Ren'Py - Dark Magic [v0.19.0] [F. Lord]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Dark Magic is a sandbox style VN with more girls than it knows what to do with and less than a thimbleful of story to pass around between them.

    I really can't express how bad the story is. I have no real issues with porn logic, but typically the absurdity of such logic is used for humor and to encourage silly sexual hijinks. In Dark Magic, it's kinda just the way people think. It very quickly becomes a case of not laughing along with the silliness of the world, but laughing at some of the stupid decision making and "logical" justifications.

    I might have let the above pass, but the world in general is no better. The MC is the only guy in the kingdom, but no one seems surprised to see him, all the girls are quite well aware of how sex works, and there seems to be no ramifications for there only being one man. The MC wants to become a soldier, but for what point? We're not made aware of political or military contexts. Who the hell are they fighting and why do we care? Mining by labor is the primary source of income in the city (kingdom?), but apparently there's magic and some level of modern conveniences?

    There's just a litany of inconsistencies in the world design. There's absolutely no depth to anything and as a result, any story occurring happens in a void where there's no context for any events. Things just happen with very little dramatic weight or even relevance. It's messy and absurd.

    Nevertheless, if you can discount the absolute lack of a world and what-did-she-just-say porn logic, there's decent enough characters in the game and lots and lots of porn. While fairly one dimensional, the girls are cute with good renders. The scenes aren't deep or meaningful, but the animations are good.

    If you're looking for a porny harem with a huge number of girls, you won't go wrong with Dark Magic. If you're looking for interesting characters, a cool world or an engaging backdrop for your porn, Dark Magic will disappoint you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is specifically for version 16.0

    For me, this was the most satisfying update in a long while. And sorry for those of you who are just hanging out to bump uglies with the Red Witch.

    Recent updates have either focused on the main plot, or fleshed out (pun intended) the relationships with the MC's ever expanding harem.

    This update moves the main story forward as well as adding some great sex scenes at home, and with other members of the cast that had either barely been developed, or not been updated for far too long.

    Most pleasing of all is that F.Lord surprises with several elements of the story. It has always had such an interesting premise that seemed under-exploited. Now finally, we are beginning to see more hints of how this unusual world, with its weird mixture of contemporary and ancient, came to exist.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game! I liked the character, both personalities and design. Soundtrack was pretty decent, with a few tunes I might even call great.
    Animations were good in general, with a select few scenes being oddly pixelated.
    Some corruption % aspect can be a bit grindy with no clear end goal, especially for secondary characters. The English is honestly pretty awful most of the time. Not completely incomprehensible, but I still had a lot of fun with this game. Looking forward to see where it all goes storywise!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is easily in my top 5 adult games that I've ever played. The only thing much better than this is probably harem hotel, it's that good. If you haven't, play this game now!

    For a more objective review, I will say that I am very partial to the style of character models which is a big part of why I like it so much. But it has a ton of scenes, lots of group content (but is vanilla, which I don't like but most people will), beautiful models, and some nice background plot that doesn't get too in your face. Man this game is so good. Play it!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game, Was looking for more corruption and harem girls and the girls look cute. The mom was nice as well. But this turns out to be pretty wholesome game. Got some lots of nice actions and beautiful girls.

    I really like the whole concept of the dark magic world and the red witch mysteries and the way you need to try to corrupt them. Nice sandbox style game with lots of content. You will enjoy it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The name is Dark Magic so I came here for the tag corruption at first, but got wholesomeness instead.

    some complaint about the story of this game but i think this is so much better than most game already, my favorite is the story of Yasuko, the backstory of Airi and Sada when she left home and Akari's too if you pay attention and didn't skip text that is.

    Almost all the female character in this game are like an angel, they are so kind, generous, lovely and caring (especially Airi).

    MC doesn't need his magic that much because the girls love him for who he is anyway (and because he is the only man alive), so corruption didn't mean much.

    for someone like me that love to play corruption game so bad, but this game change my mind, WE ALL NEED WHOLESOMENESS IN OUR LIVES.

