RPGM - Completed - Yarimon Master: Using Cheats to Fuck 'em All! [v2.15+DLC] [Bosom Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For a H-game this game has great story, lots and frequent H-content as well as an ingame "cheat" that removes basically all the grind a pokemon-esque game typically requires. Honestly, the only complaint I have is that the characters tend to be on the younger side more often than not which I suppose is more a matter of taste than anything else. Anyway, highly recommended, for the story if nothing else.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall: 10/10
    Amazing game which will keep you busy with an interesting story which keeps you curious till the ending, gameplay resembling early "pokemon" games without any grinding and a new H-scene every 5 minutes of gameplay. It takes around 5-8 hours to complete the game if you play fast and don't spend a whole lot of time on watching H-scenes. Overall one of the best RPGM games on this site.

    H-Scenes: plenty with huge variety and all of them are high quality with sounds and good dialogue. H-Scenes with "main" girls have more character to them and all of them are well done with plenty of buildup and story.

    Story: Didn't expect a good story going into this game but the story is pretty good for an H-game, it is strong enough to stand on it's own without the H-scenes.

    Gameplay: It's pretty good, there is an "easy/cheat" mode in the game for those who just want to get to the H-scenes, while the gameplay on normal mode is not grindy and has tons of quality of life changes over the regular monster collecting genre. The fights are not hard at all and there is nearly no need to think when building teams or preparing for boss fights, you can brute force through all bosses in the main game if you battle every trainer. There is also a battle tower like area in the game for those who want to explore the game mechanics more and not use the "cheat" move. I haven't played the battle tower so can't comment on it's balance/fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Can fap to the end of time with this collection, lol. The H scenes kept me going until the end, and boy do they DELIVER. Most of the battles are pretty easy even without cheat tackle, except the last one and DLC content, those were tough. Can't believe this is my first pokemon experience, not complaining one bit though. 10/10 experience.

    Now if you'll excuse me, those H scenes are not gonna watch themselves. Did I mention how great those are, because they are THAT great.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for 2.15 + DLC1 + Decensored, after fully completing all content.

    Story 5/5 - Despite this being an h-game, it actually has a deep backstory with a genuine threat to humanity, and it isn't overly-complicated. I didn't even come into this game expecting a story beyond "have sex with everyone", so this was a pretty cool surprise. There's also a lot of humor throughout the game.

    Characters 5/5 - There are a TON of girls in this game (over 60), yet every single one has her own personality. There are 2 rivals in this game, and they both outshine almost every rival I've seen in official Pokemon games (no Blue/Gary clone, sadly!). Once you beat a girl, her dialogue towards you changes, sometimes from unlocking new fetishes she acquired during the scenes, so I guess they all have character development?

    Gameplay 5/5 -
    A) There are 151 Yarimon, with a handful that are one-of-a-kind in hidden areas. Catching them is pretty straightforward, since you don't need to worry about RNG in this game. Just use the capture item, and knock them out. Perfect for me, since I've never been a fan of the horrendous catch RNG in Pokemon.
    B) There are a ton of trainers to battle in this game, and each victory will raise your "Trainer Level" by 1. Your team's levels cannot go higher than your trainer level, so assuming you aren't using Cheat Tackle or items to breeze through the game, there will be some extent of strategy required to beat tougher opponents.
    C) There is a glossary for both Yarimon and female trainers (Yariman). Both of these glossaries tell you exactly where and how to find what you're looking for, so you don't need to worry about wandering around confusedly.
    D) There is post-game content that includes more h-scenes AND more challenges.

    Music 4/5 - The music's alright. Some of it is just regular RPGMaker music that I've already heard hundreds of times. There were a few bangers in the soundtrack, but none of them really stood out that much, and they are ultimately all forgettable. You also acquire a jukebox in post-game, so if any of the songs DID stand out, you'll have the option to listen to them again.

