Ren'Py - Dark Magic [v0.19.0] [F. Lord]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game with good plot and hot characters. I think this game has a really high potential. Worth 5 stars. Momoko and Nami are best girls. When I earn money I will support this game. Thank you devs for this game
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Kira The Masked Lad

    don't know what I can write that already hasn't been mentioned about this great game.
    This game is epitome of adult gaming industry.
    Every single lewd scene is better than the other. I don't have words to describe how good they are.
    The story is intriguing.
    The bgm is nice too.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for quite awhile and overall the grind and lack of meaningful storylines for a lot of characters is disappointing. The Engrish is still awful and is very distracting throughout the entire game. Being forced into certain situations is also disappointing.

    I'm sure a lot of time and effort goes into the game, but the overall game mechanics need a major overhaul. Sound effects during the sex scenes would make it even better. I've played a lot of adult VN's that use Honey Select that have a lot of sound effects that make the game a better playing experience.

    The animations are ok, but aren't the worst that I've seen. Character development and storylines are slow. I'm sure the dev wants to build up the relationships and storyline of the different characters. Taking too long is just a major turnoff on wanting to play the game after a certain point.

    I'm sure F.Lord puts a lot of time, money and effort into making this game. I do wish him all the best and I hope he continues to get the support he needs to make the game. Maybe in another year with less grind and more character development along with more events might get this game a higher rating.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice game. A sweeping story and nice characters that starts small and gets bigger and bigger. Lots of great sex and tons of women. And the scope of the game while being a great strength is also probably the biggest problem with the game. The game sometimes looses focus and threads or tries to do too much. definitely worth your time but be prepared to spend some time with it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It's got the components of a 4. I've tried it at least three times. I don't hate it. I just can't go above a 2 because I just find it so grindy and intensive at times. I get it's going for that, a far more dedicated game than most, and many people want that so I get the ratings some people give. Myself though, when an adult game begins to feel like work I start to dislike and somehow this game, despite renders I love, despite fets I love, even with walkthroughs and mods just ends up feeling like a slog for me after awhile. I get the higher ratings. I'll probably try it again myself someday, those big titty renders and all, play wise though... if I don't want to play it again anytime soon, that's a 2 from me even though for some people what I dislike might be why they rate higher.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I am sooo glad I tried this game out. I usually associate honey select model games with trash hah. Not because the models are bad, just because they are typically used on bad games. Not this time!

    This game has it all! For me, at least. Tons of girls, tons of content with the girls, good writing, good story, good... it's good! It's a solid all around H game! Honestly I don't have time to sing all of its praises so I will just hit the things that I was most impressed with:
    1. The body language and facial expressions of the girls in still and animated scenes. The dev of this game is truly trying to create a full experience here, you can be talking to one character and a girl behind that character could be making facial expressions, sending you messages that you don't even need to read! When the girl is supposed to be annoyed, she looks annoyed. Pleased, she looks pleased. Etc. But, it is not enough to say they look how they feel, the artist really makes sure that the face and body of each character precisely conveys everything they possibly can about the character's mood and feelings. It's great. Well done.
    2. The content! Geez there is so much content and I love it! I've played for hours and there are so many scenes I have not unlocked in the gallery yet! And it's not just tons of repetitive text, or tons of meaningless scenes. The balance between H and non-H content is great, and that balance is maintained through many many hours of content.
    3. Beautiful girls
    4. You can see previous of all unlockable scenes so you know if you should keep waiting for something or not
    And much more! Really, try the game, you will at least find it worth your time!
  7. N
    5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of nsfw games out there but there is some incredible ones like this.The animation is great however i could watch more fully animated one.The story is basic but the characters are likeable.I think everybody should try it out because like i said this is a top notch NSFW game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Having found this game when it was on 9.0 or 10.0, it's taken some time to actually review it. And after reading through some of the other reviews i'll bring some points up regarding them as well.


