VN - Ren'Py - Wild Cats [v0.2 Public] [LopaPhi]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really good, maybe it's a bit early to say something like this, but with ch1 alone it reminds me more of normal jap VN than the typical porn plot fuckfest AVN you see. Honestly, if it was already completed and it kept the level of quality that CH1 had, I'd be willing to buy it.

    The plot is pretty good. The subject matter itself (volleyball) doesn't appeal to me, but it seems the focus is a lot more on the characters and creating a compelling narrative surrounding the subject matter rather than the sport itself, and it does a good job at it. I was very much invested.

    The characters take the spotlight here, they are definitely interesting and likeable, the one I liked the most was definitely Lexi, but I still want to see more of the others. They follow some typical tropes (delinquent rebel, the wild dangerous girl, rich ojousama type and such), but I don't see a problem with that, I'm more interested in how the Dev will develop them, tropes are tropes for a reason, they work.

    Gameplay is typical VN gameplay, you have choices you pick on certain occasions and seems like it will have a hidden point based/flag based system, I haven't tried every option, but It didn't feel like anything was forced on me, I don't know if the dev will keep up multiple routes based on choices (it can be a bother to code) but for now it's satisfying.

    The character models are good, I don't think they are the absolute best I've seen for HS2, but this game is definitely up there in terms of quality, the girls are very attractive. We are told multiple times the MC is handsome and it actually feels justified here, he also looks good. I do like when the MC is attractive as well if I'm forced to stare at his face for several hours (no i'm not gay).

    Criticisms have already been made by a few other reviewers and I've noticed these flaws as well, lighting on the scenes is quite weird and everything looks really bright, quality of the renders is definitely lacking, but this could definitely improve over time. I'm also hoping the quality of the animations and sex scenes improves, but I believe there is only one for now, so there isn't much to judge.

    Overall, very promising, but I will keep my expectations reasonable, I've seen other promising games here eventually getting abandoned on going into development hell for years, so we'll have to see if the Dev's update schedule and ETA's are reasonable. If they are, this a very good start for him and I do hope this blows up and gets more attention, it's already better than a lot of stuff here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm impressed to see that it's your first game and it's so well done. After playing chapter 1 I only have good things to say about the game, I really liked the story and that the beginning is not the typical cliché character that after 3 interactions already has any girl in bed, very well worked in general and I hope to see more content very soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is Impressive work, especially coming from a first time dev.
    Writing is on point, all characters including MC are well fleshed out and have a lot of depths. Models are beautiful.

    Only slight downside is that sometimes lightning and image quality are a little subpar, but it is to be expected since dev is new to this and apparently isalready aware and working on it.

    Overall this promise to be one of the best VNs on the platform.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Having finished v0.1.1 I think this is an excellent initial release. It takes its time to establish a plot and introduce important characters without overwhelming you. Good looking models, well executed animations and facial expressions, and amazing music choice that helps with immersion. Without going into depth this is worth your attention and I can recommend trying it out.

    To go in more depth I'd like to talk about things I enjoy so far and things that I feel can be improved.

    The writing feels strong. The monologues of the MC are short and concise which I really appreciate. It's hard to critique humor but I will say it is my style. There's some anime humor such as the MC being super dense which makes sense because hes a virgin, which may turn off some people, but it's not overused. Every character so far feels alive in the sense that they have their own priorities and circles, and dont fall into the trap of just blindly serving the MC. Despite the main heroines using some established character tropes there isn't a single one I dislike and just from this initial chapter I really couldn't tell you whos my favorite and I think thats a great thing. Some standout characters for me however are Mr. Harrison and Desiree. They're great portrayals of the best type of people you want in your corner; people who can pick up on something and lend you a hand, but aren't at your beck and call. Desiree doesn't join team just because you asked her, but shes still more than happy to be your friend. Mr. Harrison can understand the position you're put in, but can only point in the direction you should be heading and might serve as a mentor of sorts. I'm really looking forward to all the relationships in the game platonic or romantic.

