Unity - Breeding Farm [v0.7.1] [Team Bieno]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    As it sits right now, Breeding Farm is in a bit of a strange spot. Solid foundation, good art and animation, and probably the closest thing to a spiritual successor to Breeding Season out there. But it's hurt by being an incomplete game with sparse updates. Compared to BS this game also takes more of a VN approach which also gives some mixed results. If you liked Breeding Season this is definitely worth your time, but whether it deserves your money I can't say for sure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice animations, gameplay and story, not too grindy (super easy if you use the debug codes).

    Didn't experience bugs, but was a bit stuck in the beginning as clicking on "skip day" didn't work and you need to click on the arrow.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I would say Breeding Farm is the definition of good game. Not a masterpiece by any means but i really enjoyed playing. Scenes are nice story holds and girls are hot. Gameplay is unique and fun.
    Art 4/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 5/5
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Breeding farm [v0.5.2]


    Got baited by the good reviews again.

    This is like a quarter of a complete game in the state it's in right now. While that quarter is kinda juicy, it's overall not fun to play and there's not enough content for a good fap.

    90 % of all locations are empty and completely unnecessary. The "gameplay" (if you can even call it that) is grindy and repetitive. A lot of breeding interactions are missing, et c.

    This will probably be a decent game in about 2 years from me writing this review ,when there's a lot more meat on the bone and there's an actually playable story. Until then, I suggest you pass on this one.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art and story.

    The individual human characters and the beast scenes are well drawn and animated.

    This game deserves support and might be the first breeding farm type game since many have come before it and not been finished.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've finally found a truly worthy successor to Breeding Season. It has all the same mechanics and similarly good art without the addition of other bullshit gameplay mechanics, like Cloud Meadow, or a tedious 3D environment, like some other clones. It even has surprisingly well done dating sim quests complete with well-animated unique sex scenes. The only thing missing is content, but at the time of writing there is already a good amount there. The Patreon updates are slow and come with the inherent problem of the dev being paid to never actually finish the game, but in another year or so, this game will probably match or supercede the original Breeding Season in every aspect plus the improvements already in place. I highly recommend this game if you liked Breeding Season, which I can't say for most of the other clones.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Starts off a bit meh but as you get closer to the current update it's fantastic.

    Includes voice acting in later updates

    Animation is cool

    Story is there, endearing characters

    No grindy nonsense.

    Only small note is I hope the dev goes back to retroactively update the older scenes. Would be nice.

    Ultimately can't wait for the full version to purchase.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Dunno why people are giving this game such low stars.
    Firstly it is quite original
    The animations are good
    The girls look fine
    and the plot is quite generic but still solid.
    If you are looking for a good time-waster with good sex animations , then this is the game for you
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is nice, gameplay is meh, devs are silent and are probably just keeping the project up to rake in money from an audience that wished Breeding Season never died. Enjoy what is there but don't expect much in the future from them.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a few bugs, but I'm mostly just happy that someone is working on a good successor to Breeding Season (not a fan of Breeders of the Nephelym personally). This has very nice animations, surprisingly fun and interesting characters and dialogue and good breeding mechanics. Sure, it's unfinished and in parts unpolished, but imho it easily deserves 4-5 stars. Looking forward to more content!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game unlocked so many new fetishes for me lol. This was my first porn game so maybe I'm a little biased, but if this game is ever completed it'll be a masterpiece. Looking forward to future updates.
    Likes: mc247
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Far too unfinished to play. Very early alpha. First quest already bugged that tells you to go down the stairs. Navigating settings advances text.. Characters vanish from the world completely until game decides they exist again (such as the mother). Town is empty placeholder with nothing to do. Breeding is just clicking a button.
    This is basically just a prototype that I expect to be a few weeks into development, not something that has been worked on for years.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of [Unity] Breeding Farm [v0.4.1]

    Breeding farm basically still is an early alpha game after 2 years of development.

    The only thing it has going for it is beautifully animated character sprites, nice-looking backgrounds, and (2?) nice music tracks that don't even auto-repeat when in town.
    All the quests I encountered, even the very first one, are bugged or unfinished (without any indicator of whether they are finished or not).
    Gameplay is just spamming "Breed" "Skip Day" and repeat or aimlessly walking through a ghost town / forest looking for story events.
    There is zero difficulty or purpose playing this game.

    This game solely exists because it looks pretty and people throwing money at it hoping it will get some content one day.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.4.1: I was notably higher on this game when I started playing it (0.3.2), but the quests introduced in 0.4.1 have revealed that your choices don't matter and the characters' personalities change to fit whatever beats the devs want to include. This may be a temporary side-effect of some long-term plans, but considering the development's current velocity I recommend waiting another 3 years to check the project out.

    Visuals: Game looks good; characters look good. I'd prefer some less-busty romance options, but who's to say which of these NPCs will even be romanceable in the final game.

    Gameplay: is unfortunately way closer to the "click to waste time until the next scene triggers" you often to find in VNs than the light management-sim it could be. Characters make a lot of noise about how the farm is far in debt, but the monthly payment is... 500 gold. You can make that in a week of working nights at the bar with enough leftover to buy a dog girl to train up, sell, and have next month covered too. Theoretically, you'd be spending time thinking about which requests to fulfill for maximum profit, but all the requests are shallow (doggirl lv7; wolfman lv6) so you can often just buy a lv 2 monster from the shop, spend a day with it in the sex pits, and sell it in the evening. A personal gripe is that you only get out of breeding what you put into it: mating a doggirl and a catboy will result in a doggirl or a catboy, but never a dogboy or catgirl.

