
Sep 15, 2021
T3 happens when you do an orgy.
Its counterintuitive because you need about 50 or so evil energy for some very important updates: networked consciusness and passion release

(you can also place some of the chosen ones in multiple defiler+ that is what I did at the start, but it takes forever, about 10 times or so, while a orgy of just 4 to 5 turns will do the work in one go)
This post from page 252 was super helpful for me!
This game's upgrades definitely have different power levels, and these are two incredibly strong ones.
Although the game does a good job showing the prerequisites for upgrades, and describing what they do, it is hard to know just how crucial some are without experience.
Thanks to this, I've now gotten to Tier 3 and am trying to get Tier 4.

CSdev It would be very helpful to display the Day number above or below the "You have X Evil Energy." line. Right now, the only way I know how to check the current day number is to Save, then view that save in the Load menu.


Jun 16, 2017
This post from page 252 was super helpful for me!
This game's upgrades definitely have different power levels, and these are two incredibly strong ones.
Although the game does a good job showing the prerequisites for upgrades, and describing what they do, it is hard to know just how crucial some are without experience.
Thanks to this, I've now gotten to Tier 3 and am trying to get Tier 4.

CSdev It would be very helpful to display the Day number above or below the "You have X Evil Energy." line. Right now, the only way I know how to check the current day number is to Save, then view that save in the Load menu.
the day is over all the upgrades, you just gotta scroll up

t4 is hard and easy.
its easy because they just do get x% whenever somebody is damaged ( fantasize) or surrounded ( slaughter and striptease) exploding is harder because the commander must be "powerful" (he has to have some kind of upgrade) or you must use a forsaken
making an orgy and then surrounding one of them will give you a very high percent (around 120 to 300) I had a hard time with this because my orgy setup never let me surround an aditional target


Nov 21, 2017
Hmm, tried a run without the guide. The run extended into day 56, and I never man aged to get a tier 2 break...

What're some ways I can improve my play?
The single most impactful tip in this game (at least as far as the first loops are concernced) is probably: Never use Supressors or Punishers.

Generally speaking, the damage is multiplied by hitting the chosen in as many categories as possible simultaneously and hitting them in only one or two - which is what these upgrades do - actually makes you do LESS damage (except for fringe cases).

So focus on increasing capture duration and numbers of capture, then apply all statuses manually and capture a second chosen at least 1 turn before the first one breaks free, then apply everything to her, repeat.
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Jun 16, 2017
The single most impactful tip in this game (at least as far as the first loops are concernced) is probably: Never use Supressors or Punishers.

Generally speaking, the damage is multiplied by hitting the chosen in as many categories as possible simultaneously and hitting them in only one or two - which is what these upgrades do - actually makes you do LESS damage (except for fringe cases).

So focus on increasing capture duration and numbers of capture, then apply all statuses manually and capture a second chosen at least 1 turn before the first one breaks free, then apply everything to her, repeat.
supressor and punishers are a problem: they are useful only in very fringe cases (for example a chosen with double core, morality and confidence is very very very hard to break without suppresors , and the right suppresor will do it inmediatelly)
most of the time they will make you lose ee
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Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, tried a run without the guide. The run extended into day 56, and I never man aged to get a tier 2 break...

What're some ways I can improve my play?
I mean, follow my guide if you want? It teaches you the things one by one and was posted as a reply to you. Or you can learn about exponential growth and high level math on your own for a month, then come back and play the game from first principles, your choice. :shrug:

What kind of pregnancy content does this game have?
It has the tag but couldn´t find much about it.
Mine is not much but it's not my thing, so I forget to enable it sometimes. You can set options so that Chosen can become pregnant, get time-accelerated so that the babies grow up and are also Chosen, then fight them. Also sometimes your Forsaken get impregnated by Demons and the baby grows up and is born overnight. Also there's the "sacrifice" option but all of that is kind of lategame tbh. It's a very small part of the game I would say.

The single most impactful tip in this game (at least as far as the first loops are concernced) is probably: Never use Supressors or Punishers.

Generally speaking, the damage is multiplied by hitting the chosen in as many categories as possible simultaneously and hitting them in only one or two - which is what these upgrades do - actually makes you do LESS damage (except for fringe cases).

So focus on increasing capture duration and numbers of capture, then apply all statuses manually and capture a second chosen at least 1 turn before the first one breaks free, then apply everything to her, repeat.
This is mostly correct for Loop 1. Loop 2 and later can be trickier as damage resistance starts to come online and things change. I tend to fight my first Core MOR Core CON in loop 2 or 3 and yeah them bitches need WORK.

supressor and punishers are a problem: they are useful only in very fringe cases (for example a chosen with double core, morality and confidence is very very very hard to break without suppresors , and the right suppresor will do it inmediatelly)
most of the time they will make you lose ee
I think the game wouldn't lose much from making them a "loop 2 and up" option, especially Suppressors. I've never found a Loop 1 situation where the best option was to immediately make say a CON Suppressor to break through instead of working up to Networked Consciousness, the 5EE combat time upgrades, and then Passion Release for the largest Orgy possible. If you've got one, post your save (again, loop 1). CSdev your thoughts?

Again, I could be wrong because I'm like really experienced with Loop 1 so what's hard for others is obvious to me just kinda by "vIbEs" , so tell me if this sounds like bullshit, but I think the early game would benefit greatly overall by moving Suppressors up to 5EE-10EE upgrades, moving down the next capture and combat duration to 3EE upgrades, increasing the EE cost of researching Defilers to 20EE but decreasing their cost on Commanders to 2EE, and keeping Punishers and mixing commander types unchanged (maybe the upgrade that is Defiler+Suppressor), and adjusting other things to generally make the early game open up in more of a direction that is helpful to players. The game would then kind of lead you naturally towards trying the 9EE 2-capture 6 turn Commander and the 14EE 3-capture 6-turn Commander that are sooo good, and warnings could be placed in the guide goals/tech descriptions as the now 5-10EE Suppressor upgrades come online that they are generally less useful than an unspecialized Commander.
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Jun 16, 2017
I mean, follow my guide if you want? It teaches you the things one by one and was posted as a reply to you. Or you can learn about exponential growth and high level math on your own for a month, then come back and play the game from first principles, your choice. :shrug:

Mine is not much but it's not my thing, so I forget to enable it sometimes. You can set options so that Chosen can become pregnant, get time-accelerated so that the babies grow up and are also Chosen, then fight them. Also sometimes your Forsaken get impregnated by Demons and the baby grows up and is born overnight. Also there's the "sacrifice" option but all of that is kind of lategame tbh. It's a very small part of the game I would say.