    I don't think the sound is remarkable, but personally I don't pay that much attention to it anyway, and it's not something i seek for in adult games. I could give it a 2/5 or a 4/5, to me it's all the same. It's not remarkable, but not bad either and serves it's purpose in moments.


    Taking some feedback from other reviews, i honestly don't know how custom or default the models and variations are. I have not gone through the software, but to me the characters work. They don't feel default or standard to me, and I can properly tell them apart. I like certain design choices, and while perhaps some models are a bit more plain looking, combined with shared outfits some characters have, they do all still feel like they have their own identity. More on that later.


    The plot can be pretty nonsensical at times.. certain events or interactions might feel odd or not entirely matching with the pacing of events. However, the red line of the storyline holds it together enough that there is progress, there is plot, events and interactions that are based on it. And while it might sound as a negative, it is a porn game after all, and for this purpose it does the job good enough. It also has a habit of not being predictable, due to it's.. bit nonsensical and wimsical nature. In this case, i'd say just go with the flow and enjoy the ride.


    Now for me, this is probably one of the most important attributes of a game, what do i think of the characters within it. Do I like them? And for this game it's definitely a yes, they might be a bit one dimensional, but they are endearing, have heart. And with the wimsical nature of the story, having these characters match the same attitude and energy, makes it all fit well together. And that is exactly the charm. The characters nature is often reflected well by their behaviour in scenes, and in their dialogues. The interactions characters have among each other also feels quite natural, in a wacky kind of way since.. as started earlier, the game is a bit wacky.


    The dialogue can be quite silly at times, but it does match the characters feelings and nature well, the interactions are often light hearted andpretty funny, giving it all quite a lot of charm. The only minus being thata handful of typo's are present, ranging from 'just typed the wrong letter', to not knowing how to write a word, or writing it 'right' phonetically (grap instead of grab). But not to the frequency for it to be jarring, often my mind would auto correct it while reading anyway.


    There's quite a varied arrange of scenes, and only more on the horizon. Seeing how things develop is often why I wait with reviewing, if reviewing at all. While perhaps a bit plain at times, it's a mixture of the models, the dialogue and lastly...


    Of special mention. I don't know what it is, while some models look similar, dress similar, the expressions combined with their overall attitude, posing and dialogue is what puts this game apart. They work really well, and heavily contribute to why characters have their unique feel and identity, why the scenes have a high sexual feeling and why the dialogue flows (works) as it does. The subtle changes in posing, but primarily (facial) expressions make it all come apart. And gives me a reason to mention this seperately.

    Overall Score

    Now i know if you take the averages, this number won't come up. But that's not what it's about. For me this is about how much enjoyment i get out of a game as a whole, how eager you are to continue/pick it up upon a new release. And for me personally, this game strikes a fine balance between all of it. And with the latest release (0.12.1 as of writing), i found myself pick it up asap and continue onwards.

    Lastly, Okemia best girl. Airi close second.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I believe average should be the right word to define this game, you can play it if you wanna see corruption or if you just like the characters, be my guest, but I will analyze a bit what's the problem:

    -First of all let's talk about grind, money grind is ok, it isn't an issue at all in this game but the thing is the "recharge, use powers, repeat", it is annoying to say the least. Overall you have to visit a character and keep corrupting her until you get more scenes and keep pushing for it, that's all you do and the thing is that the mechanic is so repetitive that it becomes annoying soon enough, perhaps it could have been better to use magic to make cursed items that increase the character's corruption each day or another way that doesn't require to do a constant grind.

    -There is no challenge at all in the game, overall in the storyline it wants to give you a tiny feeling of rush with scenes of an antagonist trying to do something against you, but it gives you infinite time to do whatever you want, I don't mean to push the player too much but at least a giving of "danger" should exist in the game, for god's sake, we are supposed to have an assassin on our back...

