Unity - Breeding Farm [v0.7.1] [Team Bieno]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love all the custom scenes and the breeding minigame is a fun addition. Looking forward to more updates. I don't get the hate on the "NTR" portion. You're literally playing a breeding simulator. How is it weird that the girls fuck other animals.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good unique game
    -Animations being smooth
    -Art very good
    - Story very good and intriguing (which makes this game very special)

    -Update very slow "build" progress and long period time (long then half of the year to wait due to the fact devs make 2 games at once)
    -Lack of comunication from devs
    -high chance of being on-hold/abadoned
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I'll be frank. The game is rather fun, and I do enjoy the content that is here, but there are some things that do slightly bother me, and others that make me smirk like Kazuya Mishima in Tekken endings. I didn't much enjoy that even though you could travel to the magical woods to meet elves in a part of the story, there was nothing left upon going back. I can understand, since the game is still in development. I just feel that side quests almost feel a bit incomplete, and some areas have no purpose until further defined. There should be more to consistently paying the church after each month, a reward of some sort. I did enjoy how upon reaching a certain affection level with livestock, you could use an alternate animation. (To be completely honest, a third would be fantastic, but that's not my workload I'm adding to.) The game is not without the occasional bug or glitch, but that's to be expected from something in development. I played the Mac version of the game, please continue to update it regularly alongside other ports. When it is complete, I'll return and give it a more deserving rating than "Adequate."
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Super long and boring intro, crashes preventing forward progression, should be renamed to Reading Farm, I dont have the patience to go through 10 minutes of inane dialogue.

    bouncy graphics is great, really, but you can see unity sluggishly try to pull it off.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    fun to play with, the H-scene part lack interaction, the assets is good, still have no idea where they put the save files, I open up my folder that contains save but no single files in there. But hopefully, it becomes a beautiful breeding game in the future
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to put 5 stars , allthough the game is far from finished I had a really good time the art is really good ,story could be interesting but there's not enough for now , Overall a very enjoying game that I would recommend to anyone
    Keep up the good work !
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fine pre-alpha of game alike Breeding Season. Good start for the game, but much more creatures from Greek mythology must be done: mermaids, minotaurs, centaurs, werewolves and whatever.

    Progress rate is quite fine, however animations aren't still available even for all these three creature types.
  8. 5.00 star(s)



    This freaking deserves being a spiritual successor of the Breeding Season
    so much in fact Cloud Meadow can only dream to get here.

    Gameplay-wise compared to Breeding Season nothing changed much which is why it is awesome cloud meadow wanted to change the game's gameplay and failed miserably

    Way better visuals than Breeding Season and a new feature affection scenes!

    There is none! this is the Breeding Season 2 we wanted!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very personal and subjective opinion!.
    Summary: Better than "cloud meadow"
    Gaming: easier to get than "cloud meadow" and easier to get resources than previous ranching games [Total points: 5 points/ This game: 5 points]
    Story: I don't understand English (I'm a middle school student level English).The speed of the story, not too slow or too fast.[Total score:5/This game:3.5]
    Figure: Western-feeling, mellow graphics and cute character appearance [Total score:5/E-Game:4.Extremely personal, subjective opinion.
    ps. Know that this game is still in development.I'm a person who can't support these grateful game developers (unemployed), but I expect a number of features to be added later.What a great game!Happy New Year, developers!
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Ste Rix

    Breeding Farm:

    I state that I was a regular contributor to the original Breeding Season and this influences my opinions making the comparison inevitable, obviously taking into account that we are talking about a work in progress.

    The most appealing aspect of the predecessor for me was undoubtedly the breeding management mechanics, which in Breeding Farm are partly traced. There are still some races, "milking", fishing, random events, alchemy and some genetic traits that made the game much more varied. For now, what is there seems to be working well. I wait to see if and which mechanics will be added later to improve the rating.