This is mostly correct for Loop 1. Loop 2 and later can be trickier as damage resistance starts to come online and things change. I tend to fight my first Core MOR Core CON in loop 2 or 3 and yeah them bitches need WORK.

I think the game wouldn't lose much from making them a "loop 2 and up" option, especially Suppressors. I've never found a Loop 1 situation where the best option was to immediately make say a CON Suppressor to break through instead of working up to Networked Consciousness, the 5EE combat time upgrades, and then Passion Release for the largest Orgy possible. If you've got one, post your save (again, loop 1). CSdev your thoughts?

Again, I could be wrong because I'm like really experienced with Loop 1 so what's hard for others is obvious to me just kinda by "vIbEs" , so tell me if this sounds like bullshit, but I think the early game would benefit greatly overall by moving Suppressors up to 5EE upgrades, moving down the next capture and combat duration to 3EE upgrades, increasing the EE cost of researching Defilers to 20EE but decreasing their cost on Commanders to 2EE, and keeping Punishers and mixing commander types unchanged (maybe the upgrade that is Defiler+Suppressor), and adjusting other things to generally make the early game open up in more of a direction that is helpful to players. The game would then kind of lead you naturally towards trying the 9EE 2-capture 6 turn Commander and the 14EE 3-capture 6-turn Commander that are sooo good, and warnings could be placed in the guide goals as the now 5EE Suppressor upgrades come online that they are generally less useful than an unspecialized Commander.
I frankly cant point you to anything concrete. Just so you know I barely know about high level math , and exponiential growth but you dont need it if you can reason and read between the lines : its clear the more "balanced" is the damage, the more damage the chosen get , and the more you focus the less they receive
I remember my first 3 playtroughts and what I did different. At first I was using the evil energy I could, then I discovered using certain kinds of commander over and over was barely making a dent, then I decided to save a bunch of evil energy and try something different...Then I visited the forums and discovered the 2 holy grails (passion release and networked conciusness)and adapted my playstyle to get that as soon as possible

I think the game right now is hard to balance because there are strategies that WORK
They are a little counterintuitive because these types of games...Usually each upgrade is useful on their own inmediatelly and in this game it doesn`t happen. You gotta do something, then use some ee, to get a little more ee, then save to use a lot, to...etc etc etc. The jump feels weird, and the game throws you curve ball after curveball that makes you adapt or die ( it makes you better at the game but it can completely surprise you)

The most counterintuitive thing: if you accrue damage on a chosen they receive more and more damage, so you do the same over and over and over expecting it to jump and it doesnt happen (because you need the upgrades to have enough time to start the exponential growth)
the Game punishes you once and again for being repetitive

To close my thoughts: I dont know if changing the order of the upgrades and the cost would really simplify the game and make it more intuitive, Id have to talk one on one with the designer and ask him "why is each break , broken like this and not like this other thing that is more intuitive"
Im spanish and autodidactic with this language and the language barrier doenst help either
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Sep 15, 2021
the day is over all the upgrades, you just gotta scroll up
Ah, you're right. Thank you!

I found another typo. There are two "but"s in this sentence. This is from a Downtime event.

"Hope and Decree both decide to blow off some steam by killing criminals on the same night, and they end up running into each other. Decree challenges Hope to compete with her, confident in her own victory. Hope accepts because she feels that sniffing out wrongdoing is one of her strong points, but but Decree's greater willingness to be..."

I think the game wouldn't lose much from making them a "loop 2 and up" option, especially Suppressors. I've never found a Loop 1 situation where the best option was to immediately make say a CON Suppressor to break through instead of working up to Networked Consciousness, the 5EE combat time upgrades, and then Passion Release for the largest Orgy possible. If you've got one, post your save (again, loop 1). CSdev your thoughts?

Again, I could be wrong because I'm like really experienced with Loop 1 so what's hard for others is obvious to me just kinda by "vIbEs" , so tell me if this sounds like bullshit, but I think the early game would benefit greatly overall by moving Suppressors up to 5EE upgrades, moving down the next capture and combat duration to 3EE upgrades, increasing the EE cost of researching Defilers to 20EE but decreasing their cost on Commanders to 2EE, and keeping Punishers and mixing commander types unchanged (maybe the upgrade that is Defiler+Suppressor), and adjusting other things to generally make the early game open up in more of a direction that is helpful to players. The game would then kind of lead you naturally towards trying the 9EE 2-capture 6 turn Commander and the 14EE 3-capture 6-turn Commander that are sooo good, and warnings could be placed in the guide goals as the now 5EE Suppressor upgrades come online that they are generally less useful than an unspecialized Commander.
Oh, please don't take those upgrades out of Loop 1! I would really hate that. For one, they're super flavorful. I especially like the Injury one. It feels like I'm watching a magical girl anime when that big brute throws a Chosen through several buildings then Hulk smashes her, only to have her eventually destroy it.
Having only normal commanders would get frustrating after a while if you don't know how to succeed with them. The presence of Suppressors and the others are useful for telling the player that there may be other options to consider. Ironically the correct option is probably to not use them.
They are useful in forcing a situation to appear, too. When I was starting out (no guides in my first run) I used them to check that the levels for circumstances were indeed 0-99, --999, --9,999, etc.

Instead, I would recommend making it more clear that Suppressors, Defilers, and Punishers are not necessarily better than normal commanders. Like a message on the Commander screen when you've select one.
I only understood the standard Commander was often better this when I learned three things, which were in tips and your guide:

1) A pre-battle tip literally says it. This isn't obvious for a new player. The player would naturally assume an upgrade is better than not having the upgrade, so this isn't obvious. I was lucky enough to just happen to see it & read it though. That tip clued me in.