    -The lesbian, futa and No NTR conflict: The thing is that when people see tags like lesbian and futa they expect more than having the male MC involved in everything, in fact I believe it must be painful for lesbian fans especially.

    I won't even enter about how forced some situations are and how some characters should try to be more pushy without you having to tell them to sleepover (may the heavens, at least add an option to always sleep with X for the mother and sister).

    It kind of feels disappointing as a corruption game, mainly because you have to activate all events, you know, it would change quite a bit if what the characters wear around the house changes in time, if they give in to their lustful desires and try to have something with you, kind of feeling like the corruption means something. Even more I just feel like there should be another stat rather than just corruption, in fact the game has quite a lot of femdom, even to the point that they hit the character hard, get him unconcious and rape him in turns, there is no balance on that point!.

    Sigh at the very least I would like that Ruriko was actually trying something against the red witch, at least that could be interesting and not random.

    Overall if you just wanna get scenes and grind then it's your game, I can't truly say that I found the corruption appealing, even less when I personally like to corrupt girls into bisexual sluts or having different options to do it. Perhaps that's what the game lacks the most, the ability to truly feel in power and chosing in what direction are you corrupting the characters.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The story line is rather developed, you could get a lot of play time out of this game. The game ticks many of the right boxes for me (read: 'the right tags', the right genres), yet I feel that the game-play is too simplistic. The story is also poorly set up and and not enough information is given about the MC or his powers. For example, when the witch first grants him powers, she does not even say what he can or should do with them. I also feel that the characters do not have enough depth to them.

    I like games that include corruption, mind control, and domination, but it feels too much as if this game just has pretty pictures for the sake of pretty pictures and not for the sake of game-play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting, cant wait for the next part.

    Animations are top notch, as well as the changes in face and body during conversations.

    Script/writing has a few weird spots, cold use an editor for the english version. Overall, it is good.

    Some variance in body types, but mostly big tit/big ass models. Would like to see a main character that is petite, not just a side character.

    The personalities are widespread, so great. I didnt like how the auntie stop progressing after the question at the lake, didnt make sense to me. Or maybe she doesnt have progress, that should be finished if so.

    The implementation of the corruption mechanic was done well enough. More choices for spells would be neat, maybe something to make them horny as well to do weird one off scenes.

    A bit grindy if you dont cheat in money. At the same time though, there are things you need to do after working, so it works out some. Was surprised i didnt see a money sink like donating to the church.

    The hints are spot on, I like being able to use it when I am bored, and ignore it when I am not.

    Strength capped out at 10 way too soon. Following the story you get some strength training, which means you need to grind very little of it. I would really like the strength requirements to stay the same, but maybe make the cap like something retarded like 100, and sub in a new model for the MC, at different strength levels. Maybe make him super muscular at 100.

    Getting books to read was always annoying. I understand you wanted to keep the MC from corrupting everyone too soon, but at the same time there are alot of characters that casting a spell was unavailable as an action. I could corrupt by doing things, but not by casting a spell. Maybe make books easier to attain and turn on casting a spell for more characters, managing mana was a useful time waster.

    Great game, top quality, thanks for sharing your hard work.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    All in all, it's quite a good game. There are some issues, but it delivers what is advertised and I can clearly see, that a lot of work was put into it.

    Positives first.

    It looks like someone spent quite some time on detail-work, which I like a lot. It just completes all the settings. The character models look quite well made and divers. And the animations are really smooth.
    I also never encountered a single bug, although this game is PACKED with content, overlapping and interwining storylines, and a crapload of events.

    What I didn't like as much? Well, honestly, there is just too much going on. Every so often I saw a cutscene with a some character I haven't seen before... and then wasn't mentioned again for the longest time (The Sperminator, Eyepatch-Girl, etc.). And I even seem to have missed a few events, because I advanced in one storyline too fast, so another storyline, that was dependent on events from the first one, couldn't continue. But for people who like to replay and try out different choices, this won't be a problem.

