VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Chasing Sunsets [v1.01] [Stone Fox Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of the great ones. The review concerns chapter 4 and earlier.

    The story is really good, for me it finds the rare middle ground between developing mc relationships with girls and progressing the overall plot. Girls are interesting and varied, the overall plot is interesting enough without being too stretched and boring.

    Graphics & scenes
    The graphics is very good for vn. Girls look realistic without exaggerated body features. Scenes are ok, not too much of them but they are driven by the plot which is expected from that type of game.

    Overall would give it 8/10 (where 1 is trash, 5 average, 10 masterpiece) so far, hope it keeps this level in future updates.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Still early in the game but while the game is pretty nice to look at the forced scenario of m/f/f is a turn off. If two people who say they secretly love each other sleep with someone else I don't think it's that serious. In the sister's case she is "secretly" in love with her brother but sleeps with another chick to dull the pain? ok. The brother sleeps with her friend after being told that they have a weird sexual relationship that has something to do with him. The whole "pretend I'm her " thing is dull and get's worse when the sis reads about it in his journal. Personally I think she has mental health issues and love has nothing to do with anything.

    Honestly the game is a mix of the dev wanting to make some kind of love story between the mc/jaye but the game is spent largely fucking other people and she was involved with her friend and is obviously bisexual. None of it fits together because there is so much effort spent to create a backstory about how they love each other but neither of them seem worthy of giving a shit about. If there were real choices the story wouldn't be a problem but all the effort is out the window the moment the mc has to fuck other women because you have no choice in the game with some characters.

    I think this is what makes the game stupid for me so I gave up having to read walls of text about how they love each other while the game just forces you to play as though you could care less. I gave the game 3/5 before but after trying it again I lowered it to 2/5 for the art and the story loses another star for being pretentious crap while the game plays out like a typical porn story. I wouldn't be surprised if the mc/jaye/tara get married at the end it's that dumb.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs out there imo. This is a hidden gem that could even compete with the famous BeingAD and Acting Lessons. Came for the ladies but stayed for the story. The game has incredible writings, good visuals and many paths to choose for replays. With the uses of animation, this game will even be more excellent.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If God made adult Ren'Py games, he would make Chasing Sunsets. This game surprised me in more ways than one and I became deeply invested in the characters and story in ways that your typical AVN just doesn't achieve.

    The renders and animations are fantastic, right up there with the best this genre has to offer. The writing is what really takes this to a different level. This is not a quickie VN, but if you're a sucker for a great story then give it a go.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I would say your enjoyment of this story really depends on whether or not you like the stepsister character. I personally don't, as she seems to wildly oscillate between caring deeply about the MC and treating him like he's some sort of monster. She seems more of a plot device than a viable love interest or even an interesting character, as her reactions seem purely to manipulate the MC towards particular directions. For example, the MC leaves home because after he confronts a man who tried to rape his stepsister, the stepsister, I kid you not, gets furious at the MC, claiming her attempted rapist respects her more than the MC does. Yes, she really does seem that stupid and irrational, and she doesn't seem to get much better later.

    What kept me playing for a while was the quality of the story during its good moments, and how realistic everyone generally acts in the story (porn scenarios withstanding). However, it seems too focused on the MC/stepsister relationship for me to maintain interest, and tries way too hard at times to be deep and emotional. So I'm rating it 3 stars.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the current content (Through chapter 4) - wow, this was a really enjoyable story so far. Very curious to get more of it. Was happy to sign up on their Patreon to donate some money toward the project and studio.

    The best thing for me on this game, besides the relationship development between the MC & Jaye is the slow burn and the well-told emotional angle of the relationship development between characters. So many VNs go way too fast into sex and relationships, and this game bucks that trend by properly developing a solid story and its surrounding cast, while also allowing the player to make choices to progress the relationships with desired characters. I was engaged the entire time in both the general narrative as well as the relationship being cultivated by my decisions with Jaye and the other girls.