2) When you pick Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate from a standard Surround or Capture, that applies for the entire rest of the surround. I had thought there was a kind of weening off period where you dealt full damage if you selected it, then only half damage if you switched to another. That's not true. But I didn't understand that for quite a while because I didn't parse out all the multipliers the circumstances suffered from.

3) How the multipliers for all circumstance damage get applied.

P.S. Thank you for making your guides! This game is lovely, but without your guides, and the extensive tips & guide.txt contained within the game, I'm not sure I would have broken through the difficulty in order to enjoy it.
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Oct 25, 2017
I frankly cant point you to anything concrete. Just so you know I barely know about high level math , and exponiential growth but you dont need it if you can reason and read between the lines : its clear the more "balanced" is the damage, the more damage the chosen get , and the more you focus the less they receive
I remember my first 3 playtroughts and what I did different. At first I was using the evil energy I could, then I discovered using certain kinds of commander over and over was barely making a dent, then I decided to save a bunch of evil energy and try something different...Then I visited the forums and discovered the 2 holy grails (passion release and networked conciusness)and adapted my playstyle to get that as soon as possible

I think the game right now is hard to balance because there are strategies that WORK
They are a little counterintuitive because these types of games...Usually each upgrade is useful on their own inmediatelly and in this game it doesn`t happen. You gotta do something, then use some ee, to get a little more ee, then save to use a lot, to...etc etc etc. The jump feels weird, and the game throws you curve ball after curveball that makes you adapt or die ( it makes you better at the game but it can completely surprise you)

The most counterintuitive thing: if you accrue damage on a chosen they receive more and more damage, so you do the same over and over and over expecting it to jump and it doesnt happen (because you need the upgrades to have enough time to start the exponential growth)
the Game punishes you once and again for being repetitive

To close my thoughts: I dont know if changing the order of the upgrades and the cost would really simplify the game and make it more intuitive, Id have to talk one on one with the designer and ask him "why is each break , broken like this and not like this other thing that is more intuitive"
Im spanish and autodidactic with this language and the language barrier doenst help either
Well, I could do the math, but I mostly play this game based on vibes. "Oh it looks like her HATE isn't going to go high enough unless I start that one before her PLEA." It all works out the same said the math major.

It's all a matter of proper tutorialization. I don't have any games designed to my credit, but if you've got a lot of upgrades that all look awesome to the player, like "make a fucking Hulk Smash body" then you want to kind of let them be guided by the costs of things. Making Suppressors cost 3 is kind of bad, in this view, because 3 is less than you're spending on a good Commander (min 5) and players of other strategy games where new tools are usually better tools might assume an upgrade is always better than not upgrading. Make it cost 10 and put a note on it that it's for special situations or for fun and you avoid that problem. Same with making Defilers cost 20 to research--you want to guide the player to a point where their natural option is "fuck it, let's spend 13EE on a Commander instead of that 10EE "Mania" thing and see what happens OH HELL YEAH I'm AWESOME!"

You are doing a much better job expressing yourself in English than I ever would in your language. To be fair I never took any class in Spanish but I can speak code and math pretty ok.

Oh, please don't take those upgrades out of Loop 1! I would really hate that. For one, they're super flavorful. I especially like the Injury one. It feels like I'm watching a magical girl anime when that big brute throws a Chosen through several buildings then Hulk smashes her, only to have her eventually destroy it.
Having only normal commanders would get frustrating after a while if you don't know how to succeed with them. The presence of Suppressors and the others are useful for telling the player that there may be other options to consider. Ironically the correct option is probably to not use them.
They are useful in forcing a situation to appear, too. When I was starting out (no guides in my first run) I used them to check that the levels for circumstances were indeed 0-99, --999, --9,999, etc.

Instead, I would recommend making it more clear that Suppressors, Defilers, and Punishers are not necessarily better than normal commanders. Like a message on the Commander screen when you've select one.
I only understood the standard Commander was often better this when I learned three things, which were in tips and your guide:

1) A pre-battle tip literally says it. This isn't obvious for a new player. The player would naturally assume an upgrade is better than not having the upgrade, so this isn't obvious. I was lucky enough to just happen to see it & read it though. That tip clued me in.

2) When you pick Grind, Caress, Pummel, or Humiliate from a standard Surround or Capture, that applies for the entire rest of the surround. I had thought there was a kind of weening off period where you dealt full damage if you selected it, then only half damage if you switched to another. That's not true. But I didn't understand that for quite a while because I didn't parse out all the multipliers the circumstances suffered from.

3) How the multipliers for all circumstance damage get applied.

P.S. Thank you for making your guides! This game is lovely, but without your guides, and the extensive tips & guide.txt contained within the game, I'm not sure I would have broken through the difficulty in order to enjoy it.
I'm so happy to hear that they're helpful! I think something like it should be included in the game but it's a lot of work to do for something that might change, and I know exactly how much work it'll be, so I'll do it once more when CSdev has some features I've asked for, or tells me they're too difficult to implement. My job requires me to anticipate mistakes from users of my ideas/software, so I trend towards creating this kind of content in my spare time too (if it wasn't interesting, I'd just do something else). I was once asked to do a video walkthrough type version but nahhhhh that would look terrible scrolling past all the text and I can't bring myself to say some of those things out loud even with the fam downstairs.

Other than that, the biggest tip for now would be for everyone if you're having trouble post a save and ask for help.


Jun 16, 2017
Well, I could do the math, but I mostly play this game based on vibes. "Oh it looks like her HATE isn't going to go high enough unless I start that one before her PLEA." It all works out the same said the math major.

It's all a matter of proper tutorialization. I don't have any games designed to my credit, but if you've got a lot of upgrades that all look awesome to the player, like "make a fucking Hulk Smash body" then you want to kind of let them be guided by the costs of things. Making Suppressors cost 3 is kind of bad, in this view, because 3 is less than you're spending on a good Commander (min 5) and players of other strategy games where new tools are usually better tools might assume an upgrade is always better than not upgrading. Make it cost 10 and put a note on it that it's for special situations or for fun and you avoid that problem. Same with making Defilers cost 20 to research--you want to guide the player to a point where their natural option is "fuck it, let's spend 13EE on a Commander instead of that 10EE "Mania" thing and see what happens OH HELL YEAH I'm AWESOME!"