    The story is nothing special, but well written. There were however a few scenes that took me out of the game. The whole game is about this worldwide harem (since you play the presumably only male alive). But that get's interrupted by events that clearly show, how most of the Characters don't give a flying F about the MC's wellbeing/feelings, but rather see him as some kind of Dick on legs, making the whole corruption-thing a little... unneccessary. Example:
    MC gets Baseball-Bat to the back of his head, so side-characters can have fun with him while he's (assumed to be) passed out. Later he visits the hospital because of the pain in his head. But he doesn't get checked, let alone treated... instead the doctor complains, why she wasn't invited! Then calles her assistant in, so they can also have some fun with him.

    Sure, that was a little extreme, but that was just the most obvious example that came to mind. But it illustrates the lack of actual depth to the story (so far). Maybe this will change in the future and this will become a five-star game for me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on here, a 9 of 10, mostly due to the beautiful models and most mid to high quality animations. Simply put, the characters are extremely hot. If you're the kind of person who skips through the text, this game should hit the spot. No idea what the story is about - don't care.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I honestly cannot understand why this game is so highly rated when it is clearly so poorly made. It's at least functional, and in that respect can be considered competent, but nothing else about the game makes any sense.

    The models are ok, and there is an abundance of them, but the characters have almost zero personality. They are all just generic harem stereotypes. The setting is a hodgepodge of assets that are seemingly thrown together with no rhyme or reason.

    The writing is laughably bad. I kid you not when I say that I was uncontrollably chortling at how bad the writing was in the first two days.

    Here are some examples:

    1. The MC went to jail, for what the game has so far refused to say, other than he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Really?
    2. The MC's To-Do list says he should go to the mine because his mom is friends with the owner, and it's the kind of work, "<he> should be good at." When he gets there, he apologizes to the mine owner's daughter for being gone for so long, and asks if he can work at the mine again. So he has apparently has known her for years, and effectively gets his old job back at the mine. Wut
    3. The Red Witch wants to give the MC her powers of sexual corruption and soul stealing, and the MC accepts without hesitation because he's apparently completely amoral and a closet rapist. I think I know what he went to jail for in the first place. The first person whose immortal soul he condemns to eternal slavery? The woman who adopted and raised him, naturally. WUT
    4. And the grand mother of all nonsense; by his own admission, the MC has been raised in a normal family and has had a normal life, despite being the only man on the planet. Apparently he was found as a baby and adopted, and not immediately taken by the government, or a religious order, or whatever passes for a scientific community in this anachronistic world that looks like it's partly 18th century Europe, but with 21st century apartments, and security guards that dress like they live in ancient Greece. WUT?!

    How could the MC possibly be able to define what a normal life is when he has no frame of reference for comparison? He's the only man. Everyone else is a woman! Yet everyone treats him as though he's not a freak of nature, or a god, and we are given no context to explain this. Did all the other men just die off and he is the first man to come around in a long time? We are told nothing about the setting.

    There is suspension of disbelief, and then there is whatever this game is asking for. It's like trying to suspend an elephant with a ball of string and a crane made of LEGO. It just doesn't work, and it falls apart very quickly.

    This game was obviously made for the sole purpose of quick and easy faps. So if you don't think about it too much, and ignore the dialogue, setting, character development, and anything to do with the plot, then you might be able to enjoy it.

