Yeah, I think that's the key thing that would avoid the ambiguity, just something that indicates that doing the demo could wildly change how many pills you sell would likely tidy up any confusion nicely. I'll admit, I've rarely been "punished" like this as I only usually do demos if I *have* to, so I don't typically have the before and after sale number to compare, but a simple note somewhere early on about the risks, such as they are, if intended would permit more informed choice on when someone has the option to engage with the system.
I guess the one down side is that it means that if you got a large sale you are now actively disincentivized from doing a demo, because the RNG odds could result in you making less money even with the boosted commission, so choosing to do a demo on a large order is just, objectively, a bad decision now? Dunno if that's a desirable outcome.