You are doing a much better job expressing yourself in English than I ever would in your language. To be fair I never took any class in Spanish but I can speak code and math pretty ok.

I'm so happy to hear that they're helpful! I think something like it should be included in the game but it's a lot of work to do for something that might change, and I know exactly how much work it'll be, so I'll do it once more when CSdev has some features I've asked for, or tells me they're too difficult to implement. My job requires me to anticipate mistakes from users of my ideas/software, so I trend towards creating this kind of content in my spare time too (if it wasn't interesting, I'd just do something else). I was once asked to do a video walkthrough type version but nahhhhh that would look terrible scrolling past all the text and I can't bring myself to say some of those things out loud even with the fam downstairs.

Other than that, the biggest tip for now would be for everyone if you're having trouble post a save and ask for help.
Frankly the first time I bought a suppresor and defiler... I expected it to do the job of getting a chosen to 10k damage...without getting the chosen to 10k damage.
I discovered later that the damage ramped up, at first I was thinking again and again "I got this guy from 15 damage to 16, and im doing upwards of 100 at best... how the hell am I supposed to reach 10.000? do later upgrades keep the chosen surrounded for 30 or 50 turns?"
I also took forever to discover the items (that simplify your life like nothing else)


Oct 25, 2017
OK time for a big important day. What to send vs Judgment? She's Core CON so I need to hit her as hard as I can there on the first day, or else things will be difficult. I decide to try out this:

[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ] Duration (Next two: 30 EE)
[X][ ][ ][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 5 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[ ] Flight (Cost: 10 EE)
Suppressor: None (Cost: 60 EE plus 6 EE for Defiler)
Defiler: None (Cost: 66 EE)
Punisher: Parasitism [EXPO]

Your Commander is a mostly-transparent cloud which drifts across the battlefield until it comes into contact with a suitable host. After flowing into its targets, it can merge with and influence the psychic energy within them. Your Commander will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for six rounds at the start of battle, and then one more time once you give the order. It is worth 9 Evil Energy. You have 5 Evil Energy remaining.

Flame will accompany you into battle!
Oh that last line comes from the Hot Tag. Who is Flame?

Real name: Baisho Aiko

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 77.4%

HATE: 21.0k (x1.008 dmg)
PLEA: 142k (x1.289 dmg) (x1.320 dmg from hypnotized opponents) (x1.400 dmg from Scar's hypnosis)
INJU: 317k (x1.406 dmg) (x1.555 dmg from drained opponents)
EXPO: 309k (x1.402 dmg)
x8.700 trauma dmg from retired banner's parasitism
Combat Style: Wild (100% INJU/EXPO)
Attacks indiscrimiately, dealing as much damage to the target's clothes and surroundings as to the actual target. Highly effective at distracting an entire team for follow-up attacks.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Tempt (PLEA)
Can switch mid-battle to a high-PLEA combat style with an extra damage multiplier at low Disgrace, can cause and intensify Morality/Confidence Distortion against valid targets

Trait: Superior Forsaken
Half motivation gain, +50% damage

Trait: Eager Partner
While Obedience remains below 40%, bonus to PLEA and EXPO damage equal to Motivation

First Hypnosis: Scar (+40.0% PLEA damage)
First Parasitism: retired banner (+770% trauma damage)

Hostility: 27% (Ambivalent about humanity)
Deviancy: 63% (Fetishizes aberrant actions)
Obedience: 39% (Obeys due to expectation of rewards)
Disgrace: 69% (Viewed with contempt)
Flame is... a badass, that's who. She's only a Superior Forsaken, but that's been enough to keep her useful, though I'm bringing her replacement online in the next Loop or two.

So what she do? She does INJU/EXPO, later switching to PLEA when that's not enough. It's awesome, so glad I changed things up this run! Her PLEA damage is kept juuuust below the threshold it needs to be to turn her into a 3-damage-type Forsaken. She deals tons of extra damage because only costs 24.8. Her Motivation is a bit low right now, but I still expect her to tear through this damage resistance like a hot dick through a dirty pocket pussy.

What we know:
Testament +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (core) [ ][ ][ ][X][ ]
INN (min) [X][X][X][ ]
CON (sig) [ ][ ][ ][~]
DIG (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][~]

Luster +2 T1 T2 T3 T4
MOR (min) [X][X][ ][~]
INN (core) [ ][ ][ ][ ][~]
CON (min) [ ][ ][ ][ ]
DIG (min) [ ][ ][ ][ ]

MOR (sig)
INN (sig)
CON (core)
DIG (sig)
I'm'a try it out. Plan is: go in with EXPO commander vs Luster, weak to EXPO. This will raise EXPO somewhat without raising her Trauma too high, because current Trauma counts in the Devil bonus.. The turn before Luster comes in, switch to Flame to capture Judgment, hopefully breaking right through and doing serious damage.

Buy Nursery Hives and in we go:
(R0: Capture)

EXPO: 999 [Lv 1] x1/2(SHAM) x1/2(highest Circ.) = x0.25 Total
Not going to get much more EXPO out of this, but I can get Level 2 to help with Judgment.

R1: Do Nothing
EXPO: 1341

This is good. Again not too much damage is what we want. It might even be better to release now and start raising other stats. I'll try that.

R2: Swap Commanders
(this automatically releases Luster, even with turns remaining)

This is the coolest thing that you can do with Hot Tag--you can release early on a Demon Commander, essentially, and set up your Forsaken to surround later. The risk comes if Luster regens back to Level 1 EXPO

R3: Do Nothing
R4: Do Nothing

Judgment arrives!

R5: Judgment->Capture
FEAR [-'''''''''] ( 0 + 150 = 150) nervous eyes
DISG [''''''''' ] ( 0 + 97 = 97) only a little disturbed
PAIN [-------'''] ( 0 + 759 = 759) wincing in pain
SHAM [---'''''''] ( 0 + 364 = 364) face downturned

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU ['''''' ] ( 0 + 69 = 69) only superficial injuries
EXPO [------''''] ( 0 + 653 = 653) clothes have some small tears
I was hoping for a bit more but this'll at least reach Level 1 INJU without too much trouble, then I can switch to Tempt.

