one of the best. Pacing with her is bad, All the relationship happens way too fast. It would have been better to see how she develops her feeling toward the MC.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For starters, the game has beautiful models and each heroine looks unique.
    Renders are of superb quality and detailed.
    The sex scenes are spectacular, from the angles of the sex scenes to the detailed renders/great animations to the dialogue!
    Honestly just because of the above, the game is worth trying out at least!

    Story wise, the game has an interesting plot and seems like its going towards a good direction!
    There is no stalling/pointless scenes and the story keeps advancing either by going forward with the main plot or getting to know the characters, so i believe the pacing is definitely good.
    Although you have to suspend your disbelief at some parts,but thats not bad in itself, since its an erotic visual novel at its core so you just need to enjoy it as things unfold and not overanalyse it.

    Writing is at least at a decent level, if not good, and i am guessing it will improve more as time goes on. The interactions between the mc and the main heroines are fun and enjoyable to read so thats definitely a plus as the game moves forward.
    Each girl has a distinctive personality so far and thats refreshing as you get to know more about each character.

    In conclusion, Desire of Fate is definitely a game worth trying for its quality renders,beautiful models and interesting story. (also for the abs!)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of version: Episode 1 - 2 Public

    • Enough content to know girls, setting, and sex scenes
    • Nice character designs(clothes, hair, body)
    • Diverse and fun personalities
    • Visually interesting scenes keeps one engaged
    I really enjoy the game! Love the personality and variety of the main girls so far. Personally, I think each of their appearance look great and unique enough to have nice character design without looking too distracting. For some games I just "skip" to the sex part or where things get interesting, but most of the scenes visually makes me curious and actually read dialogue, get to know the characters, and ultimately allow me to enjoy the game. An example is Maria's initial reaction to discovering MC is alive. Makes you wonder "why does she have so many tattoos?". Also liked that she fawns over MC a few scenes later. The mystery of the family, their business, and their goal add a different tone to keep things interesting and fresh, and I think is a strength of the game. Good pace for everyone since they have a reason why they are trying to be with MC but still slowly builds tension well. Lilith comes to mind, even if I'd enjoy the full corruption eventually, suddenly fucking MC ruins all the build up and I feel does not pay off that is common in other games. Plenty of content for world building, know the characters, and to wank to. I hope leaving a review helps the rating! I hope you keep up the quality and content for this game that has very good potential. Good luck!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Ep. 1 v2
    Has some pretty good potential.
    Renders are nice and story is interesting so far.

    It does have a couple things I normally hate, but it does it well enough that I can look right past them.
    There are a few forced lewd scenes. Normally, I hate this. However, besides the first one (which is more of a gimme) they are needed for the plot, and it makes sense. Could there have been a work-around? Sure, but this is an AVN, after all.
    There is also forced LI's. Again, not a fan. But again, they are needed for the plot. I wasn't thrilled with the first one we get, mainly because I don't like that she was being used just for sex by MC's sister, but I like that we can at least have her stop that if we don't plan on bringing the sister into the harem. Also, there are other LI's that are harem-optional, and some non-committal encounters, as well.

    Give it a shot. So far, its worth it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5121513

    I don't know why but this is my personal view, this game is just a lot of fun and explaining every little detail at this stage would be sort of pointless so until the game progresses further I will just say this

    The girls look good
    The sex scenes look good
    I think the slow phasing out of looking at MCs head is good
    The story itself makes me scratch my head ill admit but thats fine I am still enjoying it and all the babes that keep coming up make me stop really caring that I have no idea whats going on.

    Just try it, I think for the most part you will like it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I always enjoy games with these premises. Other than the slow start with lots of exposition/info dump, the worldbuilding and characters more than make up for it, especially as you progress pass the prologue. Good looking love interests, good amount of fetishes/kinks, alpha MC, some funny dialogue/meme references and just a good time all in all. Recommended!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    (This is for Ep.1 v1)

    Incredible. Although the very first parts were a little shaky and had me worried, this almost instantly has become one of my very favorite titles on this entire site.

    The models start off good but become really quite amazing as the game finds it footing.

    The pacing is just to my liking where it doesn't waste my time but still has story beats that are actually worth following along to.

    The story is actually good for what it is. An obviously ridiculous setting and premise, so nothing anyone on here is unfamiliar with, but the important part is that you actually start caring about what goes on once the story finds its feet.

    There are a few "meme" scenes that didn't land completely with me personally, but we all understand nothing can ever fit our preferences to perfection, and none of those scenes were remotely enough to stop me from enjoying the game or take me out of any moment.

    The music is good, fits the scenes well and is unintrusive.

    The game delivers nicely on the tags it has set forward, with the promise of diving even deeper into practically each and every one of them. YMMV but for me, everything jived just perfectly.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep.1 v1 ]

    Pretty good start. The story is a bit "concise" at the beginning, trying to convey a lot of information to the player in a short time. Later it slows down and becomes interesting. The dialogs kick the fourth wall a bit sometimes, but not in an annoying way. The girls are beautiful, the music is good, the story is interesting, what else do you need? If you like the tags, I recommend you try the game, I think it's worth it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through the prologue and Ep 1. I really enjoyed it. Fun, diverse cast of characters. A simple enough plot with some mystery to it which keeps it a bit interesting. A number of the girls will throw themselves at the MC, but hey, its a PORN game.

    I also appreciate the pacing of this game with the time skip of the training period for MC who comes out a stronger character. Other devs would make the mistake of spending waaaay to much time exploring that and here we skip right to the good stuff. Overall the plot develops at a really nice pace.

    Has a variety of kinks that are all optional and clearly marked for you with an opt out. I'll take it all though, kinkier the better!!

    Best of luck to the games future success, I'll be waiting for the next update.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Ali ibn Hassan

    VN started out a bit confusing with the MC resembling an axe murderer with the only purpose in life being splitting girls in half with his enormous dick.
    Past the initial few minutes of rough sex and violence the presumed serial killer turned out to be a proper and wholesome mommys boy.
    The story itself is quite simple and a classic fairy tale of the presumed orphan finding his long lost family and getting on a crash course golden ride to fame, power and riches.
    Bad guys are ugly and bad to the bone and (most) ladies are godess material in appearence if not always in spirit.
    There is, like in most fairy tales, a struggle between good and evil where good is most likely to succeed.
    So far ( v.5 Ep.1 hardcore) I've greatly enjoyed the activities on screen though sometimes the amount of text made me click quickly through some of it. But sometimes having to scroll back when missing something important to fully understand.
    HS is perfect for these kind of fairy tales though there's something bothering me that almost all male characters appear asian while the ladies for the most part have caucasian appearances. Another problem with HS is colour temperature where sometimes the colours seem to blur the overall view especially when the lighting is dim.

    A very splendid job so far!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think I need to say why I love it. 10/10 But if u really must know, MC is not only smart, but stronger. I can actually feel like I'm home sometime but lol it's w.e . I also like to point out that the girls are way stronger then the average male and kill load and way better than any girls I hav ever seen