VN - Ren'Py - College Kings [Act 2 v6.0.4] [Undergrad Steve]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This would be a five out of five if it weren't for the sloppy coding that has characters saying/doing things that make no sense due to your choices thus far. That being said the story is interesting, characters are varied and have many different attitudes and opinions toward each other both good and bad and the animations are good.

    Sort of a slow burn, especially with the less outgoing girls but, assuming you don't have your head in the sand, you can definitely get your dick wet. I normally dislike minigames in porn, but the fights are skip-able and even auto-winnable so no worries there.

    Most of the time your choices do make sense and there are very few choices without the option to do at least one thing I can agree with.

    All in all it's a very solid game with some coding issues but excellent potential to be one of the best.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    its a great game, the story is good (peek is between part 1 act 3 and part 2 episode 1 in my opinion), the girls are all pretty different in character and appearance, the sex scenes are awesome (only the game thats not allowed to mention here have better ones). :)
    i would give the game 5 stars but the endless amount of bugs are so fucking annoying that they ruin the game. :(

    sorry if my english sucks, its not my first tongue.

  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for College Kings Ep.2 v3.0.1:

    This game kind of turned into a bug-fest. I originally, found the first part of the game on Steam and bought it (it's currently called College Kings: the Complete Season in my Steam library, but I think it was just called College Kings at the time I bought it). Then, I became a patron for a few months to get access to updates much sooner, but the second season/act/episode/whatever just seemed to get more buggy. The bugs ruined the game for me. It might have been better if I started over and played it all the way through again after it was completed, but it's a long game and replaying is boring.

    Story: 3/5 - The story doesn't have a good focus, although it's not a necessity for an adult game. It started off like fighting was going to be the focus, and then the fighting just disappeared. Then there was an election, then a trip to Europe, etc. It's like the developer asked a group of people to come up with ideas for an adult game set in college, and they randomly chose a few of them, and made each one into an episode of a TV sitcom instead of creating one coherent story for the game. There are some pieces that are pretty well done by themselves, though.

    Writing: 4/5 - Good English and some humor. It's not cringy (except some of the over-used dialogue during sex scenes) and it mostly has good style; however, it's not always consistent. I'd guess there are multiple writers.

    Renders: 5/5 - Generally, the renders and models are excellent. The girls are mostly beautiful with quite a bit of variation among them, which is great.

    Animations: 4/5 - Animations are fairly smooth, clear, and high-res.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - I'm not a fan of the way the player choices affect character traits and how traits affect availability of future choices/content, especially when you don't really know what the affect is until after making the choice. Some people really like it and I understand it, so that's not why I score it lower. Also, the free-roam segments were mostly well-done, too. The problem with gameplay is the bugs. The phone interface was a complete disaster. The type of gameplay adds a lot of complexity and it's obvious that it wasn't tested very well. Some were game-breaking, some were game-altering, and some were just a constant annoyance. Transferring the player's progress from the first to the second part of the split game was also a complete failure. Bugs basically ruined the overall experience.

    Content: 4/5 - There's a good amount of content in the entire game, but with the Seasons, Acts, Episodes, Versions, and differences between Patreon and Steam releases, good luck figuring out what the fuck the entire game actually is. It's even a cluster fuck to figure out just on Steam.

    Summary: This game could've been so much better if the developer had put more effort into validation and it could've been a masterpiece (as adult games go) if it had a well-planned coherent story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly in-depth game, with interesting characters, choices, mini games and so much more. The characters seem well thought out and are pretty dynamic. I have played it through multiple times and have enjoyed it each time, picking a new girl to pursue each time is a lot of fun, just due to all of the various interactions you can and will have with them. Highly recommend it. I look forward to what is added in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a nice variety of characters, personalities and situations that make it interesting.

    It surely has bugs in it, but its not more bugged than other WIP Games. It's stable.

    Renders and sex scene wise, this is some of the best 3DCG content out there. The animated scenes are hot, and the build up to them is really solid most of the time. Choices can matter, and you really have to pause sometimes before you make a decision.

    This game is def. worth playing to get off and for some of the plotlines. Just go in knowing alot of things dont make sense and ideas are all over the place.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be a must play dating sim at the beginning.

    This game had potential until homecoming, I was actually enjoying it.

    However, it went downhill fast.

    The story clearly lacks direction. The MC goes to sleep exhausted. Wakes up, tired. Goes on a date that usually leads nowhere because you've not chosen the correct path for that character. He goes back to sleep exhausted. Rinse, repeat.

    The dates are mostly boring as fuck. They barely develop the story. It's just a bunch of nonsense thrown together to show off the newly acquired assets.

    The fighting aspect almost completely disappeared. Strange, since I thought that was the main plot. It's not. There is no main plot.

    There are so many events that are completely fucking pointless and dialogues that lead nowhere with a bunch of giggles.

    This game has become almost completely unplayable and unenjoyable.

    For every new version from now on, you will input your own variables and play the new content from the "path maker", which is essentially a cheat code to experience any content that you want. The game completely lost all its charms.

    What a shame.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5744918

    This game is crap. No, honestly, it's the only word that comes to mind after subjecting myself to what was obviously deigned to be a commercial cash cow. Unfortunately for the dev, the writers he hired were just awful.

    The first chapter was quite fun and had some promise to it. I liked that their was a kind of fight club vibe to it all and even though the main character looks like a 13 year old shrimp, hey, I was rooting for him!
    The girls were interesting and had diversity, there was some drama with the dickheads..sorry, apes! after their leader punches out our lil shrimp :cry:

    After that chapter it all spirals downwards with each new episode.
    The actual fighting scene just seems to dissolve onto the back burner while we get silly drama plots and have to figure out why the KCT is such a stupid system for wooing the girls. Amber you hot babe, I'm sorry I missed out on hooking up with you, but my KCT changed at the wrong time, forgive me babe plz? :cry:

    The writing truly descends into painful when we get constant descriptions of the characters *chuckling* or *laughs* over and over....ugh, so moronic that I dropped 50 IQ points in that chapter alone. The Charli character was hilarious as the nefarious villain of the Europe trip. He really rubbed some fans up the wrong way...naughty Charli :LOL:

    The "romance" becomes a joke half the time and you have characters like Lindsay who was a sweet girl really interested in the MC and she becomes a bit of a bitch with hardly any time or interest in the MC...and that is the trouble, it all feels disjointed and inconsistent due to the different writers and Undergrad Steve trying to bring in new things instead of sticking to the original flavor. The whole detective segments are just...ugh.

    The pool party episode turned out to be a flop due to the sheer lack of content despite the dev trumpeting how awesome it was!
    Poor fans were struggling to rub one out due to lack of lewd content with their favorites.

    I could write more negatives but am actually slipping into hypoxia even thinking about this game. so I will just end this review with "Would I recommend this?" and that's a solid NO.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very cool. The problem is that we compared it with the GOAT because of the many similarities that it have. Ignoring that; is a complete game. Cool storyline, cool MC, cool characters and a cool table of choices to pick from thru the gameplay. I liked it so far. Of course is not on the same level than the best games of his genre, but it makes the work. I don't feel really inspired like with others game to play it again after what I already played, but who knows? I think that this game has the chance of keep improving 'til we stop comparing it. The art is not that amazing and the scenes aren't that inspiring, but thinking in all the pros, this game is worth a try.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I was just sitting on this game and how stupid that was.
    Wow what an amazing experience. The personality of characters are very true to life.I just completed the part 1. I really loved Chloe and Nora.

    Fights and free roams were really interesting. I took above 20 minutes and got all 16 kills it was amazing experience.
    Chloe Nora and Aubrey were my fav. girls.
    Emily was also beautiful.
    Negatives- I didn't like lauren's render maybe personal preference. Even though she was shy and cute couldn't like her face. Kinda disliked the lack of sex scenes With your fav. npc , there were hardly enough scenes.

    Overall would definitely recommend this game. It has it's own flavor. More believable character. I liked that about this game.

    Definitely play this if you like romance/crush games.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    I really wanted to like this game, and in fact I used to, ok the game characters are great, they look amazing and each have their own personality, the game had great sex scenes with selectable positions down the left hand side, the fighting worked really good, if you picked "auto win" the whole fight scene played out and looked great. So what went wrong, well the game was rebuilt and the sex scenes changed to boring shit like every other VN, the fight was also changed, so now if you pick "auto win" there is NO fight scene, you just get the victory message, wtf? why get rid of the best parts of the game? the game has far to many free roam parts, one "the murder mystery" on the boat, drags on like fuck, free roam RUINS any VN that has it, and this needs to be stoped, VN games do NOT need free roam, Charli exists so that is a n extra star removed. and college kings 2 butchered the game even more, there is a dumb election thing, where there is an annoying campaign, why the dev thought putting politics in the game is a good idea I will never know. the game also has a weird personality thing, pick all right options with a girl, still can't get with her, because you are loyal, when you need some other bullshit, this game is not the worst VN not even close to the worst, BUT EVERY UPDATE HAS MADE THE GAME WORSE, the dev here needs to really scrap all of college kings 2, put college kings 1 back to how it used to be, delete Charli, and START AGAIN from Act 3, yes act 3, because the acts also NEED to return, as they were far superior to the shitty "episodes" we get now.
    game was once 4 star, now it is far less than 1 star, but this site won't let me rate lower than 1. this game may be free on here, but in it's current state, the dev should be paying us to play it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    While not a complete disaster this vn/game is... aggressively below expectations. Ever have to do a group project where everyone does a part and then somehow you shoehorn it all together for a barely coherent mess? That's what I'm assuming happened here. Moving past that, the renders certainly not making any top 10 lists but passable enough. The 'gameplay' unfortunately suffers the same as the story... for being about some fightclub frat there sure isn't much fighting, there likewise isn't much 'adventure' or non-railraod story action.
    Overall: save your time and pass on this one.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The MC is a goofy looking guy with a subpar dong and yet all the women are falling for him....the story is all over the place...some of the female models are weird looking..animations are blah not worth the amount of drive space it takes.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Its an incredibly mediocre college life smut. You have an ex that cheated on you but is insane for you still, theres some fight club thing going on and you have to pick between 2 blonde bimbos. Also you can choose if you want to have sex with a druggie whore or a milf teacher. Now, the option might seem obvious but the druggie whore seems to have some kind of pregnancy fetish... Kinda hot ngl. Sadly she has barely any content for her what a crying shame.

    So where did it go so wrong? well, dev seems to enjoy implementing pointless minigames (boat investigation, pool) more than expanding on the characters and adding story for them. Aubrey gets a massive amount of focus while everyone else gets completely neglected. And again, druggie whore samantha has pretty much no content, while the milf teacher has plenty of content. Dev clearly focused much more on the blue coat team. Pick wolves for milf, Samantha has barely any content as I said.

    And she likely wont get any content in the future either, dev is asking constantly for suggestions what people want next. There is no vision behind this its just a platform for more and more pointless sections with very little narrative behind it. All I want is to breed my junkie wife in peace is that too much to ask???

    The women look good, but again barely any focus on any of them. Other than aubrey. Also all the "trad" virgin girls are neglected as well. And they arent even that good looking sadly.
  14. 3.00 star(s)



    Not a gotta catch em all style harem game
    Choices actually matter in which girls you romance
    Visuals are above average