R6: Luster->Surround

I see that Judgment will grow into Level 2 INJU, which was my hope, in 2-3 more turns, before switching over to Tempt.

R7: Luster->Pummel

FEAR [------''''] ( 384 + 245 = 629) nervous eyes
DISG [----''''''] ( 279 + 191 = 470) lips curled in distaste
PAIN [~~--------] ( 1463 + 1316 = 2779) gasping with pain
SHAM [~---------] ( 1200 + 707 = 1907) urge to hide

HATE [ ] ( 0 = 0)
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [------''''] ( 210 + 441 = 651) light bruising
EXPO [~---------] ( 941 + 711 = 1652) clothes torn across her hips and chest
R8: Luster->Grind

Judgment is close to Level 2 INJU.

R9: Luster->Caress

Judgment reaches Level 2 INJU. +2EE for T0 CON break!

R10: Judgment->Tempt

999 PLEA damage, great!

Luster breaks free, let's re-surround.

R11: Luster->Surround

9999 PLEA damage to Judgment. Badass!

R12: Luster->Grind

99999 PLEA damage to Judgment. I'm on fire! Judgment breaks free, so:

R13: Judgment->Surround

Not every turn can be as awesome.

Looking at options for R14: I can Pummel Luster, breaking her T1 CON (minor) or Grind to break Judgment's level 1 MOR, which is a break that has to happen for her to be Rampant. I opt for that option, since Judgment is escaping 3x as fast.

R14: Judgment->Grindr (T1 CON break! +3EE!)

Considering options for R15, I can Caress on Judgment (breaking T1 INN), which is fine since I can't ever Despair on the third Chosen, or do some damage to Despair to keep her locked in for next time. I figure with 99.9K PLEA, I'll get the option on Judgment to Caress next turn.

R15: Luster->Caress ("T0" INN break! +2EE!)

R16: Judgment->Caress (T1 INN break! +3EE!)

I notice that Judgment is still Surrounded when she was at "Surrounded for 2 more turns" last round (while escaping at triple speed, not a bug, just wasn't sure).

I check and no more breaks are possible, so let's get Judgment up to 100k PAIN (she's v. close)

R17: Judgment->Pummel (successfully over 100k PAIN)

Judgment escapes! Extermination is finished, so this will be the last capture/Surround.

I can either do a sure thing, capture Judgment with Flame again to break her T2 EXPO, or surround her with Thralls and possibly break her T1/T2 MOR. A quick calculation says that T2 MOR is probably impossible (she'll start out if T1 breaks with Violence so ughhh) but still I'd rather have a MOR break than a DIG break because that one makes the rest easier. So let's surround and see if I can get a T1 MOR break. Worst case, I have t

R18: Judgment->Surround

Luster escapes!

I notice that I can get either a DIG or a MOR break on Judgment. Here's where she stands:


I can't do Confidence Break as that'll ruin her for Rampancy.

Both Grind and Humiliate cause Dignity break, which means if I get that one first, she may (or may not) be able to break MOR on a subsequent Grind next turn. Her 12 more turns of opening levels will actually only last 5 turns so it's iffy, but I think CS calculates based off the full number without counting the Angel escape assist when determining whether to break. Time to find out.

I'm gonna do it:
R19: Judgment->Humiliate (T1 DIG break! +3EE)

Ah damn, can't get the T1 or T2 MOR break, I suppose it does depend on the actual number of surround turns. That's rough.

R20: Judgment->Grind

I'm working for T2 EXPO break on Luster to set her up for Rampancy later as well, which will work very well if controlled.

R21: Luster->Capture

Oh yeah you forgot about this bitch huh?


Another few turns and I'll be at 10k EXPO for a T2 break (skipping T1 for now)

R22: Judgment->Pummel


Yeah Luster is getting torn a new asshole.

Time to let everyone see.

R23: Luster->Broadcast


I'd like to retreat, but I don't yet have Causal Projection. It's bad to hit more breakpoints with these two. So I can get out of this fight by just Releasing Luster.

R24: Luster-Release


Well, that's it for today. I only earn 3EE from Downtime, but with all the EE in the battle that brings me up to 16EE so I can sort of do this all again.

Failed goal: ❌ Luster will never be Despaired. Eh, ok.

Successful: ✔ I got some important T1 breaks and one T2 break this fight.
✔ I can take any choice of Objectives from the Strategic Advantage system.
✔ I can send out any number of cheap or extra-cheap Demon/Forsaken pairs next round.

Not bad for day 4/26.

Save posted below as saves.sav (careful how you download it)


Sep 15, 2021
I've managed to beat Loop 1 and corrupt all 3 Chosen.
I found another typo when giving a footjob to a Forsaken:
"The Demon Lord rubsDecree's clit with his foot"

There's a missing space after "rubs"


Jun 16, 2017
I've managed to beat Loop 1 and corrupt all 3 Chosen.
I found another typo when giving a footjob to a Forsaken:
"The Demon Lord rubsDecree's clit with his foot"

There's a missing space after "rubs"
congratulations. In how many days did you beat it?


Sep 15, 2021
congratulations. In how many days did you beat it?
In real world terms, 3-6 days of near-obsession. I downloaded it 6 days ago but didn't play it right away.
In in-game terms, I had it beat by day 40, thanks to the Antipathy and Threaten+ upgrades, but waited til day 47 to get a max level Commander and all other upgrades.


Jun 16, 2017
In real world terms, 3-6 days of near-obsession. I downloaded it 6 days ago but didn't play it right away.
In in-game terms, I had it beat by day 40, thanks to the Antipathy and Threaten+ upgrades, but waited til day 47 to get a max level Commander and all other upgrades.
Now you gotta discover how to do it in 20 days :p
No, im joking just carry on

In my runs now, I add several chosen with notorious publicist so they can get stronger and stronger
If you get them to x11 trauma damage you can win in20 days or so


Oct 25, 2017
Now you gotta discover how to do it in 20 days :p
No, im joking just carry on

In my runs now, I add several chosen with notorious publicist so they can get stronger and stronger
If you get them to x11 trauma damage you can win in20 days or so
times 11 is rookie numbers (jk); but this is a great time to show off my ultimate Forsaken as she has a lot to do today!

