
Forum Fanatic
Oct 19, 2022

I have a hard time playing as a bad character, I often feel guilt for my actions even though its just a game.

Hero's aren't fully good either, which I'm all for the depiction of "hero's" being bad, thinking ends justify the means.
I know its a jaded way to think.
But if you had super powers, you wouldn't be like superman for long (IMO).
My thoughts are if a person had those powers and were saving people constantly, they would turn resentful over time.

So I think its good that some of the hero's aren't ideal.
I like that you see them openly doing acts which are questionable and that others are aware of that and not in denial.
Lynx refuses to talk about it which I liked that reaction, I think Shin(?) would speak about it (privately) specially after what we've seen.

Street lady.....
Sounds like Ginger? You can bang her regardless as long as you have flight to catch up with her.
I dont think she falls under anything.
Other than opportunist, shes robbing dead/knocked out people.

I think she will fight something if she has to,
but she comes across as nothing more than a criminal who takes easy options.
Yeah when I first encountered her the true hero option iirc was confront her and it warned she'd be unavailable as an LI if I did that, so I let her go, thinking it was a point system... And that appears to not be the case. Guess I'll have to put her in jail. Or decide I'm OK with not being a True Hero, but not knowing how the story plays out that's... Bothersome atm.
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Aug 3, 2020
Ginger, Karma and Whisper are "path girls". You can try to get them to love you if you are willing to tweak your alignment. Of course, at the very end, true hero won't be achievable for those who did that. Though the game doesn't want you to do a "perfect run" or "1 path focused run". Game is about the way to get to an end. Hero and ANti will get the same story, but it will change how each one faces it. I hope to bring even more "distance" between the branches, so the replayability gets better.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 19, 2022
Ginger, Karma and Whisper are "path girls". You can try to get them to love you if you are willing to tweak your alignment. Of course, at the very end, true hero won't be achievable for those who did that. Though the game doesn't want you to do a "perfect run" or "1 path focused run". Game is about the way to get to an end. Hero and ANti will get the same story, but it will change how each one faces it. I hope to bring even more "distance" between the branches, so the replayability gets better.
I respect your artistic vision, but I don't like it!

Now if we could redeem them on the true hero path, that'd be cool.

However it shakes out I'll stick to my true hero path.


Aug 24, 2024
First off, I apologize if my post seemed like I was snapping.
Reading "I asked because..." makes me think it can be read bad.
I was just answering bluntly, not intending for it to come across as snappy.
nah, don't worry i didn't even though that nor did i though it was bad in any way (y)
the game is better than expected after reading some comments, there is good attention to detail, altho some lines made me facepalm, but aside from that is nice
(and i haven't read the rest of the comment for no spoilers)
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Aug 24, 2024
(haven't finished the game yet but) after seeing Marvelous Man i can't help but compare him to Homelander (the boys) and now i'm hoping i get to take down TREAD and him, or at least release prisoners and change them


Oct 8, 2018
(haven't finished the game yet but) after seeing Marvelous Man i can't help but compare him to Homelander (the boys) and now i'm hoping i get to take down TREAD and him, or at least release prisoners and change them

To me I dont see enough to get a feel for the character myself.
However considering I've only recently gotten into the boys (both live action and a cartoon on prime)
I can very much see where you're coming from.

I have my views on super hero's being prone to negative change over time.
I dont believe in the "will always be a boy scout" non sense.
To me they would get jaded over time, maybe not full out destroy all humans kinda thing.

But I could see it being more like Batman willing to break every bone in your body
or if I have to kill you but justify in some way but it wouldn't be that extreme for everything.

With Marvelous Man,
he obviously has no problems killing.
I wonder how well he actually works with the thread though.
Considering they like to capture and well as Winter said "they toucher us".
Honestly I cannot remember if it was said medical stuff was tested on them,
I wouldn't put it past the thread though.

I'll give pause for the giant battle since everyone was over whelmed at that point.
We have seen thus far he has a habit for going over kill, even if its at the expense of the city.
(referring to destroying the sewer)
If in any of the updates Marvelous Man watches over the damage he causes for a little bit.
Because of you, I'll probably say "holy shit! He is a Homelander clone" lol

I think the collapse of the thread is coming. (I am not saying soon on that)
Releasing the people they're holding seems to be likely as it could be done for both,
the True Hero and Evil setting.
As a note, I have no knowledge of anything that comes in the future, just going off of a possibility.
I keep hoping we will see the inside of the thread or be shown a small part of it.

We know that Lynx alone has said something to the effect of not all hero's are good people.
So bad deeds are going noticed, also that hero's are tight lipped about things unless speaking privately.