    Musically adequate, varied and pleasant, pleasantly matched environments and music. It wouldn't be unwelcome to add voices during breeding.
    MUSIC: 4

    Graphically of good quality, I don't expect great graphics for the game genre and I don't think it's even necessary but I really like the drawing style of the female characters in particular. The, for now, few animations are effective and well taken care of.

    Being still in early development, a "seen it all" point is soon reached and in the long term there is no incentive for a lasting game.

    Pleasant and well differentiated setting and story from its predecessor, look for future developments and greater interaction with NPCs.
    HISTORY: 3+

    For the type of game it seems to me that progress is a bit slow. More frequent updates would be welcome.

    Out of nostalgic affection and as a stimulus to developers, I will round up the overall 4-star rating, hoping to see positive developments soon.

    1) add random events as soon as possible to make the game time more varied and lasting.
    2) if you add the alchemy and the related buffs you could insert a mechanic of research and collection of specific ingredients for each location at the cost of a certain amount of energy consumption.
    3) reduce costs on Patreon, 9.50 EURO per month for the last update seems to me very excessive, given the type of game and the development times. If you were less greedy you would have many more supporters and the game would gain in popularity. I would have gladly sponsored you but 113 euros a year for a game of this kind is pure madness

    Breeding Farm:

    Premetto di essere stato un assiduo contributore dell'originale Breeding Season e questo influenza le mie opinioni rendendo la comparazione inevitabile, tenuto ovviamente conto che parliamo di un work in progress.

    L'aspetto per me più accattivante del predecessore erano indubbiamente le meccaniche gestionali di breeding, che in Breeding Farm sono in parte ricalcate. Mancano ancora alcune razze, "mungitura", pesca, eventi casuali, alchimia ed alcuni tratti genetici che rendevano molto più vario il gioco. Per ora, quel che c'è, pare funzionare bene. Aspetto di vedere se e quali meccaniche verranno aggiunte in seguito per migliorare il rating.

    Musicalmente adeguato, vario e gradevole, ambienti e musiche abbinati piacevolmente. Non sarebbe sgradita l'aggiunta di voci durante il breeding.
    MUSICA: 4

    Graficamente di buona qualità, per il genere di gioco non mi aspetto una grafica eccezionale e non credo sia neppure necessaria ma mi piace molto lo stile di disegno dei personaggi femminili in particolare. Le, per ora, poche animazioni sono efficaci e ben curate.
    GRAFICA: 4

    Essendo ancora in primo sviluppo si raggiunge presto un punto di "visto tutto" e a lungo termine vengono a mancare stimoli per un gioco duraturo.

    Ambientazione e storia gradevole e ben differenziata dal predecessore, aspetto sviluppi futuri e maggiore interazione con i PNG.
    STORIA: 3+

    Per il tipo di gioco mi pare che i progressi siano un po'lenti. Update più frequenti sarebbero graditi.

    Per nostalgica affezione e come stimolo agli sviluppatori arrotonderò per eccesso la valutazione complessiva a 4 stelle sperando di vedere presto sviluppi positivi.

    1) aggiungete prima possibile eventi casuali per render più vario e duraturo il tempo di gioco.
    2) se aggiungerete l'alchimia e i buff connessi potreste inserire una meccanica di ricerca e raccolta di ingredienti specifici per ogni locazione al costo di un tot di consumo di energia.
    3) riducete i costi su Patreon, 9.50 EURO al mese per l'ultima update mi pare decisamente eccessivo, dato il tipo di gioco ed i tempi di sviluppo. Se foste meno esosi avreste molti più sostenitori ed il gioco ne guadagnerebbe in popolarità. Vi avrei sponsorizzato volentieri ma 113 euro all'anno per un gioco di questo genere è pura follia
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good art, good premise (assuming that, unlike the games it follows in the footsteps of, it gets finished), awful writing. You might immediately assume that I'm being nitpicky--that I'm talking about small grammatical errors interspersed throughout or something along those lines. And while, yes, those are present, that isn't enough to break my immersion. The problem is much worse--everything in this game, from the setting, to the character design, to, most importantly, the dialogue, absolutely reeks of wish fulfillment.