    Porn 5/5 - First off, I'm not a fan of the way they did X-Rays in this game, and I'm especially not a fan of the fact that you can't toggle them off and on. With that out of the way, this game has a ton of really well-made h-scenes. The artwork is great, the animations are great, and the dialogue is great. Some of the girls only have one scene, but I have a feeling that the DLC's will eventually give every girl at least one more.

    tl;dr One of the best Pokemon-style games I've ever played, with an exceptional story, gameplay, and porn. The developer poured their heart and soul into this game, and it shows. One of the easiest 5's I've ever given on this site.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful artwork It's a 2D game with beautiful drawings and good animation.Designed to give you the feeling of playing in Most of the characters are cute, with both small and large breasts. They can reach people of all types, not just those with big breasts and expect all men to like them.There is even support for those who like the shit and riding scene, which can cater to a wide range of people in terms of style, preference, or arousal.It's another kind of fun to play a hentai game like Pokemon.I really like this studio, especially the character artwork. I have to admit that the paintings are very beautifully drawn.When characters have sex, there is no X-ray system to see inside the vagina, but the developers still draw it so that you can see inside.But there might be some things that are not to your liking, such as wanting to see many angles but not being able to see the parts of the characters' bodies during sex that we want to see.✌
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    great game with a forced story. really fun po***mon game LOL. also has forced balancing by having your max level be on how many trainers you've beaten. some of the quests/h scene was a bit tedious and the rng of the po***mons spawn really annoys you especially when a few po***mons spawn on some random bush in some area only and the other bushes near it spawn different set of pokemon to screw with you. at least the dex tells you the area where they spawn....
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    At first I dint like the Ui the art and the gameplay, but I decided to give it another chance and it started growing on me until I really really liked it.
    The story and the animations are excellent this game is clearly a work of passion (reading through the dev notes at the end confirmed it)
    The only thing I would like its if they made the X-ray in almost every scene optional as I didnt really like it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is surprinsingly a great game. I wasn't expecting it to be that good.

    Tons of animated sex scenes with multiple girls everywhere, "pokemons" have their own evolution and the battle system is very good.

    This is a game that worths the grinding as well. Deserves 5 stars.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    They had no business making such a great game out of nowhere. Actually impressed.
    Game is good, lots of art, different creatures with descriptions, etc, even in-game doujins so randomly.
    Only thing to complain is the weird level difference that sometimes appears, and that you can't seem to grind with wild yarimons, you have to level the MC too fighting other trainers, so you have to find enemies that are suited for your level (correlated with the other complaint). Not that big of a deal since it's not a slow game.
    Obvious 5 star, enjoy this great game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the best pokemon-like H-games I have ever played.

    The Story is extremely well done. It feels like an old school pokemon game story. It's epic, the world is at stake, it's emotional.

    The scenes are great. If you are looking for any anal scenes, they are after you beat the main game and have more scenes with the main female characters.

    The Gameplay is really fun. It's a unique twist on jrpg turn based combat. You only have 3 on your team and instead of moves having a limited number of uses, they have cooldowns, typically 1-3 turns

    Overall Amazing
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    fun game despite the main 'mon being overpowered even without using cheat tackle and you can't remove it from your party. wish they spent a bit more time balancing the combat and currency/item economy. the forced x-ray during ero scenes is annoying.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    If your fine with half the girls you rape being kids or teenagers (even though there all "over 18" lol) then this is a great pokemon clone. great story and characters, easy to navigate world. one big downside though is you dont need to train any mons outside your team of 3 cause the moves are completly unbalanced once u get to the mid-high level moves.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the 2.15 patch with uncensored DLC (most recent version from late August)

    Yup boys this is it we finally found the porn game that beats out it's inspiration, Yarimon cracks the shell of what a basic pokemon game is and makes an omelette that far surpasses anything game freak has managed to barf out in a decade. Yarimon cuts out the tedious bullshit like forgetting moves, having to be at the PC to swap 'mons, unskippable battles, HMs, catching based on rng, and more. Yarimon's story is vastly heartfelt and shonen-esque, and more memorable then whatever I can remember about gen 4 or 5's storylines.