Aug 24, 2024
btw where is SENEKO? i have been expecting her but she is not doable? i may even become a patreon if she is or will be fuckable in the future
i mean, i started to play because i saw her in OP's front pic
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Oct 8, 2018
btw where is SENEKO? i have been expecting her but she is not doable? i may even become a patreon if she is or will be fuckable in the future
i mean, i started to play because i saw her in OP's front pic

We probably wont see much of her if any.
I've pointed out after her buff effect and Lynx being jealous moment.
That I was hoping to see more about this buff and the jealousy angle.

I'm one for consequence and jealousy in games.
We've seen so little of her that, it should point to her not going to be in much.
If the M.C. didn't go missing, she wouldn't have even been in it there.
So dont have high hopes on her :(

I think Fin has too many characters that hes writing about.
She doesn't seem to connect to the story in any way.
Other than being a support character and Lynx's sister.
All we know that, most heroes dont fight alone.
She could be a support for others and not just Lynx.

The fight with Winter I think is a hint at that,
because when its talked about Lynx said,
she got messed up bad and it was a free for all on her,
Shin even talked about that fight with Winter.
Yet Seneko remained silent as far as I remember.

When I started playing I was hoping to see the Devil chick.
:D I saw that picture and was like ok that's got my interest.
She only showed up in the last update.

With that being said, I'm hoping to see more of Eric's stalker chick.
Last I remember was the shower scene and taking pictures of her,
there is an obvious set up there. :D


I'm up to season 3 on the boys,
I stopped watching it for the cartoon, because of people complaining about it.
With that being said, if you are only going off the outfit.
I know many super heroes and cartoons.

I'm not going off that because there are too many the outfit is close to.
Personality wise, hes got the ruthless killer going for him.
If he ends up having a milk fetish.... lol


Aug 24, 2024
not because the outfit only, also his powers and the way he kills, with his eye laser and snapping the neck
there is even an anti Marvelous Man movement to


Oct 8, 2018
Many have lazer eyes.
We know Homelander is a direct mockery of superman.

Homelanders cape is that of the American flag, Superman's is straight red (Matching superman).
He has a letter in the front of his outfit of M or M.M. (think its just M), Kinda reminds me of Superman.
No things on his shoulders, Homelander has hawk heads or something? Superman does not.
The belt is hard to go by, its mostly gold and gawdy.
But homelander has an eagle on it I think? I remember open wings,
Superman is just a belt is usually with round front. (but it changes often)
I'd argue it looked more like a utility belt (no not saying Batman) Things in its sides maybe?

Homelander has a high collar, Where as M.M. has more like Supermans, a normal collar around the collarbone.
Boots well I think M.M.'s were blue and others I mentioned are red.
Lazer eyes , super strength...... both have because Homelander is literally parody of Superman.
Homelander does not have the outside underwear/cod piece but Superman and M.M. do.

I'll give the fact the cape hangs more like homelanders where it naturally comes out of the back, where Superman's is
"normally" tucked in around the neck but I do think there are iterations of him with it out of the back though.

Still seems more like he can fit under someone else better.

The snapping of the neck? You got me on.
But to me that's any over powered super villain kinda move, so it doesnt scream to me as one person just overused trope.
Homelander has done some pretty cool kills.
I dont recall snapping of the neck much, unlike talking to himself in mirrors, obsession with milk, happy when belittling people, cowardly when tested.
There are different personality traits to him that stick out better to me.

So I just dont see it as a direct reference to Homelander.
Fin may have done it as a reference to Homelander, I am not making a claim as to if he did or didnt.
Just that , I didn't see it.


Feb 26, 2022

I have a hard time playing as a bad character, I often feel guilt for my actions even though its just a game.

Hero's aren't fully good either, which I'm all for the depiction of "hero's" being bad, thinking ends justify the means.
I know its a jaded way to think.
But if you had super powers, you wouldn't be like superman for long (IMO).
My thoughts are if a person had those powers and were saving people constantly, they would turn resentful over time.

So I think its good that some of the hero's aren't ideal.
I like that you see them openly doing acts which are questionable and that others are aware of that and not in denial.
Lynx refuses to talk about it which I liked that reaction, I think Shin(?) would speak about it (privately) specially after what we've seen.

Street lady.....
Sounds like Ginger? You can bang her regardless as long as you have flight to catch up with her.
I dont think she falls under anything.
Other than opportunist, shes robbing dead/knocked out people.

I think she will fight something if she has to,
but she comes across as nothing more than a criminal who takes easy options.
yeah, I remember backing out of a few of the more EVIL evil options even on my more extreme playthrough.


Oct 8, 2018
yeah, I remember backing out of a few of the more EVIL evil options even on my more extreme playthrough.
Yeah I have to admit, there are things in the evil path that are awesome.
Like banging Ginger over the the of a building with on lookers.
Props to Fin for that one!

Also the fact that Evil and Neutral seem to get peoples phone numbers, where good does not.
I have to admit I am more than a bit tired of Eric's holier than thou kinda attitude.
The dude accepts money for good deeds but bitches at you if you "take" an ability.