Day 4, I check my objectives and see that I have enough advantage for Control Center, and then still have enough to get Transmission Tower. These are basically always my first two upgrades since they get stronger over the course of a Loop.

I have a total of 16 EE, making Human Collaborators and sending Flame out somewhat reasonable, but Flame hasn't recovered her Motivation yet and will do reduced damage. Besides, I want to show off my badass.

Real name: Ushioda Tsubasa

Stamina: 100.0%
Motivation: 73.2% (max 142.0%)

HATE: 136k (x1.282 dmg) (x1.571 dmg from impregnated opponents)
PLEA: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
INJU: 1 (x0.500 dmg)
EXPO: 127k (x1.272 dmg)
x19.100 trauma dmg from parasitized opponents
x9.400 trauma dmg from Banner's parasitism
Combat Style: Playful (100% HATE/EXPO)
Shows no respect for the target's abilities, directing all attacks at the target's clothing and obviously making no effort to actually defeat the target. Highly distracting to both the target and any teammates.

Training Plan: None
Remains idle when at full Stamina

Defiler Specialty: Rampage (none)
Can end the Capture early and stun self for the remaining duration in order to add opening levels to the next Surround against the target (higher with more remaining Capture duration and greater deployment energy)

Trait: Undead Forsaken
One-third motivation gain, Distortion trait changed

Trait: Demon Knight (Energy Raider)
Motivation lost when idle, gained when deployed, deployment cost and strength depend on Evil Energy, +50% HATE and EXPO damage
Refunds 90% of used Evil Energy after the battle

First Impregnation: Banner (+42.0% max Motivation)
First Parasitism: Banner (+840% trauma damage)
Braggart Stud (+variable% own HATE damage per Impregnation)
Notorious Publicist (+variable% own trauma damage per Parasitism)

Hostility: 63% (Hateful toward humanity itself)
Deviancy: 23% (Elaborate sexual fantasies)
Obedience: 23% (Obeys when convenient)
Disgrace: 46% (Seen as purely evil)
Notice she has a x19.1 trauma damage from her own Parasitism and a x9.4 from the Forsaken that recruited her. That brings her total Trauma damage to nearly x180. I haven't used her yet because she's likely to fuck up the Angels bad enough that I can't hurt Judgment any more, but... it's time, perverts.

She She has a pretty impressive HATE damage modifier too, but5 instead of pumping that up I gave her extra Motivation to help make it through the start of Loops until she starts coming out.

And, with Hot Tag on a Rampant Undead, I can send her out with as big a Commander as I am allowed to have and she'll refund most of the energy for the Commander, even if she only watches from the sidelines.

I have 16 EE right now, and I want to put as much into her as possible while still having a Commander with a CON Punisher to help at the beginning, so let's go with:
[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] Duration (Next: 2 EE)
[X][ ][ ][ ] Extra Captures (Next: 5 EE)
[X] Ambush (free)
[X] Flight
Suppressor: None (Cost: 60 EE plus 6 EE for Defiler)
Defiler: None (Cost: 66 EE)
Punisher: Drain [INJU]

Your Commander is a chaotic mass of tentacles which absorb the psychic energy of anything they come into contact with, especially if the target isn't resisting. It will lead your Demons into combat, allowing you to ambush your target and capture her for four rounds at the start of battle, and then one more time once you give the order, even against a flying target. It is worth 15 Evil Energy. You have 1 Evil Energy remaining.

Slayer will accompany you into battle!
This Demon and Slayer can be sent together with a cost of 2EE.

Next goals:
✔ Break Luster's T2 MOR
✔ Break Luster's T2 DIG
[ ] Break Judgment's T2 MOR
[ ] Break Judgment's T2 DIG
[ ] Rampant on Luster
[ ] Rampant distortion on Judgment
[ ] Megalomaniac distortion on Testament
[ ] huge orgy that hopefully wins most of the loop for me

I think it's reasonable to get Rampant on Luster this fight, and hopefully that won't prevent me from doing damage to Judgment because of the Angels absorbing trauma from each other. If I can get that 100EE, I can progress a lot, and I think the biiiig Commander I can summon next time (which will cost 1/10 of its stated value in a very real sense as long as I send it with Slayer).

So with those thoughts about where I want to be set, let's PLAYBALL! I send my Commander out to capture Luster.

Combat 4
(R0: Capture Luster)

Luster has 999 INJU damage on R1.

R1: Do Nothing

Luster now has 2600 INJU damage. Time to tag out!

R2: Swap Commanders

This frees Luster and readies Slayer.

R3: Capture

Remember, Trauma levels aren't subject to the "one level at a time, so":

FEAR [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 180 + 9293 = 9473) shaking with fear
DISG [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 54 + 9039 = 9093) looks a bit ill
PAIN [~~~~~~~~~-] ( 530 + 8631 = 9161) gasping with pain
SHAM [~~~~~~~~--] ( 423 + 8559 = 8982) urge to hide
R4: Do Nothing
FEAR [===~~~~~~~] ( 9473 + 28.1k = 37.6k) frantic desperation
DISG [==~~~~~~~~] ( 9093 + 13.7k = 22.8k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [==~~~~~~~~] ( 9161 + 13.3k = 22.4k) sobbing with pain
SHAM [===~~~~~~~] ( 8982 + 26.1k = 35.1k) reflexively covering herself
Judgment joins, but I'm content to tear up Luster for a bit longer.