    I also have to praise how these characters have to tip-toe around things a bit because of the subject matter of the relationship (at least due to my own choices in the story) and I think that matters a lot. By the point where things start to happen between certain characters, the reaction of other characters in the story to the "goings-on" will continue to impact the believability of the story (not to mention the excitement level of it due to the 'taboo' nature) so I'm really happy to see how well the story-telling has been handled in that respect.

    The earliest chapters didn't have very good animations, but the renders were top tier, but by Chapter 4, the animations were also excellent alongside the still renders.

    Strongly recommend the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best VN I have ever played.

    The emotional story telling is beyond anything else. The characers are likable, the chemistry in all of the relationships feel believable. The lewd scenes are really erotic. The take on the familial relationships works, and doesn't feel like another ridiculous rehashing of a tired taboo.

    I really can't recomend it enough.

    My hope for the future is they get successful enough to include Voice acting for the female roles and that we get the harem ending that I that the MC deserves.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely the best adult visual novel I have ever experienced! The story is incredibly engaging. It invokes emotions that make it quite immersive and the writing feels so natural, mature, and realistic. The flow feels just perfect for me, just like a great movie. Oh, and the visuals......MMMMMHmmmm!!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I love the story, its interesting, and I think is well told. I will forgive the tropy drama stuff at the begining of the story and the flashback thing if the game had enough content but it clearly dragged the story.

    More things i dont like:
    There are quite some unavoidable things, that are already kind of predefined and are part of the story and can't avoid them, for isntance knowing so little about Tara i wouldn't fuck her, but its set as part of the story. The relationships with a couple of girls are also unavoidable and the game is suppossed to be about choices, and well those are made for me, and i dont like it. Also usually when that happens is because there is nothing happening with main characters, it happens in 90-99% of the times a game pulls this thing, and this game is not different.

    After completing chapter 4 there is a handjob, and an almost handjob, and almost sex. That's not how acumulated sexual tension works. Pinching her nipples?, is that all you want to do to a girl that you have wanted for years?
    The scene is way too vanilla, a total disapointment.

    I Give it a 2 for the way the game is done, but the actual sexual content its concentrated in episode 4 which is the last one, and it is not even sex, and apparently there is something missing. If you make a storya bout that, the release has to match the expectations, and the release is bad, im betting that is made bad on purpose, cause previous scenes were done way better.

    When the game has more, maybe it will raise to 4, but for now, nope, its one of those blueball fest stories.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love these kinds of games, which is kind of doing it a injustice as this feels somewhat different from nearly everything I've played before. I love how story driven it is, it's not simply about the sex and the fucking. It has so much charm, attitude, character and the facial expressions are so spot on and just perfect.

    I wish the game was a lot bigger already because I just can't wait to play the continuation of this, I rarely feel sad I have to wait to see how a porn game plays out, yet here I am. Thank you for creating this, extremely appreciated. If you're not simply looking for a game completely overloaded with sex, but enjoy story and obviously isn't appalled by "incest", this could be a game for you as well. If all you want is sex, don't come here and unjustifiably downvote it simply because it wasn't the genre you were looking for.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've not been able to get this game out of my head since playing it. I even replayed it within a few days, which is rare for me.

    This is one of those rare games that truly excels through its characters and the stories they share, and one of the even rarer ones that has a real emotional impact upon the player. The renders are beautiful and while some of the earlier scenes don't hold up as well, the later scenes are exceptionally crafted.

    While this game has many characters to pursue and interact with, the true heart of the game is in its two main LIs. And by 'main LIs', I really mean 'the main LI and the secondary LI', because similarly to other games of this type, Chasing Sunsets does very much incline the MC and by association the player towards one of these characters. While Mallory is an excellent, charismatic character, it definitely feels like Jaye is something of the correct choice... not that I have a problem with that. Although both are pursuable for now, it remains to be seen whether a cutoff point will force a choice.

    Speaking of characters, facial expressions are masterfully executed in this game. Jaye and Mallory in particular are so vividly expressive that is hard not to love them.

    5/5 would exacerbate my crippling loneliness again.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I always think having a good story in these types of games is always a plus to have, because we come here for another kind of plot, just want to have the story be decent. But, ya see when a games story and character interactions are like this... That's when ya know you have found one of those rare gems on this site, that make you wish most games could achieve this level of quality and writing. It's been a while since a games story and characters of this genre made me "feel" things, and I love it!

