One of the things I'm most glad about with this update is the restaurant and prostitution shit seems to definitely be gone. I already disliked it but this update really made me wish prostitution hadn't been so prevalent, the VN is better without it. Out of 27 woman with scenes 10 were or are doing sex work (11 if you include Mona), which is just bizarre in a college based game.
At this point Lily, Quinn, Riona, Nicole, Camila, Sandy, Mel and Sarah are all interested in Fuckface on a personal level instead of $$$ and their dynamics with Fuckface are better for it. Which begs the question why they ever needed to be prostitutes in the first place. Especially as drug dealing alone was enough for "free" tuition, Burke, potential HOT issues etc. Part of me wonders if DPC never expected SGs to get so popular. Ah well at least it's gone (except Madame because of course).
Maya/Josy - the sad thing about this is we are possibly now past the choice in question and we may not have we realised we were dumping one of the girls. Similar to how fucking Jade came back to haunt us.
It'd be irritating if that's the case.
Players were not given the option of Josy or Maya it's both or none. While in the throuple again it's hang out with Josy or Maya no option for both. While I personally would prefer a Josy solo route. There are players that want the throuple and went for that route because of it. It'd be pretty shitty for the JaM route to be the only one to break down while Bella, Sage, Jill and Fuckboy players ride off to happy endings. Hopefully the throuple breaking into solo routes is a choice instead of automatic.
At this point, realistically i think Cinderella's route is shaping up to be the best route for MC where he's genuinely happy.
- Maya/Josy: Whoever he ends up choosing, he'll always live with the doubt that they might still be in love with the other.
- Bella: Married teacher with possible mental issues.
- Jill: She's a sweet girl, but being too rich might present family issues and feelings of inferiority.
- Sage: Depends on the situation with Jade. Would had been perfect if there was no drama with her mom.
- Quinn: Drug dealer.
- Zoey: Ex girlfriend who ran off and caused him mental anguish.
Bottom line is, bring Cinderella home and make Neil proud.
That is definitely a post where the dick was doing the thinking. Show a sexy flexible blonde and everyone loses their mind
Not that I'm much better with a save called Yoga Girl.