R5: Do Nothing
FEAR [X=========] (37.6k + 100k = 138k) blind panic
DISG [=====~~~~~] (22.8k + 27.1k = 50.0k) struggling not to be sick
PAIN [====~~~~~~] (22.4k + 26.2k = 48.7k) sobbing with pain
SHAM [X=========] (35.1k + 94.8k = 130k) tears of shame

HATE [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 5467 + 7924 = 13.3k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [~~--------] ( 2600 = 2600) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [~~~~~~~~--] ( 3542 + 5273 = 8815) clothes torn across her hips and chest
Currently that adds up to 14 opening levels. I could get to 15 by Rampage but that would leave Slayer stunned for a bit longer. So--

R6: Penetrate
FEAR [XXXXX=====] ( 138k + 379k = 518k) blind panic
DISG [X=========] (50.0k + 57.4k = 107k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [X=========] (48.7k + 56.2k = 104k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [XXX=======] ( 130k + 175k = 305k) tears of shame

HATE [==~~~~~~~~] (13.3k + 7570 = 20.9k) overpowering hatred for the world
PLEA [ ] ( 0 = 0)
INJU [~~--------] ( 2600 = 2600) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [=~~~~~~~~~] ( 8815 + 2506 = 11.3k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

(x1.1 damage due to penetration)

This puts her at Level 4 in all Circumstances which means the next Surround should cause her to Rampage. Now, it's time to get over to dealing some damage to Judgment:

R7: Swap Commanders

R8: Judgment->Capture

Still does 999 INJU. And as for Luster:
[ANGEL] Luster: Opening Level 15 vs. Defense Level 5
[BOSS] Judgment: Captured for 4 more turns
[ANGEL] Testament: Opening Level 0 vs. Defense Level 1

R9: Luster-> Surround

Innocence/Confidence Distortion

Luster only ever went along with the idea of becoming a hero because it sounded fun. Rather than breaking her, the torments she's endured have only made her angry and resentful. The idea of punishing all the people who tried to tell her what to do sounds much more appealing to her now.

+100 Evil Energy

Luster's Action: Rampage

Luster doesn't seem to notice the way that her clothes change to a more menacing design in response to her thoughts, but she still feels the power surging through her. The sadistic glint in Luster's eyes is so shocking to the Thralls that they stumble away from her. Luster stands up tall, a deranged grin on her face as she looks at those who thought she would be their victim.
Success on one major goal. Time to work on the other one. Judgment has nearly 2k INJU, so Slayer can go fuck her up.

R10: Judgment->Swap Commanders

R11: Judgment->Capture

Extermination: 285/476 (59%) [###########===- ]

A blast of energy from Luster brings down a small building in a cloud of rubble!
(Extermination power per Chosen: 33)
If I release Judgment now, Extermination will gain 99 progress (remember, Rampaging Chosen always add their full amount) plus whatever Blast gets it. Next turn if unreleased I'll get 150 Extermination, maxing it out. So this is my last chance to Rampage Judgment and do some other types of damage to her while still getting another surround later. Maximizing this turn is key to late-game progress. But I don't Rampage, because that will stun Slayer for too long to get her back around.

R12: Judgment->Release

R13: Judgment->Surround

Raising PLEA damage is going to be key to making the final Capture as damaging as possible, so I can use a regular Surround here. Generally, things that you can do to lengthen the combat are going to be the best way to maximize your Trauma. Surrounding Justice for what the game shows as 8 turns now will actually only be 6 because of the two Angels helping her escape.

R14: Judgment->Caress

The 6 turns remaining become only 3 with her tripled escape speed, so I need to get progress now towards ensuring that the combat doesn't end when she's released.

999 PLEA damage to Judgment means I'm guaranteed to get to Level 2 PLEA, making Slayer hit her extra hard for the final capture.

R15: Testament->Threaten

Need an opening to surround Testament.

R16: Testament->Surround

Judgment no longer will get breaks from Caress, so this is the last chance to maximize damage output.

R17: Judgment->Capture

OK, how high can I push her Trauma, and which T2 might I break? Place your bets now.

FEAR [=========~] ( 1821 + 88.2k = 90.0k) frantic desperation
DISG [X=========] ( 1949 + 156k = 158k) trying to ignore everything
PAIN [XXX=======] (15.7k + 338k = 354k) cowering from the pain
SHAM [=========~] ( 1908 + 88.2k = 90.1k) reflexively covering herself

HATE [~~~~~~----] ( 999 + 5300 = 6299) strong hatred for the Demons
PLEA [~---------] ( 1374 = 1374) panting with arousal
INJU [~---------] ( 1831 = 1831) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [~~~~------] ( 960 + 3356 = 4316) clothes torn across her hips and chest
The goal here is to break one of those remaining T2 Vulnerabilities, and to raise her Trauma as high as possible so that she has a higher base damage. I'm going to break T2 MOR first as that'll do a lot to make T2 EXPO easy to break next time and it'll do more Trauma damage as well after Slayer switches to Penetrate.

R18: Do Nothing

R19: Judgment->Penetrate

Eager to press the advantage against the weaker Slayer, Judgment tackles her, to the ground. But as they scuffle, Judgment only realizes too late that this puts the Forsaken's cock against her pussy. She kicks and yells at the top of her lungs, fighting with everything she has, but she doesn't have any leverage in this position.

Morality Break

Before becoming one of the Chosen, Judgment had never shown much interest in sex. She always had better things to do with her time than pursuing such a relationship, and she thought she would have the luxury of waiting until the time was right. She never dreamed that anyone would be able to force it upon her. Her eyes are wide with stark disbelief as she's overpowered.

As Slayer rips through Judgment's hymen, Judgment goes from trying to fight back to just trying to protect herself from further abuse. Her heart is broken over being defiled, and the fight starts to go out of her. Slayer doesn't seem to care, continuing to move her hips in a steady rhythm.
She's the major Impregnator among the Forsaken, so girl got a dick.

How high will her Trauma go? Less than a million, over a million, over 10 million, over 100 million? Let's end turn and see.

R20-R24: Do Nothing

Last glimpse of Judgment this fight:

Eager to press the advantage against the weaker Slayer, Judgment tackles her, to the ground. But as they scuffle, Judgment only realizes too late that this puts the Forsaken's cock against her pussy. She kicks and yells at the top of her lungs, fighting with everything she has, but she doesn't have any leverage in this position.

