- Feb 21, 2019
- 341
- 834
Hey, thanks a lot !!!Good update dev, looks like you worked hard on it. I look forward to seeing what's next now that you got the big update out of the way. For Copper eye is there an alternate path to the papers now or is that in the next update.
For Coppereye, you currently can't complete it entirely. You can get a paper if you get 3 allegiance point with a side, but you can't get the other one. That'll be for 0.10.
Thanks ! I always appreciate some feedback !Now that you've got this big update behind there are some QOL features that I think should be high priority. You probably already thought of this. I just want to give some constructive feedback.
Yeah, fast travel is something I know I'll need at some point, and maybe now is the right time for it. But I'll try to do something a bit more interesting than just the traditionnal big floating cristal that's mysteriously there for no reason. But yeah, I will probably add it, you're not the first one to ask about it ^^Fast Travel - Now that you've expanded the map you should definitely get to implementing some kind of fast travel especially with RPGM. A lot of people get frustrated with RPGM Sandbox games because it becomes 50% walking so implementing fast travel is important. There are a few ways you can do this, you can just give it to the player through giving the option of time skipping where you just mechanically skip the walking but you did walk in the story or you can hide it behind a quest where through access points and magic you can teleport to locations you were at before. So the fast travel can be accessed through either the pause menu or "monuments".
Sign post, while useful, don't really fit my universe, at least not the part we're currently exploring. It's a wild forest, and people living there would rather keep a low profile. Making a map could be a good idea though, specially since I've really worked hard to make all the wood maps really fit together nicely. I'll try it. Altough, if there's already a fast travel system, it'll be less needed.Maps/Sign Posts - The next thing is somewhat related to fast travel, creating a map and/or sign points. Creating a map would make it easier for players to remember where stuff is if they haven't played in a while along with sign posts telling the player that in this direction is this location and stuff like that. Also connected with fast travel, the map works well with teleportation and sign posts could be used for if you go with the option to mechanically be able to skip walking by touching the sign post and fast traveling to another sign post.
I understand the idea, but it's waayyyyyy too much of a pain for every scene. The game is not one of those were there's just main scene when you progress in the story, there's also plenty of stuff that happens during fights, or at random. It theory, I should be able to do it, but it's gonna be an absolute pain to code, take plenty of time and coding space. And of course, it won't work with old saves. So tracking everything, probably not; Not worth the time and effort in my opinion.Progress/Sex Scene Tracker - The last QOL is a progress/sex scene tracker. A way to be able to tell if you've gotten and done everything you wanted to do, the most frequent way used is a gallery system but it's not the only way. If you use the gallery system the best way in my opinion is for scenes you haven't gotten the player is able to tell whether they don't have the scene because they didn't get to it or they ignored it because they didn't like the fetish. For example let's say the first goblin scene with Illinora I didn't do the Goblin gangbang cause I didn't like it so if I go to the gallery and there's a scene I'm missing I want to be able to tell that It's the goblin gangbang so that I don't try looking for a scene I didn't want in the first place. Another way to do progress/sex scene tracker would be an interactive piece on the map or menu that tells you something like "You've done all quests. You are missing 2 sex scenes" or "You've done 22/24 sex scenes." Something like that. There are probably other ways you could implement a progress/sex scene tracker; these are just two examples. I prefer the gallery path myself.
But hey, the gallery is there, and it's already pretty good ! The main scenes are uncloked only after you've already seen those, same as new characters and all. But for comabt scenes, for example, they're already unlocked, because it's too much of a pain to track and code it.
I think what I currently have is a good middle ground.
Yeah, I'll try to add fast travel to 0.10.Out of all these QOL features I think the most important one is definitely fast travel, if you haven’t started on that you should definitely start.
I hope my feedback is helpful, keep up the good work. I’ve said this before a lot already but I look forward to the male on futa stuff, there’s not enough of it. And if the conversation with the bandit chief is an indication there’s a chance to cuck a futa? That’s an ultra rare sight right there, basically unheard of. I’m looking forward to Frida and the bandit chief scenes the most. Looking forward to your progress.
Feedback is always helpful, and appreciated, thanks for taking the time to think and write all this !
You're not the only to ask for male on futa, don't worry. Might happen in 0.10 with Ursula, the scene will be up to my supporters ^^
And yeah, maybe, you'll get Bambi for yourself, who knows ? That'll be up to your choices ! And yeah ,they'll be mopre content with them in the future, don't worry for that !!!
I'm trying to have an update every 2/3 month (and will probably fail, cause I suck with deadlines...), so keep your eyes open
He's in the cave, north of the first forest map, where you met Illonia for the first time. And he's on the bottom right part of the cave, waiting for your help. After being saved, he'll be on the west part of the forest, on the right of the first forest map.Where is the Gnome? Exact location? Can't find him lol
Well, there's isn't really levels, so I do'nt know where you're stuck xD What's your problem ? If needed check the quest book, it should tell you what to do next.Can anyone help me I'm stuck on the first level. I don't know where to go. I looked at the hints but I can't go any further. There's nothing for me to go to, only to fight enemies.