A choice between A and B where B is game over and A continues the game isn't really a choice at all for a game, so it's completely superfluous
I hope you can understand that choices or decisions are not only implemented in a game to give branches. They can be used to show the state of the protagonist mind/actions/story. They can also be used to give flavor text, even if it leads to the same result (not the case we are discussing here, but needs to be said). Let me give you an example, it seems like you cannot see past the direct meaning of a text:
random fantasy/action/fighting game, you are starting up the story and you face off a strong opponent early on and you get two choices: Fight or Run. You press Fight >>You die, because you are not strong enough YET. If you press Run, you escape to fight another day. It's pretty easy and understandable. I bet even you can't whine against that.
Now in this game, things aren't that straightforward as a fight or flight response. Instead, those choices are there to show you how bad the mental state of the MC is (the choices with "Give Up" or not) or they are there to show you how to tackle further story choices: the slap choice leading to a game end shows you that further on the game you need to be patient and ready to reign in your impulses. It shows that you will have to deal with some headstrong personalities down the line and behaving badly will get you nowhere. It's even specified before actually starting the game. All these can be understood if you actually read the story and not fastforward through it, which of course can happen if you are interested in getting to the porn fast

, but you might have to be patient about it
Sometimes storytellers don't take you by the hand and explain each and every little thing, sometimes things are left unsaid and implied. It might not be your cup of tea and that is understandable, but coming here to bitch about it and saying the dev doesn't understand branching is a bit childish.