    And already, I hear what you say. Don't be silly, Aurinko, that's what all these games are anyway! Yes, yes, of course. But if I can get a mental image of the creator(s) of the game, who haven't seen the light of day in months, lurking in their cum dungeon busting all over the walls as they write every line of dialogue, then there's a problem. Basically, when you take the sum of the absurd dialogue (and it's not even just the cringe-worthy way the females act--the protagonist is almost as bad!), the clunky attempts at third wall breaks (seriously, why?), and the overall setting and character design, there's no way that you can maintain any kind of immersion in the game. I think that the only way this game could be made decent is by having a third party edit literally every line of text that has been or will ever be written for this game, but that's not even to mention the lack of content at this stage and how much content will have to be added for this to be "finished." There's a reason why these games never get finished, people. As you add more monsters to breed, the amount of scenes that you need to make grows exponentially. That's the fundamental issue with this genre of game, and I don't see this game being the one to find a way to solve it. Overall, this could be good in the future, but I really wouldn't get your hopes up.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Love these types of games, I wish more monster breeders were out there. I loved the original Monster Breeding farm, and I'm for some reason too daft to play cloud meadow. It is nice to have a character like Cece, I love her personality and the fact you can't breed with her until a certain point in her quest. I wish there was a faster way to get to bed, and none of my other ideas are valid since the game isn't finished. Can't wait to see more affection scenes, that was a really nice idea and I love it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There is lots of work to be done but so far I've seen some amazing work! Please do keep up the amazing work in updating this just wanted to get it out there for people! People should pleay this game and then maybe we might get even faster updates!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art, good characters with archetypes, simple missions, and pretty good animations. Aside from the glitch where the click-box would sometime disappear if you save and then went back to playing, I have very little complaint.
    A good point and click game. Worth keeping an eye out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking forward to in-depth story content. Very fun so far!

    The breeding with the traits is very cool, I love the concept of grinding (literally) to get your ultimate perfect breeding bulls. Also very decent art and animation, looking forward for more of it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Idea, Good graphics but grindy as hell, ffs I play warframe & that game has less grind than Breeding Farm.

    Story: ~6
    Graphics: 8
    Gameplay: 0
    Animations: 4
    Music: 6
    UI-Design: 7

    Grind: Too damn much.
    Dat guy's stamina is also frigging low & that makes the grind even worse!
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    It's been out a while but still lacks a lot of polish
    The art isn't bad but it hasn't added all that much for how long it's existed, probably because it keeps going in lateral directions like changing engines
    It (really) could have used a good walkthrough since about the 2nd version
    It's got potential that this rating doesn't entirely cover but it just seems, like most breeding games, to not want to find that potential
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1723329

    In my opinion it’s just a worse breeding season...

    it might have a better engine and better character designes but everything else is even more lacking than breeding season. It could have been good, if it had more content but as it stands, it is just

  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Valerian

    As it stands now it's not xactly much to look at. It's incomplete cartoony sex scenes and the only good sex scenes is from the cowgirl, but this game has so much potential just like its predecessor breedinh season. I believe that this game will be so incredible and certainly not bad premise for an adult game. It appeals to my 2 biggest fetishes Breeding and Harems. So in conclusion I highly recommend you play this game and support the creators and one day it will be one of the most popular games out there. :D
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.3.2]

    As it stands, I wouldn't recommend playing this. Like many Breeding Season-inspired games, Breeding Farm oozes potential in its writing, its art, and its CGs, but it is drastically unfinished. Just a single one of the five or more available quest lines has a tangible conclusion, the monster variety leaves a lot to be desired, and none of the few non-breeding CGs can be replayed. If you want my advice, wait to play until this game is a little further along in its dev cycle. I'm excited to see where Breeding Farm goes, but in its current state, it leaves too much to be desired.