Really enjoyed the storytelling and characters so far, thanks for all your work
LopaPhi !
I couldn't care less about volleyball but it still got me hooked and your passion for the sport comes across clearly and adds a lot of immersion IMHO. Hope you will keep going and that I will be able to buy your game on steam in the (not too distant) future...
MC's character doesn't really bother me that much, I have accepted some time ago that if I'm gonna play these games, 99/100 the MC is not gonna behave like I would want him to, at least he is not a massive juvenile creep, it's refreshing tbh. Doesn't seem that pathetic or femdommed to me, he is desperate in his situation (as mentioned only about 10x in the game), does what he needs to hammer another nail/keep moving forward and I find most of the teasing fun. Quite possibly I'm not as alpha, macho, gigachad as some of the other posters here, but don't see this as being humiliated by the women - by his life situation and some of his past behavior, yes, perhaps, but humility can be a great teacher, let's see if he can find a better balance in his character as he changes further. Some of his introspection/development also seems delivered pretty well - based on his interactions with other characters contrasted with his own behaviour/past - comes out pretty natural and I hope this continues. For 0.2 version and first project apparently, very impressive!