    But that brings me to the huge elephant in the room. A huge plot point that needs to be addressed. The "condition" that the MC accepts in order to be enrolled in a scholarship at the university. There's no sugar coating it. As of now the MC is straight up using all these girls for a selfish reason. For a scholarship at a prestigious university and to "get his life back together" And I think the developer is already aware of this, because everytime the MC mentions how important getting the team together is for him, he clams up immediately. None of the girls NEED this team like the MC does. They don't have the same stakes in the team as the MC so why would they bother joining? Certainly not just to help him out when he can hardly be considered a friend to most of them. And so there's this problem of even if he DOES get the team together, it's disingenuous because his main goal is to get the team together and win so he can keep attending the college, but secondary to that is the girls' own personal investment and goals for their team and themselves. There isn't really a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties YET, but with the way the condition is presented there basically has to be one. Personally I think it's better if MC comes clean with the truth of him getting the coaching position SOONER rather than later. Mainly because if it comes out later, the only way it can play out is like a 90s/early 2000s romcom movie where the MC deceived his love interests but has a change of heart and admits everything in the end and is forgiven and lives happily ever after. I would really rather not see that in a game that has so much potential. I don't know what the best way to resolve this plot point would be, but it does bring me to my last point about the MC.

    I enjoy a flawed protagonist, and so far I really like our MC in Wild Cats, but writing for him is going to be hard. His issues which bring about the change within himself are still going to stick with the player. The dev has done a good job of making our MC do a 180 and rethink his approach to social situations. However theres a very fine line between our MC who went through some character development and borderline sociopath. There's no evidence to state that our MC was ever a "good" person so when he starts treating the girls "how they wanna be treated" it feels offputting because it seems like the MC is just wearing a mask in order to get something he wants from them. This is further reinforced by the plot point I wrote about above. We need to see genuine change in the MC without him feeling like hes always walking on eggshells while also seeing that hes still struggling with his temper. Again, hard to write imo. But I think a good step is using his background as the former captain of the Alpha Wolves, and maybe using some of that experience he had with dealing with teammates and applying it to his current circumstances. I totally get that he's still learning how to socialize, but he also shouldn't be completely inept. It's a huge balancing act, but I think there are ways to have him form real connections with the girls and maybe take an approach of "let me understand you, what you're about, and why I want you on the team" instead of the current "I need you on the team and I'll do whatever it takes to get on your good side" Although I understand the reason is because of MC needs to gather the team quickly.

    The fact that I rambled about the story so much already tells me this is an amazing start to the game. I can see myself supporting this game financially in the future, however I want to hold onto my money for now and watch the developer's update frequency and more importantly see if the dev can continue creating such a great game. Even though the core theme of this initial chapter was not to give up, I've seen so many adult vns in this space get scrapped due to a multitude of reasons whether that be lazily milking fans for money, writing themselves into a corner, and much more. I hope the dev will never give up on themselves or this game. I'm in your corner buddy. Volleyball girls are PEAK.

    P.S. Please give the girls ABs or at least a little more muscle tone!!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Update - Episode 2:

    What a difference a dev cycle makes. Episode 2 significantly improves upon all my complaints in episode 1.

    It's still a little rough around the edges, but layers are starting to be peeled back on the girls, and the Saki sequence is really, really strong.

    Just a massive uptick on quality and now definitely in my "ones to watch" bracket.

    Episode 1 complaints below:

    TLDR: Quite a poor start, but there's a lot of potential.

    I'd be incredibly surprised if this was not the creator's first AVN, and probably their first attempt to write fiction entirely.

    It's got a lot of hallmarks of this - a great premise, flashes of inspiration, but mired by poor execution leading to unnatural dialogue and irritating over-use of explanation despite access to imagery that could do it more elegantly.

