VN - Ren'Py - College Kings [Act 2 v6.0.4] [Undergrad Steve]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    having played the v15.1.0 release, I'm feeling attached to the game not only by the lewd scenes, but to the characters belonging to their tits and ass. the game offered me what we always want: have a good time. even the mini-games are effective in that manner, so 5 stars for not pretend other than being a fun game filled with sex and the never fullfiled dreams of teenagers arriving colleges.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the game has improved a lot in the last few updates, there is still room for improvement, but the current update made me think that the game is taking an interesting turn. For me this game is 4 stars but I will give it 5 because the current rate of it is not fair enough and it is low for the game it is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was somewhat sceptical at first because I was already well acquinted with the formulas of college AVNs when I tried this one out. But I have to say I've been pleasently surprised ever since. There is really a variety of events that give you new stuff to think about, new situations to adapt to and changes in atmosphere that keep you on your toes. Even after days playing the same game I find new information about characters and new dynamics that change the status quo. But what I admire the most is how the developers managed to create a dating-system where relationships develop over long periods of time without locking into a certain path early on. You can be friends with benefits but you can also reverse back to just being friends or move on to something more serious. This feels extremly dynamic and I haven't quite experienced that in any other game so far. As a result, sexual intercourse is not necessarily tied to long term relationships where have to break trust at every corner. The only thing I really cannot stand is the combat system, I really struggle to read my opponent and I feel there is not really any direction or advice how to improve. I play on easy already and still find it quite difficult to master this part of the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    UndergradSteve made an awesome job with this game and it still keeps going. It's one of the best in its own category. It includes many things about college life other than trying to be with every single girl, like fights and betrayals.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game so far. Only things I notice that are "bad", but not really bad if you know what I mean, is that they recycle characters some. Like the Dev uses the face for lauren for the waitress at the coffee shop, and Aubrey for the waitress in Europe.
    Also there is a few grammatical errors that you notice. Like, for instance, it should be Mrs. Rose when you first meet her, then Ms. Rose after she leaves her husband. Instead the Dev has her as Ms. Rose, then Miss Rose.
    But I guess I'm just nitpicking.
    Other than that, great game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played ver 15.1.0
    As dev efforts go this is definitely ranks up there with some others I consider A list efforts.

    Girls are beautiful, with 4 definite stunners out of a long list of great lookers.
    Writing is decent, playthrough kept me occupied for many hours.
    I don't remember encountering any bugs.
    Solid effort from the Dev team (y)
    Likes: Hidx
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN has to be a 5 every day. The effort and scale alone is amazing. Renders are top shelf, a few in the intro have some light inconsistency and out of grid black eyes but those very minor things and it only gets better and better. Animation are top notch and with good angles.
    The girls are all cute and keeping them in the same outfit is a good idea, it makes them easier to remember in the beginning as there are so many of them.
    I was half expecting Chloe and Emily to be pushed on Alex but that is not the case at all, there is an amazing amount of freedom as to which girl you focus on. I am quite pleased with Riley, Aubrey and Lindsay in my playthrough 1.
    Alex however is a greedy boy and has no real limit I think.
    That probably is the only draw back, with most girls and Alex only being interested in friends with benefits it means that Alex has no real deep connection with anyone. It is possible that perhaps Penelope and Lauren are different in that regard.
    Because there is always another girl waiting to hang with Alex some scenes can end in an unnatural way.

    Anyway I understand that compromises must be made in any production , that's just how it is. I only mention it because this VN puts the bar so high and clearly expect a lot of itself.

    Solid 5 any day Well done guys and darn it if you didn't just free Nora
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    If the developer reads this, I hope you take my review as a constructive criticism and improve the game based on that.

    Now, I know making a game takes alot of effort, commitment and nice amount of money every month to make it come all together.

    However, I want to highlight the things that I liked first, and the things I didn't like.

    Stuff I liked:

    1. The render quality is actually pretty good. I'd say a solid 7.5 to 8 out of 10 for the render quality of the girls and the environment. You guys really tried to make a nice college environment. So kudos to that.

    2. The music. Music in the game is pretty damn good. Gives alot of funky vibe of the college to it.

    3. The girls Nora and Chloe are some of the best girls that I have come across. Please keep making them.

    Stuff I didn't like:

    1. 80% of the girls in the game, are way too shallow and no matter what you do, you can't seem to get attached with them. For example, Riley, Emily, Aubrey, etc are all very one dimensional characters that even if they didn't exist in the game, it wouldn't have no effect on what I feel about the game.

    If, you guys focused more on writing few but correct indepth characters, like a maximum of 3-4 love interests but they had SOLID writing/personalities and a few side romanceable characters, then that issue could've been resolved. The writing part of the majority of the girl's personalities just pull the game down sm that I almost play the game for Nora and Chloe ignoring the rest.

    2. The writing overall in the game. This is one of the biggest gripes I have of this game. Everytime I play this game, it feels like a bunch of events sewn together because the dev promised quick deadlines to keep the content flowing. But, I swear to God this game has/had still has ALOT of potential. Slow down. Take a breather and don't rush into pushing updates out. The writing in the later versions feel lazy, haste and feel like it was sewn together in a hurry.

    If you guys can really focus on the negatives in the later episodes, you guys can really blow off in the AVN industry.

    Best of luck for the future updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has an excellent artwork for characters and also for surroundings. The storyline is enjoyable and you can relate to the characters. College Kings is way ahead of most of the games and I am really curious how the story evolves an completes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Derik X

    This is a good game and satisfied me with the story and gameplay.
    Models are great 5stars
    I needed some school setting game and this is a fun filler for that. I understand the game developer is working hard to bring this to all of us.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1799347

    this is a review of college kings v15.0.2/15.0.3

    story - 1/5 actual plot does not exist !

    - premise of two underground fighting college frats is a disaster,
    - there's a gym inside the college, but no normal sport activities,
    - just two classes (history and economics),
    looks like hungarian developers know nothing about college life in us.

    render quality - 2/5

    - while models are good, there's lack of different wardrobe, especially for aubrey, nora, lindsey and chloe,
    - most of male characters look short compared to females,
    - mc is anything but charismatic and handsome,
    - if all those males are hothead fighters, how's that none of them is tattooed ?
    - you can't see mc wearing frat's jacket, what's the point of being a frat member ?
    - renders lack proper lighting, also most of time look washed out.

    characters - 3/5 there's a variety of character, some are well developed, some not so well

    - there's obvious lack of college staff,

    sex scenes - 3/5

    animations - 2/5

    choices - 0/5
    why zero ? there are meaningful choices, but they're nullified by script errors.

    - most of the time there's no way to avoid hanging out with girls who may not be your favourites,
    - i understand that there must be some main line of so called story/plot, but hanging out with all girls is way too much.

    updates frequency - 4/5 there's a lot of content, but the quality of the content is questionable

    user interface and stats - 1/5 phone applications (buggy as hell), and kct are total disaster !

    so, why just one star ? because of bug fest and kct. also, devs don't give a shit about fixing bugs.

    one of the members said something like this about college kings: "there's a game somewhere inside that big bug". but i'm sick and tired of trying to find that game.

    save files deleted, game deleted, thread ignored.

    good luck to all of you who want to keep up with steve and his team.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A bit of a rollercoaster ride.

    Some parts of CK are extremely well done, others ... not so much.

    Ever since the dawn of visual-novel time, there's been tags for "school" and "slice of life", and those two already describe most of CK rather well.
    Early on (and judging by the title), school (or rather university/college) appears to be the dominant tag, but as the game progresses, it quickly becomes clear the slice of life tag governs more content.
    That's neither good nor bad by itself, unless you were actively looking for a game heavy with school content.

    After the gargantuan download, one might expect breathtaking visuals and a huge amount of content. In a way, that's also the case.
    The renders mostly high quality, although a ton of them are grainy, something you might not expect (and I have a hard time understanding, it's not that hard to get rid of grain in Daz Studio).
    Asset selection is a bit uneven, especially when it comes to environments, something I've been noticing in a few games recently, but probably because I dabbled a bit in DAZ myself. It can be hard to find exactly what you are looking for, I'm familiar with the difficulty, but some low-poly assets really stick out like a sore thumb, especially when most things are on the better side of the spectrum.
    Anyway, where it matters most, in terms of the "actors", I have hardly any complaints. Lots of familiar faces (popular Genesis 8 characters), but also a few nice surprises. A strong point overall, minus the grain.

    There's few animations, and I felt there were fewer and fewer as the game progresses, but those that are there are - especially early on - outstanding.

    The music is okay and besides that there's hardly anything, except some occasional ambience sounds. Nothing to write home, but also nothing to complain about.

    As for the story itself, as I mentioned above, it starts rather college centric, but then heavily digresses and keeps meandering in all sorts of directions.
    There's a pretty large amount of content, but many, many plotlines are opened, and I'm not sure there's any point to it all. The game appears to be developed like a soap opera on TV, every update includes whatever content came to the authors mind at the time, with the occasional "arc" running several updates. There's some impacful decisions, but sometimes it appears the story goes on randomly afterwards. A few things make no sense whatsoever - for example you can be with a girl for the first time and she tells you her boyfriend, and then there's no more content for her for several in-game weeks, and afterwards, she's treating you as if you were just casual friends. I can understand juggling the impact of decisions can be hard, but if you're not willing to follow through, maybe it'd be better not to have a certain option in the first place?
    Also, the romance options seem to be pretty disconnected from each other, i.e. for the most part, other girls don't care about / react to the MCs escapades, even if they should.

    The moment to moment storytelling, as I wrote above, is best described by the "slice of life" tag. There's a lot of little things happening, and for the most part, at least it remains some semblance of brevity, so I wasn't tempted to skip through too much of it all the time, but on the other hand, it's all low-key day to day affairs, mostly disconnected from each other.

    As I mentioned, there's lots of content, but, like a soap opera (or this review by now), it drags on and on without really going anywhere.
    If you're a fan of soaps and/or the authors writing style, this could actually be a good thing, as the game appears to be updated regularly, so at least you can look forward to getting your next fix.
    It has to be said, though, the kinky scenes are few and far between, so as an adult game, CK is a bit of a failure.

    Finally a word about the game "engine". It's renpy, of course, which is a good thing, but that's not what I'm referring to.
    I've read quite a few people here complaining about "pure VNs", citing that they aren't really games, and there's some truth to this. In a choice and consequence based game, part of the appeal is to see the other side of the story offered by other perspectives, which are opened by taking different choices. Exploring these "alternate timelines" requires replaying a lot of already-seen content and retreading a lot of familiar ground, though, and that's where renpys Skip mode (a staple of VN games long before renpy, of course) is a godsend.
    So if you "enhance" your VN with "gameplay" such as a mobile phone with apps, free-roam or minigames, you violently interrupt this "flow" of replaying the game. The player is forced to go through the same boring motions each time. And who wants to do that, especially when a game has so much raw-content volume as this one? There CAN be too much of a good thing.

    And that's why I can't give a higher score. With some games, it's very easy to point at something and say: in this area, this one sucks, but that's not really the case here. There's nothing REALLY bad about College Kings. But it's not REALLY good, either. Once again, it's like a (somewhat average) soap opera. You can get attached to it, and it's entertainment to kill time with, but at the end of the day, it isn't all that special.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game starts off strong but goes downhill really quickly. The story doesn't make sense because there is no story to begin with. Feels like every update is now just a bunch of random events sewn together while the dev wishes it makes sense. Lauren, Emily etc are some of the most boring girls I've ever seen in any AVN. The saving grace for College Kings and why i will keep coming back is ONLY because of Nora and Chloe. That's just the only pro for this game. Other than that, horrible writing, good music, pathetic animations, and 2 girls that are a saving grace.

  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Conor Adams

    currenty boring stroryline but i hope something intresting will happen, cause it has so much potentiel. The best thing about this game is , every month there will be an update, with plenty of contents.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    bugs after bugs after update. kinda start to be annoying since it's been this way since act 1. hope it will improve someday or ask some people that willing to do a beta test. because errors keep fking our saves.

    i genuinely like the game, i even owned this on steam so i can support the dev.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be a must play dating sim. One of the best, I would argue.

    This game had the greatest potential I've seen yet. Up until homecoming, I was completely blown away.

    However, it went downhill fast.

    The save system is broken. I was sold on the "Real life mode" idea, but it broke. I can't use any of my saves. Even restarting from the start doesn't work for new updates. Version 2 (what??) or not, there are way too many game breaking issues and those will never be truly fixed, I'm afraid.

    The story clearly lacks direction. The MC goes to sleep exhausted. Wakes up, tired. Goes on a date that usually leads nowhere because you've not chosen the correct path for that character. He goes back to sleep exhausted. Rinse, repeat.

    The dates are mostly boring as fuck. They barely develop the story. It's just a bunch of nonsense thrown together to show off the newly acquired assets.

    The fighting aspect almost completely disappeared. Strange, since I thought that was the main plot. It's not. There is no main plot.

    There are so many events that are completely fucking pointless and dialogues that lead nowhere with a bunch of giggles.

    The best game on this site has become almost completely unplayable and unenjoyable.

    For every new version from now on, you will input your own variables and play the new content from the "path maker", which is essentially a cheat code to experience any content that you want. The game completely lost all its charms.

    What a shame.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorite games, lots of content, lots of different girls (different personalities) several different paths that you can choose from. Interesting story, personally i think that this game is number 1 in recreating the "college experience", the activities, field trips, lewd events, blazing hot teachers...

    Great game, Keep up the good work!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v14.0.1

    Some of the best renders and animation I've seen in any game and a light hearted story that doesn't take itself too seriously while still having impactful consequences for choices.

    There are still some choices that have a bad way locking you out of certain paths when not warranted and occasional long gaps between sex scenes but they're minor annoyances on what is a great experience through a pretty long playthrough already. Great replayability value too. I've also had just one crash/bug in over 20+ hours of playing.

    A must play in my opinion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in the site. Good renders, funny characters, not too much drama and while it shows a lot of sex, it isn't a fuckfest. Luckly it's still a VN.
    What I like the most about this game is that it tries to be original gameplaywise. It got different paths, some fun minigames such as a turn-based combat system, and even a detective one. Not to mention instead of points earned or lost depending on what we say, this game has its unique personality system. Even achievements! Not everything works great, but you can definitely see the devs are working on something special.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The renders are good, but the writing could use some work. Sometimes it's good, but other times it's either decent at best or below the mark. The scenes are enjoyable, but things get strange at the Europe trip. The controls and QOL can be improved a lot on the boat if we could go by the map instead of clicking around and getting to the locations. The choices and how they affect the story was implemented well and is one of the big pluses of the game