I appreciate that the dev actually has the balls to have a party girl be an actual party girl, instead of a misunderstood chaste wall flower. Her being like this is realistic.
She isn't a slut, it's almost the biggest part of her character being trashtalked by stupid people not knowing her but telling bullshit about her (like in real highschool/univ) and the first thing you say after read the AVN is telling the same thing than those people wtf.

Women like her still get treated like pariahs or damn serial killers for having a life and making good or bad choices like all young ppl do tho, while some peeps go around dicking down bitches left and right in the name of the 'plot' bragging about being alphas, a thing that's completely fine, no double standards at all lol.
On a more serious note, I understand not wanting to cheat on an LI, the token, mandatory GF you get stuck with for reasons and like, or wanting to avoid a female character cuz of the way she acts, looks, whatever, but instantly refusing to fuck an attractive woman just bcz she has a life and a healthy sex drive is absurd and beyond my humble possibility to comprehend things. She's basically free pussy. She want to have fun, we all know most MCs like the idiot in this game are desperate for pussy, not just need it lol, so what's the problem then ?? Why sluts and whores are so persecuted and treated like trash, while legit murderers and actual trash like mobsters, some politicians and other 'respectable' persons like that are seen as heroes or "decent" ppl worth looking up to is another stupid 'argument' I'll never understand.

I really like the mc personality it's different from all the vns I have read it's something different for me
What personality are you talking about ?? Does he have any of that shit, given how almost everyone shits on him on many occasions and he just takes it like a good lil sissy instead of giving them a piece of his mind about it ??
Whenever I see this type of comment, I always wonder why the double standard where it's ok for MC to have sex with multiple women they like, but the girl is a slut if they have sex with multiple men they like.
The funny thing is, I completely understand not wanting to risk getting any STDs or STIs from RL sluts/whores and avoiding them like the plague cuz of this, their looks, or personalities, but in fiction too ??

Damn... that's baffling. And what is it with all this love for cute, innocent girls ?? I personally find that shit disturbing.