Why so many thread just became target practice against Devs?


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Um.... while reading this post, certain parts stand out to me. Namely, the following-
"developers faggotry", "retarded mentality", "Dev is a damn snowflake",
"This is where this bullshitery comes from. This asking for "constructive" comments is just hoping that people will give up with negativity if they can't leave a three word post. Also why they don't mind non-constructive positive comments.
It does seem like it boils down exactly to that. No bad comments pls, gib monies."
Oh.. let's not forget "autistic logic".
*keeps laughing*
Jeez.. talk about an angry post. It's attack, attack, attack, then how dare you defend yourself. This sounds like you have a HUGE axe to grind against all developers on Patreon. Now I'm aware you are a developer of an RPG Maker game which is free and I applaud you for that. But that doesn't give you the right to paint all developers on Patreon with the same broad strokes. There are some standout adult game developers on Patreon who deserve our shared respect. But there are countless others with good motivations, some skills, and a true desire to make a game they feel is worth to put out. They're taking a risk and you know that. Give them credit for trying.
Every developer hears "you suck" at one point but what matters is how it's said. Is it so hard for someone to be honest and provide reasons for their statements? How hard is it for someone to spend just a couple more minutes and say why the feel that way?
Ok, you are doing what you did in previous thread. Why are you lying? Just because you didn't check something and are uninformed, doesn't mean you can lie. That's why your arguments are shit, because they are not based on facts, but assumptions which are turned into lies. As a mod, please be more accurate or don't jump to conclusions based on your feels.
Angry post, I applaud you for making a bad assumption over letters. Again.
But you are right on one thing. I do have an issue with a lot of crowdfunding based devs, not every one of them, as there are those that are worth supporting. But they aren't the issue, so why bother mentioning? Rather use them as example. Again, jumping to conclusions based on your feelings.
"They're taking a risk and you know that. Give them credit for trying."
I just stopped laughing and then this. You just want me to suffocate, don't you?
"How hard is it for someone to spend just a couple more minutes and say why the feel that way?" Because not everyone is a fag or woman and they don't give a fuck about emotions of random strangers. If you switch "feel" with "think" then I will agree, otherwise I don't care.
Majority of bullshit you are serving could be avoided if you stopped using emotions and started to think.
Look at this example - "You suck. Die in fire." Honestly, what good is this?
Not much, burning whole place down could impose danger to others. Gun or a belt would be a better suggestion.
I mean, this comment sounds like a really angry dude. Did he walk in on another otaku cumming on his daikamura? That's what it sounds like to me.
All many developers are asking for is this - "I tried to play the game but I could not advance very far because the mechanics are shit. I was randomly teleported all over the place when trying to enter this town on the world map. In one instance, I was warped to a sex scene where I was getting assraped by a mutant ninja turtle. That made me ragequit so fast even my grandmother's head spun and she's dead. Please fix those issues!" Note.. he's still angry and you know it. But what he did was he specifically said what happened that made him angry. And getting assraped by a mutant ninja turtle would make most people angry except for some members.
Your dakimakura, your problem. Too much information.
Developers would like to hear that, but what they really are asking is just to purge negative comments, because they know what they did and being honest is not easy. Of course, you will assume things again and say "not every", yeah yeah, I hear you.
Or he doesn't really care, drops: 'it's crap' and moves along. Because he/she only cares about saying they didn't like it. I don't know where this assumption that everyone wants to help everyone comes from. Then again, assumptions is all you do.
And that's another point- both developers and members all have different tastes and fetishes as well as varying degrees of sanity and competence. It would be wise to be aware of that and to provide the specific reason that people feel the way they do. Most people are intelligent enough to realize that this forum has rules and they are requested to abide by that. A little respect goes a long way.
Again with the feels. Who gives a fuck? Change it to "think" and it makes a valid point.
That's why I told you earlier you are preaching and I am not a 5yo you can molest with that. While it's good to give new devs some preaching to boost their morale, you are basing everything on feels and not thinking. Don't drop shit like "why they felt that way?", make them ask "why they thought that way?" so maybe they will be able to figure out what they are doing wrong without forcing people to write fucking essays on the web or maybe they will realize that this person simply didn't like their game.

By that same token, why do so many people feel the need to defend every developer like mindless lapdogs when they genuinely screw up?
Exactly. Because instead of thinking, they 'feel'.