    The use of stereotypes is common in adult visual novels, but from that stereotype you can really create interesting and complex characters as present in other games. Here though, they are the stereotypes we've seen in fan fiction for decades and there is little extra there to make them compelling.

    Lexi is the best of them in episode 1, not just because she has a scene, but because she is the only one that has been given anything besides her stereotype (party slut) to peak interest in her - that being how logical she is about things, despite her love of being intoxicated and letting go. It's a contrast. I just wish her desire to stop playing volleyball had a bit more mystery too it - her common sense attitude means she just says "I got other things I want to do more in college" which is fine, but lacks drama.

    Then there are the image renders and sex scenes. They are not good. The lighting is atrocious, there is no depth and no shadows. I find the HS2 models quite attractive, but here the washed out imagery does it no favours.

    Again, this seems like the creator's first stab at it, and I see a way for it to get pretty good if they improve their abilities with each update. Episode 1, doesn't hit the mark for me, it is lacking in all areas, but there are a lot of signs that something good can eventually come of it.

    I hope the creator uses each update to learn new things about the presentation options available to them in HS2, and also starts taking some kind of formal learning path to improve their storytelling, because the spark is there - but it's going to take some work on their part to make this into something good, and that might be too much commitment for some.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has good renders and the set up for the story is interesting, but the game itself just pisses me off. I didn't reach that far, but the three Lis I met Eve, Zoe and Fiona were unlikeable and came off as manipulative/deceptive, assholish/condescending or straight up psycho. That in and of itself is a dealbreaker for me as I can't play a game if I dislike too many of the Lis.

    The MC actually impressed me at first because he isn't a pushover. His initial instinct is to clap back at rudeness and bullshit, but as the game goes on he is constantly having to apologize even when he isn't in the wrong. I understand he may be somewhat rude but everyone else is much worse and to be a coach you can't be too nice. The MC starts to become a pushover. This is evident when someone punches him in the face for no reason and he just takes it.

    Why would any coach in the world want to reach out to a player who engaged in an act of criminal assault on the previous coach and possibly the team as well? There may be good reasons for what happened but that is all the information the MC has.

    I can appreciate intelligent drama but the drama here just feels forced and unnatural to me. Everything that can go wrong goes wrong in order to frustrate the MC into quitting. However it's not clear why he is so desperate for this opportunity in the first place, especially given the impossible conditions that he has to fulfill.

    Nothing personal. This just wasn't for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has only 2.5-3 hours of content, but damn, it was really fun.
    • Nice LIs, all have distinct personalities with good expressions in scenes, making it easier to immerse into.
    • Likeable MC, trying to make both himself and his situation become better
    • The render and camera angles are well done. I really like that yellow tint, making the game have a warm vibe.
    • I usually turn off music in most AVNs, but not for this one. Most of the songs fit the mood in the scenes well enough.
    • Most of the choices lead to game over, except the ones that move the game forward. At times, I thought why bother putting them in the game? Honestly, I don't mind playing a linear game as long as the story is good.
    • The MC is changing from a snarky, rude person into a dense MC who keeps saying cheesy things to the girls without realizing what he just said. I found that hard to believe tbh

      Objectively, the score should be 4/5 , but despite its flowed, it's been a while i enjoyed a game this much so i will give it a bonus point
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished the first chapter and I'm thoroughly impressed!

    The love interests are beautifully crafted, each with distinct personalities that draw you in. The main character's flaws are incredibly well written, making him relatable and deeply human. I even shed a tear or two during his emotional breakdown.

    Overall, it's an amazing start, and I can't wait for chapter 2!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Promising start for this game with a unique spin on the whole school setting genre.

    The writing is good and the renders have a unique look with the contrast and warm art style. I thought it would be a turn-off at first but it's actually very appealing since the dev uses it just right.