As Slayer rips through Judgment's hymen, Judgment goes from trying to fight back to just trying to protect herself from further abuse. Her heart is broken over being defiled, and the fight starts to go out of her. Slayer doesn't seem to care, continuing to move her hips in a steady rhythm.

FEAR ['#########] (13.7M + 4.35M = 18.1M) consumed by fear
DISG [#####XXXXX] (4.51M + 1.22M = 5.73M) overwhelming disgust
PAIN ['#########] (8.54M + 2.06M = 10.6M) feels nothing but pain
SHAM ['#########] (8.37M + 2.25M = 10.6M) mind paralyzed by shame

HATE [XX========] ( 250k + 40.5k = 290k) drawing on Demonic power
PLEA [~---------] ( 1374 = 1374) panting with arousal
INJU [~---------] ( 1831 = 1831) bleeding from several cuts
EXPO [========~~] (63.9k + 18.9k = 82.8k) shredded clothes sometimes expose everything

(x1.1 damage due to penetration)

Finally, Judgment manages to successfully flee Slayer and return to the main battlefield.

"No time for regrets."
Yo CSdev I think she already ripped her hymen this fight, but I know Chosen can regenerate so I'm not sure of the status of this? Your call. "Corrupted Saviors: the only game where you don't know if breaking the hymen of the same girl twice is a bug or not."

Anyway, I had assumed slightly less than 10M PAIN and SHAM, and a bit higher FEAR (30M). Anyway most of it just ends up on the Angels after downtime.

First we see the Judgment flashback scene, which I won't post here.

Judgment invites Rin to a party, but when Rin arrives, she's dismayed to find that the other guests are doing drugs and having sex right out in the open. One of the other guests grabs Rin and pushes her down to her knees, and that's how Judgment finds them. Rin looks reluctant at first, but when the cock is thrust against her face, her eyes go wide and her mouth opens in an involuntary moan. They both look disappointed when Judgment interrupts, but it's only to ask permission to join in. Rin happily moves aside for her and the three of them spend all night exploring each other's bodies. Judgment and Rin feel more comfortable with their sexuality and with their social lives afterward, but their spreading reputation will cause problems in the future.

"Look, if we lay like this, we can rub it together."

"I'm gonna make sure you have a good time, too, Rin!"

-14.3k ANGST, -9144 FEAR, -17.0k DISG, -1224 PAIN, -1224 SHAM

Testament is torn between disgust and enjoyment of what's done to her during battle, but thrice-daily masturbation is enough to control her lust. (11% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 1.62MFEAR +504kDISG +957kPAIN +957kSHAM = 4.04M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 4.04M

-114 ANGST, -9501 FEAR, -17.4k DISG, -1581 PAIN, -1581 SHAM (action resolves 8000 ANGST, extra ANGST resolution converted to trauma resolution)

Judgment is boiling over with violent rage that demands an outlet, but she's able to distract herself with other things for now. (4% of trauma required for more sinful action.)

Total unresolved trauma: 171kFEAR +39.9kDISG +104kPAIN +104kSHAM = 421k added ANGST
Total ANGST: 421k

+4 Evil Energy

+13 Evil Energy (returned by Energy Raider)


Luster acts as a bloodthirsty masked vigilante, , though the fact that she has to announce her name to transform spoils this somewhat. She tries to act cool and tough, but lacks the composure to pull it off. She can only satisfy her protective urges through violence, and overpowering mundane humans makes her feel less helpless. But her activities just end up causing more trouble for the police in the long run.

"Come on! S-Stop laughing!"

-31.6k ANGST, -7920 FEAR, -3960 PAIN

Luster longs for some intimate contact to make her feel less alone, but Judgment's castigation distracts her from any attempts to seek that intimacy. (Induce Judgment to perform a more sinful action first.)

Total unresolved trauma: 17.3MFEAR +6.12MDISG +10.1MPAIN +10.3MSHAM = 44.0M added ANGST
Total ANGST: 46.4M

+2 Evil Energy
And that's it. I have 120EE and I have to figure out how much to spend on upgrades and how much to spend on a giant fucking Demon. What would you do with 120EE on Day 5 out of 26?

(rename saves - Copy.sav to saves.sav if you want CS to load this file)


Sep 15, 2021
Now you gotta discover how to do it in 20 days :p
No, im joking just carry on

In my runs now, I add several chosen with notorious publicist so they can get stronger and stronger
If you get them to x11 trauma damage you can win in20 days or so
Whoa... Unfortunately, neither my three Forsaken nor my current 3 can become Notorious Publicists. And Forsaken are new to me in general, I have little idea what I'm doing with them. They're so expensive. I don't see how to afford any of them prior to day 30 or so, since I don't have a way of generating triple-digit Evil Energy so early.


Oct 25, 2017
Whoa... Unfortunately, neither my three Forsaken nor my current 3 can become Notorious Publicists. And Forsaken are new to me in general, I have little idea what I'm doing with them. They're so expensive. I don't see how to afford any of them prior to day 30 or so, since I don't have a way of generating triple-digit Evil Energy so early.
Raise their Disgrace or break more DIG Vulnerabilities while they're Chosen and they'll cost less. Try a Tempted Forsaken sometime. Or later, use Undead.


Jun 16, 2017
Whoa... Unfortunately, neither my three Forsaken nor my current 3 can become Notorious Publicists. And Forsaken are new to me in general, I have little idea what I'm doing with them. They're so expensive. I don't see how to afford any of them prior to day 30 or so, since I don't have a way of generating triple-digit Evil Energy so early.
the easiest way to generate triple energy is to get a chosen to distort and make her rampant
is easier to cause rampancy in a core/minor morality/dignity than if they have significant (or maybe its a quirk of how I play)
sometimes to cause rampancy you have to catch it first (if his morality is minor) or catch him second (if it is core)

minor dignity receive more damage caught second, minor morality receive more damage caught first (usually)

at the start of a campaign you can add custom chosen, minor morality significant innocence/confidence and core dignity will give you a notorious forsaken
they get stronger by parasitizing other chosen (and stronger and stronger) because they multiply the trauma damage and a x11 or so is usually enought to send 2 or 3 of the chosen directly into 10k
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes