Version Review: 0.4a (Patreon Supporter Version w/ patch)
First off, I want to congratulate the developer duo for a VN with actual substance (more on that late). Of the few notable VN's I've tried they all seem to follow a similar script, but the developers behind Chasing Sunsets have the extra mile in fleshing out their own script. With the preamble out of the way I'll get into specific aspects (some good, some bad).
The Story
I'm not sure which of the two developers graduated from school with a Literature degree, but the writing that went into this game is beyond spectacular. The story avoids the use of supernatural elements and completely avoids incest (unless you count stepsiblings participating in sex incest).
The story takes the time to properly setup the background although there is a bit of overreliance on flashbacks early on in the story. However, this appears to be necessary as the plot of the story would completely fall apart without the prior buildup to explain certain events that happen within the story. Despite the info dumps, the pacing of the story doesn't feel rushed nor does it feel like it's dragging on, you're told exactly what you need to know without a single word more.
Characters (Spoilers ahead)
The cast of characters with memorable background, believable motives, and realistic personalities are a testament to a writer that has put theirself in the mind of the character. However, it's apparent that some characters have received special treatment opposed to others as it becomes clear who the stars of the story are.
Let's start of with MC's Mom: the background and personality behind this character feels so natural that it's difficult to tell if she was based on a real life story or the product of incredible character building. She's written in a believable way and interacts with the world in a realistic manner, albeit some of her character development does get rushed early on in order to progress the story. While it's unclear if more of her story will be shared in later chapters the end of her character arc is rather abrupt and leaves significant holes within the story.
My initial impression of James was that he would end up being a stereotypical playboy or an unrealistic super dad. However I was pleasantly surprised that not only does he have his own personality, he's a character with believable actions. It's clear what the writer intended as his role within the story as he receives slightly more treatment than Sarah, but not to the extent that he overshadows her in what is intended as a joint role. This character is by far one of my all time favorites.
MC is a bit of a toss up when it comes to character development. While it's apparent the developers wanted the player to ultimately choose his story this isn't really the case. There are decisions you can make as the MC, but every decision results in an outcome that leads to the same part of the story. Your choices ultimately boil down to who you're going to swoon at any given time as well as who you choose for your partner at the conclusion of the story. However I believe the devs made the right choice when deciding MC's character due to him feeling like a believable character actually living in this world. If the devs continue on with their vision I believe he'll end up as an incredible protagonist that doesn't fall into similar romance novel tropes.
Jaye is another character that feels as though the developers gave her significantly more attention than the rest of the cast. Aside from MC it's painfully clear that she's intended to be the main plot that the story revolves around, as is evident by the revelations made in the available chapters. Her personality, motives, and actions all feel as though she was ripped straight from a real world story of non-biological twins forming strong family and personal bonds. Aside from James she ranks as one of my favorite characters in the story.
Moving on to the final character we have Mallory. While it's still early in the story I am disappointed at how shallow her character feels. Leading up to her introduction to MC she felt like an already fleshed out character with a strong personality determined to make it on her own. And yet in less than a day spent with MC she immediately throws out any semblance of a real character and is practically swooning over you. Her romance arc feels both rushed and forced with little option in the way of providing non-romantic support to her. I sincerely hope she get's better treatment in future chapters, because the character that was built up in the intro is truly stellar.
Art and Sound
It's incredible what can be accomplished in the way of breathtaking story visuals that expertly relays information to the player. The music that accompanies most scenes feels atmospheric while also setting the emotional tone for the current story being expressed. When you hear the gentle sound of the piano playing in the background as MC shares extremely personal tales of his adventures is enough to evoke tears, or the soothing strum of the guitar makes you feel blissful as you spend time with Jaye or Mallory.
On a side note, I've seen some mention that the devs have used copyrighted music currently. It seems like this will be changed in future releases so I have high hopes that the audio will continue to improve.
As for the scenes that play out, it was a bit jarring to see the devlopers avoid utilizing rendered videos. Instead we're treated to what I believe is a more satisfying visualization of events leveraging the fact that this game is a VN. We get detailed descriptions of the unfolding events shown in each scene with some scenes flowing in quicker succession. Overall I believe this approach is ultimately why the game is as detailed as it is since the developers avoid spending time on video renderings, leaving the audience more satisfied at the outcome.
This game is a true diamond amongst the mountain of VN games in existence today. If the developers manage to iron out the few kinks that do exist and continue to improve the quality of their story then I have no doubt this game will be a breakout success outside the niche of adult VN games.
To the devs directly: you're the first ever Patreon I've made a pledge to, don't make myself and the 680 or so other Patrons regret making that decision

You guys have some serious talent and I look forward to the release of chapter 4!
*Post Chapter 4 edit*
With the release of chapter 4 there are a few changes to the characters that feel more in line with the vision StoneFoxStudio had to begin with. This update won't be split into sections as it's just a brief update for anyone unsure of what kind of VN they're getting.
The character development for both Jaye and MC have continued to improve as the developers have now started implementing the game over aspect of some of the arcs. My initial skepticism of MC has somewhat been laid to rest as you now suffer consequences for specific actions you take. Without spoiling the story it appears that the devs have approached the "game over" aspect of their story in a bit of a dynamic approach, which honestly comes as a shock since the amount of time and effort that goes into writing a branching path story is significant and difficult to do. However, Chapter 4 has proven that the devs have a fairly strong grasp on how to properly implement a dynamic style of game over while allowing themselves the ability to complete the story true to their vision.
On a bit of a more disappointing note, due to how the devs developed Mallory's character she unfortunately has forgotten her entire fleshed out past. The unfortunate reality is that for the story to make sense she's forced into this new character as a product of the initial marketing as choosing between either Jaye or Mallory. There still is time for the devs to correct her character arc in the next few chapters, but only time will tell what happens to her.
As for the story in general, releasing the game in chapters has the unique effect of allowing the devs to write a story that rivals their romantic novel counterparts. I've seen expressed frustration at the lack of sex scenes with the two main characters, but this style of story development is true for a fully fleshed out novel. The pace for how relationships are developing feels natural and obvious with very few exceptions (Mallory serving as that example). For anyone frustrated at the pace in which the story is unfolding, I'd recommend leaving this page bookmarked and returning in a few months after significant development has been made. While not an ideal solution, this VN is roughly 30% - 50% completed and will take time for it to be finished.
On a final note, I'm genuinely impressed and relieved that StoneFoxStudios has stayed true to their word of using their support on Patreon in order to improve and expand on their content added. It's reassuring to all of us when we're able to obviously see the improvements made to the delivery of scenes as well as cosmetics and general improvements to story quality.
To StoneFox directly: keep on this course you guys are on! The past few weeks on Patreon alone have shown proof that you guys are resonating with your supporters.