    Give it a shot since I think if you're into the art style of other games like this you'll enjoy the experience and I look forward to the next update.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a fantastic life simulation game with romance elements. Its strengths lie in stunning graphics and well-developed characters. The gameplay strikes a perfect balance, challenging the conquest of girlq without being too easy. While already impressive, there's potential for more content in future updates. Kudos to the developer for their excellent work!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is genuinely such a good start. The girls are all stunningly pretty, the story is engaging, and I'm looking forward to more. It's always impressive to me when an author manages to make a sports story interesting to me and they've certainly done it here. I really like the prospect of coaching and "Managing" a team of girls. Love every one of the heroine designs. Author also managed to write in a believable and well executed sex scene in the first chapter which is a huge mark of care and attention. Seriously so excited for more, this is one of my new top favorites.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.1.


    Lords, ladies, geniuses who have realized this is probably the best 5-star review you’ll ever read. I quite literally have nothing bad to tell you about this game. It is revolutionary, earth-shattering, and quite possibly the best v0.1 I’ve ever played in my life. In fact, it was so amazing that I think my stomach sank to my cock when I hit the “Chapter 1 ended” screen.

    Thank god it was still erect.

    Because I wasn’t done with this game yet! The first chapter, and it’s blown everything else I’ve ever read out of the water. Let me tell you, as the highly esteem and illustrious reviewer I am, I never — NEVER — write reviews for “first chapters”. That would be an insult to all those hard-working devs that dumped YEARS into their projects before being blessed by my captivating editorial presence.

    But this story was just that good.

    Now please stay with me while I gush about all the things that make this the next #1 AVN on this site.

    This AVN succeeds where others fail

    No “Wandering Protagonists”

    We all know the Wandering Protagonist. The Wandering Protagonist is the protagonist that doesn’t seem to have any sort of job, commitment, or responsibility in their life other than chasing tail. Of course, we never get a reason as to why this is; instead, our writer usually give some sort of half-assed excuse like “They’re rich. They don’t need to work!” or “They just moved. Moving is stressful. They’ll work as soon as they get de-stressed”, and so our protagonist proceeds to jerk-off for the rest of the novel until the author belated writes in a job for them because “I forgot they needed to be a functioning member of society, my bad”.

    On the other hand, our protagonist here is something of a “Hunting Protagonist”: it’s literally his job to hunt these girls down and make them into the high-performing volleyball team he needs for this narrative to work. There’s no bullshit about “being rich” or “just having fun” because the dude has actual stakes and responsibilities — and a job!

    Sure, he could just goof off with the girls for the entirety of the plot, but then he’d lose his scholarship, his home, and any hopes of ever fixing all these crazy mental and emotional problems he’s going through. He’d be fucked. He has to “hunt”.

    And yet even this MC still finds time to go to class sometimes!!!

    Ridiculous really, how hard it is to find a functioning member of society in AVNs.

    Did I mention the MC was handsome?

    It’s the little things, really. Even just the absence of a “Wandering Protagonist” tells me the author has a decent chance of writing a good story.

    That and the MC being handsome. I like handsome characters.

    A “Slut Character” I like

    We also all know about “the Slut Character”. The purpose of the Slut Character is to give those impatient, horny bastards that whine and whine and whine about “my porn game not having porn” something to jerk off to while creator goes to work on actually important things — like story, characters, and more sex; just higher quality sex than you get from that rushed, slut character sex job made for impatient bastards… like the dude’s who’ve already stopped reading this to go jerk-off.

    Real-men jerk off to literature. In visual form. Like this AVN’s slut character.

    But no, seriously, creators write these characters in to show off those sex characters and stave off impatient people, so what better way than to write a character that’s so incredibly easy to have sex with no one questions her sleeping with any random guy she meets? I usually hate these characters. These sluts.

    But this character is so awesome.

    Not only does she live up to the stereotype of wearing overly revealing clothing and leading with overly flirtatious advances that every horny AVN player loves to see, she’s also not just some dumb blond bimbo that doesn’t understand fun>sex.

    And it’s the lack of dumb that makes her scene of bouncing off our straight-laced MC so hilarious.