    Gameplay is 10/10, where even the cheat mechanic of a one-shot KO move is considered in the game design, and it's use is as strategic the other aspects of the RPG. Battles are max 3 enemies and quick and punchy. It's cooldown per move system over PP forces players off the "spam super effective attack move until ded" gameplay non-challenge pokemon games tend of be and actually consider other strategies. I'd recommend minimizing the use of cheat tackle as much as possible and avoid overlevelling by dodging male trainers however as it is easy to trivialize encounters by being overlevleled, or spamming cheat tackle on easy mode.

    I mentioned earlier how good the story is but it's worth expanding on. The story will far exeed any expectations or presumptions you might have about a "porn pokemon" game. The two rivals in the game are easy to like and root for, the story progression is well thought-out if you can stomach dream lore dump scenes, and makes for some interesting twists and turns. And for a game with roughly 67 characters you can h, many of them were well taken care of and have their own well-defined personalities or storylines to follow. Yarimon has a story and world that is easy to invest into, definitely a game you might feel whistful about once it's done.

    There is an obscene amount of h-scenes in here, with 138 different cgs being advertised here, each animated in a flip-book slideshow kind of way. Each of the 67 girls has at least one scene, with the main girls having 2-4. There's some girls who have their scenes voiced but not everyone of them - who gets voiced is somewhat random feeling, and not well mixed with the rest of the audio. There is also a strange amount of x-ray genitals going on that the artist plants right in the characters as opposed to being a graphic on the side. I even checked the studio's previous game to see if it was so frequent and it wasn't so it's a deliberate choice here. It takes getting used to and could potentially be a dealbreaker on your enjoyment of the scenes. However, the combination of quality art and it's quantity make this game's h content something to behold

    The music is very nice as well - with overworld and battle themes reminiscient of pokemon but having killer, catchy melodies that you will be hearing while you're not playing and doing other things.

    This is easily one of those h-games you mention in arguments where people try to say h-games have bad gameplay. This is one of the great games of this genre, a triumph of the scene and definitely worth giving it a playthrough
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most impressive games here in terms of polish and execution. Story and gameplay aren't anything to write home about on its own but it's a great spoof on the Pokemon. The world is interesting and the cast of characters are one-dimensional but still charming. The sex scenes are great though and that's what really matters.

    Best part is that it's actually a completed game that doesn't try to do anything too crazy. It knows what it wants to do and it does it very well.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly pretty good, decent character writing and growth even got some emotional beats at the end, pretty interesting plot.
    Biggest downside is lack of variety in the sex scenes. Still, highly recommend trying it out
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game. Plenty of H scenes, all animated. Great story, but more importantly the gameplay is good. It's a simplified pokemon-esque battle system, but you're not forced into any battles and more importantly almost always winning a battle results in an H event. I played the other game made by the dev so I had high expectations and I can say that they have been surpased.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish the 'payment' for winning battles were handled better... not particularly up to my tastes, but the game overall is a decent pokemon clone... and you really don't need to cheat to win. (cheating is only mandatory on your first win. :p

    Certainly worth a look at; one of the better games on the forums! ^^
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I supposse to cry at the end .How to say it . I can't think a god damn game like this can deep like that . What a great game . But i don't really like catch sistem of this game too much but im done now . So 5
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    Really good game, I enjoyed every second I played, why Pokemon doesnt makes games like this now

    Things I liked from Prototype:
    - Visuals, really good to be made in RPG Maker VM ( The gameboy decoration 10/10 )
    - Gameplay 10/10 , literally like a Pokemon game, I'm not into lolis but I liked the game anyway
    - Game idea, its Pokemon literally
    - Story, really good story ngl

    Things I didnt like from Prototype:
    - So much lolis

    Things to improve:
    - Maybe the art but its really good so its going to be hard

    I hope enjoyed this game so much, I hope other people read this and enjoy it as I did
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    Now that it's not censored it's jut 10/10. So many scenes, happens really quick, even more content after the end, yes there are plot points that go on forever which is annoying. Lots of character variety and positions. Also it's animated, and you can just use easy mode if you don't feel like doing the actually pokemon part.