Everything is here...

In a family-sized community, wanting to change things through exchanges as can be seen in this thread, I can understand. It avoids strict rules in a "family" atmosphere.

But we must realize that this is not the case here. This is a community important enough to make things as simple as:
The rules do it all and if anything bother you then turn yourself to these rules to either change them or understand that it's like that and that's it.

I doubt that there is here a rule prohibiting the freedom of expression, even in the form of 3 words. And even less a rule that would be able to measure the constructive side of a message or its relevance.

Because from my point of view all this talk that we do (yes me too) on this thread is really not relevant and constructive.
Are you really trying to change people's behavior? Or to change the rules?
Do you really think that these famous three-word messages are the result of a lack of information, of knowledge?
No, we are only exchanging points of view on a subject. We express what we think or feel. And that's exactly what those who are the target of this whole thread do.
They are just people who feel that what they want to express can be done (or not) in 3 words and they have no obligation to explain why and how.

If the message is really degrading and a lack of respect for the developer, there are moderators to enforce the rules, it seems to me. And end point.
If it is not the case then I do not see where the problem is.

If we start criticizing the points of view or the way to express and build a message, I think we will not finish ...

To be quite sincere I do not like idiots, but I learned that they had the same rights as me so I live with them. (Trying to avoid them as much as possible)
While knowing that I'm probably the idiot of another.
I said it in other/this thread, that whole talk is pointless, but is fun (at least for me). But you are right, you can't change people (which was said more than once and ignored) and you can't treat devs like some people that are cleaner than distilled water.
What makes me worry, is that assumption it's the "players" and it's some massive issue, while it's not. But it's easy to say "it's not me"... well, dear dev, something tells me it is you and you can choke on those negative comments.

Can't we all just agree that anyone who uses 'faggotry' and 'snowflake' unironically is probably too young to legally be here in the first place? :eek:
You just want to sit for days and ban people until your finger falls off :p
Can' say I don't see it as amusing idea, though depends on how long amusement can last.


Jul 3, 2017
i Am one of this guys that make funny comments criticizing some aspect of a work occasionally like this

(I always thought that minimum art\porn pics is always better than no art . You made me question that)

i feel like i need to mention in my signature that i am only making jokes , even if you made a shitty game and post it here you already Had the courage to take criticism and the time and devotion to make a game (something i may never have ) . Your game might be terrible , but there is always room for improvement , no one starts at the top .

Sure they are people who their comments revolves around them feeling the need to share with us their porn preferences in a game thread obviously not for them and people who basically feels the need to hate on others work , but i feel there is the need to make a distinction between joking and actual assholes

something else obviously we are not paying customers i frankly don't see the point of any dev of communicating with people here unless he wants to get his game more outthere for potentially more backers


Jul 3, 2017
I had been on this site for like 6 months now and following Porn games for maybe 8 months . Frankly there is 2 devs i would use strong words like scammer and Patreon milker . I can't say the same about the rest


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
i Am one of this guys that make funny comments criticizing some aspect of a work occasionally like this

(I always thought that minimum art\porn pics is always better than no art . You made me question that)

i feel like i need to mention in my signature that i am only making jokes , even if you made a shitty game and post it here you already Had the courage to take criticism and the time and devotion to make a game (something i may never have ) . Your game might be terrible , but there is always room for improvement , no one starts at the top .

Sure they are people who their comments revolves around them feeling the need to share with us their porn preferences in a game thread obviously not for them and people who basically feels the need to hate on others work , but i feel there is the need to make a distinction between joking and actual assholes

something else obviously we are not paying customers i frankly don't see the point of any dev of communicating with people here unless he wants to get his game more outthere for potentially more backers
There is a fine line between trying to be funny and sounding mean/hurtful...

If the joke is not obvious, then why tell it? Why risk sounding like a jerk, just so you can feel some sense of inner satisfaction over what you think is funny, but in the end was hurtful, mean, and wasn't really funny at all, especially to your victim... I understand the need to feel included (or a part of something) and perhaps a joke might actually be funny, even to your intended target/s... But if it's clouded and obscured in a mist of hate/mean intensions, how do you think the person/s at the butt end of the joke/s are going to really feel about it/them?


Jul 3, 2017
There is a fine line between trying to be funny and sounding mean/hurtful...