    “But reviewer, that still sounds like you’re describing a normal slut character to me? What makes that a normal slut character?”

    Well you’re right, I haven’t been very convincing, but one big difference I can tell you about her versus other slut characters is that we actually know something about her and her accomplishments beforehand — she’s a volleyball player, a good one, and it begs the question, what is she doing slutting it up in a club all the time then? To be the slut character?


    And THEN she fucks you. Not before, but after showing you that she’s a respectable human being with thoughts, feelings, and plans for her future.

    Shit man, usually you have to wait the entire goddamned AVN for the Slut Character to show a modicum of intelligence or thought. At least until after the sex! This kind of writing is genre-shattering!(and I really wish it weren’t).

    Goddamned, it was such a hot scene.

    (Anyways, I just can’t think of a single slut character I remember by name over this girl, so if anyone can name anyone better, please, name them. She absolutely steals the show in the first chapter, and it’s absurd.)

    The Creator actually directs scenes

    How do I say this?

    This story has such good directing that I was orgasming harder from scene-work than the sex scenes. You had that heart-to-heart with the girl on the court; you had that way that girl looked back at you, right after that teasing. Her smile was gorgeous. Those angles! That head tilt!

    Then you have that way that little asian girl repeatedly blows you away with her athleticism on the streets before threatening to repeatedly crush your dick with her thighs while slowly blowing you to climax.

    Okay, real talk, I got a little excited, I made that last part up.

    But GOSH DARN, creator, those scenes made me so erect, and they weren’t even sexual.

    But what do I mean by “actually directs scenes”, you ask? I mean that the characters consistently have facial expressions and movements that make me think they’re actually human beings and not robots trying to read off words they don’t even understand. Examples.

    I lied again. My first example is a counter-example.

    Fiona is probably the biggest problem among the female leads: she’s a bad girl; she takes no shit; and 90% of her scenes are just her being emotionless and bitchy. How do you do facial expression and movements with this character?

    You don’t. Instead, you have her talk shit and throw hits. That’s right, this bitch doesn’t just talk, she HITS — audibly — so we don’t really need facial expressions to guess her mood.

    Beauty of it is that the girl straight-up physically assaults our MC on multiple occasions, and I just found myself saying “Deserved” and “damn, she’s hot” and “Was that sound effect for that hit? Goddamn, I think I felt that!”.

    Then you got slut girl. Slut girl gets naked — Spoilers!

    More spoilers. Slut girl gets naked in front of the MC, but when it happens, it’s at ALL the right angles.

    Imagine you’re watching the MC sit on a couch. He’s depressed, disappointed, and hanging his head because he’s realized his best chance at winning this thing is the slut girl, the girl who’s openly declared she’d rather do other things. Like slutting it up.

    Great. Expected, but not what our MC wanted.

    Then you see THAT ASS enter the frame. Then you see that SHIRT drop to the floor. Then you’re flipping back to the MC’s first person perspective, and you’re just thinking “Hotdamn, I don’t care anymore — JUST BRING ON THE SEX SCENE!”

    I really liked that scene, and I really like slut girl.

    But don’t forget tease girl. She’s also great and gets expression, but even when she doesn’t, she’s still great.

    Take her one “serious” scene for example. The entire scene is her being serious and trying to show as little expression as possible to the MC, but you know how the creator decides to spice it up? Emojis. Dumbass emojis sitting in the top left corner changing to match her inner feelings in real-time.

    It was so dumb. It shouldn’t work. I shouldn’t have liked it.


    Yeah, great scene. I call that a director’s touch.

    Anyways, I’m spoiling all the good scenes at this point, so I’m going to stop, but come on, this creator really gets the little things right, those little things that really make or break the scene with as little as one extra render.

    Did I mention they actually change the camera angles too? Really, you gotta mess with the camera angles, guys. It matters so much.

    He’s Handsome

    The MC. He’s handsome. Not the Creator. Or maybe he is, idk. Don’t ask me. I didn’t mean it like that.