    English is not my strong suit but I hope you understand how much I love this game.
    version 0.15.5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the game. The story is pretty good and keep my interest. You have also some really beautiful girls because the character design is made really well. I really recommend it.

    review with V0.14
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I managed to get through this game somehow but it wore me down.
    The scenes are suffering from the inherited flaws from Honey Select but these scenes are overly bright as well.
    The story isn't fluid at all and the interactions and "move to place, must be at a certain time of day" method of progressing is boring and I have started to loathe games which have this design.
    Also the immense repeat of things you done numerous times to add % to the corruption, events not triggering, tasks that didn't happen even though it said the woman should be in the room(exclamation mark)

    The lactation and sex toys tag made me download the game but those rarely brought the expected results... So part from that basically the only thing I liked with the game was the animations.

    1 is the lowest possible and as I mentioned +1 for the animations and sex toys lactation scenes.

    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: v0.15.5
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2102191

    Nice models (aside from the male one...ugh...) the story drags on for too long, honestly I wouldn't have even bothered with it in the first place. many scenes with many characters and most of them are enjoyable, characters are differentiated enough. it's kinda grindy at the start but once you get a hold of the corruption mechanic it's very manageable. overall an enjoyable experience.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot of people before have said the same thing, so I will try not to retread.

    If you are looking for a jerkfest, this is it for you. Lots and lots of content and varied amounts as well for any sorts of whims you have. This is your typical harem game with porn logic abounds (last man alive, every woman wants you because of that)

    The story is what makes these games different from one another though, and that's where this game falls flat.

    First, it's never really clear what the ultimate goal is for this plot. Without spoilers, there is the obvious question of you being a man in a world full of women, but it ultimately only serves the porn logic.

    Second, the timing and the pacing of the plot is very strange, as you can do things in whatever order you want, but because of that, I'm never really sure where I am suppose to stand in my relationship with many of the characters.
    Slight spoiler: Obvi, you are suppose to corrupt the whole kingdom so you can bang everyone. The issue I have is that what happens in the sex, don't translate to any of the plot really. Like, I never really understood why the Mom and the sister are okay with sharing the son from the get-go. The game is not shy with sharing characters internal monologue, so it was just really jarring for me to see how down everyone is with sharing.

    Because of that, it's hard to get a feel for any sort of progression and that makes it difficult to know how far along the plot or subplot you are.

    However, I am rating 4 stars, because for the simple fact that at the end of the day, it is a porn game, and it really, really delivers on that front. It really doesn't make it that hard for you to start the ball rolling as well, so, to the game's credit, they do that very well. The story, while weak, serves as a acceptable medium to carry all the sex. So, if you are looking for Honey Select models and animations, tons of H-content and a lot of fetishes, this is it for you.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    This is the smut game equivalent of cheap candy. Piles and piles of content, but not much of it is well made or memorable, but if you're looking for a quick buzz this is for you.

    It's a Ren'Py Honey Select game. Which means the moment you start to feel familiar with one of the characters, you are introduced to five more, and they all run together, with all the depth of trading cards.

    The Honey Select engine is responsible for most of the stuff people will like about this (i.e. the 3d models and canned animations), which is why I'm not factoring in its "contributions" to my rating. What I'm rating is everything else, which is where the actual creative effort is on display. And it's not very remarkable.

    The aesthetic is really jarring and ugly; it's very primitive 3D work. The game feels clunky to play; getting around sucks. The premise is basic (you're the last man alive but all this means is you have no competition to fuck women), and the setting and world building is goofy and suffers from the fact the author is cramming together assets from a pre-made library rather than designing a world themselves. I couldn't describe to you the narrative or plot- it does that thing smutty games do where it's elaborate and contrived but slides right off your brain because despite the effort used to justify the porn conceits, it doesn't land.

    So what you get is a package of skittles- a few flavors of girl that repeat over and over. "Smuttles" as it were. You might savor one or two at the beginning, but by the end, you're just shoveling them into your mouth because everything's run together in a homogenous slurry. After a few story beats I ended up just hitting the Skip button, disengaged fully.

