Ren'Py - Apocalust [v0.08] [Psychodelusional]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Nico Odin

    It has no story and no "real" interaction with the characters.

    The art in general is very good, but the UI is poor.

    It's been in development for three years now, but the "game" is nothing more than a demo so far, so it's not a real "game".

    I enjoyed its first VN, so I have hope that this VN will have a good future.

    Overall 3/5 stars
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Il give it 5 stars , although 4 would be more appropriate. I give it 5 starts cause I think it's only gonna get better from here. Loving the art and the smoothness of the animation, the story looks promising and a lot of attention to details. I just hope the developer will introduce some younger female characters in the game as well ,not only milfs, the milf thing has gotten a bit "old". Of course the fate of the game depends on the frequency and quality of the updates.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    v. 0.04

    If we disregard the slow update cycle, the game looks incredible. Great renders and scenes. There's no gameplay to talk about which is just fine by me for this type of presentation.

    If you're not the patient type I'd suggest waiting for a few years before you pick the game up, however.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    There are two bad things in gaming. Whichever is worst for you depends on personality:

    1-A dev that trying to make art, therefore is slow, and is then accused of milking.
    2-A dev that makes pretty pictures, is actually milking with no desire to finish a game.

    I'll assume this dev is 1-... so 4 stars... BUT... dev... PLEASE...

    There is a nice middle between awesome art once, maybe twice a year, and monthly generic Daz with "Fuck me Mommy!" dialogue.

    Your graphics are top tier. There's no doubt. Super huge improvement over your last game (which I played and enjoyed)

    But maybe get a bit generic on UI and other stuff to get a release schedule going, increase production and see where you can cut. Otherwise people like me will follow and enjoy your product... absolutely... but it'll be in the "what pretty pictures are we seeing this half-year" type category.

    (NOTE = Had to coin toss in my head whether this should be in Review or Discussion... it came up Review... because it'll also inform other players where the game's at: pretty pictures and a UI first released on version 4!)
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4716251

    Story: 0/10 [ There is no story. Apocalust is just your regular step mom stuck under bed scenario. ]

    Gameplay: 3/10 [ Typical boring linear visual novel. Interaction is absolutely zero. ]

    Sound: 6/10 [ SFX's and musics are nice but amateurish. I don't care about voice-over. ]

    Graphic: 7/10 [ While ingame graphics are really good, GUI is absolutely trash. Side images in 3D game is absolutely make no sense. ]
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Drill Sergeant

    This is my only 2 cents
    1. Greatest renders you will ever find. Top of the line. Period.
    2. Best looking character models and animations.

    1. This has been in development for more than 3 yrs with no content to show for it
    2. Lack of proper storyline or plot
    3. Lackadaisical attitude of the dev regarding updates. Really slow in terms of game development.
    4. After 3 yrs the dev is still stuck in proper UI deployment
    5. No proper cohesion within updates.
    6. I would say after all of this time it is still in the demo stage.
    7. There is no game. No storyline or build whatsover. All the game has going for it is the renders and thats not enough for stories and plot so as to continue it in the future.

    I would say for the characters and animations do give it a try. It has got the best renders you will see. For renders and animations 5/5.
    Do give it a try before making any decisions. Hoping the dev improves because it could be a great one if taken into the right direction. Has all the proper elements just poor implementation.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, the plot is thin (to the point of being almost non-existent) and the updates move at the pace of a melting iceberg. But my God.... This is a really, really great game!
    The renders are a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y top-notch; 100% of the game is animated (yes, yes it is!); the music and sound effects are really great; and... since v. 04 we now have a proper UI.
    Assuming the dev keeps up with the project, this has everything to be one of the top 10 games here.
    To give this gem less than 5 stars would be a crime against humanity... :cool:
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art style, and render quality looks pretty good.
    + Girls/Women are damn hot! Aside from Chloe tho.
    + It's a nearly fully animated game, we have tons of animation, nearly every scene is animated and their physics and quality look pretty good.
    + Sex scenes are pretty hot with well-made animations and different angles/positions for them.
    + MC got a little bit of development after the first parts of the game at least with certain women, but I just wish he wasn't that clueless and shy at first parts of the game, especially since his act with Evelyn was quite nonsense, she was saying her back is killing her constantly, and you can even see her pain from her moves, yet he never offered back massage until very later on, and watching that was quite frustrating.