    Not to say its perfect, the sex scenes could be way better; animations are the low point of this game when it has them. Though not to say there aren't good scenes in general. I think the best scene in this game so far, not including the most recent update, was the one with your sis's best friend. That scene felt the most complete when it came to pacing, dialogue and pay off; again this is not including the most recent scenes in the current update as of writing this review.

    The characters themselves are great no real complaints with them, and the renders and models are top tier easily! The models eyes though scare me when they open them up all the way for certain expressions, especially Malory's eyes in her scenes. The rest of their expressions are fine though.

    In the end though, it's a fantastic game! Biggest complaint I have now is that I wish I had found this game when it was complete... The waiting now is going to be horrible...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    im not even frickin 30 mins in and the game has me reading every line and FEELING things and that is amazing.

    this is absolutely one of those game that you play, then buy, just to support the devs to keep up the great work.

    i just hope this doesnt ruin me for other games :')
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Highest tier game on this platform. Don't hesitate, Just play it already. this is very very rare that I read all the dialogues of a game. Truly amazing. I can see dev give updates on time with a good amount of content, Which is a very huge plus as well.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The actual sex scenes might not be the best I've seen, they're passable enough.

    But these characters are some of the best I've seen. This is one of the few times where I am playing entirely to see the story. I think that deserves praise. You quickly grow to love and hate some of these characters. It's soap-y at times, but it's excellent.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished Chapter 3 and... I had to stop playing, because I don't want it to end so soon.
    This game is amazing. And believe me, I don't say these words lightly.

    It might be the best written game I have ever played. Mature, charming and at moments genuinely funny. I'm not gonna spoil the story for you, just play it, it's worth it!

    If I could, I'd give it 6/5.

    Thank you Dev, and best of luck to you!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    To say, as many above did, that this is good, in however many superlative words, seems... small. This VN brings me Joy. In spite of dark tones, in spite of pain and suffering, the overwhelming feeling I get from this, up to Chapter 4, is Joy. Not ahahah joy, but, satisfied sigh, relax on the chair, single malt in hand, Joy.

    Now, for a controversial point, this is one of the VN's I would enjoy just as much without lewds. I appreciate them, but, would still write exactly this same post (without this part) if they weren't there. Can't think of a higher praise.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm mad.


    Because I found this before it was finished! And now I have to wait! ahhhhh

    In other words it is really good.

    The dialogue is so damn good. Typically I skip like 80% or more of dialogue because it is all fluff that can be guessed with a few key words while fast forwarding.
    This one? I skipped maybe 5%.

    Render: 5/5

    Art: 5/5

    Skinship: 5/5

    Sex: mmmm 4.5/5

    Frequency of sex: 3.5/5
    (so, it could use more but also not because it was all... story oriented. Not sex for sex, but sex because it fit.

    Story: 5/5
    All the story was well done.

    My only warning is if you don't like incest tones, this may not be for you.

    What are you doing, step-bro? xD
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    4 Chapters in and I'm hooked.

    The story is compelling, with mysteries to ponder, and interesting characters. The framing device seems to fall by the wayside for chapters 3 and 4, but I suspect we'll see more of it in the future.

    We seem to be light on choices, but the story more than makes up for it so far. I enjoy the use of flashbacks to give greater context, in addition to ratcheting up the drama and tension. One particular flashback to the MCs childhood is the deciding moment in his and his sister's relationship, and seems to be ultimately the impetus to the wedge driven between them creating for interesting moments between them.

    The characters are for the most part enjoyable, and sympathetic.

    Eagerly looking forward to more chapters.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Should you play this game, be aware your bar regarding writing and dialogs will raise to a level that may damage other games experience, such is the quality Chasing Sunsets provides us.

    From plot to graphics its a 5 star game, so I will point the only two flaws imho:
    Mallorys skin/texture/light is so plastic that it breaks the immersion, should get more attention being such a leading role.
    Anims are... well... poor at best. Need to be improved else removed cause they harm the overall game.