Hey there everyone ! Happy new year !!!
Let's answer all your question and comments !!!
I'll try to make a rahter complete save file when I have the time
If I'm not mistaken, 15. ANd 5 more that you can buy from the gnome.
The groping scenes with the goblins and bandits are actually made for the fights, they can happen if you have 3 allegiance with a faction (check the the answer just under on how to get to it).
Currently, it's a bit specific to get to 3 (ot -3) allegiance with a faction. If you complete a quest for a side, you get +2 for them (and -1 for their rivals). And if you attack the leader when you first met them, and win, you'll get -2 with that faction, and +1 with the rivals. So for example, if you want 3 allegiance with the goblins, you need to complete their quest, and attack Skadis when you met her at first.
I'll add more ways to change the allegiance in 0.10. It's a cool mechanic, but it requires a lot of work around it, and I do'nt want to have even slower updates ^^
He's pretty though if you decide to go for a fight. I'd recommand being level 6 or more, and have a few potions. But you can also defeat him using transformations (double dick on him, bimbofication on Illonia). You'll get an scene with him and Illonia. In that case, the fight can be basically done at any level. But if you don't want that to happen, you're in for athough fight.
0.10 will be an extension of this update. I'll add the defeat scene for the goblin and male bandit for Illonia's new body, as well as scenes with the new characters, and with Ursula. As well as a few other things probably, like short quest to influence allegiance, and fast travel (nothign suer though, we'll see how long it takes ^^).
Hmmm, weird, whay can't you go in ? WHat's the problem ? As for apples, you can get a few by looting the bandit camp, and there's also a merchant who sell some there
Thanks !!!

Later on, I want to have more transformations options, and more scenes. But all that takes time, and I want to focus on other things too. it's hard to balance everything ^^
And yeah, futa spells is defintively something I'll add

It's all a matter on what I will focus on first ^^'
Yeah, I know, most of the time, it's on the south. But I felt it wouldn't fit her, and I wanted to make it on the side. I spent quite some time trying to find a design that would be obvious enough to tell that the entrance was here. It's not easy ^^' If too many people get lost there, I'll change it.
As answered, you can't really join a faction, but you can help them and raise your allegiance with them. ABout the castle, it's foreshadowing. There'll be a story arc there, but it's not for the moment.
Exactly ! Thanks for clarifying it !
CHeck a bit higher in my answer on how to get to 3 allegiance (basically, finish their quest, and atatck the rival's leader). You won't change a faction allegiance by killing NPC (or raising it by fucking them). WHile it seems like a good idea on paper, it quickly turn into a dumb grind. SO I'd rather avoid that, and offer choices and opportuinities to change it.
Hard to tell. I currently have no plans to transform her further, but you never know what can happen.
The main reason with her transformation is because her model was old, and I made it when I just started making 3D. There was a few clunky things (her hair was a pain to work with), and I thought I could make her much sexier now. So I did a new model, to see, and loved it. And instead of scrapping everything and starting with the new model (which would be quite a ton of lost work), I decided to make her transform, which perfectly fitted the spirit of the game.
But there's still some scenes I haven't updated with her new model, it's a lot of work. And I don't want to just focus one update on it, else it would feel like a lack of new content. So yeah, maybe she'll have more transformations, but no for now.
Other characters might transform though, it'll be easier, since they have much less content to redo !
You can't for the moment. I should have written it somewhere.
Yeah, it'll be in the next update, where you'll have the options to let Illonia get fucked to have those. And where you'll have the reward scene with Ursula for bringing both papers.
Be careful using Save Editor, make backups (at least for things like that, no need for money or stats). Cause if you used it to get both papers and give them to Ursula, you might not be able to get her scene when I'll add it in 0.10. (I don't know how I'll exactly implement it yet). But you could be locked out of some content using it
Well, I hope this answer your questions !!!

I'm always around to answer if you have more !
Stay horny !