I find the idea of breaking her hate towards the MC and turning all her fealings around quite fascinating and I can't wait see how you write that part.
It will be interesting for sure, but there will be people who will complain no matter how it works its way out.
As the expression of timeless wisdom goes, it's a
thin line between love and hate. In both cases
the person 'matters' to you very much - one way or the other - and so it doesn't take anywhere near as much to flip you to the other side as we might think.
Personally I think we see
all the time IRL how the
opposite switch happens (love-to-hate in divorces, for example) so I think hate-to-love is not as dramatic a flip as some players seem to think it needs to be. Just some event to shock her enough to
force her out of her blinders-on preconceptions enough to
honestly re-evaluate. And then since she is already so hyper-focused on MC, if she suddenly realizes he is NOT what she assumed he was and is
actually nice to her, all that hate-energy needs somewhere to go and...presto!
I just think because of all the strong emotions already involved it is realistically easier to go from hate to love than it is to go from
apathy to love because emotion isn't generated from nothing just re-directed.
Oh my god, another one. I already try to explain earlier my mistakes in wording it like that.
OK, I've definitely said
plenty of things in my life that have been misunderstood because I said them in ways that made sense to
me but not to others, so I can accept that.