Last time:
âś” Break Judgment's T2 DIG
âś” Rampant on Luster
[ ] Rampant distortion on Judgment
âś” Tempted Distortion on Testament (surprise!)
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament (optional, but preferred)
[ ] huge Orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me
Day 6
As I plan out ways to accomplish the Orgy, I recognize that I'm in a situation I saw last time I fought an Angel and a Devil--if I can get some kind of Downtime that clears Trauma from all 3, I can reset Judgment's damage resistance back to 0. That can be accomplished this Combat if I'm able to get Judgment over to Rampant. I have 190EE to work with, and tons of upgrades to buy, so I think I can, as long as her DR isn't already too high:
Unresolved Trauma: 6519 FEAR, 2993 DISG, 3981 PAIN, 2729 SHAM. 17.2k ANGST (+14 base damage)
(-100 base damage from ally ANGST)
Yesterday's Evil Energy generation: 1 EE (4% of trauma required for more sinful action.)
That's a bit rough, but I think it's manageable.
I get all the fuckin' upgrades I need. Passion Release, Reality Sealing, Soul Resonance, and all their prerequisites. I'm basically ready for the endgame if I can damage the Chosen enough by Day 26. This is another example of why Tomorrow's Newspaper is the best starting item--I don't need the 40EE upgrades, or anything past them, if I keep all 3 Distorted in some way. So I get extra EE by buying early game upgrades, I get to send out Commanders at whatever cost I want (and a Rampant Undead to go along and refund the EE because of Hot Tag), and in the late game I can say "fuck you" to sitting around gaining EE.
The only Defiler I can safely bring is EXPO, so my Commander ends up looking like this:
[X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 1 EE)
[X][X][X][X] Extra Captures
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: Lust [PLEA]
Defiler: Vanity [EXPO, HATE]
Punisher: Drain [INJU]
Your Commander is a huge, biomechanical Demon with electrified tentacles which both hijacks communications infrastructure and drains the vital energy of the Chosen. It attempts to drain enough energy to cause unconsciousness in order to make it easier to make them repeatedly orgasm, ensuring that their bodies remember your domination even if their minds don't. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for three rounds at the start of battle, and then four more times whenever you give the order, even against a flying target. It is worth 115 Evil Energy. You have 0 Evil Energy remaining.
Slayer will accompany you into battle!
OK even I'll admit this is a little bit weird. What's the deal, Skip? Low Duration gives me a lot of opportunity to get some good early damage in. Many Captures means I can hit someone twice if I need to before Extermination ends. "In that case, why are you getting Flying?" Well, that 10EE goes into Slayer, which means I get 9EE back, and I'm going to need Slayer to be fucking *stronk* to break through Judgment this fight and get to 15 Opening Levels. Plus, how could I resist having 0EE remaining?
A 3-turn Capture, since Judgment comes in Turn 4 (not shown, but you'll see it in the Combat), works out perfectly if I target Testament first. Let's go!
Combat 6
(R0: Capture)
R1-R3: Barrier
Nothing to do here but wait for Judgment, who enters then. Tester's status at R4:
FEAR [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 2334 + 11.2k = 13.5k) frantic desperation
DISG [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 2284 + 10.9k = 13.2k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [========~~] (15.8k + 66.1k = 82.0k) sobbing with pain
SHAM [===~~~~~~~] ( 9399 + 24.7k = 34.1k) reflexively covering herself
HATE [---'''''''] ( 165 + 139 = 304) hating her situation
PLEA [~~--------] ( 1182 + 903 = 2085) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 5518 + 3602 = 9120) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [~---------] ( 978 + 846 = 1824) clothes torn across her hips and chest
R4: Judgment->Capture
Here's the moment of truth. With -100 base damage, can she be hurt?
Judgment gets ready to do battle with your reaching mechanical limbs, but she's dismayed to find that you're able to drain the supernatural energy from her body, leaving her barely stronger than the average civilian. Terrified by the numbness spreading throughout her body, she struggles desperately against you. Then, one of your mechanical tendrils rubs against the entrance to her pussy. She instinctively tries to buck her hips out of the way, and with the mild electric shocks your attachments deliver to her clit, she can't even squirm away from the pleasure you're forcing her to feel. During the manhandling of her weakened body, you end up starting to strip off her clothes in the process.