    The dialogue is... clunky. Way way too many sentences end with "haha" and other such nonsense, like sometimes 5, 6 lines in a row with *chuckle* or *giggle* etc none of which are remotely funny. Once you notice you cant stop seeing such inane lines everywhere
    The big one for me... all H scenes are animated, but the "camera" moves ALL THE TIME. People are moving, and the backgrounds are constantly going up and down. Those somewhat sensitive to motion sickness are gonna get slightly nauseous. I have to just quickly skip through all the sex scenes which is a shame because the dev obviously put a lot of time and effort into them for no obvious benefit
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The game can be good, but is pretty lacking, the navigation is a nightmare, looks like the devs has no idea what they were doing, the navigation is not intuitive at all, you will get lost most of the time, the paths are a nightmare too, the game force you to be with all the girls even when you can't because you lack the necesary points, for example, if you wanted to romance Chloe and for some reason you couldn't, you will be annoyed during all the gameplay by her trying to "chill" with you, you can "try" to romance her but is uselees because the path is already closed, and you can't reject her, that happen with all the girls, even if you don't want to be with one of them you are forced because you have to respond their messages and most of the time you have to go out with them knowing that nothing will happen.
    The cellphone interface when you send messages is really bad and annoying, you have to click in "reply", then in the choice, then again reply and again the choice, then you have to click in an specific icon to close the app and then in other to close the phone, it becomes repetitve and tiresome, most of the times you have to close the phone to get a message too.
    The interface that the developers use in renpy is bad, the icons are really small, if you want to click in the arrow in the save menu you have to click in the correct spot because is really small, they forced a "Save Name System" that you can't turn off, is annoying if you are like me and you save in most of the decisions, why you will force it when you can make a simple buttom so people can enable or disable it?
    The game becomes boring pretty fast, there is not conflicts (there is some kind of conflict at the end, but is resolved pretty fast and was mostly pointless), and you can't fuck the girls in peace, because the girl you take to the homecoming will have more points than the others and will possible end in sex.
    The game lock you in one path, you can be Popular, Confident or Loyal, but just one at the time and there is a moment that the game lock you in one of those, so you can't access "easily" to the other girls, you will have to play and play and play and just wait that you are taking the right decisions to end with the girl you wanted, and most likely that it won't happen. The game is made so you play it multiple times but the interfaces, gameplay, story and everything else, make it almost impossible, because you start to get tired of the same things over and over again, seeing that you are going nowhere.
    Looks like the devs never bothered in try the game and see if it was intuitive or has good gameplay or if the interfaces where correctly aplied.
    Edit: I forgot that there is a moment where the game tells you that the sex scenes have voice acting, in that scenes you see Lindsey naked and you think, "I will hear the voice acting", the answer is no, there is not voice acting, you have to read what she is saying and the only thing she say is "wake up", and the MC wakes up. So that tells me that this game has many things that are unfinished or bad planned/implemented. Aside of the failure that was the Charli character, a character that came from nowhere, a character that no one knew, but for some reason he "knew" the MC and he though that he was a superhero or something, pretty stupid character and was added to the story in a weird and amazingly horrible way.
    Edit: Finished Episode 2 and I can say that the developers made a complete mess there, they ruined the little that the game has of interesting, I'm talking about sex.
    In Episode 1 the game locked you out of some sex scenes depending if you are Popular, Confident or Loyal, that is still happening, but the worst thing is that now you are can't have sex with some girls unless you are dating them, you can be their "Friend with Beneficts" but you will see no sex with them unless something happens, because looks like they don't care enough for you.
    The developer wasted a lot of time in stupid minigames and subplots that add nothing to the story, they are there just to make the game longer, and you guessed, the sex scenes there are counted with one hand.
    One of those subplots would be the campaing, the girls are so focused there that you can't mess around with almost none of them, some girls had a lot of attention in the game, you see them a lot, and others you see them like 3 times, and example can be Autumn, you see her like 3 times in the first episode and here other 3 times, and the most that you do with her is kiss.
    The detective minigames, they add nothing to the game, really, what is the dev's fucking problem with the minigames? This is supposed to be a porn game and they are wasting time doing stupid plots and the minigames.
    Other stupid subplot is the one with Penelope, where she try to make a porn game and they try to be funny making a parody of College Kings but with a female MC, wasted a lot of time there.
    Now many of the girls that before were practically sluts that had sex with anyone are in love with the MC and are jealous if they see him with other girl. Something that makes the plot really stupid, because in what world a guy can be so stupid to date multiple girls, when he knows that all of them know each other and are friends.
    The game is buggy as hell, I was in the limo going to the club and in the middle of the conversation the game jumps from the limo to Lauren's party, what the fuck?? How messed up should be the code so you jump from the Limo scene to the Party that happened before??
    There is no drama, in the previous episode at least they tried to create an atmosphere with Charly, they failed greatly but at least they tried, Now the more drama is when one of the girls lose the campaign.
    There is less fight than in the previous episode, looks like they forget about the fight, for a game that started with the premise that it was focused in fights and who would be the next fight king, they never talk about it.
    All this episode looks like a parody, where the MC try to play the detective and be funny, while the girls try to act like politicians and pay no attention to the MC.
    The navigation still sucks, someone would think that they would improve that, but no, instead of use their time to make the game more easy to navigate, with the cellphone or in the freeroam, they waste their time making minigames that no one wants or care.
    And for Fucks sake, disable the option to name the save files or give us the option to enable or disable them.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: Ep.2 v2.0.1

    Rating: 6.75/10

    To start positively. Great base for a game, nice models and a fun and tested concept. I did have a good time with this game and it has a lot of potential. Dev has a hired team behind him so I'm enthusiastic to see where that leads once the nuts and bolts are tightened.

    My main issue is the pacing between story and characters. Events just happen one after the other. If you have a main LI, MC doesn't seem to see them more often and sometimes they don't act as a couple.

    The dialogue is decent and doesn't bore me. The problem is when you have played other games and the dialogue draws you in and endears you to the characters, you can't help but notice this one... doesn't. And the beforementioned pacing really adds to that.

    The story is a bit boring too. I appreciate trying to do something different than every college game/movie but we never got to do anything that was teased in the beginning like fighting/partying, except some light stuff. I also found the detective plot boring and kinda counter intuitive to the plot right? MC is trying to fit in and make friends but he's just doing all this weird stuff (a choice would be nice is all im saying with another way for the plot to unfold)

    Conclusion: This game could and might be solid in the future. More scenes/events should happen with your LI to split up the main story and make the world feel more realistic. Some different transitions would be a warm welcome (perhaps MC goes to chill on his own and then gets a call instead of constantly being with X person, gets call, goes to Z person) Once again more work and I don't want to be a dic* about it but those little things are what take a good game to a great game.

    It's still in development though, hopefully they can go back and polish up these issues. Still had fun, will still check it out in future but its fairly long right now so maybe if you are extremely serious about plot/dialogue and relationships, give it a skip for now.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3676270

    This game has become a fucking mess with annoying story and characters. The only good thing is the path builder that allows you to not waste your time. It was good in the beginning but i can't recommend it anymore.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great looking ladies, good story lines. Yes there are errors but a lot of games do. Like the fact that you can have a mini harem but still have a "girlfriend" that is oblivious to all of your actions. Girls all have different personalities.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If you were a 2000s kid like me, I feel like this is the Nickelback of AVNs. Everyone's heard of it, and it's everyone's goto to put down when praising their alternative pick. And yet, they did have many songs full of catchy riffs, and similiarly, despite its reputation, this is chock full of fun gameplay.

    Point by point -

    Animations are mediocre, not a strong point, but typically you're involved enough at that point- it's an afterthought.

    Renders are average on the whole - art looks a little dated at this point, however this is partially made up for by the fact that almost all the potential LIs are extremely attractive, and attractive in a way that you can imagine them as real world next-door neighbors.

    So for average animations and art, why am I rating a 5? Simple. The 3dcg games with believable and witty english dialogue I can count on one hand. The gameplay is engaging, and it's long. This actually feels like a game-game, as opposed to so much of the [partially finished/pure novel/concept and nothing more] that exists amongst its peers.

    This is the only avn I've played that had me actually cackling irl in my chair for 5 minutes. (europe club).

    If you're at all interested in college-setting type games, or if you like characters that have more realistic proportions vs cartoon, definitely give this is a try.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a game that wanted to be more than just something average but fell short on almost every level and devolved into a clusterfuck where I can't even say "well, at least I'll still keep playing for this one aspect". Didn't even make it past the Europe trip.
    The premise was already pretty nonsensical.
    • You join a frat to become a fighter to fight guys from the other frat. Why? If you want to be a fighter, then just go do that. If you join a frat in college then you should be partying. My soul died when I read the words "This isn't a party frat". It then revived for the sole purpose of dying again when they played charades their first night after moving into the frat house. Why are they all named after animals anyway?
    • All the characters are constantly shit-talking each other behind each other's backs and you're supposed to just go along with it. How about "I don't care, let's just party and I'll make up my own damn mind later". Only chill one is Aubrey. Edit: Seriously, every character is written to be so sketchy I kept expecting someone to say "Haha, I was lying about everything and just wanted to lead you on loser!"
    • MC's a short dweeb who's acting like he has PTSD from his ex cheating on him once and is traumatized after learning about the trolley problem.
    • The game encourages you to act in the most self-serving and duplicitous way while playing the field and having zero or very little consequences then just shoehorns a character in just to tell the MC he’s a narcissistic, self-serving prick. It's like it's now telling me I haven't been playing the "correct" way and now encourages you to do the exact opposite and be shamed for the rest of the story.
    • Seems like there's some weird tug-of-war between multiple writers who all are equally bad in their own special ways.
    • Half-completed features that aren't ever properly used.

    I mean I initially wanted to give this a higher rating because I appreciated the dev wanted to try for something more but the problem is you have a game that's overall mediocre and a story that has devolved into a chaotic shit show that makes it seem like there was no real direction for it other than "try to get as many streamers to play this so it can blow up and I make money".
    I was willing to overlook all the other flaws but everything just got progressively worse and so inconsistent that I don't know if I can even finish this for the characters I actually even like.
    It's as if as I kept playing the game, every reason to keep playing was taken away:
    • Well the whole underground fighting thing sounds corny and unbelievable but the mini-game seems fun. Also weird that that the women get turned on by that but that alright. Just fight and get laid. Seems simple. - No, you won't actually do it that much and it quickly ceases to be the main focus after your first official fight. You also won't get laid because her mom just died in a car accident.
    • Okay ... well at least I can still see scenes with the ones I like. - Nope, you will see the characters the plot says you will see and you won't be doing much anyway.
    • Alright. Well maybe I can just try to pursue relationships with the ones I'm interested in and just ignore everything els-YOU WILL SEE WHO/WHAT WE WANT YOU TO SEE AND NOW YOU WILL ALSO SIT THERE WHILE SOME RANDOM DUDE IS INTRODUCED JUST TO PREACH TO YOU ABOUT HOW YOU'RE A TERRIBLE PERSON (and undermines you at every turn while all those characters you were trying to pursue suddenly have their personalities change and turn on you while making you feel alienated and we're going to throw in a lot about women empowerment just to really drive home our marketability to those streamers)
    I'm just going to drop it here instead of playing long enough to see how it gets worse. The game, the story, and the characters all are having a serious identity crisis and I don’t want to stick around for it. Tried to make this review more concise as well.