interesting. Won't say if it is bad or good yet, as there isn't much to go off of here as it's just a demo. Still a decent amount of content, but not enough progression to get a real feel for the story yet.
I think what most have a hang up with, is your previous game, Going Rogue, kind of left a sour taste for most of us. The way it was handled and then the rushed ending to finish it and move on kind of put most on caution. So rightfully so, people are cautious on how this one is going to go.
The UI doesn't bother me, as I'm used to it (Deliverance had pretty much the same UI, so I got used to it). Though had a double whammy with the whole forced sex stuff and dream sex in one. Not a big fan of forced stuff like that, and dream sex. I get most devs want to have a sex scene in their first release to showcase it/appease the player base, but you shouldn't force it like that. Me personally, if the story is good, I can wait for the sex. I'd rather the characters get built up so the sex is actually meaningful instead of feeling like it was just a checkbox that needed to be ticked.
I did notice the Detroit: Become Human inspiration though. After seeing the chart too, I'm interested to see how this is going to go with the branching now.
But otherwise, yeah. Curious to see how this goes. I have some hang ups about how the last game went, as like others here, but willing to still give it a shot to see how it progresses. Thanks and best of luck with your new project.