FEAR ['''' ] ( 0 + 44 = 44) only a little worried
DISG [''' ] ( 0 + 35 = 35) only a little disturbed
PAIN [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 190 = 190) wincing in pain
SHAM [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 106 = 106) face downturned
HATE [-'''''''''] ( 80 + 95 = 175) hating her situation
PLEA [-'''''''''] ( 60 + 130 = 190) blushing and distracted
INJU [---------'] ( 60 + 939 = 999) light bruising
EXPO [--''''''''] ( 60 + 190 = 250) clothes have some small tears
HATE up! PLEA up! INJU up! EXPO up! With Judgment's annoyance causing her to become impatient and vulnerable, your Commander rips her spiked armor all the way up to her hip. With bruises accumulating on her body, she's too slow to stop you from pulling off her spiked armor as well, and when she realizes that her legs are completely exposed now, she can't help but be a little turned on by the thought of what could happen next.
Back to Testament:
R5: Testament->Surround, Grind
Her HATE is below 1000, and in general raising all to above 1000 is a good way to start.
R6: Testament->Pummel
Her INJU is only a bit below 10k, another good one to raise.
Judgment escapes!
I think Slayer being sent out with well over 100EE will be quite strong, so I'm content to leave Judgment alone for a bit and meet the new friend.
R7: Luster->Capture
Fortunately Judgment uses Blast, even though a Regenerate would bring down several Circumstance levels.
Quick check:
[ANGEL] Testament: Surrounded for 5 more turns (escaping at double speed)
[BOSS] Judgment: Opening Level 9 vs. Defense Level 3
[ANGEL] Luster: Captured for 3 more turns
Testament with double speed escape will go: 5-3-1-free
Judgment would have triple speed escape and would go 7-4-1-free
Luster will go 3-2-1-free
It's actually kind of bad to surround Judgment this turn and have all 3 free and damaging Extermination. So:
R8: Testament->Caress
Judgment uses Blast again instead of Regenerate. I think this is because she only has a T1 Break in PLEA but a T2 Break in MOR, so Blast is more buffed.
R9: Judgment->Surround, Grind
Since Judgment hasn't had her Distortion yet, she'd use Hiding if hit with Caress or Pummel. Plus, raising HATE is what I really need for, uh, later, though Slayer will be way better at that than even this 4-Circumstance Demon.
R11: Testament->Force
Gotta get her PLEA up to Temptation range (70k, due to my level of Temptation Achievement).
PLEA [====~~~~~~] (12.1k + 29.6k = 41.8k) edge of orgasm
INJU [=~~~~~~~~~] (15.1k + 3933 = 19.1k) slowed by many injuries
Looks pretty good!
Also, I needn't have worried about the triple freeing turn, turns out Testament now (because of damage dealt to Luster) has less Trauma than Luster, so Luster isn't helping her escape any more. I don't think it matters but it would have been optimal to surround Judgment earlier. I don't need "optimal", though, I just need "3 distortions all activated this fight".
R12: Luster->Surround, Caress
Luster's PLEA multiplier is double her others. I'll want to raise her HATE too because right now it's below her others, but it'd be kind of neat if I managed to get an Orgy off this time before she switches over to Rampage.
R13: Testament-> Surround, Caress
I could Switch commanders to get Slayer ready to fuck up Judgment. But this turn is actually the last Evacuation turn (not shown) so I get some extra benefit to getting Testament surrounded now and setting her up for Tempt.
I don't think I need to Force to get her in range for Tempt. But am I right?
PLEA [======~~~~] (56.6k + 12.5k = 69.1k) edge of orgasm
Of course!
R14: Swap Commanders
It's coming. I kind of like building anticipation of
big numba
So, let's see the state of that turn and the fight overall.
Judgment's Action: Rally
Judgment brandishes her forked spear in a demonstration of power, showing everyone that it's too soon to give up hope! The certainty and determination in her eyes leave an impression on everyone who sees her.
Morale boost: incoming trauma decreased by 32%
"I will be your opponent!"
Testament is pushed down on her back, immobilized by countless Thralls groping all over her body. They focus on her soaked, needy slit, reaching through her torn leotard to teasingly stroke her thighs and circle around her clitoris, building her anticipation but denying her the orgasm her body desperately craves.
Testament tries to convince the Thralls to go easy on her, offering to actively pleasure them in return. She fulfills her promise with competence, frowning at the penises in her hands and experimenting with which techniques result in the quickest ejaculation.
FEAR [X=========] ( 111k + 4611 = 115k) blind panic
DISG [XXX=======] ( 349k + 22.6k = 372k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXX=======] ( 340k + 19.8k = 360k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [X=========] ( 162k + 9820 = 172k) tears of shame
HATE [~~~-------] ( 3799 = 3799) strong hatred for the Demons
PLEA [=======~~~] (69.1k + 8395 = 77.5k) edge of orgasm
INJU [==~~~~~~~~] (23.0k = 23.0k) slowed by many injuries
EXPO [~---------] ( 1824 = 1824) clothes torn across her hips and chest
(Testament's service decreases effectiveness of caress and humiliate)
(Testament's begging decreases effectiveness of caress and pummel)
"I was prepared to face the consequences."