    Bad Points
    - At first story feels like have potential, but regardless to say it's ruined by later poorly-written scenes, too bad they couldn't execute things better.
    - Translation seems kind of bad, most of the time dialogues feels distant and weird.
    - We have a lot of dreams and passing-out scenes, they are too frequent, and it's pretty annoying.
    - A couple of things about the game make no sense and never got explained, like Realtor and that rent thing, that made no sense, yet Evelyn told ''I will look that up, it might be a mistake'' then she never talked about it with the MC nor we saw any scene about it, yet in the bull riding scene she told MC ''10k is a lot of money, it might fix our problem with the realtor and we can pay the rent'' seriously? Jumping like that without even explaining that thing as it was explained? That just makes no sense.
    - The game use of parentheses or not makes no sense, sometimes it's used for showing someone is thinking, or talking in their head, but most of the time when that happens we don't see any parentheses at all, and it's just confusing, you have to guess yourself if they are talking in their head, or with another person.
    - The game has episodes, and if it's not breaking immersion enough we have parts, so imagine you are playing the game, following the story, feeling the immersion, and then ''BAM!'' the game sends you a menu where you have to choice a part in that episode, and that's breaks whole immersion, the game should just naturally follow the story as long you go, and not force you a very unnatural screen like that, that's a very bad decision.
    - Existence of forced content like being forced to have scenes with Chloe, or some scenes like Kendra's bull riding, pin-up thing, or things Evelyn was wearing while selling hot dogs or scene with Ava & MC's father, etc.
    - Existence of love and lust routes, because they have no meaning at all, since all scenes have the same results despite your choice of love or lust, can't see any reason to have them at all, and all routes/paths are actually lust routes, there is literally no love route/path in this game or any love type of relationship MC had with any girl.
    - Overuse of the ''stuck'' concept, like seriously how that woman can get stuck in every damn scene?!
    - The dialogue box shows a talking character vector/side-image (PNG transparent face of characters), it's too big, and looks bad, they should be smaller and even DEV should delete them totally, they do break that immersive feeling. I mean seriously they always block girls' body parts and you always need to use the hide feature over and over again which is very annoying. And it's almost like a big fat joke DEV didn't fix this problem even after 2 years of development despite it being clear as sky...
    - The game is always buggy, 2 years ago it was, today it was, and in the future probably it will be again, for example, the current bug of the game is you are seeing this scene over and over again after some scenes like dream scenes, so know it before starting it.
    - When you make choices like ''Inspection'' they give you LP, and when you choose again it says ''10 LP'' again, and that looks very weird, even if you choose again to see the render it shouldn't say/show ''10 LP'' again, since you don't get the point after first time anymore..
    - Dialogues has a lot of pointless gasps like this is one of dialogues happened between two characters: ''Like... Well... I... ... ... What? ... Like...'' and this happens a lot, and you keep reading nonsense gasps and pauses like this over and over again is really annoying.
    - Whole debt thing and things MC & Evelyn has to do is nonsense AF, you really telling me they had no money around at all for paying that debt despite having all that luxury? Or how he simply won't ask money from his own father, etc, and instead do all that stuff, and like that's not dumb enough writers saying MC's father lost all of his money while trying to find that cure, and now he has no money at all and asking MC money?! BRUH...
    - V.08 animations looks bit sloopy.
    - The game is progressing too slowly and going nowhere.

    For The End
    Considering the game have a very good base with those great pictures & animations , it's not surprising to say this game could easily play to be 5 stars adult game, but the writing is poor, most of the scenes making no sense, the route game is going towards something annoying, and all bad points considered this game has nothing good going on aside from visual parts.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Good models and animation but apart form that this game has NOTHING going for it. It has exceptionally bad writing, gameplay, buildup...they would be better off just selling the animations by themselves.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As a fan of voluptuous body & extreme curve, this game specially the character evelyn affects me the most, the gameplay the graphics the animation, This game brings the vibes of Treasure of Nadia somewhere..
    Eagerly waiting for the update...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are good
    Story is good
    The only wish there where some sister scenes
    Seems to be focused about the mom alot the game
    I just wish dev added some sister scenes to
    No bugs
    Little bit to short for 0.4
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has its flaws, but it's still amazing.
    - art
    - animations
    - models
    - overall story
    - progression
    - writing is not great, while overall story is perfectly fine, the writing outside sex scenes feels pretty dry
    - sometimes really dry
    - i'm pretty sure there will be an explanation for that later in the story, but every woman in the game wants to jump on MCs dick, at least ii would hope for that since there is a good setup for that already, if not consider it a con

    As a side note, i'm afraid that the dev has set the quality bar too high for himself which affects the development speed and the character progression. Every single render is amazing, but the story seems rushed just to show something interesting in the update.