    I like the renders, okay. They make the MC look handsome(I’m not GAY, just confused).

    Successfully Executed “Depressed MC”

    This is probably the moment where I thought this AVN actually had real potential: when the MC hit his lowest point, when the author had to get him out of it in the least cringe way possible.

    I think the author succeeded. I felt there was proper build-up and everything. It was even kind of realistic! I liked it.

    That’s insane. I don’t like things, I fap to them.

    I just wish more writers could find that excellent balance of depression and action in an MC that this story’s writer can. In this story, at least the game gives you the option to either quit or tell the MC to stop whining when you get a choice. Whenever I choose the stop whining choice, the MC immediately stopped whining and went to work.

    That’s great! More games need these kind of satisfying choices!

    I’m taking my frustration out on a button, and it’s working!

    Anyways, this story gave me exactly what I like to see: enough self-loathing to remind us why the MC’s situation sucks but not enough to dampen the good ol’ “porn vibes” and mess with my “mojo”.

    Finally, the big “reversal” our MC has after sinking as low as possible actually makes sense due to circumstance and the amount of times I had to listen to him whine and click “not give up”. Again, I don’t want to spoil, but it was really refreshing.

    You’ll love the character who pulls him out of it. She’s perfect, and I love her! 10/10. Marry me.

    BANGER Music

    You need some sort of music, guys. Half of my rating comes with whether or not you’ve got an absolute BANGER soundtrack playing during your sex sex scenes.

    Trust me, no sex scene is good without a BANGER song. No banger, no bang. You bang me? This music BANGS, and it’ll really take you for a banger.

    Get it? BANGer? In a sex scene? Get it? Please? (Tell me I’m funny, or I’ll cry).

    I am serious about the music though. I liked it, and like any good soundtrack, I only really noticed it when it ratcheted up for the sex scene, lmao.


    So in conclusion… Sike! Why the hell would I write a conclusion to a porn game review? Just play the damn game already!


    TLDR. If you can’t read my whole review, then I bet you can’t even read chapter 1 of this AVN, poopyhead.

    (haha, gottem).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1
    Well this dev turned his love for volleyball chicks into quite a compelling and unique story. I honestly do not recall playing a similar game like this one, so good job on that! I felt very engaged to the story straight of the bat.

    Im guessing this feeling of engagement is not only coming from the unique and interesting story, but also the characters in the game. This game has also just laid the foundation for excellent charachter developments. We get the MC and the love interests introduced to us as flawed human beings. They are not perfect and they all seem to have issues preventing them from playing volleyball. This is all just well thought out and it makes me very excited about where this story is going.

    The graphics and animatiosn are really good though and the girls are smoking hot as well. There is honestly nothing I can complain about really. So give this game a try already, u wont regret it!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    game is ok for a start,.. not much to see than a couple of normal renders for hs game.
    the mc look good till he toke his dick out,...after that not so much,..sorry but if this is harem game or have a pth to that why a girl will be with a smal dick guy?
    sorry but this is how i see harem games,...just a point of view,.
    the thing with the choices is complicated in this one there is some who straight up send you to a game over ,...and those wich gives more point swith the girls are submissive,...i dont even go for the real reason this guy is even tryng to recruit this girls...
    so pros; mc looks andhe isnt a spinlees but seem to be a bad point for the game ,..
    girls models are fine nothing out of the normal for hs models ,...
    story plot is good till now but with some strange point of view...
    cons; well alot ,...again not the best hs models bit the worst i see but again is 2024 hs2 have more than a hadfull models that will be amazing in this set up none of those are here,..
    mc beahaviour, and before doing shit a bout his life ask for a psycologist to the dean mc have lot of personal problem that you cant just take him seriously,.he tend to overdo it and when he see this fault tend to being a submisive mc,...bad move ..from the asshole one to the not worthy ,...
    and no you cant be in the middle,...
    the plot needs more deep story before coming to the college and put you out there tryng to manage a volevall team,...miss alot of background on the mc and on the girls,...
    so a nice start but my rate is about personal taste ,....choices are the wrong ones,...models are weakto fair..plot is still weak ...
    bcs that is only a 2 star from me
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    That was an awesome Introductory chapter, I got in because of the cute girls but dang it!! Now I'm fully in for the story.

    The MC's backstory and current state of mind makes things interesting because it leaves a lot of room for character development and as the story goes on. Honestly he has shown so much growth already despite the challenges he faced whilst combating his character flaws. The fact the he is a clueless handsome lad with little to no experience
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    makes for some funny moments with the girls. All in all I love the MC.

    THE GIRLS - Eve is hands down best girl and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. She was originally my third pick because aesthetically speaking Fiona and Lexi are my favourites but dang it!! She is a sweetheart that has bite to her, and that is a winning combination. Fiona (I like me a cold mysterious woman :cool:, sue me) and Lexi (a Firecracker through and through, almost ate our boy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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    ) make my top 3. Desiree is even sweeter than Eve but I need a little more before I settle on my final judgment. Zoe (the
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    and princess) and Saki (the cutie with a foul mouth) have yet to be fully expanded upon so we wait. But all in all the girls are written well and I'm really looking forward to seeing them fleshed out more.

    I love Haikyuu and this setting is giving me those vibes, since I love Sports anime this is right up my field. I hope more side characters will be introduced in the story to flesh out the cast and breathe some more life into the setting. This is especially true when the rival teams start popping up.

    Eternum, Once in a Lifetime, City Devil Restart, Unraveling August, Between Humanity, Dream Link, Novak, Ripples, Pale Carnations, Phoenixes, Deviant Anomalies, Sicae, Striving Forward and now Wildcats... My Must-Have List games with an anime design keeps growing and I love it!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    In all that exists, but none has your beauty…
    Now, as a former senior high player and fan of Atakku No. 1 I may be pretty biased here, but this is incredible! It's a gripping tale of a phoenix' struggle – of high school trouble.

    The story adds nicely to the rather sparsely populated genre of sports-themed AVNs. And while most of the choices seem rather straight-forward, having to actually put in some effort is greatly appreciated. Especially as the social cluelessness of the main character leads to some pretty funny moments (and the whole joint goes 'Ooohhh'). The characters feel natural, have their own sets of problems, and are interesting to deal with.

    The overall render quality is great, especially the scene at the night club. Sadly the engine has certain limitations (DOF, hair) that could be worked around a bit better, but this doesn't take away from the story one bit. In fact, most of the characters look so damn gorgeous, I'd rather the dev don't change a thing. In the words of the MC, touch her and I'll kill you.

    I feel the game has gotten off to a great start, and I for one am eager for more.
    Review based on v0.1 (initial release).
  17. 4.00 star(s)



    I recently played and finished this game and I'm excited to see the progression of this story. But tbh with all of us the MC is a dick that can't process his memories but yeah overall I like this game and I'll give it a 8.46/10. I highly recommend all of you to play it!!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't wait for chapter 2!

    The plot is great, and so is the writing. There's BGM and SFX included, and the renders aren't bad at all. All in all, the game is still rough around the edges but I think that it has big big potential.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good start, a render may look a bit glaring but I am enjoying the first chapter. I am craving for sport theme AVN and this fix my need.

    Looking forward to next episode. Wish you a good luck dev!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding concept, outstanding execution so far. Good models, and I can't wait to see more -- not only of the bodies but also of the characters.
    Of course it's not very long yet, but it's more than substantial enough for a 0.1 release.
    I suspect the developer put some thought into the setting and knows what they are doing. This game doesn't seem to be too closely inspired by anything else. But I wouldn't be surprised if we soon start seeing copies of this one.

    PS: Version 0.2 has delivered exactly what I hoped it would: Compared to 0.1 it doubled the amount of content, while keeping the quality.