Dude needs to step back and think for a minute.
When you gain, the person is out for a short while, however they end up fine afterwards.
Yeah not as strong but the in game universe gets a stronger hero.
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Feb 26, 2022
btw where is SENEKO? i have been expecting her but she is not doable? i may even become a patreon if she is or will be fuckable in the future
i mean, i started to play because i saw her in OP's front pic
Not sure, but maybe Genex Love 2? I'm not on the Discord but I could see her potentially getting more to do in the next part of the story. Perhaps we'll have cases where we team up with other heroes or characters (like with Eric early on).
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Oct 8, 2018
Not sure, but maybe Genex Love 2? I'm not on the Discord but I could see her potentially getting more to do in the next part of the story. Perhaps we'll have cases where we team up with other heroes or characters (like with Eric early on).

I am with you on that answer.
The only way we may see more of Seneko is if we start seeing another fighting with us.
Seneko just doesn't fit into the story all that well.

The few times we have seen her shes been around Lynx,
except the one time she was with Lynx and Eric looking for you.

There is a few problems with the idea of Seneko being around.
She is mainly support.
Its likely she wont be around the group of people we see.

If Lynx is around you, you have 2 fast and competent fighters.
So Seneko would more likely be around..... Ok honestly I forgot the guys name lol
But the fire guy who blows himself up with his own attack.

Ideally she would be better served around those who are learning how to fight,
or have no confidence.
Given she is support and possibly has attacks.
She could assist better in those area's.
She also seems to have less drive for the whole "hero" scene - (1a)

Being around the M.C. would actually hinder the story a bit.
She would need a crutch as we have seen so far. (I.E. Lynx)
Her sister however has always sought you out.

Which this would "imply" Seneko has no interest in the M.C. , if she did like Lynx she would have sought him out.
- (1a) Also if we go by story line early game, she tends to go out and have fun.
(reference being the cosplay scene)
Now granted that can be looked into it in different ways but if shes taking time out to have fun,
there could be reasons she is not written in that much that way.

Where as the others it makes sense.
Eric is your best buddy, enough said.
Lynx claims to love you, comes after you, even trains with you and challenges you in the dark (while flirting).
I would toss in the possibility of the fire guy or Shin being a possibility of being in those co-op battles with you.
Just because of the rapport they have with you but I doubt it, its more likely those you trust with knowledge of the cave will battle with you.

With that being said, I spoke to Fin once about something in game and it might be possible that we fight with Redmoon or at least she will train with you.
I asked about the comment she made about you spending too much energy when attack.
If there would be call back to that and he said yes later there would be.

So that's a possibility, but not likely as she would likely just train you to not be so wasteful.
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New Member
Feb 1, 2018
This may have been asked already but when taking Genex powers do the women permanently loss a percentage of their power? They can't recover it in time or effort or both?


Oct 8, 2018
apparently not

It was stated they lose about 40% of their power by Fin.
However the numbers based on leveling prove it wrong.
He in reply to me directly, that I was wrong and you take about 40% of their level.

However this proved not to be true, he said that Redmoon trained for years so she would always be stronger than you.
BUT........ If you do the math 40% doesn't add up.

When you get your first level, that means by his own words you stole 40% of her level.
Well that means even at 50% taken , you stole half her total level.
So when mine is level 5, I think he either messed up the math or said it poorly.

I wont guess what he meant but I'd just go by, you reduce their level by 1.
They wont get it back but you cant steal it again.
Much like you, they can probably train and get it back but its lost and not returning.
Maybe unless the girl comes to the M.C. and pegs him to get it back (NOT A SERIOUS COMMENT!, its a joke dont read into it)
This would bypass his 40% comment and still keep Redmoon ahead of you regardless.

I'm just going to assume he started it poorly.
With that being said, yes you steal a portion of their ability, which they never get back.
If you pay attention to Lynx, its very obvious they do not get it back by her reaction alone.

I'd have to play through it again but I am sure there were 3 points were its hinted that
people power you took. never fully returned.
With Lynx if you play True Hero and do not go off the path, you can tell her about your ability to take her power when you
have the choice to have sex with her.
Its been a while but she points out that Redmoon lost her power and never fully recovered.
She quickly figures out all your powers were stolen and gets this an afraid look on her face.
Then she tells you that she isn't ready for sex.
(its been a while so the sequence maybe off, but she clams up after figuring your power out)

We know you steal from people with "active" skills, but they still retrain so much of it.
I'm curious about the passive one "Ginger" as you cant level hers up.
but I just figure it didn't change hers.

The easiest answer is, just dont think too much into it lol :D
I'm aware of the irony in that statement.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 3, 2020
This may have been asked already but when taking Genex powers do the women permanently loss a percentage of their power? They can't recover it in time or effort or both?
So far there's no way for them to recover their loss.
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