    But if you're looking for the equivalent of gorging on cheap candy, this will work.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry if I'm rude here but that's the worst thing about the game: the graphics are awful and pejorate a lot the game. Pictures/animations are in 720p and the bad compression completely destroy the image quality, sorry but we are in 2021 with 4k, 2k, or at least 1080 screen..., graphics are kinda important for a porn game. Also the scale of the UI is kinda big, it is unnatural to me.

    The storytelling is generaly kinda childish and feel so much unreal, rarely getting a girl into sex felt right, sometime it made me laughing but most the time you feel the mc or the girl is just dumb.
    The writing get a little better in late game, I see the dev make effort but it still felt wrong.

    The characters style are good, they are original and nice. Their personality are also ok but not very different from each other (with some exceptions), they still feel like dumb girls that suck a cock after 3-4 dialogs. Also majority of the girl have unrealistic g-cup breasts, I like some from time to time but for me it just felt too much a forced breast feast. I respect others taste but it's not my thing, I prefer game with various girls, tall, little, big, skiny, a-cup to g-cup etc.

    The general story is also okayish, I tried to follow but after mid game I lost completely interest and just press skip as much as I can. Sometime something happen but not that much, it was like 2 or 3 events that make me want to know what happen after but the rest was just going trough the content to if there is something interesting after.

    I Played 0.14.5 and had like 70% completion, I didn't finished the game.

    Imo this game need a least a rewrite of the begging of the story, also a complete graphic revamp.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR; This game is good for one thing, and one thing only. If you just want to jerk off. If you’re here for a compelling story, detailed plot, believable world building, or realistic characters, then you are going to be very disappointed.

    First, let's go over the H-Content. There is A LOT in this game. I often find galleries in games to be poorly made, so I basically make my own gallery by creating a new save-state before each sexual encounter. Typically, I consider a game with 8-12 pages of content to be enough for a completed game. Any more than that is icing on top, any less than that is either too short for my tastes or better make up for it with really great writing.

    This game seems far from complete and had easily over 17 pages of h-content. As I said above, if all you need from this game is some hot scenes to jerk it to and you don’t feel like making your own characters in Honey Select, this game is for you. Despite the negatives that I will go over after this, the reason I have given this game a pretty positive score is because there are many occasions when this is exactly what I want from a game. I don’t want to read pages of text or play through long minigames, I just want to jerk off. And when I feel that way, I’m happy to play some Dark Magic.

    Now to the negatives. Woof, there are a lot honestly.

    First, let’s go over the worldbuilding. I think that later in development, the dev started caring more about worldbuilding and really tried to do what they could. But it started with a rotten core. First, it’s a fantasy world where all the men are dead except for the MC. This is already a pretty cringy concept imo, but it’s made much worse when many characters will not behave in a way that makes sense within a world devoid of men. Women all know how to suck a dick and have sex with men despite never doing it before, and they will even comment on how large the MC's dick is despite having no frame of reference. Many characters will basically ignore the fact that you’re a man despite you being an anomaly. You should basically be a celebrity, not some random schlub working in the mines. There’s more on that but I’ll be here all day if I mention everything.

    A lot of the other worldbuilding problems are nitpicks but they combine to make the world feel really strange and incongruent. Like this is a society where some people are living in wooden cots with no apparent plumbing, and others live in modern-style downtown apartments with a standing shower. It’s all very strange and feels lazy.

    The characters and story are treated with a similar level of strangeness and laziness. There are tons of characters, but most of them have basically no personality aside from their obsession with the MC and his giant dong. Your sister is one of the main characters who takes up a huge amount of screentime, yet I could not tell you one thing about her personality that doesn’t relate to the MC. Her only apparent friend is someone she meets halfway through the current story and all they talk about is their art class and, of course, the MC. That’s just one example. The vast majority of these characters are completely devoid of any personality and charm, they are simply incredibly horny objects with which the MC may sate his lust.

    The grind is another problem with this game. The corruption mechanic is very tedious. I spent half of my time in this game just talking to characters and corrupting them, refilling my mana, going to sleep, then repeating the process. It’s not engaging. It's exacerbated when more characters are introduced. Now you have to decide who you corrupt each day and it makes progress with each girl crawl to a snail’s pace.

