Thank you for the feedback. The display speed was indeed a thing I wasn't so sure about. I tried to set it to the average reading speed, but I'll probably either shorten the intervals or replace it with links.
Now, as for the fight. The combat is winnable with either stat as it is merely a system test. You can cheese it simply by using Endure to restore your HP and then Struggle to attack. Doing the math, you'll always inevitably win

It is a very simple combat as it's just there to test the system's skeleton. I'll be adding damage randomization and other features later.
The pictures are very few as this is a very early version where I've built the mainframe for the game. If you're a fan of reading however, there's 4 scenes with one NPC which vary according to where you meet her, your sex and your choices for a total of 20 variations. As for how evil you can be, the story progression is locked behind how corrupted and evil you become. Right now, you have a single domination scene in which you do act rather evil. Coincidentally, it's the scene that has the pictures.