    If this game were a movie, it would get the MST 3000 treatment, no question.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is that rare case of a game where you don't fall in love as soon as you start to play. I would say that the welcoming screen, and opening scenes for the story, and UI are not really made in a good way, so at first glance the game seemed like some garbage in which you will not find yourself anything good to spend your time on.
    My first try to launch this game, I spent like 15-20 minutes in, didn't see any content except for Airi (Mom) and Momoko (sister), had trouble with understanding about how mana works and a way to replenish it, thought this would be a boring grind and just dropped the game for a month.
    As you may understand now, I gave it a second chance and clenched teeth to overcome those things that bothered me in the past. This was my really crucial decision which turned out to change my hate to this game, I didn't want to launch again, into one of favourites of all times! Oh my god, how enjoyable this journey is!
    This game is large, I mean, it is really big, it is long, it has many events, it gives lots of different sexual and non-sexual content. Though, the game is so big, it is not frustrating, not boring and not tiring! The game content which this game provides made me really engaged in the whole situation and I was eager to unlock every single bit of possible content, to look through every scene it has and to read every single word. Ah, I fell in love!
    So, what to expect from this game? Medieval age setting with humans and mythical creatures. A large variety of relations with different women who have their own personality, personal story and different mindset for their live purpose and just way to live. Nice sounds which accompany you through whole playthrough, almost no moments where you sit in silence reading text! This game is created for softies, all sexual content has no violence and you can not be afraid to hurt your pure heart with such things, like rape etc. And last, but not least, main story plot, it fits perfectly the whole idea of being the only male alive in the world, and we have hints about what is going to happen in the future, and personally I approve and like how this is all going!
    What bad things you can expect to experience? Bad UI to which you have just to get used. You may have "No things to do now." in the "To do" list (aka in-game helper to progress) when actually you have lots of things to encounter, like side events or events which will later trigger main story events, so be sure to explore world yourself, try different variants in dialogues, try to find something new every in-game day. You also have to grind stats, like money, strength and corruption, in the beginning it is hard, later it is easy to manage and in the end you don't need to repeat those grinding.

    For TL;DR club:
    + Great story
    + Girls have their own personalities and not just cumdumpsters
    + Cool events and awesome animations
    - Requires some grind for stats at the start
    - Looks clumsy and not promising
    - You might get lost and need help to proceed

    Overall this game is strongly recommended to all people who love harem novels and softcore. Great job, thanks to dev, can't wait for more updates!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best open world sandboxes out there! Girls all look really good for HS models, most are different from each other by looks and personality wise they are unique enough. It's not too grindy either so that is a plus!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The models are very good the story is interesting, is not boring like similar games yhe corruption method is very interesting a meke a good review to this game because f. lord have did somthing very interesting
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

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  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Wow, just... wow. This game is painfully generic. I'd go as far as to say - it's THE definition of generic.

    The characters look generic to the point that it took me some time to see the differences between Airi and Nami, or Namie (uh-huh, even the names) and Kimiko. Made in vanilla HS with barely any imagination. There's very little difference in their facial features and even the body types don't vary too much. Nobody stands out. They are incredibly bland.
    And holy shit, Tamiko is creepy.

    The story is generic. You get your superpowers and go around corrupting people and grinding stats.
    The writing is horrible, so you don't get particularly attached to the characters or interested in whatever is going on. You can forget about characters having interesting personalities or any motivations. They are just unimaginative fuckdolls. And the protagonist is an insufferable, spoiled piece of shit that treats his family like crap.
    There are not many spelling errors per se, but some sentences don't make any sense at all. To the point where it's actually hard to understand what the hell the characters are talking about.

    The setting is not thought-out. Too many loopholes and unexplained stuff about this world that doesn't make any sense.

    The gameplay is generic. You get your obligatory mother, sister, childhood friend; peeking, gradually groping while they sleep etc., etc., etc. It's done by the book with nothing of interest added from the author.
    Even sex can't save this game, because Animation and render quality is bad and full of artifacts.

    I won't talk about the music much. It's also pretty bad, but really, who cares? You can just turn it off.

    Even UI is generic, with barely any work put into it.

    There's really nothing in this game that is interesting, original or at least truly well made. What a waste of time...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an Excellent Game! Hint system is so good that I could complete 95% of the contents without walkthrough.
    -Renders 5/5
    -Animation 5/5 great quality animation.
    -Story 4/5 you can find out almost every fantasy in this game.
    -Characters 5/5 Each character's so attractive.