If the joke is not obvious, then why tell it? Why risk sounding like a jerk, just so you can feel some sense of inner satisfaction over what you think is funny, but in the end was hurtful, mean, and wasn't really funny at all, especially to your victim... I understand the need to feel included (or a part of something) and perhaps a joke might actually be funny, even to your intended target/s... But if it's clouded and obscured in a mist of hate/mean intensions, how do you think the person/s at the butt end of the joke/s are going to really feel about it/them?
i actually said it's a joke in a follow up comment replying to the dev


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Humor is subjective, everyone is different. Some people can't take a joke, some find it not funny. Don't be afraid to say things, because you will end up in a spot where you can't say anything to not offend anyone.
Also, this thread is derailed so much :D
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Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
In my experience since join this site. Some real shitty games, I skip it completely, no need to be aggressive by it, but probably gonna leave some sarcasm post though.

It's different when I like the game and it turn to be bad in the progression. I became quite aggressive and make emotional comments, sorry for these Dev. The White Knight of the games I'm criticize, thinking or assuming that I blast off the developer and often these White Knight attacking me personally, Ad Hominem type, whereas I don't use it when aggressively criticize the game.

But, I don't care about this site anymore, in particular for the games released / pirated in this site. Majority of it will came in shitty qualities and the White Knight allow it. If I have to comment on it one by one, I will train myself becaming a garbage person. So now I prefer to leave.

In my defense, I'm not really "attacking" the developer. I just want them to be good, to be success ... by slapping their face and tell them to "FUCK OFF !!! ... and increase your skill before making games !". But sadly people think of me as offender.

Thankfully, I've been discuss directly my thoughts with a few developers in discord. I am harsh to them, but they understand of my point of view in perfectionism. I didn't comment or criticize about their story making or vision, I just correcting what might be good in their vision might be not good for players. Adjusting this adjusting that, fix this fix that. I'm not controlling them, my role is to develop the developer to develop a games. No more white knight shit.

If you interesting, Benn_Swagger ready to assist you in discord, via PM, if I have the time of course. But this doesn't mean I'm a coder or a scripter, story maker or dialog script writer, or 3D animator (I am one, but won't assist you in making it). I'm helping you by reminding you of 6 basic things of a product should be. The 5W's +1H. Who, What, When, Where, Why ? + How ?

Wikipedia "The Five W´s (sometimes referred to as Five Ws and How, 5W1H, or Six Ws) are questions whose answers are considered basic in information gathering or problem solving."
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El bacca Del Chew

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2017
In my defense, I'm not really "attacking" the developer. I just want them to be good, to be success ... by slapping their face and tell them to "FUCK OFF !!!
lol, not an eductional system to apply to children, yours or as a teacher. May lead to tribunal:)


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
lol, not an eductional system to apply to children, yours or as a teacher. May lead to tribunal:)
Why not? Better than a screaming brat and a parent that can't control it. Then again, not a parent, all I know it's annoying when happens, so as a parent: fix your kids.
Ah, nice analogy to the issue.


I think that both gamers/pirates and devs can benefit of being here on these forums and that constructive criticism is fine both ways.

I also think that being civil and polite never hurt anybody.

Finally I think that you can't please everybody and someones turn on is someone else's turn off.

So can we please go back to the program now gentlemen?


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
I would say those threads won't achieve anything, they are fun, sure, doubt anybody would whine if it was closed (then again... some people would, lol).


Aug 28, 2016
T. dev
First of all, saying ''You don't pledge, you don't get to....bla bla bla'' is no argument. Secondly, those devs deserve NO praise at all. There's only a handful who deserve any praise, since the rest ARE milkers and scammers, probably not deliberately but being lazy or stupid is no excuse. I had no of feeling of this change or what you describe, since most of the people on here basically lick developer *** on a daily basis, so do the mods. FFS, you have threads on here who are dedicated to fan art for games like, and may Allah forgive me for uttering this name, Dating my Daughter. This game is the prime example and people still don't learn. So if there is a indeed a shift then that's a good thing.
Ok /weg/, calm down.


Aug 28, 2016
I've noticed lately that many thread became only massive shit storm against the devs.
Some devs, particularly the *disappears for 6 months while draining patreon bucks* then says "hey guys I'm taking a break from developing" types.
Definitely deserve getting hated on.