    Overall, this game is a pretty mediocre game with a dumb story and world. But it’s also got some cute models and an absurd amount of solid scenes. I recommend people download this game and just flip it on when you need a quick fap. But find something else if you want anything more than that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    First of All...


    Now onto the review. Honey select may not be everyone's dish but surely you have to check this game. I mean really HAVE TO. Ok, now I might sound a little bs but never mind this game deserves the bs.

    Story: may not be best out there but without a doubt better than most. The lore is also good enough to get invested, which I rarely do. Even harem hotel didn't get me invested enough in the first half to read the dialouges. And that's a huge compliment coming for me.

    Characters: Some of the really hot characters are here ngl. Airi is such a hot milf. Then momoko is the cute imouto you want to hug and fuck at the same time. Then comes Airi, for me she's the best. cute and sexy childhood best friend also help me as her scenes are also hot af. Taka and Kimika (Queen) also stole my heart.

    Animation: one just can't complain about honey select animation can he. It's the basic hs animation. You'll like it.

    End note: I think this game need more recognition like harem hotel and mythic manor. Mythic manor is my personal favourite. Only thing I find fault here is the story progression. Like the scenes come of more easily than necessary at some moments. Queen kimika story progression is really good thou. I checked that the dev is working on another game rn with honey select 2 cg. I don't mind that if he can keep the steady steam of updates. Best of luck dev and we want more of queen kimika's scene please.

    Thank you for sharing such a good game with us dev. Sorry for my english not a native one.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2643270

    Best game on this Platform,because its just the best content i have seen here.
    Its has great Design,an awsome story good Humor and much more.
    I really hope the Developer keeps his great work going like he did with this one.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    You cannot progress past a certain point without molesting someone in her sleep (the action is literally called 'Molest her'). It's a girl who's a guest in your home and she has been very nice to the MC and his family, so why should I be forced to do that?
    Also earlier in the story you are forced to see a futa. What is the dev thinking by making this unavoidable? You can skip the related sex scene but it's not enough, forcing this fetish is not acceptable.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    What to say
    No words to describe this creation
    Best harem incest game i ever played
    My fav is rape sleepsex
    This game solved my hunger in that category
    And wow
    I mean wonderful mom
    Mom like hers i fuck whole day
    Until my testicles explode
    Seriously man nice work
    Expecting more rape content
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Ah yes, I love how I can corrupt my woman without worrying about her spreading her pussy for another guy like a cheap slut.

    In all honesty, I love this game. The art is not top notch but adorable to me, the pacing is fine, the story is engaging and the scenes are nice. I can't ask for more.

    Thanks devs for making this game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    I'm gonna start off by saying this. I am a fan of NTR (there is none in the game I know that) and Futa, so upon spotting the Futa tag I downloaded and decided to give it a play. Even though there is only 1 futa scene in game I have to say this:

    I am glad I downloaded and played this. I've been playing for gotta be over 24 hours (not in a row) and the storyline itself is the equivalent of a well written novel that knows how to be tense, be suspenseful, craft a good story with detail and more than that it perfectly balances moments of tension, with moments of comedy, with moments of sexual lust as well as fighting a battling all in one.

    You can play for HOURS and not get bored. Yes it's made in Honey Select graphics but the game-play itself more than makes up for that.

    This to me is one of those rare gem surprises where you think 'okay I'm bored let's see what this is about' and suddenly you wonder where the hours have gone, why you're naked and why the floor is so sticky...

    One thing I like is the story knows how to do cliffhangers and knows how to make you immersed in it, you WANT to know what is happening, you WANT to get involved with the characters, their lives and who they are.

    Think about it like this, you know this is a harem game, not only am I a fan of NTR but I'm also a dev of it too, and you all know how the two camps get along. So imagine my shock that not only did I download, not only did I play for hours, but the game was that good that it it took me in and held me for hours. You know a game is well done when it can do that.

    In short: Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the BEST harem games I've played, amazing family interactions which really makes it for me, the models look fantastic, and the writing is actually really sweet sometimes. There's an economic system, and I never once felt like I was wasting my time as I was doing it :) could not recommend enough