    Overall while there is not much content yet, every single scene is of a such overwhelming quality and content that this time i will let that slide and still give it 5 stars.

    Definitely worth playing or keeping eye on.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    *review for v0.04

    WOW. This game is aesthetically stunning, really on a whole other level. Graphics, animations and visuals in general simply out of this world.
    Hot models, more than serviceable story and dialogue make this game a must play!
    Love the pacing as well.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, the renders of the characters are incredible and as a man with tits I couldn't be more pleased with this, as for the animations I also loved them, they look very good, they are not perfect but they are very well done. The ambient sound is nice but it would be better if you could choose the volume level from the game and not with the volume mixer.
    The current story (v0.03) I can't judge it properly due to how short it is, but for now the UFO topic intrigues me and I like that I want to know more. As for the development of the characters, it is not at all original, although it does not have to be.
    And finally the negative of this game would be essentially 3 things.
    1. There is no save even though Ren'Py already comes with that system implemented.
    2. The update time is very long, although this is not something I should criticize the game for, it is worth mentioning.
    3. Some game features like choice of dialogue, actions and LP don't seem to be useful.
    I sincerely hope that it won't take long to release another version that will continue to improve and correct some of these errors.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: I will rate 5 for games that I think are worth the download (even if incomplete or imperfect) and 1 for games that I think are not worth wasting time (although in my text I talk about their positive aspects).

    Perhaps one of the best 3DCG I've ever seen on a VN. Fluid animations, with butts that move like butts, hot women, even if exaggerated. Good soundtrack. But bad writing! Totally unreal! A very interesting aspect is that the game is not made of static images, but animations of the person moving subtly in loops. During dialogs, this doesn't work, as they don't change their facial expression to match the content of the dialog. However, when it involves nudity, sensuality, like the girl taking a shower, the animation makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE, because 3DCG is really good, and it really is sexually arousing to look at. We also see cliché situations that are still sexually arousing.

    t the end of the version (0.03), the game says that it is heading towards a heavy harem route. but the truth is that it's not even a game of choosing some route. It's a quick story, not at all believable, that progresses like a kinetic story. And just sometimes it gives us choices that don't affect progression at all, like inspect (look at cleavage, panties, etc). sometimes a more rare LOVE or LUST option appears, but it only unlocks a quick animation. it's worth checking out, but I don't believe it's going to become a real VN.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics in this game are just insane. Story line is fun, somewhat perverted but very good. How the characters move is great. I can not wait for the next chapter. My only bone to pic with the programmer is, how the hell do we get more content!!!.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the absolute best models/animations on this website. Every character model is incredibly hot. One downside is that since there's no back button or save system, if you accidentally click through an animation, it's incredibly inconvenient to go back to see it. Overall, this is an incredibly impressive project that I'm looking forward to seeing progress further.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games ever made. Animations are top notch, way above everything we see. Fact that almost every scene has movement, brutally increases the immersion on the game. Also, the plot is well written and the characters make sense. I really hope the game takes a official form soon so we can enjou the full experience. 10/10.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations and hot perfect big boobs and butts models, this is non fail recipe. For users like me, the game plot or the storie is not the most important thing.... most of time we usually skip dialogs in order to reach the action scenes.
    Best oral creampie I have seen in games, It only can be improved doing longer scene. I have to remark that this gift in the first scene, is a great hook to continue the game until the end .
    Thanks for your work, I'm wishing next release yet.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    PagalKhana 69

    Bruh this aint a game, this is a goddam 4kmovie experience. Holy shit the graphics and quality of gameplay is so fucking awesome. Cant even imagine the amout of hardwork that must have got in this game. Great work dev and i hope that you will keep updating this masterpeice. Definetly recommended