    Story: MC washed up the beach without many memories but he might be 400 years old and/or made a deal with an old god. There's lore about the world but it doesn't really have any impact on the story (yet?). Sure, maybe it seems relevant that the church is trying to shut down monster breeding so that's why the farm has so much debt... but the plot could have just as easily been "we went deep into birdgirls but the market crashed."

    In Development: Very. Some quests just... end, so now you have these elves/dragons/plants but nothing to do with them. The breeding requests are always just "Species: level" so all the stats these monsters have don't really mean anything. Characters will mention the brothel and one even tries to give you a quest to go there, but there is no brothel in-game. You sometimes get special actions if you visit a certain place at a certain time with enough stamina... but if you're in right place at the right time but don't have enough stamina the option doesn't even show up in the dialogue instead of simply being greyed out.

    Choices and Characteristics Don't Matter: This is my main problem with the game. Rika is starts off flirty, but then gets slightly worried when she realizes you're potentially serious about the relationship. She's 'old', a widow, ex-swinger, and ex-breeder. "That doesn't matter," you can say "You're still beautiful and I spend all day in the sex pits." At this point everything is fine. It seems like her quest-line could end with no one, just you, or both of you working in the sex pits based on the choices you make. And what about the other currently-romanceable character? Her quest reveals she isn't just a talking bikini catgirl whose job is sex, but has been through some stuff. Nice. So far, so good. Then 0.4.1 happens and suddenly Rika is creeping around, cheating on you with feral wolfmen (I've got three in barn in you need one), and being ashamed (I said it was okay; I do the same). MC throws a complete fit (I'd said it was fine though; monster sex is literally my job; I'm already simultaneously romantically engaged with bikini catgirl). That gets resolved; now we are having sex all over the house. Catgirl is suddenly sexually naive and promises to keep our secret from the daughter (why does that matter, I'm not banging the daughter) after we tempt her into a threesome. Maybe it'll make more sense when there's more story... but I imagine the dev'll just add "Banging the daughter" as a prerequisite for this quest line while still removing all choices from the player.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A definite spiritual successor to Breeding Season, the game has a good story attached to it, well done art and scenes, good animations, and a fun trait system that was present in Breeding Season passed here. I like the addition of having to pay a fee every in game month as it incentivizes you to follow the breeding requests and try and fulfill them.

    Only issues I have right now are that there are bugs at the moment that can lock your progression in the game negatively. There's a specific bug where you have to contact the cat girl in town at night regarding another character, and you can be locked from going forward if you've spoken to her once before.
  16. 2.00 star(s)



    It really looks great. Doesn't really matter what exactly I'm talking about, because the overall package has a high quality standard. On the other hand this gets quite destroyed by putting not finished work into the game. That's a huge bummer and completly breaks immersion.

    The story I experienced so far is well written, credible and enjoyable. BUT we are talking about v0.4.1 and not even the first quest is finished or is broken. Absolutely no points for the story here as it is barely one.

    Almost not given. First quest isn't working in v0.4.1, characters disappearing/not appearing again, broken animations, broken textures, story hints to do something that is not implemented, ...
    This game is just in a poor state and seems like it is developed without any plan; like someone is just throwing stuff into it as he feels like.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    To up the rating. It's way better than the predecessor. Don't see any reasons to bitch or complain about.
    Characters with quest line -> +
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    Animations. They're fucking there. And only MC, so no need to double the amount of the drawings. Finally. Some proper management. -> ++
    Up-ed grafs and 21 mini game -> ++. Would be nice to make the 21 mini-game repeatable, tho.
    I didn't encountered one thing to complain. Some bugs that got on the surface are understandable, and have nothing to do with the game mechanics that were improved upon.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting, there is a lot of grinding to level up the character, then the monsters and then to make them get pregnant. There is no tutorial, so if is your first time playing this game you have to explore all the menus to know what they do or have. There is no a help system or some guide in the game, if you finished some quest you have to explore to see if you can find other, or you have to guess if some quest is unfinished or bugged, you can lose hours trying to figure it out how to continue a quest because the questlog don't say if one quest is incompleted or not. The save system is trash, there are 2 ways to save, one is broken, sometimes works but most of the time doesn't work, and the other works perfectly but is a little hidden, so most of the time I forgot aboutwhat save system I should use, and I lost hours of grinding, because I used the broked one.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Story = Pretty basic, there is at the moment nothing new.
    Renders = Some really good art.
    Sound = Yes, we have some musics.
    Amount of content = Is a breeding game with some quests, but the majority of the game is making money, if you use cheats for money, the game is at the moment really short.

    Well...now comes the conclusion, why i gave the game 2 stars only? Well...the first one is not having choices (the choices don't matter), what that mean, you have one of you love interest, and she ask if you are ok with her fucking the monsters, there is 2 options "yes or no" but in the end don't matter and she go in the forest, behing the mc back to have anal sex with some monster, so that is one of the stuff that pissed me off, if you gonna give the game choises, make these change the game. The second one is that this game is the plan b of the developer, he have another game, that is the majority of his focus and time, so if you don't care about the game don't having an update or any news for a long time, and the game having choices that don't matter, is a 4/5 (the story still pretty bad still), if you are bothered by these 2 things, is a 2/5.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game, but according to the story line, can we have our ladies to be breeders too?
    I may ask for too much things, since we have the "ntr" tag, can we have some more of ntr scences? Avoidable for those who don't want to see