Luster is pushed down on her back, immobilized by countless Thralls groping all over her body. They focus on her soaked, needy slit, reaching down her torn trousers to teasingly stroke her thighs and circle around her clitoris, building her anticipation but denying her the orgasm her body desperately craves.
Luster cooperates with her attackers, using her hands to gently stroke them as they surround her. When the Thralls guide her hands to their cocks, she doesn't complain, giving them enough pleasure that they momentarily forget about trying to break her will.
FEAR [X=========] ( 165k + 21.6k = 187k) blind panic
DISG [XXXX======] ( 370k + 95.1k = 465k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXX=======] ( 310k + 37.8k = 348k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXX=====] ( 475k + 45.5k = 520k) tears of shame
HATE [=~~~~~~~~~] (19.7k = 19.7k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [====~~~~~~] (32.8k + 8926 = 41.7k) edge of orgasm
INJU [XX========] ( 266k = 266k) hurt and tied up
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (35.2k = 35.2k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
(Luster's service decreases effectiveness of caress and humiliate)
"I-I'm trying to get better at this..."
Round 15
Evacuation: 280/280 (100%) [####################]
Extermination: 167/714 (23%) [####= ]
Judgment moves like a blur, taking down a wide swath of Demons!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 22)
[ANGEL] Testament: Surrounded for 13 more turns (escaping at double speed)
[BOSS] Judgment: Opening Level 7 vs. Defense Level 5
[ANGEL] Luster: Surrounded for 13 more turns (frozen until ally escape)
Slayer: Ready to capture target
Morale bonus: incoming trauma decreased by 32%
Demonic barrier: all damage increased by 21%
R15: you know what goes here
OK Judgment, how you like
this bitch
Judgment spots Slayer and immediately rushes forward to do battle, but Slayer refuses to engage her, preferring to stay just close enough to shout insults at her.
FEAR [XXXXXXX===] ( 9685 + 762k = 772k) blind panic
DISG [XXXXXXX===] ( 7864 + 763k = 771k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXXXXXX===] (22.7k + 759k = 782k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXXXX===] ( 8055 + 763k = 771k) tears of shame
HATE [==~~~~~~~~] ( 3635 + 24.2k = 27.8k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 1278 + 16.4k = 17.6k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
HATE up! EXPO up! Slayer pulls Judgment's torn bodysuit down her thighs. She struggles against it, glaring back at Slayer with unbridled hatred.
"I could keep this up all day!"
"Just fight me, coward!"
Well, that description was a bit lacking, but the numbers show that this is a fucking
clash of the titans. Judgment is getting demolished out there.
Her Trauma Levels immediately go up to 16 and her HATE shoots over that INJU without showing any signs of stopping, but I know that I don't benefit from 3 of them in PAIN, but it won't take long to get there. Especially since:
R16: Judgment->Penetrate
CSdev I think this description might contain the wrong string. Judgment's over 10k HATE already, not a virgin, so I should be seeing post-Sexual Barrier strings but these are pre-Sexual Barrier strings unless I'm mistaken.
Slayer allows Judgment to tackle her to the ground, and instead of defending herself, she focuses on positioning her impressively large cock so that she can force Judgment's tightly-clenched thighs apart, working her impressively large cock between them until she can get it into Judgment's pussy.
FEAR [####XXXXXX] ( 772k + 3.34M = 4.11M) consumed by fear
DISG [##XXXXXXXX] ( 771k + 1.69M = 2.46M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [##XXXXXXXX] ( 782k + 1.69M = 2.47M) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [####XXXXXX] ( 771k + 3.34M = 4.11M) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE [=========~] (27.8k + 65.6k = 93.5k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (17.6k + 20.7k = 38.4k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
(x1.1 damage due to penetration)
"Are you sure it's a good idea to get this close to me?"
"Ngh! You couldn't... beat me normally...!"
I see (not shown) that we've reached 19 Opening Levels after getting her PAIN to level up. That's enough raping, Slayer--ya done good girl.
I realize that a long Orgy won't be happening this fight because of Judgment's impending Rampancy. I let Judgment sit alone for a bit--apparently she won't Regenerate so there's no danger of her HATE going down below 10k. Let's see what else I can do:
R18: Testament->Tempt
Oh yeah I need to press butan
R19: Luster->Grind
I need to test how quickly this goes up. For reference:
The Thralls force Luster to her knees, ignoring her hate-filled glare. With their libidos kicked into overdrive by the hivemind, they become obsessed with fondling not only themselves but her as well. Reaching down between her legs to use her wetness as lubricant for their own masturbation, the Thralls seem almost as intent on bringing about her orgasm as they are on their own.
