how do i make shannon and sophia pregnant ?
IIRC, both of MC wives, Sophia and Shannon, start their respective marriages taking birth control. You can use them as a cum dumpster and they won't get pregnant. There is a dialogue option that will appear to ask your wife to stop birth control. Once available, select that and let the pregnancies begin! Sophia and my MC have produced 13 heirs at last count.
drifter139's smartass attempt at the painfully obvious and totally useless "sex" suggestion without the information I just shared, you DO need to wait until the option for your spouse to stop birth control appears in the spouse's dialogue/action choice menu. Until then, you can have all the sex you want while your spouse is using birth control and she WILL NOT get pregnant... so much for smartass answers. You can have all the sex you want without pregnancy while your spouse is on birth control, same thing with your courtesans with the exception of how the option is stated... Spouses the dialogue reads, "Stop using contraceptives (-100 Points)" when you go into the affection portion of the spouse menu for sex as demonstrated by lovely Shannon here below... And yes, all initial affection choices cost points just like obtaining a new sex act, the exception being that you pay the points to stop birth control and pay the points again to restart birth control should you choose that option later...
If you do not see the option to Stop Using Contraceptives listed then you need to wait. Shannon's dialogue indicates that she really isn't ready to be a mother and will likely try to pawn all/most of her motherly duties onto Sophia. My Sophia has 13 children! There is no way in hell I would ask her to babysit Shannon's babies too! So, Shannon continues to be my genius tech guru and and willing concubine. No babies for Shannon unless her attitude changes.
Courtesans are different and the number of potential girls that can become pregnant is growing... Most of the girls can still remain profitable by being milked at your human dairy (if you elected to set up that option) I have taken to allowing some of the girls to become pregnant. That dialogue looks like this...
As of the latest update, I was able to get Hannah, our lovely chef, pregnant but she was not available for the dairy to be milked. All of the other courtesans showed up for dairy duty...
Once you select "Breed" you may then go to the breeding room at any time before opening for business. It can be done the same day or any other day. Once selected, Breed stays active until completed. (There may be a time limit on the number of days breed stays active, IDK) This is the breeding room...
Hanna had a complicated pregnancy according to the story which is likely why she didn't report for dairy duty and also why I am not going to keep a save of the gameplay I'm using to make these screenshots today. This is what it looks like when you select "Breed" for an eligible courtesan. Hannah just so happens to be the only one available to show you these steps. All of the others have recently delivered or are still pregnant. But, it looks like this...
Once you start mating, you get an animation scene of the sex act including full cream pie and a confirmation message that your attempt was successful and the courtesan is now pregnant. The Doctor character designed this room to ensure maximum potency for both partners is how the story goes.....
There is no confirmation when you impregnate your spouse but after she stops contraceptives, you WILL get her pregnant as long as you continue to have sex! Sophia has an intimate option called "Play" that does not make her pregnant, at least not in my experience. Shannon has an option to "Visit other spouse" that also does not result in pregnancy. To make your spouse pregnant you need her to have stopped contraceptives AND select the option to "Fuck." No fair getting blowjobs or engaging in "Play"/"Visit other spouse" and expecting her to get preggers! Hahaha

I save the blowjobs for when the spouses are menstruating and mix play and other spouse shared visits with the Fuck option to add some variety and I have sex with both spouses every single day they are available. Spouses on contraceptives are only unavailable for penetration during their "period" and pregnancy eligible spouses are unavailable for sex during period, morning sickness, late stage pregnancy and their post delivery recovery time after giving birth. All of the ladies, spouse and courtesan alike, go to the new mother's part of the family building and are not available again until recovery is complete. You can start trying for another child again with your spouse the same day she returns from post delivery care provided she is not on her period which happens sometimes. She will blow you though and that helps restore her mood as do gifts, small talk and all of the usual ways to raise her affinity. You can keep your spouse in a good mood with daily visits to share intimacy, conversation and gifts. While she is away for several days post delivery, her mood falters a bit so you need to be extra nice to her for a few days then back to the regular daily schedule...
Also, both spouses and courtesans enjoy lots of sex during pregnancy, just like IRL!

The "horny preggers" phase begins after the morning sickness subsides and lasts until she gets too close to her delivery date. The ladies will let you know if it is too soon or too late in her pregnancy for sex. In fact, the courtesans are rather vocal about asking for sex during pregnancy. Your wives are less vocal in requesting sex but Sophia is no less appreciative. Shannon is not active for pregnancy in my game as yet... maybe later...
Lastly, if you get to the point you want to stop having children with either spouse, there is an option to have either spouse return to using contraceptives. It looks like this...
I hope this helps you, my friend. I really enjoy this game and hope you do too
Adventure ever on, Phat

PS: Courtesans need to be retrained after pregnancy before resuming courtesan duties and/or participating in raids. Otherwise, once she returns from aftercare you may impregnate her again and again to have her make money with her milk so that she is still a valuable profit generating employee for your business. Gotta keep my lovely Sophia busy counting those profits now, don't I? Hahaha