That said, I try not to be too harsh, since creating digital projects like these, even "easy" RPG maker stuff is time consuming and requires a lot of discipline to make progress. Particularly for people who have never done so in the past.
As is evidenced by the amount of games that are actually complete.

Also, if you actually spend time here shitting on people/devs choice of fetishes, trying to start shit and what not, you should definitely kill yourself.

yung greene

Nov 28, 2017
Some devs, particularly the *disappears for 6 months while draining patreon bucks* then says "hey guys I'm taking a break from developing" types.
Definitely deserve getting hated on.

That said, I try not to be too harsh, since creating digital projects like these, even "easy" RPG maker stuff is time consuming and requires a lot of discipline to make progress. Particularly for people who have never done so in the past.
As is evidenced by the amount of games that are actually complete.

Also, if you actually spend time here shitting on people/devs choice of fetishes, trying to start shit and what not, you should definitely kill yourself.
I think people who are like Wootch or Nergal and just take your money deserve the shit storm of angry splurgers, but whats worse is devs that start a patreon and have 0 content and get pats and then run without making anything or ripping off someone else are worse. The magical disappear-reappear still give content


Jan 21, 2018
the why is simple.

its online and people can get away with it.
what they say on any forum, twitter,fb or whatever social site or medium you use.
some just want to cause an argument,they dont mean it, or given it a decent thought.
they sit back and enjoy the fight.
they have zero empathy to a creators work , or anybody else in the world unless it hits them personal.
and then they play the victim....
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
In my defense, I'm not really "attacking" the developer. I just want them to be good, to be success ... by slapping their face and tell them to "FUCK OFF !!! ... and increase your skill before making games !". But sadly people think of me as offender.
Nothing wrong with trying to reach perfection but being a dick solves nothing.
You are the offender if you're attacking and saying FUCK OFF GIT GUD is not only juvenile but it's also ineffective and not productive.
Give constructive criticism and what you enjoyed and leave it at that.
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Dr PinkCake

Well, insulting a developer straight to their face - or via messages like on the internet - is indeed harmful and can stress him or cause other things to him that might lead to unproductiveness and general personal harm. I agree with you on that.
What's the point of constant positive (in most cases *** licking) feedback, though?
Positive comments are ridiculous overwhelming on here and also in general on Social Media and other online platforms.
Negative comments warn other people of bad developers and can also assist developers on their game.
The positive comments do absolutely nothing on here.
I strongly disagree with you on this one. Positive feedback is what makes us devs more passionate about our work. Do you seriously think that devs don't read reviews of their games? Devs are likely among the first ones to read them. These games are products we develop with passion. We are not fulltime employees, we do this on our free time with heart and soul.
I agree that negative comments are good, as long as they are constructive. Simply saying that a game "sucks" doesn't help anyone. When it comes to adult games people have different fetishes, a game that is great for you might be despised by another player.

I think it is very important to not forget that devs are people with feelings just like you. Positive comments absolutely belong here, as well as constructive criticism.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017

Simply put, some negative user fap away and then suddenly Renpy crash or they have to mindlessly click to get enough points to be able to see the next nude/sex scene. In unFappiness they vent on F95 their discontent...
Pity really as many games on here are really good and do deserve tactful criticism from time but not hate speech...
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Feb 13, 2017
I strongly disagree with you on this one. Positive feedback is what makes us devs more passionate about our work. Do you seriously think that devs don't read reviews of their games? Devs are likely among the first ones to read them. These games are products we develop with passion. We are not fulltime employees, we do this on our free time with heart and soul.
I agree that negative comments are good, as long as they are constructive. Simply saying that a game "sucks" doesn't help anyone. When it comes to adult games people have different fetishes, a game that is great for you might be despised by another player.

I think it is very important to not forget that devs are people with feelings just like you. Positive comments absolutely belong here, as well as constructive criticism.
So many devs have abandoned their work and there came nothing out of them. It's important to be cautious. Furthermore, most ''games'' on here, or the ones i tend to bother, are Visual Novels. Those aren't games and not worth any praise. If you can't develop a simply hub world with little game elements and a way to revisit old sex scenes with different dialog etc then there's no reason for anyone to bother.
The games one should aim for in development is Princess Trainer, The Twist or even Rogue like.

I actually played your vn. I don't remember much but i did like the story, was nice to see compared to the shit usually posted on here.