
Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 3, 2020
It was stated they lose about 40% of their power by Fin.
However the numbers based on leveling prove it wrong.
He in reply to me directly, that I was wrong and you take about 40% of their level.

However this proved not to be true, he said that Redmoon trained for years so she would always be stronger than you.
BUT........ If you do the math 40% doesn't add up.

When you get your first level, that means by his own words you stole 40% of her level.
Well that means even at 50% taken , you stole half her total level.
So when mine is level 5, I think he either messed up the math or said it poorly.

I wont guess what he meant but I'd just go by, you reduce their level by 1.
They wont get it back but you cant steal it again.
Much like you, they can probably train and get it back but its lost and not returning.
Maybe unless the girl comes to the M.C. and pegs him to get it back (NOT A SERIOUS COMMENT!, its a joke dont read into it)
This would bypass his 40% comment and still keep Redmoon ahead of you regardless.

I'm just going to assume he started it poorly.
With that being said, yes you steal a portion of their ability, which they never get back.
If you pay attention to Lynx, its very obvious they do not get it back by her reaction alone.

I'd have to play through it again but I am sure there were 3 points were its hinted that
people power you took. never fully returned.
With Lynx if you play True Hero and do not go off the path, you can tell her about your ability to take her power when you
have the choice to have sex with her.
Its been a while but she points out that Redmoon lost her power and never fully recovered.
She quickly figures out all your powers were stolen and gets this an afraid look on her face.
Then she tells you that she isn't ready for sex.
(its been a while so the sequence maybe off, but she clams up after figuring your power out)

We know you steal from people with "active" skills, but they still retrain so much of it.
I'm curious about the passive one "Ginger" as you cant level hers up.
but I just figure it didn't change hers.

The easiest answer is, just dont think too much into it lol :D
I'm aware of the irony in that statement.

You don’t need to overthink it too much.

In my view, RedMoon is a Genex girl, let's say around 30 years old. Since she likely got her abilities at a young age, maybe around 5, she’s had 25 years to develop as a Genex. Now, consider how Marco leveled up by 5 Genex levels in just 2 months. Progress gets slower at higher levels, so it’s reasonable to say that in Chapter 0, RedMoon could be Level 50 with Level 25 SuperStrength.

So, a 60% RedMoon would be around Level 30 with Level 14 SS (Still stronger than Marco but since Marco had the opportunity to get more Genex from other girls, that really makes a difference).

Marco took part of her Genex. Even if she lost 40%, it doesn’t mean Marco instantly gets that 40%. He might achieve it through training or perhaps only has a reduced version of her abilities, limited by his own progress.


Jan 13, 2019
I've just finished my first playthrough and I'm deeply impressed by how good is this game and I am already craving for the part 2. I hope it comes soon! I would buy it on steam or ichio just for the sake of supporting such a master piece!


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 3, 2020
Finisterrex mind if i ask you how's the progress of Genex Love part 2 atm...
Genex 2 took a lot of re-coding and new coding stuff, but the progress so far is listed on the discord.

**Genex Love ...2?**: Version 0.1.0? (-/-/-) (still deciding the version number and name)

- Introduction 0 (Previusly about story) - done
- Introduction 1 (Picking choices for new players/players not porting the game - Both having heavy choices to set their "past" - done
- Introduction 3 (Story continue) - in progress
- Kate sleep- done
- Aurora Yoga - done
- Aurora Laundry - done
- Lynx 01 - done
- Erick 01 - done
- Lisha 01 - done
- Amanda 01 - done
- Back to school - in progress

- around 2hs.

- ported!

- no bugs so far (probably a dozen or two that I didn't found yet)

- A new female joining the group, and her arrival is likely highly anticipated. (done)
- "Fear Branch" is now "Power Branch" (done)

- More than 1600 variables ported. (done)
- Code re-coded (around 80%) (in a more clean way, at least for my coding skills) (done)
- More code for the map, dialogue, prison and so... (in progress)

- Card cleanup (done)`
- Cards revamp (done). (I liked the word revamp, wasn't an actual revamp).
- Music Library re-organized. (done)


Jan 18, 2020
I haven't played this game in a while, but aren't there tag missing, I remember seeing an incest tag as well as some others, what happened


Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
So is 0.9.96 the last update before we go in to Genex 2? or is there one more to take it to 1.0.0?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
Unless I say "I'll never ever update again" Genex 1 won't probably get 1.0.0. 0.9.96 is the last version, the game is complete, though I may enhance/add/alter things but not adding extra story.
Just a heads up if it hasn't been reported yet, but there's quite a few naming errors day 32+:

Screenshot (855).png

Did the same thing with the grinding scene with Lynx after she tells you her real name.


Sep 17, 2017
Someone with Patreon access, does the recent post give a release date for 2.0 or is he only saying that it's coming soon?
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