Luster presents her open mouth to the Thralls, enticing each of them in turn to shove their cocks down her throat. She closes her eyes and focuses on pleasuring them as she uses her hands to cover herself. When one Thrall proves particularly difficult to push over the edge, she frowns as if personally offended and starts trying harder.
FEAR [XXXXXX====] ( 294k + 346k = 641k) blind panic
DISG [#XXXXXXXXX] ( 937k + 915k = 1.85M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [XXXXXXX===] ( 535k + 224k = 760k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXXXXXXXX=] ( 746k + 248k = 994k) tears of shame
HATE [======~~~~] (19.7k + 47.3k = 67.0k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [X=========] ( 110k + 27.4k = 137k) climaxes at a touch
INJU [XX========] ( 266k = 266k) hurt and tied up
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (35.2k = 35.2k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
Apparently that won't take long at all once she's Inseminated. So, orgy cancelled? It's fine they'll be at 0 trauma after their Distortion Downtimes.
R20: Luster->Inseminate
R21: Judgment->Surround, Inseminate+ (whatever, doesn't matter what move really, though this does get a single turn of Inseminate+ on Luster)
What should the Thralls do after surrounding Judgment? 2 defiler actions possible. Inseminate with Luster will allow Judgment to escape 7 turns early.
Innocence/Confidence Distortion
Judgment was never originally a cruel or hateful person. She only refused to bow before humanity because they didn't meet her exacting moral standards. But now, after being confronted with humanity's evil in such an intimate way, Judgment's cold detachment has given way to true rage. Instead of punishing them because it's her obligation, she's just hurting them because she wants to.
+100 Evil Energy
Judgment's Action: Rampage
Judgment's demeanor abruptly changes, taking on a menacing air that matches the way her clothes grow darker and somehow less heroic. The Thralls are pushed backward when Judgment stands up. She sees them as nothing but insignificant bugs now, and her psychic energy turns that perception into reality. They can no longer even slow her down.
FEAR [####XXXXXX] (4.11M = 4.11M) consumed by fear
DISG [##XXXXXXXX] (2.46M = 2.46M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN [##XXXXXXXX] (2.47M = 2.47M) feels nothing but pain
SHAM [####XXXXXX] (4.11M = 4.11M) mind paralyzed by shame
HATE [=========~] (93.5k = 93.5k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [~---------] ( 1518 = 1518) panting with arousal
INJU [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 9581 = 9581) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [===~~~~~~~] (38.4k = 38.4k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything
+20% Rampage strength (20% total)
"This can no longer be called 'dispensing justice'... but so be it! I'll face my own punishment when my time comes!"
hell yeah rage on girlfriend, life sucks and you stronk
R22: Testament->Tempt
might as well lower her threshold here, this is the last one against her since Extermination is finished. The other 2 have a Surround remaining.
R23-R26: Do Nothing
Then Luster switches over to Rampaging, and the fight may as well be done. I don't think Retreating gets you anything against Rampaging Chosen (it doesn't increase the Rampage Strength, or does it
CSdev? Too early to be digging around in the code)
R27-R30: Do Nothing
And that's the end of the fight.
Downtime 6
After the battle, Testament allows a large group of Thralls to convince her to help hide them from the authorities. She's become convinced that purifying them of Demonic influence against their will is no better than brainwashing them. Later that evening, she meets them again for a night of carefree sexual debauchery. The complete lack of malice they display toward her makes her feel foolish for taking their battles so seriously up to this point.
"Hey, everyone! Let's pick up where we left off."
-1.58M ANGST, -526k FEAR, -408k DISG, -1.09M PAIN, -846k SHAM (action resolves 10.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 âś”
+15 Evil Energy
+103 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)
Because neither of them have had their bloodlust satisfied yet, Judgment and Luster rampage across the city together, wiping out lingering Demons and human first responders with equal enthusiasm. They work as a team and cover each other's backs, achieving more than twice as much destruction together as they would have been able to manage alone.
+120% Luster's Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (880% total)
+200% Judgment's Rampage strength from rampaging after battle end (400% total)
"Stay with me, Midori!"
"I've become stronger, Leader... but I'm still glad to have you protecting me."
-252M ANGST, -57.9M FEAR, -35.2M DISG, -97.2M PAIN, -64.4M SHAM (action resolves 20.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 âś”
-172 ANGST, -41.2k FEAR, -24.7k DISG, -24.8k PAIN, -41.1k SHAM (action resolves 20.0G ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)
Total unresolved trauma: 0FEAR +0DISG +0PAIN +0SHAM = 0 added ANGST
Total ANGST: 0 âś”
+60 Evil Energy
that went well
All the objectives for this fight were achieved so now I just need to figure out the Orgy--next time. I have 278 Evil Energy. It is Day 7.